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Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

Compilation of classical and contemporary terminology used to
describe morphological aspects of ovarian dynamics in cattle
A.T. Peter a,*, H. Levine b, M. Drost c, D.R. Bergfelt d
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Tufts Ambulatory Service, Department of Environmental and Population Health, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine,
Tufts University, South Woodstock, CT 06267, USA
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32605, USA
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Received 7 August 2008; accepted 20 December 2008

Veterinarians and scientists involved in applied and basic research in cattle require a lexicon of terms that is used uniformly so
that diagnoses and inference of results between and among studies can be correctly interpreted and substantiated or negated and
therapy and hypotheses can be formulated without unnecessary confusion and redundancy in treatments and experiments. This
review provides a compilation of many of the classical and contemporary terms used in association with ovarian dynamics primarily
during the estrous cycle in cattle, which can also apply to other reproductive states. While many classical terms used to describe
healthy and diseased conditions associated with follicles and corpora lutea are still applicable today, there are some that have
become antiquated (e.g., cystic corpus luteum, cystic ovarian degeneration, luteolysis, and granulosa cell tumor), due, in part, to
advanced technology (e.g., ultrasonography) and a more thorough understanding of ovarian function. In this regard, older terms
have been revised (e.g., corpus luteum with a cavity, follicular and luteinized-follicular cysts, structural and functional luteal
regression, and granulosa-theca cell tumor) and newer terms have been coined (e.g., follicle deviation) and advocated herein.
Defining and adopting terminology used in bovine reproduction that is clear, precise and understandable and available in a single
source, is expected to make the exchange of clinical and research information and outcomes more effective, safe, and economical.
Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Cattle; Terminology; Ovarian dynamics; Ovarian pathology


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
2. Estrous cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345
2.1. Follicular phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
2.1.1. Proestrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
2.1.2. Estrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
2.2. Ovulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 765 494 5808; fax: +1 765 496 1108.
E-mail address: (A.T. Peter).

0093-691X/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc.

1344 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

2.3. Luteal phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348

2.3.1. Metestrus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348
2.3.2. Diestrus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348
3. Follicular wave dynamics during the estrous cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
3.1. Follicular wave emergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
3.2. Follicle selection and deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350
3.3. Follicle dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
4. Classification of anestrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
5. Ovarian diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
5.1. Follicular and luteinized-follicular cysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
5.2. Parovarian cysts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
5.3. Fibrin tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353
5.4. Granulosa-theca cell tumor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
5.5. Rete ovarii (ovarian cyst) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
5.6. Ovarian bursa adhesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
5.7. Ovarian hypoplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
6. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355

1. Introduction as well as prognosis or effectiveness of corrective and

therapeutic regimes [14]. Correspondingly, scientists
Historically, terminology used to describe the involved in applied and basic research in cattle require a
reproductive tract in female cattle was based, in part, lexicon of terms that is used uniformly among
on gross examination in situ or ex situ during surgery or individuals so that inference of the results between
necropsy, respectively. In the 1980s, with the advent of and among studies can be correctly substantiated or
ultrasonography and the ability to view structural negated, and new hypotheses can be formulated without
changes of the bovine reproductive organs in a unnecessary redundancy in experiments. Thus, defining
noninvasive manner over time [1–3], some of the and adopting terminology used in bovine reproduction
original terms used to describe the reproductive tract that is clear, precise and understandable is expected to
required qualification or replacement and, in some make the exchange of clinical and research information
instances, new terms were coined and advocated. and outcomes more effective, safe and economical.
However, modifying or replacing traditional or con- In 1976, a committee was convened and charged
ventional terminology used in bovine reproduction with with making recommendations for standardizing terms
contemporary language is not always universally used in bovine reproduction [15]. Although some of the
accepted; therefore, the scientific and lay literature proposed terminology may be out-dated, the final report
and reference texts are filled with terms, definitions and recommended nomenclature that covered fetal mem-
colloquialisms that are often antiquated and ambiguous. branes, embryonic and perinatal periods, reproductive
Although reproductive disorders can be diagnosed in dysgenesis and normal development of the bovine
the clinic or in the field [4–13], the diagnostician is not conceptus. Over the last 20 years, numerous reports
always the person doing the corrective surgery, therapy, [16–24] have become available that have defined
or management. Cases are often transferred between or healthy and diseased conditions pertaining to the
among veterinarians and staff and, therefore, records principal organs (ovaries and uterus) of the bovine
that contain terms that are out-dated and indefinite can reproductive tract during various reproductive states, as
potentially result in misinterpretation of the original well as rationale for correcting or managing the
diagnosis and, consequently, animals may receive disorders; however, the terminology is scattered
unintended treatment, which can be an economic loss throughout the literature. There is no comprehensive
to the producer and, perhaps a liability to the report that has focused on compiling the various terms
practitioner. Comprehensible and precise definitions and definitions used to characterize ‘‘normal’’ and
are necessary for differential and accurate diagnoses of ‘‘abnormal’’ conditions associated with either the
any disorder and for evaluating the benefit-to-risk ratio, ovaries or uterus into a single source.
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1345

