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English Medium Education Realme" and then declares the intention "utterly

to extirpe alle and singular sinister usages and

An English medium education system is one customs" belonging to Wales, is widely
that uses English as the primary medium of regarded as a watershead in the history of the
instruction. A medium of instruction is the Welsh language.
language that is used in teaching. The language
used may or may not be the official language of Section 20 of the 1535 Act makes English the
the territory. Most schools and institutions of only language of the law courts and that those
education in modern-day mainly English- who used Welsh would not be appointed to any
speaking countries such as the UK, United public office in Wales:
States, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand use
English as the medium of instruction. The Union legislation thus laid the foundation
for the creation a thoroughly Anglicised ruling
Because a working knowledge of English is class of landed gentry in Wales, which would
perceived as being required in many fields, have many consequences.[5]
professions, and occupations, many states
throughout the world mandate the teaching of In July 1846, the British Government appointed
English, at least a basic level, in an effort to three commissioners, to enquire into the state
increase the competitiveness of their of education in Wales; the Commissioners were
economies. all monoglot English-speakers.[6]

The language researcher David Graddol predicts The Commissioners reported to the
that the global spread of English will lead to Government on 1 July 1847 in three large blue-
serious economic and political disadvantages in bound volumes. This report quickly became
the future in the UK unless plans are put in known as Brad y Llyfrau Gleision (The Treachery
place immediately to remedy the situation. of the Blue Books)[7] as, apart from documenting
Graddol concludes that monolingual English the state of education in Wales, the
graduates face a bleak economic future as Commissioners were also free with their
qualified multilingual young people from other comments disparaging the language, Non-
countries are proving to have a competitive conformity, and the morals of the Welsh people
advantage over their British counterparts in in general. An immediate effect of the report
global companies and organisations.[1] was for a belief to take root in the minds of
ordinary people that the only way for Welsh
Examples from across the world people to get on in the world was through the
medium of English, and an inferiority complex
Wales developed about the Welsh language whose
effects have not yet been completely
The Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542, passed by eradicated. The historian Professor Kenneth O.
the Parliament of England, annexing Wales to Morgan referred to the significance of the
the Kingdom of England are sometimes known report and its consequences as "the Glencoe
as the "Acts of Union." and the Amritsar of Welsh history."[8]

