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1 Read the text. Complete the text with sentences A–F. There is one sentence you
do not need. (10p)
Alfie Kohn, the American lecturer, wrote ‘Competition is to self-esteem what
sugar is to teeth.’ How right was his assessment of the competitive world we
inhabit today? Is competition, as many believe, a vital element of life and
therefore something to be prepared for from as early an age as possible? Or is
encouraging youngsters to compete simply setting many up to fail and creating a
situation where loss of confidence is inevitable with all the consequences that
brings? It is certainly a debate that is engaging everyone from educators and
government to parents and the children themselves.
On the one hand there are those who maintain that competition comes into every
aspect of our lives. [1 ___B______] For proponents of this idea it is essential for
children to be exposed to the trials and tribulations and occasional joys of
competing in all areas of school life. [2 ___F______] In answer to critics who
suggest that weaker performers may feel inferior it is argued that rewards can be
given as encouragement or in less demanding categories such as punctuality.
Critics would reply that children know full well when they’re being patronised.
Competitive sports in schools is another hotly debated subject. [3 ___A_____]
They say ‘someone has to come last’. But do they? Is it really a good thing for
that child’s development to be seen to fail time after time? [4 ___C______] But
then we find ourselves considering another thorny issue – that of the pushy
parent who hopes to achieve his or her lifelong ambition through the child.
[5 ___E______] The children can play, but no league tables can be compiled,
and there are no trophies or medals given out. The aim of this move was to
protect children from pushy parents and aggressive coaches on the sidelines,
from bullying and from peer pressure.
There is no doubt that we live in a very competitive world and children must at
some time learn to be able to make their way through it. However, perhaps
school is a time for learning to co-operate rather than to compete. That will all
come later.

A We all know the misery of the child who always comes last at sports day.
B There will always be winners and losers and we have to be prepared for the fight.
C Some parents approve unconditionally of this.
D Recently, competitive football for children under eight years old was banned.
E At least with after-school sports children are given the choice of whether they wish
to compete or not.
F The rewards system in schools that gives stars and merits for good performance is
a part of this and claims to spur children on to great achievements.

2.Make the sentences passive. Use by if necessary. (24 p)

Companies will sell increasing numbers of electrically-powered cars.

_Increasing numbers of electrically-powered cars will be sold by companies.
Someone is robbing you if you pay that much rent.
You are being robbed by someone if you pay that much rent.
Until the 1950s they used to sentence bank robbers to life imprisonment.
Until the 1950s bank robbers were used to be sentenced to life imprisonment.
It was in the 1980s that someone put the first household computers on sale.
_It was in the 1980s that the first household computers were put on sale.
They hadn't considered Amanda a possible candidate before she applied.
Amanda hadn’t been considered a possible candidate before she
Children flying kites sometimes endanger aircraft.
_Aircraft is sometimes endangered by
The company has charged students full price for entry.
_Students have been charged full price for entry by the company.
People must have taken only take small doses of the new medicine.
__Only small dose of the new medicine must be taken by people.
They didn't know someone was filming them taking the bribe.
The council is going to charge young drivers the most for insurance.
__Young drivers are going to be charged the most for insurance by the council.
The police have to catch them while they have the stolen goods.
_They have to be caught by the police while they have the stolen goods.
We hoped they would give us enough time to correct our work.
_We hoped that enough time to correct our work would be given to use.
We will ask the Duke to give prizes for the best ideas.
_Duke will be asked to give prizes for the best ideas.
It wasn't until the next day George knew they had chosen him.
_It wasn’t until the next day George knew he had been chosen.
Poorly trained soldiers were attacking the Roman legions.
_The Roman legions were being attacked by poorly trained soldiers.

They will not allow children under 1m 20 to go on this rollercoaster.
_Children under 1m 20 will not be allowed to go on this rollercoaster.
They should ban dangerous dogs from the area.
_Dangerous dogs should be banned from the area.
The Prime Minister and his wife will watch the game.
The game will be watched by the Prime Minister and his wife.
They have manufactured the Mini in Oxford since 1994.
The Mini in Oxford have been manufactured since1994.
The mayor is encouraging people to cycle in the city centre.
_People are being encouraged by the mayor to cycle in the city centre.
We are advising cyclists to wear safety helmets on the roads.
_Cyclists are being advised to wear safety helmets on the roads.
Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
___Romeo and Juliet was written by whom?
She likes people taking her to the theatre.
Mother heard children shouting and arguing.
__Children were heard shouting and arguing by mother.