The objective of this review is focused on the bovine used to identify a condition related to estrus (e.g.,
ovary and is expected to be one of a series of reviews to estrual fluid).
summarize classical and current terminology that has European and Zebu breeds of cattle are generally
been used to define healthy and diseased conditions considered seasonally polyestrus, which is defined as
associated with follicular and luteal gland development the repeated distribution of estrous cycles throughout
in dairy and beef cattle, encompassing both Bos taurus the year. If the regularity of estrous cycles is interrupted
and Bos indicus cattle, and primarily within the context by pregnancy and lactation or, perhaps, by improper
of the estrous cycle. nutrition, environmental stress or general and repro-
ductive diseases, there is a period of anestrus (without
2. Estrous cycle cyclicity) or a condition of irregular estrous cycles. The
clinical importance for identifying the basis of anestrus
Although terminology associated with the bovine is discussed in detail in Section 4. It should be
ovary will primarily be discussed in context with the recognized that polyestrus and anestrus can also be used
estrous cycle, most terms are also applicable to as adjectives (i.e., polyestrous and anestrous) preceding
pregnancy, post-partum and anestrus. Basic concepts a noun (e.g., anestrous cow).
and terminology of the bovine estrous cycle will be Although puberty is generally defined as the life-
presented and summarized as previously reviewed [25] stage where the female has attained the capacity to
to provide a framework for the discussion of the various successfully produce offspring, the first ovulation in the
terms applied to ovarian dynamics during the cycle, as life of the animal marks the beginning of a rhythmic
well as during other reproductive states. pattern of reproductive cyclicity. The basis for the
Terms used to describe the estrous cycle in cattle estrous cycle is to provide females repeated opportu-
have slightly different meanings and spellings. The nities to become pregnant, as each estrous cycle usually
word ‘‘estrous’’ is an adjective used to describe the terminates with ovulation at the end of estrus. In
estrous cycle or some aspect of it (e.g., estrous general, the length of the estrous cycle in beef and dairy
behavior), whereas the word ‘‘estrus’’ is a noun cattle ranges from 18 to 24 d [25], which is influenced,
indicating the period of sexual receptivity. In regard in part, by the length of the luteal phase and number of
to the latter, the term ‘‘heat’’ is often used synony- follicular waves per cycle as discussed in Section 3. The
mously with estrus. In British and European literature, length of the estrous cycle can be referenced from either
‘‘oestrous’’ and ‘‘oestrus’’ are the preferred spellings, the detection of estrus to detection of the next estrus
based on the Greek origin of the word oestrus; a family (i.e., estrous cycle; Fig. 1) using visual observation or
of biting insects (oestridae) that tormented cattle and marking devices, or from detection of ovulation to
induced a state of frenzy. Estrual is also an adjective detection of the next ovulation (i.e., interovulatory

Fig. 1. Terms and concepts related to stages within the follicular and luteal phases in association with respective changes in circulating
concentrations of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and preovulatory (OV) gonadotropin surge during the bovine estrous cycle. Adapted from [25] and
reprinted with permission.
1346 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

anywhere in-between (i.e., within approximately 24 h

from the last examination). Furthermore, ovulation
typically occurs approximately 1 d after estrus
(approximately 29 h; [25]). Hence, by adjusting the
data relative to estrus by 1 d so that Day 1 or Day 2 post-
estrus is equivalent to ovulation on Day 0, a more
accurate assessment of the results between or among
studies using different times of reference can be made.
Physiologically and behaviorally, the estrous cycle
consists of the follicular phase with proestrus and estrus,
and the luteal phase with metestrus and diestrus, as
previously described [25]. Morphological, physiologi-
cal and endocrinological distinctions between the
various stages of the follicular and luteal phases of
Fig. 2. Terms and concepts related to follicular wave emergence (WE) the estrous cycle are summarized in the following
and subsequent development of Wave 1 (anovulatory) and Wave 2 sections.
(ovulatory, OV) in association with respective FSH surges during the
bovine estrous cycle. Adapted from [1] and reprinted with permission.
2.1. Follicular phase