The 1535 Act states: Ireland

the people of the same dominion have and do The poet Spenser wrote[9] in (1596) a
daily use a speche nothing like ne consonant to recommendation that "the Irish ... be educated
the naturall mother tonge used within this in English, in grammar and in science ... for
learning hath that wonderful power of itself The Irish patriot P.H. Pearse published a series
that it can soften and temper the most stern of studies of the English-medium education
and savage nature." system in Ireland. His article entitled The
Murder Machine [12] embodies an article which
The setting up of 'Royal Schools' in Ireland, was appeared in the Irish Review for February 1913.
proclaimed in 1608 by James I, with the
intended purpose "that there shall be one Free Pearse wrote in his pamphlet the following:
School at least appointed in every County, for
the education of youth in learning and religion." And English education in Ireland has seemed: to
some like the bed of Procustes, the bed on
These schools provided an English-medium which all men that passed that way must lie, be
education to the sons of landed settlers in it never so big for them, be it never so small for
Ireland, most of whom were of Scottish or them: the traveller for whom it was too large
English descent. had his limbs stretched until he filled it; the
traveller for whom it was too small had his
However, only five such schools were actually limbs chopped off until he fitted into it---
set up; The Royal School, Armagh in County comfortably. It was a grim jest to play upon
Armagh, Portora Royal School in County travellers. The English have done it to Irish
Fermanagh, The Cavan Royal School in County children not by way of jest, but with a purpose.
Cavan, The Royal School Dungannon in Tyrone Our English-Irish systems took, and take,
and The Royal and Prior School in County absolutely no cognisance of the differences
Donegal. between individuals, of the differences between
localities, of the: differences between urban
The National Education System[10] (sic) was and rural communities, of the differences
founded in 1831, by the British Government, springing from a different ancestry, Gaelic or
under the direction of the Chief Secretary, E.G. Anglo-Saxon.
Stanley. Some 2,500 national schools were
established in Ulster in the period 1832-1870, Scotland
built with the aid of the Commissioners of
National Education and local trustees. Attempts were made by legislation, in the later
medieval and early modern period, to establish
Prof. S. Ó Buachalla states: English at first among the aristocracy and
increasingly amongst all ranks by education acts
During the first four decades of their existence, and parish schools. The Scots Parliament passed
there is no mention of the Irish language in the some ten such acts between 1494 and 1698.
programme of regulations of the
Commissioners of National Education; In 1609 nine Gaelic chieftains were abducted
furthermore no provision whatsoever was and forced to sign the Statutes of Iona,[13] which
made in 1831 when the original scheme was would seem to have been designed specifically
drawn up for education of those children who to Anglicize leaders and institutions of Gaelic
spoke Irish only. According to the official society, in order to bring it under control of
opinion of later Commissioners, expressed in a central government.
formal reply to the Chief Secretary in 1884, "
the anxiety of the promoters of the National Among the items listed in this agreement was
Scheme was to encourage the cultivation of the the "planting of the gospell among these rude,
English language.[11] barbarous, and uncivill people" by Protestant
churches; the outlawing of bards who were
traditionally on circuit between the houses of Region in Skye. Gaelic-medium primary
noblemen; the requirement that all men of education commenced with two schools in
wealth send their heirs to be educated in 1985, growing to 42 units by 1993/94.
Lowland schools where they would be taught to
"speik, reid, and wryte Inglische." In secondary education, Gaelic has long been
taught as a subject—often through the medium
The then King James VI, followed this by an Act of English, even to native speakers. A move
in 1616, which sought to establish schools in towards bilingual secondary education in the
every parish in the Highlands so that "the youth Western Isles was frustrated by a change of
be exercised and trayned up in civilitie, government in 1979. Gaelic-medium secondary
godlines, knawledge, and learning, that the education has developed less satisfactorily.
vulgar Inglische toung be universallie plantit, Gaelic-medium streams followed on from
and the Irische language, whilk is one of the primary in Glasgow and Inverness—and there
chief and principall causes of the continewance has been some experimentation in the Western
of barbaritie and incivilitie amongis the Isles—but the sector is hampered by acute
inhabitantis of the Ilis and Heylandis, may be teacher shortage, and an inspectorate report of
abolisheit and removeit." 1994 regards Gaelic-medium secondary
education as divisive and inappropriate.[16]
In 1709 the Society in Scotland for Propagating
Christian Knowledge (SSPCK) was established in Third level provision through Gaelic is provided
order to further funding sources for Highland by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (literally: "the great barn
church schools. All manner of incentives and at Ostaig") a Gaelic medium college based in
punishments were used to stop children from Sleat, on the Isle of Skye in north west Scotland.
speaking Gaelic. The SSPCK had 5 schools by It is part of the UHI Millennium Institute, and
1711, 25 by 1715, 176 by 1758 and 189 by 1808, also has a campus on Islay known as "Ionad
by then with 13,000 pupils attending. At first Chaluim Chille Ìle."
the SSPCK avoided using the Gaelic language
with the result that pupils ended up learning by In 2004, Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay, (who
rote without understanding what they were is patron of the College) stated that:
reading. In 1741 the SSPCK introduced a Gaelic-
English vocabulary, then in 1766 brought in a The beauty of Gaelic music and song is
New Testament with facing pages of Gaelic and inescapable. But without the living language, it
English texts for both languages to be read risks becoming an empty shell. That is why an
alongside one another, with more success. After education system, up to the level represented
a number of years of unsuccessful attempts at by the college here in Skye, is so important – to
English-only teaching methods, it was realized ensure fluency and literacy which will continue
that literacy in Gaelic was a much more to renew the health and creativity of the
effective means of teaching and a bridge language.[17]
towards fluency in English.[14][15]
The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 is the
Since 1918 education acts have provided for first piece of legislation to give formal