3.Complete the sentences with appropriate passive forms. Use the words
in brackets. (20p)
The most dangerous snakes ___are usually transported ________________
(usually, transport) in special boxes.
In the late 19 th century most machinery _______was driven____________ (drive)
by steam.
The manager was angry that he ________hadn’t been told___________ (not tell)
about the strike sooner.
The oil filter in your car should _______have been changed____________ (change)
long ago.
The road in front of our house ________is being repaired___________ (repair) this
week so we can't get to our garage.
Due to the ongoing demonstration, drivers ____were told________________ (tell)
not to turn down this street at the moment.
The device must first __________be unplugged _________ (unplug) from the
electricity supply for safety.

Sweet paprika ________is often added ___________ (often, add) to make the dish
more interesting.
Since then a number of complaints _______have been received____________
(receive) about noise from the club.
The waiter claimed he _________was wrongly accused__________ (wrongly,
We _________were not given__________ (not give) enough time to finish our exam
last week.
Unemployment benefits _______are sometimes being claimed____________
(sometimes, claim) dishonestly.
These days my husband ________is always being asked___________ (always, ask)
why he doesn't have a car.
When I arrived, the passengers ___were being treated________________ (treat) by
three doctors.
Jim's scooter can _________not be driven__________ (not drive) without a special
The new gymnasium _______will not be completed____________ (not complete)
when the autumn term begins.
The local bread ________is usually made___________ (usually, make) from a
mixture of wheat and rye flour.
In future patients who are pregnant ______will be given_____________ (give)
My parents are very late, they may _________have been delayed __________
(delay) at the road-works.
Some crops ___haven’t been harvested________________ (not harvest) yet due to
this year's bad weather.

4.Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Please highlight the answers in
yellow. (10p)
Imagine travelling thousands of miles every year to return to your birthplace with
only your instinct to guide you. The journey is fraught with danger at every turn.
You have to deal with extreme weather conditions and predators at different
points on your route. Yet still that instinct is urging you on, and eventually, when
you make it through everything that is conspiring against you and you arrive at
the precise location of your birth, you reproduce and then you die. This is the
great journey undertaken by the Pacific salmon every year and it is just one of
an amazing set of journeys that feature in the latest spectacular wildlife series to
hit our screens: Nature’s Great Events.
The series, filmed over a period of 25 months, takes us, the viewers, on an
amazing journey too. We witness the epic spectacles brought about by seasonal
changes and the effects these have on the wildlife. We follow some incredible
journeys. Rare whales travel to the Arctic to feed on the rich fish supplies
accessible when the ice melts. This dangerous journey through the cracking ice is
filmed by intrepid underwater cameramen. Another seasonal event, the dry

season in the Serengeti, forces millions of wildebeest to travel thousands of miles
following the rains to the north and back again. The east coast of Africa is the
scene of the annual sardine run where the movement of cold water currents
encourages enormous shoals of fish to swim vast distances close to shore and
directly into the hunting grounds of dolphins, sharks and whales! And perhaps
the most amazing journey of all is that of the salmon who exhibit spectacular
determination in swimming up rivers, jumping rapids and attempting to avoid
fishing grizzlies. Where, we wonder, does all this knowledge come from?
The series is excellent and will, no doubt, be in line for many awards. It is
compelling viewing and what is encouraging is the balance that it achieves. We
all know the effects that global warming is having on animals in every part of the
world, but this programme, unlike many others, does not preach. Yes, we see
the polar bears in their shrinking ice territory and we learn that the sardine run
hasn’t happened for several years because of warmer waters. However, the
sadness this brings is balanced against the heart-warming sight of the beluga
whales dancing a water ballet in shedding their old skins and the wonder at the
homing and migratory instincts of animals the world over.
For many reasons, this is a superb series and well worth watching.
1 The series explains the instincts that cause animals to go on these journeys.
2 The series focuses on fish and water mammals. T / F
3 It has a strong environmental message. T/F
4 The events filmed occur because of natural climatic changes. T / F
5 The series took a year to film. T /F
5. Student book pg 34 Ex 4 (4p)

1. __Set up___________________
2. __Conduct ___________________
3. ___Launch__________________
4. ____Make_________________
5. ____Gain_________________
6. _____Boost________________
7. _______Outstrip______________
8. ________Manipulate_____________

6. Student book pg 136 Ex 2 (10p)

1. _____Current account________________

2. _____Contactless card________________
3. ______Direct debit_______________
4. ______Standing order_______________
5. ______Sort code_______________
6. ______Comprehensive policy_______________
7. ______Third-party_______________
8. ______Liability_______________
9. ______No-claims bonus_______________

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