interval; Fig. 2) using transrectal palpation or ultra- The follicular phase is a relatively short period
sonography. In earlier studies, day of detection of estrus (approximately 20%) of the estrous cycle, from the
was often used as a point of reference designated Day 1 beginning of regression of the corpus luteum to
and, in later studies, especially with the use of ovulation, that involves proestrus and estrus (Fig. 1).
ultrasonography [1], detection of ovulation has been In general, the follicular phase is characterized by the
preferred as a less variable and more distinctive event to onset of estrous behavior and a shift from progesterone
serve as a point of reference, designated Day 0 as dominance to estrogen dominance, primarily as a result
indicated in Figs. 1 and 2. Through palpation or of structural and functional regression of a mature
ultrasonic imaging of the ovaries, ovulation is readily corpus lutuem to a regressed corpus albicans (decreased
detectable and is the recommended point of reference progesterone) and development of a preovulatory
that should be defined (i.e., Day 0 = ovulation) for follicle (increased estradiol) as depicted diagrammati-
communicating the number of days post-ovulation in cally (Figs. 1 and 2).
non-pregnant as well as in pregnant animals [2]. In
situations where transrectal palpation experience and 2.1.1. Proestrus
ultrasound examinations are limited, the beginning of Proestrus (before estrus) is the initial portion of the
observed estrus may still be used as reference; however, follicular phase that begins with structural and
it should be defined (e.g., Day 0 = first detection of functional regression of the corpus luteum and ends
estrus), accordingly to avoid miscommunication of the at the onset of estrus (Fig. 1). As the luteal gland
timing of therapies or treatments and misinterpretation regresses and circulating concentrations of progester-
of study results. one decrease, there is an increase in estradiol that plays
When making comparisons between or among a role in the increase in uterine tone [26] and discharge
studies that have used Day 0 or Day 1 relative to of clear and watery mucus from the vulva [27].
estrus and Day 0 relative to ovulation as the reference Follicular dynamics during proestrus involve continued
point, it may be necessary to adjust the data by 1 d so regression of the dominant follicle (Table 1) from the
that an approximation can be made to the day of previous anovulatory wave that overlaps with growth of
ovulation for a more accurate interpretation of the the dominant follicle of the ovulatory wave (Fig. 2).
results. In general, the time of ovulation is defined as the
disappearance of a dominant follicle that was present at 2.1.2. Estrus
one examination and gone the next, as determined by Estrus is the latter portion of the follicular phase that
transrectal palpation or ultrasonography. Considering ends with ovulation of the dominant follicle. Circulating
that examinations are done daily or at approximately concentrations of estradiol reach peak concentrations
24-h intervals, ovulation could occur soon after the last (Fig. 1) in association with the onset of sexual
examination, soon before the next examination or receptivity, as indicated by estrous behavior (heat)
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1347

Table 1
Terms and concepts of ovarian follicles and corpora lutea associated with folliculogenesis and luteogenesis in cattle.
Cohort of follicles A cohort of follicles is a group of antral follicles that constitute a follicular wave from first detection
at 1–4 mm in diameter within a 2–3 d interval.
Largest follicle The largest follicle is the largest antral diameter follicle of the cohort of follicles of a wave before
deviation and is sometimes referred to as the future dominant follicle, due to its propensity to maintain
its hierarchal position within the cohort during the common growth phase and become the dominant follicle
after deviation.
Second, third, fourth, etc., The second, third, fourth, etc., largest follicles are the next largest follicles of the cohort of follicles of a
largest follicles wave before deviation and are sometimes referred to as future subordinate follicles, due to their propensity
to maintain their hierarchal positions within the cohort during the common growth phase and become
respective subordinate follicles after deviation.
Dominant follicle The dominant follicle is the largest antral follicle of the cohort of follicles of a wave after deviation that
typically reaches 10 mm in diameter and includes co-dominant or multiple dominant follicles that can
be ovulatory as well as anovulatory.
Subordinate follicles The subordinate follicles are the next largest antral follicles of a wave after deviation that are
typically <10 mm in diameter and are anovulatory.
Pre-ovulatory follicle The pre-ovulatory follicle is the dominant follicle after deviation that is selected for final maturation
and ovulation (sometimes referred to as the Graafian follicle).
Corpus luteum The corpus luteum or luteal gland is formed at the site of the previous dominant follicle after ovulation,
through the structural and functional transformation of theca and granulosa cells to luteal cells.
Corpus hemorrhagicum Transient morphological characterization of a corpus luteum or luteal gland that is formed at the site of
the previous dominant follicle immediately after ovulation that develops an intra-luteal blood-filled cavity.
Corpus luteum with a cavity The term ‘‘corpus luteum with cavity’’ replaces the term ‘‘cystic corpus luteum’’ as a non-pathological
luteal gland in which a distinct fluid-filled cavity central to luteal tissue formation persists after the
initial formation of a corpus hemorrhagicum.
Corpus albicans The corpus albicans is the remnant of the luteal gland following structural and functional regression of
luteal cells.