teaching Gaelic in Gaelic-speaking areas, but recognition to the Gaelic language in Scotland.
development was very slow until Gaelic became It recognises Gaelic as an official language of
an initial teaching medium in the Gaelic areas of Scotland, commanding "equal respect" with
Inverness-shire and Ross-shire from 1958. In English.
1975 the newly-created Western Isles
education authority introduced bilingual
primary education shortly followed by Highland
Education Minister Peter Peacock, who has educational system as a beautiful tree that was
ministerial responsibility for Gaelic, said: "This is destroyed by British rule.[20]
a momentous day for Gaelic as we open a new
chapter in the language's history. We have The Charter Act of 1813 decreed that English
come a long way since the dark days of 1616 would be taught in the Indian education system
when an Act of Parliament ruled that Gaelic although not as a replacement for indigenous
should be 'abolishit and removit' from languages. Instead, it was anticipated that
Scotland."[18] English would co-exist with Oriental studies as a
means by which moral law could be reinforced.
The 1817 publication of James Mill's History of
Penryn, Prayer Book Rebellion Memorial, near British India[21] proved to be a defining text in
the site of Glasney College. the theories of how education policies should
be formed (ed. Horace Hayman Wilson: London,
A revealing instance of attempted cultural Piper, Stephenson and Spence, 1858). Mill
assimilation is the Prayer Book rebellion of advocated the introduction of European
1549, where the English state sought to knowledge to counter balance Indian traits
suppress non-English language speaking with judged to be irrational. Instilling ideals of reason
the introduction of the Book of Common would accordingly 'reform' Indians by the
Prayer, which was made available only in example of Western systems of thought and
English. In replacing Latin with English, and outlook. His ideas discredited Indian culture,
under the guise of suppressing Catholicism, language and literature even as its assumptions
English was effectively imposed as the language of moral superiority authorised and justified the
of the Church, with the intent of it becoming presence of the British in India.
the language of the people. At the time people
in many areas of Cornwall did not speak or The current system of education,[22] was
understand English. introduced and funded by the British in the 19th
century, following recommendations by Thomas
The forced introduction of English to church Babington Macaulay. Traditional structures
services in Cornwall provided a major reason for were not recognized by the British government
the rebellion. The articles of the rebels states: and have been on the decline since.
"and we the cornyshe men (whereof certen of
vs vnderstande no Englysh) vtterly refuse thys Thomas MacAulay's infamous 'Minute On
new English." Indian Education' (1835) encapsulates both the
overt and covert agendas for such a policy. [23]
The British Raj
The term 'Macaulay's Children' is used to refer
British records[19] show that indigenous to people born of Indian ancestry who adopt
education was widespread in the 18th century, Western culture as a lifestyle. It is usually used
with a school for every temple, mosque or in a derogatory fashion, and the connotation is
village in most regions of the country. The one of disloyalty to one's country and one's
subjects taught included Reading, Writing, heritage.
Arithmetic, Theology, Law, Astronomy,
Metaphysics, Ethics, Medical Science and The passage to which the term refers is from his
Religion. The schools were attended by students 'Minute on Indian Education' delivered in 1835.
representative of all classes of society. Gandhi is It reads:
said to have described the traditional
It is impossible for us, with our limited means, The success of this 'Indian Education Policy' can
to attempt to educate the body of the people. perhaps be measured, by the content of the
We must at present do our best to form a class recent address of Dr Manmohan Singh the
who may be interpreters between us and the Prime Minister of India:
millions whom we govern; a class of persons,
Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, Of all the legacies of the Raj, none is more
in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. To that important than the English language and the
class we may leave it to refine the vernacular modern school system. That is, of course, if you
dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects leave out cricket! Of course, people here may
with terms of science borrowed from the not recognise the language we speak, but let
Western nomenclature, and to render them by me assure you that it is English! In indigenising
degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to English, as so many people have done in so
the great mass of the population. many nations across the world, we have made
the language our own. Our choice of
In 1835 Lord William Bentninck revitalised the prepositions may not always be the Queen’s
earlier Charter Act with his New Education English; we might occasionally split the
Policy which determined that English should be infinitive; and we may drop an article here and
the official language of the courts, diplomacy add an extra one there. I am sure everyone will
and administration. Prior to this Persian had agree, Nevertheless, that English has been
been the accepted language of diplomacy. enriched by Indian creativity as well and we
Bentninck's motive was ostensibly to have given you back R.K. Narayan and Salman
"regenerate" society, but the ramifications were Rushdie. Today, English in India is seen as just
boundless. From this moment on only those another Indian language.[24]
with Western style education and a knowledge
of English were eligible for government Pakistan
employment or for a career in public life.
The Government of Pakistan has recently
In 1854 Sir Charles Wood published his announced the introduction of English lessons
Education Dispatch which was aimed at on a phased basis to all schools across the
widening the availability of Western oriented country. This new policy states that "English
knowledge. Universities were established under language has been made compulsory from
the London examining model in Calcutta, Class-1 onwards" and the "Introduction of
Bombay, and Madras. English as medium of instruction for science,
mathematics, computer science and other
Lord Ripon's Hunter Commission of 1882 selected subjects like economics and geography
somewhat belatedly advocated that there in all schools in a graduated manner."[25]
should be increased provision of education at Caretaker Minister for Education Mr. Shujaat Ali
primary level and for women. The theory was Beg declared January 25, 2008 that eighteen
that there would be a subsequent rise in the colleges of the city of Karachi would be made
calibre of applicants for third level entry. "Model English Medium Colleges,"[26]

