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Entregable 1: Writing an essay - what do you think about...




Ciclo (vl)




To begin with, the issue of contamination is the deterioration of the environment by

non-biodegradable substances, that is to say that at first glance they do not

disappear quickly or easily and this is harmful to the planet and to living beings,

fauna and flora.

Somehow these said substances cause an imbalance to the environment thus

causing different climate changes and alterations in the increase of temperatures.

These contaminations not only appear in the air, also in the seas, oceans, in the air

and on the land as such.

What is contamination?

They are harmful changes or chemical, physical and biological components of the

natural and artificial environment, which harm the habitat and its inhabitants "living

beings" as well as the fauna and flora.

Pollution is derived from the different activities that we carry out or practice as

human beings, thus causing the greenhouse effect, as well as the exploitation of

natural resources.

The most frequent causes with greater environmental contamination are:

* Tree felling

* Industries attacking the atmosphere and hydrosphere

* Processing and production of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.
* Massive increase in products derived from plastic and oil

* Means of transport (Gasoline - diesel)


Global warming is one of the most altered consequences of planet earth, the

progressive increase in temperature both in the air and in the seas and oceans, as

well as climate change.

Environmental pollution harms and puts at risk the health of living beings that

inhabit contaminated ecosystems, the massive destruction of ecosystems where

there is a great variety of fauna and flora.

Pollution from the oil spill affects birds and marine mammals causing great damage
as the oil from the oil covers feathers, skin or legs immobilizing until death. The
variety of fish feed on this product out of curiosity and die, the incorporation that
affects human health. It causes respiratory damage to mammals and birds; the
decrease in life varies from 2 to 24 months due to the advanced level of
contamination. 90% of the human population breathes polluted air, 7 million deaths
due to air pollution according to the (OMS). The major diseases that can occur are
allergies, asthma, coughs, sore throats and dry eyes.


Reduce pollution with respect to means of transport, avoid cars since they need

large amounts of fuel to be able to move and are harmful to the environment.

Much better walking or cycling is good both physically and mentally and would

greatly reduce pollution.

Reduce the use of electrical energy since for its production, treatment plants that

work with carbonized water or large loads of carbon are needed, producing a very

high pollution to the planet.

Avoid leaving lights on which are not needed

Unplug electrical appliances that are not in use or working

Avoid using lamps at night.

Reduce pollution from waste and recycle.

Avoid the use of plastic bags in each of the purchases you are making

Avoid buying plastic water bottles and bags and try to bring water from home.

Have a certain order of recycling and separate waste.

In conclusion The issue of pollution has been dealing with for some years now, for
no one at the moment it is a taboo that what is harmful to the environment is not
the human being as a person but because of how he acts, and how he has an
individualistic mentality in the which is not thought about the others or what it can
bring or present consequences in the short and long term, we as living beings do
not analyze what may happen before carrying out an activity until something or
other happens and there is if it is of astonishment, but the curious thing is that
observing what is happening does not act immediately and that is why the planet
earth somehow asks for a breather to try to recover what much lost throughout
human life.



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