and discharge of cohesive strands of mucus from the ovulation without estrus [29]. Silent heat is a condition
vulva. Final growth and maturation of the preovulatory that has been mostly associated with post-partum
follicle (Fig. 2) occurs in association with a decrease in ovulations in lactating cows. The incidences of silent
estradiol concentrations and a preovulatory gonado- ovulation at the first, second, third and fourth ovulations
tropin surge primarily involving LH and to a lesser post-partum were reported to be 83, 46, 13, and 0%,
extent FSH, which precedes ovulation by approxi- respectively [30]. Some clinicians [31] prefer to classify
mately 29 h [25]. silent ovulation as a type of anestrus termed ‘‘sub-
Detection of mounting behavior associated with estrus’’ in which the incidence has been reported to
estrus (heat) is displayed by approximately 90% of cows range from 34 to 50% [31,32]. However, since silent
[28] and is critical for determining the onset of standing ovulation is associated with ovulation and not
estrus which is closely related to the timing of ovulation anovulation, it seems more appropriate to address
(e.g., approximately 29 h post-estrus). Standing estrus silent ovulation as a separate condition apart from
or standing heat with an arching of the back (standing to anestrus.
be mounted) is a mating posture termed ‘‘lordosis’’,
which characterizes the most definitive sign of estrus. 2.2. Ovulation
Secondary signs of estrus may be indicative that
sexual receptivity is approaching; however, they may Ovulation is the terminal event of estrus character-
occur before, during, or after estrus. They include, ized by the rupture of a dominant follicle, evacuation of
trailing, sniffing the genitalia and attempts to mount follicular fluid, granulosa cells and oocyte, and early
other animals, mucus discharge and swelling and development or formation of a corpus luteum at the
reddening of the vulva, and increased bellowing, ovulation site. Although cattle are considered a
restlessness, chin resting, and lip curling. Occasionally monotocous species that typically ovulate a single
pregnant cows exhibit signs of estrus, usually during dominant follicle, there is some degree of multiple
middle to late gestation. spontaneous ovulations that appears to be influenced by
The terms ‘‘silent estrus’’ (silent heat) and ‘‘silent a variety of factors (e.g., breed, parity, nutrition, and
ovulation’’ are used to characterize the condition of reproductive status) [33]. In one study involving 1917
1348 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

high-yielding dairy cows [34], the double ovulation rate (e.g., >10 mm), such that the larger the cavity the
was 16%, with 52.7% unilateral (42.5% on the left longer it is observed post-ovulation [37–39]. The
ovary and 57.5% on the right ovary) and 41.5% bilateral frequency of occurrence of one or the other morphol-
ovulations. Furthermore, the triple ovulation rate was ogies (i.e., corpus luteum with or without a cavity) may
5.8%. The incidence of synchronous (same day) versus be different between heifers and cows. In cows [37], the
asynchronous (>1 d apart) ovulations was not reported. number of corpora lutea with a cavity versus without a
cavity was 37% versus 63%, whereas, in heifers [38],
2.3. Luteal phase the frequency was 79% versus 21%, respectively.
Despite the apparent difference between cows and
The luteal phase is the longer period of the estrous heifers in the occurrence of corpora lutea with and
cycle, comprising approximately 80% of the cycle from without a cavity, progesterone concentrations, inter-
ovulation to regression of the corpus luteum that ovulatory intervals and pregnancy rates were not
involves metestrus and diestrus (Fig. 1). In general, the affected by the different types of luteal gland
luteal phase is characterized by a shift from estrogen morphologies in cows and heifers [37,38].
dominance to progesterone dominance [35] following Historically, a corpus luteum with an intra-luteal
ovulation (decreased estradiol), and structural and cavity was referred to as a ‘‘cystic corpus luteum’’
functional maturation of a corpus lutuem (increased which was considered a diseased or pathological
progesterone). In association with the periodic emer- condition [40]. However, considering there is no
gence of follicular waves and corresponding FSH detectable difference in function (i.e., progesterone
surges, there are also low-level fluctuations (i.e., output) or fertility (i.e., estrous cycle length and
transient increases and decreases) in systemic concen- pregnancy rate) between the two types of luteal gland
trations of estradiol associated with follicular wave morphologies, it is generally accepted that a corpus
development throughout the luteal phase (Fig. 1). luteum with an intra-luteal cavity is not a pathological
condition. The term ‘‘cyst’’ or ‘‘cystic’’ can be used
2.3.1. Metestrus anatomically in a pathological as well as a non-
Metestrus is the immediate time after estrus or the pathological manner. To avoid confusion between the
initial portion of the luteal phase that begins at ovulation terms ‘‘luteal cyst’’, which is considered a diseased,
and ends at diestrus (Fig. 1). In this regard, metestrus is morphological structure (see Section 5), and ‘‘cystic
sometimes referred to as early diestrus, which extends corpus luteum’’, which is considered a healthy,
to approximately 5 d after ovulation. At the ovarian morphological structure, the contemporary term ‘‘corpus
level, metestrus involves luteinization of follicle cells of luteum with a cavity’’ (Table 1) has been suggested to
the previous dominant follicle into a corpus luteum replace the classical term ‘‘cystic corpus luteum’’ [37].
(Table 1). Luteinization is a complex process that In association with an increase in the progesterone-
involves remodeling of stromal and vascular tissue and to-estrogen ratio during metestrus (Fig. 1), the
cellular and biochemical transformation of follicle endometrial epithelium is denuded [42], particularly
androgen- (theca) and estrogen (granulosa)-producing in the intercaruncular areas [43], leading to the
cells into luteal progesterone-producing cells [36]. In appearance of bloody mucus at the lips of the vulva.
cattle, early formation of the luteal gland is often Metestrous bleeding is a process of diapedesis and is
associated with the formation of a transient intra-luteal characterized by a discharge of bloody mucus from the
blood-filled cavity resembling a blood clot; this vulva [43,44]. Metestrous bleeding is noticed 24–48 h
structure is termed a ‘‘corpus hemorrhagicum’’ after estrus and is observed in 75–90% of heifers and
(Table 1) [25], which is comparable to the term used 48–61% of cows [42], and its occurrence has no
in horses [41]. Thereafter, as the bovine luteal gland correlation with conception. Metestrus also encom-
completes its structural and functional transformation passes some aspects of development of the first
towards the end of metestrus, it becomes morphologi- anovulatory wave (Wave 1) of the estrous cycle (Fig. 2).
cally homogeneous, appearing as a uniform echodense
structure upon detection with ultrasonography or 2.3.2. Diestrus
appears heterogeneous with an anechoic fluid-filled, Diestrus begins after metestrus and ends around the
intra-luteal cavity [1]. Regarding the latter, intra-luteal beginning of regression of the corpus luteum, near the
cavities in cattle can persist as fluid-filled cavities after time of proestrus (Fig. 1). The end of metestrus is
the initial stages of corpus hemorrhagicum formation characterized by cessation of metestrous bleeding,
and range in size from small (e.g., <2 mm) to large suppressed estrous behavior and a relatively mature
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1349