The inevitable result was that an Indian-based Bangladesh

education was viewed as being second rate in
comparison to an English medium education. In Bangladesh the system of education is
divided into three different branches. Students
India are free to choose anyone of them provided
that they have the means. These branches are:
The English Medium, The Bengali Medium, and further information please visit Education in
The Religious Branch. In the English Medium China
system, courses are all taught in English using
English books with the exception for Bengali
and Arabic. English medium schools are mainly on
private and thus reserved for the wealthy class.
O and A level exams are arranged through the
British Council in Dhaka.[27]
Filipino vs. English as the medium of
The Union of Myanmar instruction

In the Union of Myanmar, the education system The English vs. Filipino debate is once again a
is based on the British Colonial model, due to
hot topic.
nearly a century of British and Christian
presences. Nearly all schools are government-
operated, but there has been a recent increase A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court
in privately funded English language schools. challenging the government?s policy of using
English as the medium of instruction in our
The Philippines schools. According to those who filed the
petition, the push for the use of English in our
The United States of America won the
classrooms will only lead to further
Philippine-American War (1898–1901), and
declared the Philippines a US colony. US deterioration of what?s already been described
imperial rule followed. Mac Síomóin quotes the as a rather inferior quality of education.
Filipino scholar E. San Juan who made the
following comment regarding the use made by Those who support the 2003 Executive Order
the US administration of the English language to filed by President Arroyo on the other hand
rule his country: argue that doing away with English as the
medium of instruction will inevitably hurt the
Its conquest of hegemony or consensual rule
country and our people more because they
was literally accomplished through the
deployment of English as the official medium of believe that a less competitive workforce will
business, schooling and government. This emerge.
pedagogical strategy was designed to cultivate
an intelligencia, a middle stratum divorced from I find myself a bit torn with this issue.
its roots in the plebian masses, who would
service the ideological apparatus of Anglo-
3 months ago, I would have been right on the
Saxon supremacy. Americanization was
mediated through English, sanctioned as the side of government. Having had the opportunity
language of prestige and aspiration.[28] to travel and study abroad, I fully recognize the
value of being able to speak and write fluently
China in English. I know that it was due in part to my
English proficiency that I didn?t have as much
The only university in China offer English difficulty in trying to find a job as the rest of my
medium education is University of Nottingham
'international' friends. I didn?t have to enroll in
Ningbo, China.
ESL classes which could have delayed my
program for another year. I didn?t get lost
around town as much and I was able to meet Philippines has many vernaculars, people in
different provinces would likely use this language
and make friends easily because there was no
to communicate if they find it difficult to speak
language barrier. So, I really benefited a lot tagalog whenever they landed to strange places.
from learning English in my grade school and That is a fact. It helps us to become globally
competitive in terms of communication.... just in
high school years.
communication... because i still believed that the
country's development doesn't lie in what
But then three months ago, I also didn?t know language they used but with the kind of
much about the state of education in the leadership and mentality they have.

Philippines. Fortunately, since I returned, I?ve nobody's saying we scrap english as a subject to
learned quite a bit about the ?ills? of our public be taught among filipinos. and what's with the
education system. I guess this is why I find fascination with english anyway? go to any
progressive country in europe and some parts of
myself torn. asia where they can't speak english if their lives
depended on it and everyone's happy. you cannot
I recognize that learning to speak and write in master another language without mastering your
own. unfortunately more than 50% of teachers in
English in this age of globalization is necessary
this country have no proficiency nor the aptitude
especially if we would like to be able to to communicate properly in english. who can
compete in the knowledge-based world. Such a blame them? we're not native english speakers
after all. hence the popular expression "tagalugin
training can best be done in a classroom. But if
mo na lang kasi".
we look at things realistically, it seems like our
public education system is just not set up for The debate has sparked an extreme form of
mentality that references Gestapo-like directives
this yet.
that seem to constrict the use of language
exclusively for only the medium chosen. As if
And so I just can?t help but wonder? should we foreign and common terms that do not have
Filipino counterparts cannot be uttered in class
really impose a certain language as the primary
anymore because, like the naysayers have been
medium of instruction? I understand that saying all along, it is not Filipino. Like
standards are needed and must be met. But mathematical concepts that have no known
couldn?t we perhaps just be a bit more liberal Filipino counterparts---specially complex subjects
like Trigonometry or Calculus. But I came from a
with our views? Shouldn?t teachers be allowed science high school and one of the best
to use the most effective communication tools Trigonometry teachers there was able to explain
that will allow them to articulate their lesson and make us understand the difficult concepts in
the subject because he explained the most
plans best? Wouldn?t that, in the end, help
difficult points and related it to their
their students to grasp the material better and practical/realistic applications in our local dialect.
truly learn? Not to mention he had difficulty talking and
expressing himself in English. But as far as
Posted by: Lourdes Villanueva Mathematical aptitude and teaching about it goes,
the guy was a master.
Just because the textbooks are in English does
php?id=240 not mean you can't discuss productively using
Tagalog, Bisaya or whatever dialect you happen
Comments to find yourself belonging to. Just because you
watched a Hollywood movie with friends does not
English is our medium of communication whether automatically mean you should discuss the merits
we like it or not it brings understanding to (or lack of it) of the film in English. You say
communicators with different nationalities. Since
"Hanep talaga lightsaber duel nina Darth Maul, and the primary language of my everyday life.
no?" and not "Ang ganda ng ilaw-na-espadahang
eskirmahan nina Darth Maul." Not only is the
latter statement annoying and stilted, but that's English is not the first language of the vast
how the majority of Pinoys view the topic of using majority of Filipinos. Hence, it is a foreign
Filipino as a medium of teaching.
language. And as such, it should be treated as a
english should be used as our medium of ins.. i foreign language. There is a world of difference
disagree to those who are claiming that we are between treating something as a foreign
breaking our culture.. no we are not breaking
language and having a language used as a
instead ew are just blending it for it to fit with our
modern day.. yes, Rizal said " and hindi medium of instruction in schools.
magmahal sa sariling wika ay daig pa ang
mabaho at malansang isda" but dont you know Here's an example. Whenever I set out to learn
that most of the writings of Rizal are written in
spanish... even rizal knows na using foreign
something new, I want to make sure the subject
language is needed.. at hand has my full comprehension. If not, then
why bother? I speak Spanish and French with a
English as a medium of instruction
decent amount of fluency. Given the option of
I am a member of a mailing list called Defenders learning a new concept in English, Spanish, or
of the Indigenous Languages of the Archipelago French, I'd overwhelmingly choose to learn it in
or for short, DILA. The group was founded by English. Why? English is by far my strongest
Oregon-based Ernesto "Ernie" Turla, a native language, thus ensuring that I'll understand the
speaker of Kapampangan. I respect Ernie highly subject thoroughly.
and am grateful for his work and help on the
Kapampangan language. Similarly, if I were teaching a class of Tagalog-
speaking children math - a subject some find
On Monday, Ernie forwarded to the group an difficult - I'd do it in Tagalog rather than in
article titled [Department of Education] English. Why? My answer is very simple. I want
promoting English as medium of instruction. them to learn without unnecessary obstacles
such as the language barrier. I want them to
Ernie prefaced his e-mail with "this is good understand. I want them to succeed.
news." For the life of me, I am having trouble
seeing this. Unfortunately, my opinion is not very popular.

