Measurement and Estimation Past Paper

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HNDE C ag esr) i SLIATE SAY) sRILANKA INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION nr Mayer etn a 2 85) Higher National Diploma in Civil Enginesring ‘Third Yeu, Second Semester Examination ~ ‘CER119- Measurement and Estimation time ho (03) hous Inston 1o candidates ‘This paper contains Six (06) questions and Six (06) pages including drawings (Two page). {Answer any Five (05) questions neluing question 01 (compulsory) + BSR (08 Pages) will be provided fr question 04 {+ Deawings (Figure 1 and 02) ae enclosed separately fr fist exo questions (01 & 02), + TDS mssurement sheet & BOQ sheet shouldbe prepared by he candidates {Standard Method of Measurement fr Building works shoud be followed Brey expain the Importance of SMM. (@ Marks) '. Find he total center ine length of te house from te given pln, G Marks) Take-off quantities forthe folowing works, {Top oll removal for Sexi wee fa the foundatin ge (2 Ml) ii Excavation in foundation trench G Matis) Ii Random rubble masonry up to DPC level (Matis) iv, Hard ean filling under the lor of Bed oom 3, (2Matis) 'Intemal Plastering for Bed oom 3 (2 Maris) vi Roof covering G Masks) (oval 20 Marks) 2 4. Briefly explain the toms "Preliminary" & “Provisional um 4 Marks) Take-off quantities forthe following works based onthe given drawing i. Block work (4 Marks) {internal & External reveals (4 Maris) ii, Ramer, (2Matis) ix. Guters (1 Mark) ‘Reinforcement for intel over DI G Marks) vi, Doors 2 Marks) (Total 20 Marks) 4. Prepare «unit rate breakdown for Grade 20 (") coneret wsing standard quits. Make ‘any assumptions ifmecessury. ‘Cement bag (50k) -LKRSO,1 cube sand ~LKR12,000!, | cube” Metal LKR 12,800! Hire of mixer day LKR 4.500! (Marks) Pn ne ~ 503086 Dobe angle ton —— 0 Figwe 8 Fane 0b, 4 b. You are requested to send a cost breakdown othe consultant for & 2.1m (7) End Tiss fora gable wall using SOni x nm x 6mm double ange iron, Make any asumpdions if necessary. Angle ron ~ LKRISO/, Tor tel ro ~ IN/Nos, Two coats of an-consive ‘nd enamel punting ~ LKR 7S00/Sar (Maris) «, Deseribe the importance of approximate estimates (@ Marks) {Waite short notes an metho of approximate estimates inclusive of advantages and disadvantages. (Marks) (Tous 20 Marks) 4 4. Prepate« BOQ forthe fllowing items using the given BSR. Use the Ite eode given in the BSR. BOQ unit shouldbe given in .l units Each tem cates Mark (s ve uty OT [Roma th 28s - Ete rar OTN | [|e ot a So tieae ne ; 3 | imported earth and compaction ane oe [Ge Sse ce aN 0s [Rnd Riemann | 7.5 oe | Sa ie a OT] ea eps : MATT floor tile, oe [irate 2 © [Gsm teed psn ins aan 10 [esi tk mos vase fae Cat TEE | 93 1] foe Coan RT 3 RRR tae wo RTGS — | — ae tho crs sty Sl | tn ton tera is wee a TT — yp 16 | Semone pang | SON 77 [ eal al ining wo ne a 17 [el al ig oi BN [ga Tomes ee EHR a +. BR pa Rea oO NET Fo THON Ma) tnt Soak 0 ‘uate dhe methods of tendering and ype of contacts, G Marks) +, Nameany 6 components of contact document. @ Marks) «©. Disouss the design and build coavact and tational procurement inchdg advantages,

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