corpus luteum, with increasing systemic concentrations endocrinological (i.e., FSH-suppressing capacity) dom-
of progesterone. Throughout diestrus, a mature corpus inance of the selected follicle is maintained for the
luteum maintains maximal concentrations of progester- remainder of the growth phase and mid-way through the
one during emergence of Wave 2 (Fig. 2) and Wave 3 in static phase for anovulatory dominant follicles or until
two- or three-wave estrous cycles. ovulation. Although the physiological/endocrinological
In the absence of pregnancy, structural and func- dominance of the anovulatory follicle begins to wane
tional regression of the corpus luteum occurs sponta- during the static phase, morphological dominance is
neously primarily in response to uterine PGF2a during still apparent until regression to <10 mm (Fig. 2). In
late diestrus [45]. Historically, the term ‘‘luteolysis’’ has this regard, more than one examination (e.g., transrectal
been most commonly used to describe regression or palpation or ultrasonography) is required to differenti-
lysis of the luteal gland. However, it appears to have a ate between a growing and regressing follicle. As a
very limited meaning that no longer describes properly result of the loss of physiological/endocrinological
the complex sequence of synchronized molecular dominance at ovulation, an FSH-surge precedes
events that are now known to be associated with the emergence of Wave 1 of the next cycle and, as a result
demise of the corpus luteum. Contemporarily, therefore, of a similar loss of dominance during the static phase, an
‘‘luteal regression’’ is the preferred terminology [46] FSH-surge precedes emergence of Wave 2 in two-wave
that may be preceded by the terms ‘‘functional’’ and/or estrous cycles (Fig. 2) and Wave 3 in three-wave cycles.
‘‘structural’’ to clarify the context in which luteal Studies using transrectal ultrasonography have
regression is presented (i.e., endocrinologically or characterized the composition and nature of follicular
morphologically). waves, and clarified the morphological differences and
Nonetheless, subsequent to diestrus, the corpus timing of follicular events associated with multiple
luteum regresses structurally (e.g., decrease in dia- waves in prepubertal and adult cattle during the estrous
meter) and functionally (e.g., decrease in progesterone) cycle and pregnancy [1]. Breed, nutrition, parity and
in non-pregnant animals to form a corpus albicans lactation are some of the factors that influence the
(Table 1) at the beginning of proestrus. number of follicular waves per estrous cycle, number or
cohort of follicles associated with a wave, and diameter
3. Follicular wave dynamics during the estrous of the largest or future dominant follicle at deviation,
cycle dominance and pre-ovulation.
The endocrinology of follicular wave dynamics has
Follicular wave dynamics during the estrous cycle been reviewed [49]; the most notable systemic
has been well described in cattle and recently reviewed hormonal change is an FSH surge that stimulates the
[47–49]. The follicular wave pattern depicted in Fig. 2 is emergence of each follicular wave during the estrous
that of a two-wave pattern; however, three-wave cycle (Fig. 2). The initial increase in FSH has been
patterns are also common in cattle (>95% of the associated with follicles 1–3 mm in diameter [52], with
estrous cycles have two- or three-wave patterns), with peak concentrations occurring around the time the
one- and four-wave patterns being rare [50,51]. In largest follicle of the wave reaches approximately 4 mm
general, development of a follicular wave involves the [1]. Thereafter, FSH concentrations progressively
organized and simultaneous growth of a cohort decrease, reaching basal concentrations during the late
(Table 1) of gonadotropin-dependent antral follicles growth/early static phase of the dominant follicle. The
(i.e., wave emergence) within a 2–3 d interval. The next FSH surge and corresponding follicular wave soon
cohort of follicles associated with the wave initially follow. Discovery of the FSH surge-follicular wave
increase in size during a common growth phase and interrelationship has led to subsequent discoveries on
subsequently differentiate into a single dominant the nature of follicle selection (e.g., deviation) which
follicle (Table 1) that continues growth, whereas have provided practical information for revising regi-
multiple subordinate follicles (Table 1) cease growth mens for hormonal synchronization of estrous cycles
during a static phase (i.e., deviation; Fig. 2). By the time used in breeding programs and timing of gonadotropin
the dominant anovulatory follicle of Wave 1 (and Wave treatments used in embryo transfer programs [49].
2 in three-wave estrous cycles) or the dominant For hypothesis testing, major aspects of follicular
ovulatory follicle of Wave 2 or Wave 3 reaches its wave dynamics (i.e., emergence, deviation and dom-
static or preovulatory phase, corresponding subordinate inance) have involved the sequential tracking of
follicles have committed to regression. Subsequent to individual follicles to differentiate growing follicles
deviation, morphological (i.e., size) and physiological/ of one wave from regressing follicles of a previous wave
1350 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