I find this well-intentioned idea detrimental. I've debated this issue at length with people
who disagree with me. They point out that it's
As it stands, English is reserved for certain neither Tagalog nor Cebuano that puts food on
subjects such as math and science and Tagalog the table, but English. They point out that it's
for social studies. The DepEd wants to increase English that has benefited millions of Filipino
the use of English. families overseas such as mine.

I would like to make clear beforehand that I am This gives me the impression that these people
not anti-English, which would be a silly concept care only about fluency in English but very little
since this is the primary language of my blog about other academic subjects. I hope this isn't
About the Conference
Now, I said above that I am not anti-English. But
where do I feel is English's place in the
The Conference "Language Issues in English-
Philippine education system? As I said, it's a
medium Universities: A Global Concern" (to be
foreign language. So, treat it as a subject that
one learns about and not a vehicle for learning held in the Rayson Huang Theatre) will provide
new things. a forum to discuss and debate language issues
in English-medium universities internationally.
The Japanese learn in their language. So do the The participation of tertiary teachers,
Finns, French, Spaniards, Catalans, Indonesians, researchers, applied linguists and ELT
Chinese, Turks, and even the Icelanders! So why
professionals from all regions and contexts is
not Filipinos?
I support the use of English as a subject as early
as possible. In kindergarten, perhaps. I teach The Conference is co-hosted by the Faculty of
Spanish to children. I have also taught them Arts and the Faculty of Education in
math and handwriting. I dare not use Spanish to collaboration with the English Centre, The
teach those subjects or else they won't fully University of Hong Kong, and funded as part of
understand. And that is the point.
the University's Strategic Research Theme on
"Languages, Media and Communication:
Yes, providing the path to fluency in English at a
young age is a step in the right direction. But Language in Education and Assessment".
doing it correctly is an important step.

Using English as the medium of instruction,

Conference Themes
however, is not. Using Tagalog, Cebuano,
Ilokano, Maranao, et. al. is.
 national and institutional medium of
Christopher Sundita at 3:22 AM instruction policies
 the dynamics of English and other local,
-as-medium-of-instruction.html foreign and minority languages in
higher education
 integrating language and content in
higher education contexts
 the use of English across disciplines
English as a Medium of Instruction in the
 evaluation and assessment issues
By Associate Professor Romeo Y. Martin,  the interaction of the formal and
English Department informal curriculum
College of Arts and Sciences-Manila  the attitudes, experiences and practices
of students and staff
 language identity and its impact on the magic mantra of “Unity in Diversity” and
turn a deaf year to the calls of narrow minded
learning politicians and the pseudo intellectuals
 language issues in English-medium
universities in specific contexts and


English as a Medium of Instruction in the International Laboratory Primary School of
tml Universitas Negeri Malang (UM)

Lina Ismuninggar

Medium of instruction

Speaking at the graduation day function, the Abstrak

other day the vice chancellor of an university in
South India emphasized that the medium of
instruction should be one’s mother toungue English plays an important role as a medium of
and that alone can “make a man into a good communication in the
citizen”! Instead, if he had said that it would be globalization era. Considering the importance of
easier for a student to understand his lessons if English, Indonesian government
she learns the same in her mother toungue, it issued the decree no 20/2003 about the
would have made some sense. More than his establishment of international standard
love for his mother toungue, what loomed large
schools in every level of education. It aims to
was his ire against students opting for English as
medium of instruction. create quality Indonesian human
resources who are able to compete and
What he fails to understand is that it is not the collaborate globally so that Indonesia can
language of instruction which plays an compete with other countries. As the
important role in making a man into a good attainment of the decree, nowadays there are
citizen, but what he learns.  As we all know, we many international standard schools from
have in India thousands who studied in English
primary until high school level.
medium schools and colleges and have become
exemplar citizens. More than anything else, English in international standard primary school
what about those great leaders who were is used as a medium of
involved in freedom struggle? instruction. The teachers are expected to be
able to teach all the subjects in
A good citizen is he who rises above regionalism English which is neither the students’ first
and sees this vast country as his motherland language nor the teachers’. Teaching
and its citizens as his brothers and sisters.
using English is especially more difficult if the
The purpose of some educationalists is to students are children of the first
appease certain political leaders who would not grade of primary school who have no English
rise above petty regionalism and all that goes background knowledge at all.
with it. The younger generation should chant Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the use
of English as a medium of to make the students understand
instruction in the first grade of international her talk, to recheck and clarify students’
standard primary school. understanding, and to do private talk with the
This study was conducted to describe the use of students. To provide comprehensible input in
English as a medium of making the students understand
instruction in the first grade of the International her talk, she did some linguistic and
Laboratory Primary School of interactional adjustments. In linguistic
Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). The study adjustments, the teacher used slower rate of
specifically investigated the speech, exaggerated intonation and
frequency of the teacher in using English as a stress, basic and frequent vocabulary, more
medium of instruction, the purpose proper nouns, more definite pronouns,
of the teacher uses English in her/his more pauses, short sentences, and
instruction, and the strategies the teacher ungrammatical sentences. While in interactional
does to make her/his talk understandable.
This study applied descriptive design. The adjustments, the teacher did a lot of
subject of the study was one of comprehension check, a lot of repetitions and
the teachers of the first grade of the paraphrasing. She also made use of gestures,
International Laboratory Primary School of pictures, direct translation, and direct
Universitas Negeri Malang (UM). The answer.
instruments used to collect the data were Based on the findings, it can be concluded that
observation forms, interview guide, and field the use of English as a
notes. The data taken from those medium of instruction in the first grade of the
instruments were analyzed and described, International Laboratory Primary
focusing on the frequency, the purpose, School of Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) was
and the strategies. very well established. However,
This study found out that the use of English as a it is suggested for the teacher to explore more
medium of instruction in of her ability in using body
the first grade class being observed reached language, gestures and facial expression to
about 88% of the total amount of the attract and engage the students’
utterances spoken by the teacher. She used attention. Moreover, it is also beneficial for the
English for almost all of purposes. She teacher to use more of concrete
used it to greet the students, instruct, referents such as props, realia, and
discipline, present the material, ask and give manipulatives to help the students understand
information, check students’ comprehension, her talk better. Those two things can make talk
give feedback, and praise the more comprehensible.
students. She only used Indonesian (L1) in some
special conditions that urged her
to do so to gain the purpose of the talk and the
goal of the lesson: to convey the
moral of the lesson, to give feedback to noisy English as a medium of instruction
students, to translate the meaning of
the target language when she had no other way
I’ve recently come as the language of instruction tends to
across news articles benefit most those who already have a
about English as the strong background in English – they can
language of excel and students weaker in English feel
instruction in public intimidated or can’t keep up. The authors
schools in countries even assert that the English policy may be a
where it may not be factor in students with weaker English
the first language language skills dropping out of school, and
spoken by students, such as the Philippines in this way the policy may hurt the country
and India – I believe this is the case in a few in general more than it helps.
other Asian countries but don’t have current
news articles to link to. I also don’t think it’s I don’t have much information to base an
uncommon for French and/or English to be opinion on, but I think it is notable that there
the language of instruction in some African can be very real downsides and even
countries (see this TEFL Logue post on negative implications of a policy that at first
Frananglais). glance may seem beneficial. It remains to be
seen what the outcome of all this will be.
The presumed benefits are somewhat self-
explanatory – students will become
proficient in English not only in cles/globeeng.htm
conversation but in academic subjects, they
may fare better in the work force, etc. There
is also some idea that having English as the
language of instruction removes the
connection between having money and
English Language
having the chance to learn English. The Global Means of
However, the recent news articles I found
appeared because many people find
In today's business world, English is no
problems with instruction in English. In
longer viewed as a foreign language - it is
India, sometimes the worry is that non-
the global means of communication: the
Hindi-speaking students studying two
language of communication wherever a deal
second languages, Hindi and English, may
is being done internationally. Officially,
have negative implications for their own
English now has a special status in more
language, and at the same time they are
than 75 countries, with a total population of
taking in too much to become proficient at
over 2 billion speakers.
either English or Hindi. I suspect that one
connected concern is not that they will stop
LCCI Examinations Board (LCCIEB) has
speaking their own language, but perhaps
been offering internationally recognised
that over time, there will be fewer and fewer
business-related qualifications for over 100
literary works in those native languages as
years in 86 countries around the world. Our
educated people are trained to write in other
qualifications are recognised internationally
by employers, universities and professional
bodies as a standard of excellence.
One interesting point brought up in the
article about the Philippines is that English
We have been in the 'business English' the business world, LCCI Examinations
market since before 'business English' in its Board offers the right target qualification.
modern sense became fashionable, and have
been offering language awards since the Author
early 1950s. LCCIEB certificates test not D R Postans
only the linguistic abilities needed by LCCI
employers, but also the performance skills
necessary for specific business purposes.
The full range of English language awards 67899/English_as_medium_will_work_better_
includes written exams (English for this_time
Business), specialist oral exams (Spoken
English for Industry and Commerce), English as medium will
specialist sectoral exams (Written English
for Tourism) and multiple-choice work better this time
proficiency tests (English Language Skills
Assessment tests). In 1998 a clear, coherent
and detailed linguistic framework was First Posted 04:06:00 05/25/2007
devised to underpin LCCIEB awards with
explicit linkage to The Council of Europe Filed Under: Language, Education
and UK National Standards Frameworks.
This link ensures that the most significant Generally, many people, including most of our
educators, favor restoring English as the medium of
international linguistic framework underpins instruction in schools. However, there are two schools
LCCIEB's certificates. All LCCIEB awards of thought about its implementation. One bats for the
contain an explicit practical business use of Filipino and the local language in the first three
years, side by side with English. The other is for the
English focus in terms of linguistic content, use of English from Day One, without the aid of
so that we remain true to our claim to being Filipino and the local tongue.
the business language awarding body.
I believe that the use of Filipino and the local
language will water down instructions in English and
Why specialise in business English? General slow down the whole process of learning English. The
English certificates confirm that individuals result will not differ from the present situation where
can survive in an English-speaking country, students have only a sputtering knowledge of English.
This is a deviation from the objective of making our
but in a business environment they cannot students English-literate so that they can use English
carry out their job function. As more (the universal language) and easily assimilate lessons
companies recognise this fact, the tendency in science, technology and communication.
to ask general English teachers to deliver
specialist business English is now changing. I am 82 years old and a product of the educational
system established by the American government in
Our new qualification 'Foundation the Philippines in the early 1900s, which mandated
Certificate in Teaching Business English that English be used as the sole medium of instruction
(FTBE)' is already proving popular in a in all schools in the country.