[53]. For practical purposes, the major aspects of Notably, spontaneous or hormonally induced prolonga-
follicular wave dynamics may be characterized by using tion of the luteal phase has been associated with Type IV
a nonidentity method to sequentially monitor and anestrus and is discussed in Section 4.
determine the size of the three largest follicles within
each ovary [1]. Morphological characteristics of 3.2. Follicle selection and deviation
follicular wave emergence, deviation and dominance
associated with follicular wave dynamics have been In general, follicle selection is a process where, in
recently reviewed [49] and are summarized in the next monotocous species, typically one follicle is selected
sections. from a cohort of growing follicles and becomes
dominant, with continued growth to preovulatory size
3.1. Follicular wave emergence before regressing or ovulating (Fig. 2); the remaining
follicles of the wave (i.e., subordinates) regress. The
Determining the day of wave emergence relative to follicle selection process is often thought to be a single
ovulation on Day 0 can be done prospectively or event associated with the differential change in growth
retrospectively, according to when the largest follicle or rates between the largest and next largest follicles of a
dominant follicle, respectively, of the wave first reaches wave (i.e., follicle deviation). However, the selection
a prescribed diameter [49,54]. Based on when the process likely involves several morphological and
largest or dominant follicle of a wave first reached physiological/endocrinological events, perhaps, begin-
4 mm, emergence of Wave 1 (anovulatory) and Wave ning with the settlement of primordial germ cells within
2 (ovulatory) in two-wave estrous cycles occurred on the early ovary of the embryo/fetus. Other events under
approximately Days 0 and 10, respectively (Fig. 2), the umbrella of the follicle selection process may include
whereas emergence of Wave 1 (anovulatory), Wave 2 the timing of recruitment of primordial follicles from the
(anovulatory) and Wave 3 (ovulatory) in three-wave resting pool, hierarchal arrangement in growth of
cycles occurred on approximately Days 0, 9 and 16, preantral follicles, stage of development, and size of
respectively. With advanced ultrasound technology, antral follicles at the time of wave emergence, and
follicles 1–3 mm can be reliably and consistently commitment of subordinate follicles to regression
detected [49]. Hence, the day of wave emergence would following the differential change in development
be expected to occur earlier (i.e., before ovulation) if (morphological, physiological and endocrinological) of
follicles of the wave are first detected at a smaller the largest and next largest follicles of a wave [55–65].
diameter [52]. To distinguish the abrupt separation in growth
Wave emergence is associated with a hierarchal between the dominant and largest subordinate follicles
arrangement of follicles, such that the largest follicle of in individual animals [56] during the selection process
the cohort usually maintains its position throughout the from the gradual separation in the mean diameter
common growth phase and becomes the dominant profiles averaged among animals [50], the term
follicle a majority of the time [54]. In this regard, the ‘‘follicle deviation’’ was coined to replace ‘‘follicle
largest follicle is often referred to as the future dominant divergence’’, respectively. The timing of follicle
follicle (Table 1) and the next largest follicles as future deviation within an animal can be determined sub-
subordinate follicles (Table 1) prior to deviation. jectively by visual assessment of the diameter growth
The interrelationship between the length of the luteal profiles between the two largest follicles [62]. The point
phase and maximal diameter of dominant anovulatory of departure, or the time of the differential or distinctive
follicles influences the interwave interval (i.e., emer- change in the diameter profiles, represents follicle
gence of one wave to emergence of the next wave; deviation. The visual approach was compared to a more
Fig. 2) during the estrous cycle and, consequently, the objective approach using a segmented regression model
length of the cycle. While the estrous cycle or in Bos taurus [53] and Bos indicus [64] cattle. There was
interovulatory interval is significantly longer in cattle no difference between the two methods in either
with three- versus two-wave cycles (approximately 23 d species; hence, the visual approach was considered
versus 20 d, respectively) as a result of a significantly reliable and more practical. Thus, follicle deviation
longer luteal phase (approximately 19 d versus 16 d, occurs approximately 2.5 d after wave emergence (i.e.,
respectively), the interwave intervals are shorter in largest follicle 4 mm) and represents a major and
cattle with three-wave cycles, in association with readily observable morphological event involved in the
smaller dominant anovulatory and ovulatory follicles follicle selection process associated with ovulatory as
compared to cattle with two-wave cycles [1,50]. well as anovulatory follicular waves in cattle.
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1351