number of overseas markets, because it

I enrolled in Grade 1 in Ilagan, Isabela. From the first
certifies a candidate's basic knowledge in day in school up to fourth-year high school, English
areas that we know are important to was uncompromisingly used as the sole medium of
employers. Wherever there is a need for instruction. Filipino (a.k.a. Tagalog) or the local
language never served as a crutch for our teachers in
practical English language skills oriented to bailing them out of language difficulties and
communication problems. We thought, read, wrote
and spoke in English like our counterparts in English-
speaking countries overseas.

In 1940, Grade 7 was taken out of the elementary

The three bills propose the use of English, Filipino or
school curriculum because of financial constraints.
Subsequently, English lost its dominant role because the regional languages as MOI in all subjects from
Filipino was widely used as the medium. The well-
written and well-thought-out English textbooks were pre-school to Grade II. They prescribe the use of
replaced by inferior Tagalog reading materials
containing gross errors in grammar and fact. The English for all academic subjects from Grade III up to
Grade 1 curriculum was crowded by the premature the secondary level.
inclusion of subjects earlier intended for the higher
grades. The teachers, products of the same defective
educational system, served as mentors. School
administrators and faculty members lacked the
dedication to educate. They were involved in irregular
practices instead of serving as good examples to the
students. All these and many more contributed to the Proponents of these bills claim that the decline in the
deterioration of our educational system. English proficiency of the Filipinos and the

Our dismal showing in international tests in deterioration of the quality of the education have
mathematics and science made us take a serious
eroded the competitiveness of the Filipinos.
look at our educational system. Now, the restoration
of English as the medium of instruction appears to be
the chief ingredient in the reforms. The English-only
policy worked in our time. It will work even better this
time. The advances achieved in communications will
guarantee the success.
Rep. Eduardo Gullas, author of HB 305, said in the
APOLONIO G. RAMOS, 42 Mindanao St., Filipinas bill’s explanatory note that the proposed legislation
Village, Marikina City 1805
aims to correct the defects of the current Bilingual

Education Program (BEP) of the Department of the

By Jesus F. Llanto
Education, which was introduced in 1974.

The BEP mandated the teaching not only of Filipino

Despite a number of studies confirming that learning
as a subject in all levels but also the use of Filipino as
is faster using the native language, government
MOI in Social Studies, Character Education, Values
officials are still pushing for the adoption of English as
Education, Physical Education, Industrial Arts and
a medium on instruction (MOI) in Philippine schools.
Home Economics.

A check on the bills filed in the 14th Congress shows

Gullas said learning of the English language suffered
that there are three bills—House Bills 230, 305, 406—
a setback when the BEP was introduced in 1974.
seeking for either the re-instatement or enhancement
"The use of Filipino as a medium of instruction in the
of the use of English as a medium of instruction.
subjects mentioned earlier has limited the exposure of

the learner to English, and since exposure is basic to

language learning, mastery of the language is not Businessmen have been complaining of college

attained." graduates who are not proficient in English. In 2006,

the European Chamber of Commerce estimated that

75 percent of the around 400,000 college graduates

have substandard English skills.

The policy, Gullas said, results in language

interference since targeting the learning of English

and Filipino is difficult especially in the lower grades.

Jayjay Viray, general manager of jobhunting website, said most of their clients complained of

applicants who lack good communication skills and

have trouble expressing themselves in English. She

added that most vacancies in the marketing and

business sector require applicants to speak in

Reps. Raul del Mar and Luis Villafuerte—authors of English.