The morphological and physiological/endocrinologi- dominance represents both physiological (e.g., vascu-
cal basis for follicle deviation has been reviewed in cattle larity, granulosa cell LH receptors) and endocrinological
[65–70]. In general, after wave emergence and peak (e.g., follicular fluid estradiol and inhibin) aspects of the
concentrations of FSH, the common growth phase of dominant follicle during its growing phase, that indirectly
wave development is associated with the declining influence the regression of subordinate follicles and
portion of the FSH surge. During this time, there are suppression of subsequent wave emergence through
differential changes between the future dominant and suppression of FSH (Fig. 2). The sequence of events
subordinate follicles regarding local (e.g., IGF and IGF associated with periodic surges of FSH and correspond-
binding proteins) and systemic hormonal mechanisms ing follicular waves is repeated throughout the estrous
that, in part, regulate the decrease in FSH concentrations cycle and even into pregnancy, as indicated by the
[59,62]. By the end of the common growth phase, there is continuous emergence of follicular waves during
a differential change in growth rates between the future gestation [1]. The regularity of these events, however,
dominant and subordinate follicles (i.e., follicle devia- may be interrupted by disease conditions associated with
tion). The time of deviation in Bos taurus non-lactating the ovaries, which are addressed in the next sections.
dairy and beef cattle according to diameter of the largest
follicle has been reported to be approximately 8 mm [33] 4. Classification of anestrus
and, in lactating Holstein cows, approximately 9 mm
[33]. In Bos indicus cattle, deviation occurred when the Anestrus is a broad term that indicates the lack of
largest follicle reached approximately 6 mm [64]. The expression of estrus (or absence of estrous signs), despite
differences among cattle with respect to the timing of a diligent estrus detection approach. Although absence of
follicle deviation according to follicle diameter provides behavioral and physiological characteristics of estrus can
practical information for scheduling gonadotropin treat- fall under anestrus, a true anestrous condition is primarily
ments to avoid the potential confounding, suppressing characterized by anovulation. Historically, anestrus was
effect of follicle dominance on development of multiple broadly classified into physiological and pathological
dominant follicles (i.e., superstimulation) and ovulations (clinical) types, with the following representing the
(superovulation) [49]. pathological type: (1) inactive ovaries (i.e., minimal
follicle development, anovulation and no corpus luteum
3.3. Follicle dominance development); (2) silent ovulation (i.e., ovulation without
behavioral estrus); (3) ovarian hypofunction (i.e.,
Subsequent to deviation, morphological dominance persistent dominant follicle); (4) cystic ovarian degen-
can be observed by the size of the dominant follicle, eration (i.e., follicular or luteinized-follicular cyst); and
using transrectal palpation or B-mode ultrasonic (5) persistent corpus luteum (i.e., lack of luteal
imaging [1], physiologically by blood-flow using regression) [74]. Contemporarily, anestrus has been
color-Doppler ultrasonic imaging [3], and endocrino- classified in a novel manner according to ovarian
logically by follicular-fluid hormone concentrations follicular and luteal dynamics [23]. As discussed in
using immunoassays [59]. Physiological/endocrinolo- the previous section, follicular wave dynamics involves
gical dominance has been substantiated by the negative three main morphological events: (1) emergence, (2)
influence the dominant follicle has on subordinate deviation, and (3) dominance ending in anovulation or
follicles of the extant wave and emergence of ovulation. Classification of anestrus or anovulation based
subsequent waves using follicle ablation and gonado- on follicle characteristics at emergence, deviation and
tropin and follicular fluid treatments [47,49,56,62]. dominance provides for a rational diagnosis and
In general, a dominant follicle has been defined by size treatment of the underlying diseased condition. It should
when it reaches 10 mm [1,62]. Dominance could also be pointed out that silent ovulation (lack of overt signs of
be defined according to its size at the time of deviation or estrus) and unobserved estrus (poor estrus detection
its ovulatory capacity to respond to an ovulatory approach) can apparently increase the incidence of
stimulus, as reported in Bos taurus [71] and Bos indicus anestrus in a herd; however, they are not included in this
[72] cattle. Notably, multiple dominant follicles may be classification since the former is behavioral and the latter
associated with a wave, whether they are spontaneous or is a management issue. Only true or organic forms of
gonadotropin-treatment induced. The maximum dia- anestrus [75] are classified in this review.
meter of the dominant follicle of anovulatory and For discussion purposes, the etiologies of the
ovulatory waves is approximately 16 mm [56] in Bos following four types of anestrus are depicted dia-
taurus and 11 mm in Bos indicus [73]. The nature of grammatically (Fig. 3).
1352 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of types of anestrous conditions based on the morphology and physiology of ovarian follicles in cattle. Adapted
from [83] and reprinted with permission.