HB 446 and 230, respectively—believe that their

proposed legislation will raise the level of English

language proficiency and will help the Filipinos remain

"When you are looking for a job you are actually
selling yourself," Viray told abs- "Even if you have the

skills and you do not know how to communicate with

Del Mar, whose bill also proposes the use of English your prospective employers, they’ll never know your

as the language of assessment in the government abilities. In most cases, it’s the initial conversation

examinations and entrance tests in public schools, with them [prospective employers] that matters."

colleges and universities, said "The accepted view is

that without English language proficiency, it is difficult

for a Filipino to get jobs anywhere in this country and

anywhere in the world. The key to better jobs here or

The growing business process outsourcing (BPO)
overseas is English,"
industry in the country is one of the sectors that have

difficulty in filling up positions due to low recruitment

yield and lack of applicants fluent in English. A 2007

Sub-standard English study by the Business Process Association of the

Philippines (BPAP) and

showed that 46 percent of the companies surveyed

found only 6 to 20 percents of applicants qualified.

According to the order, English should be taught as a

second language starting with Grade 1 and should be

taught as the medium of instruction for English,

"If we continue with what we are having this moment, Mathematics and Science from at least Grade 3.
we might not have enough workers to meet future Filipino language will be used as MOI for Filipino and
demand," said Jamea Garcia, executive director for Araling Panlipunan.
talent of BPAP. BPAP estimates that the outsourcing

industry will provide 1 million jobs by 2010.

It also mandates the use of English as the primary

medium of instruction in all public and private

secondary schools. The percentage of time allotment

Here comes EO 210 for learning areas conducted in English language, the

law said, should not be less than 70 percent of the

total time allotment for all learning areas in the

secondary level.
This growth in the information and technology sector

is one of the reasons cited by government in justifying

the need to improve English proficiency. In 2003,

However, EO 210 and its implementing rules and

regulation were questioned last year by a group of

professors and language experts. The professors and

President Arroyo signed Executive Order No. 210,
language experts filed a petition with the Supreme
which strengthens use of the English language as a
Court challenging the orders.
second language in the educational system.

"While the title of the EO purports to strengthen the

"There is a need to develop the aptitude, competence
use of English as a second language, analyses of the
and proficiency of our students in the English
contents show that the EO actually strengthens
language to maintain and improve their competitive
English as the medium of instruction," the petition
edge in emerging and fast-growing local and
international industries, particularly in the area of

information and communications technology," the

order reads.

Petitioners argued that the (1) EO subverts the

present status of Filipino in non-Tagalog areas, and

violates the constitutional injunction that the regional In a CEO forum on English last year, Patricia B.

language shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction, Licuanan, president of Miriam College, said empirical

(2) violates the constitutional duty to initiate and evidence has shown the damaging effects of English

sustain the use of Filipino language in the educational on Filipino student learning since the 1925, when the

system and (3) "undermines the letter and spirit of the Monroe Survey Commission found out that foreign

Constitution on the national language." language handicap was the greatest problem of the

Philippine educational system. Back then, the

American colonial government prescribed the use of

English as medium of instruction.

‘Mother tongue is best’

"When English is used, students do not learn well,

Language experts also criticized the EO 210 and the
and at times do not learn at all," Licuanan said. "Using
pending bills because they go against the findings of
English as medium of instruction in some subject
previous studies that learning is faster when the
areas [Math and Science] prevents students from
mother tongue is used as medium of instruction,
learning as much as they could in their mother
particularly during the child’s early years in school.

A World Bank-funded study in 1994 by Nadine

Ricardo Ma. Nolasco, chair of the Komisyon sa
Dutcher and G. Richard Tucker concludes that
Wikang Filipino, said the basic weakness in Philippine
individuals easily develop cognitive skills and master
education is the fact that many students do not
content material when they are taught in a familiar
understand their teacher and cannot follow the lesson
language. The study also found out developing the
because "the language in school is one they can
child’s cognitive skills through the first language is
hardly speak or understand."
more effective than exposure to the second language.

Nolasco told us that what the country need is a law

Similarly, the 1991 Congressional Report of the
mandating the use of the children’s first language
Congressional Commission on Education
from pre-school to Grade 6 and adopt the bilingual
recommended the use of the vernacular and Filipino
system in high school. He added that this would allow
as the medium of instruction for basic education.
learners to develop cognitive and linguistic skills in

their mother tongue, build solid foundation for learning

other subjects and eventually transfer skills and Carleen Sedilla, a former public high school English

knowledge to the prescribed languages. teacher in Caloocan and now the principal of

Caloocan City Science High School, said the situation

is aggravated by students’ limited exposure to the

language. "Before, they can learn English by watching

National Artist for Literature and UP College of Arts
cartoons and TV shows. Now, everything is in
and Letters Dean Virgilio Almario said in an interview
that the use of Filipino language is not tantamount to

the decline in English proficiency.

"Do you expect them to learn if they have limited

exposure to the English language and if their teachers

"Even if all classes will be conducted in Filipino,
do not speak good English?" she said.
English will not die because it will remain to be a

necessity," said Almario, who is among those who

filed the petition challenging EO 210.

Train the teachers

Almario added that in order to improve the English

proficiency of students, there is a need to re-train the

teachers because most of them are also not proficient

in English.

Results of self-assessment test conducted by the

DEPED in 2004 showed that one out of five public

high school teachers is proficient in the English

language. Even Deped Secretary Jesli Lapuz himself

told us that he hears stories of students complaining

that their teacher is not good in English.

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