Type I: Follicle growth proceeds to detection of luteinized to form luteinized-follicular cyst (i.e., cystic
antral follicles at wave emergence and to pre-deviation follicular degeneration; Section 5). These anovulatory
size (e.g., follicles <10 mm) but not to dominance (i.e., structures may persist for an extended interval before
follicle 10 mm). Diagnosis is based on multiple eventually regressing. Depending on the functional status
transrectal ultrasound examinations indicating follicles of these structures during their development, they may be
<10 mm in diameter and no detectable corpus luteum. associated with the suppressed emergence of another
Hence, Type I anestrus corresponds to the earlier follicular wave. Diagnosis is based on the history and
classification of anestrus due to relatively inactive morphological characteristics of follicular and luteal
ovaries according to reduced follicle growth [74]. dynamics. Hence, Type III anestrus corresponds to the
Type II: Follicle deviation and dominance is attained earlier classifications of anestrus due to ovarian
but the dominant follicle of the ovulatory wave fails to hypofunction and cystic ovarian degeneration, COD
ovulate and, instead, regresses. Diagnosis is based on [74]. The pathological nature of COD and discussed in
multiple transrectal ultrasound examinations at 7-d more detail in Section 5.
intervals, indicating no detectable corpus luteum or Type IV: Although estrus is exhibited and ovulation
follicular cyst [76,77]. Similarly, Type II anestrus also and formation of a corpus luteum occurs as usual, the
corresponds to the earlier classification of anestrus due luteal gland persists beyond the expected time of
to relatively inactive ovaries and failure of ovulation regression, resulting in anestrus or an extended inter-
[74,77]. estrus or interovulatory interval. A contributing factor
Type III: Follicle dominance is achieved, but the may be the absence of an estrogenic dominant follicle at
dominant follicle of the anovulatory or ovulatory wave the expected time of regression of the corpus luteum [23].
fails to regress or ovulate at the expected time and Elevated systemic estradiol concentrations associated
remains at preovulatory size or increases in size to form a with development of the dominant follicle reportedly
persistent dominant follicle [78,79]. Persistent dominant lead to an increase in uterine estradiol receptors and
follicles may develop into a follicular cyst or become up-regulation of uterine oxytocin receptors and,
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1353

consequently, pulsatile release of PGF2a [45]. In regard to may be <20 mm in experimentally induced cysts,
the latter, uterine infection [80] and related pyometra can particularly, if there is more than one [24].
prolong the life of a corpus luteum as a result of reduced Based on transrectal palpation, it has been estab-
uterine PGF2a production [81]. Parity, dystocia, puerp- lished that follicular cysts are typically larger (>2 cm)
eral disturbances, premature lactation, heat stress, and than a preovulatory-sized follicle and have a feeling of
early resumption of ovarian cyclicity after calving are being thin walled, fluid-filled and easily ruptured during
other factors that have been suggested to increase the manipulation, whereas luteinized-follicular cysts have a
persistence of a corpus luteum and prolongation of the firmer feel and are less fragile, due in part, to a wall of
luteal phase [82]. Diagnosis is based on the history and apparent luteal tissue. According to ultrasonographic
morphological characteristics of the ovaries and uterus. morphology, both follicular and luteinized-follicular
Type IV anestrus (i.e., lack of luteal regression) cysts appear as anechoic structures; however, the latter
corresponds to the earlier description of anestrus due appears with a thicker wall of apparent luteal tissue [87]
to a persistent corpus luteum [74]. that can vary from an irregular pattern to a fairly well-
Treatment options for these four types of anestrus defined border [90,91]. Morphologically, luteinized-
conditions are beyond the scope of this discussion but follicular cysts may resemble corpora lutea with a
have recently been reviewed [83]. cavity and, endocrinologically, circulating concentra-
tions of progesterone are similar to concentrations
5. Ovarian diseases during the expected luteal phase of the estrous cycle
[92,93]. Although ultrasonography has provided a
The ovaries play a key role in reproduction as the better understanding of the characteristics associated
source of oocytes and steroid hormones. Estrogens and with gross development, diagnosis and differentiation
progestins are necessary for behavioral and physiolo- between follicular and luteinized-follicular cysts, the
gical aspects associated with follicular development, etiology [85] and optimal regimens for treatment of the
ovulation, luteal gland formation, pregnancy main- condition [87,89] are not thoroughly known.
tenance, parturition and lactation. Impairment of the
hormonal control of any of these reproductive events 5.2. Parovarian cysts
can lead to acute or chronic sterility or infertility issues.
Although gross anatomical images of some of the Parovarian cysts are cystic structures near the ovaries
ovarian conditions discussed in the next sections have in the broad ligament and close to the uterine tubes.
been complied [84], a compilation of ultrasonographic They can be detected using transrectal palpation or
images of diseased or pathological conditions of bovine ultrasonography as fluid-filled, anechoic structures and
ovaries is lacking. are usually round or oval in shape, occur as a single
cystic structure, and range from 1–5 cm in diameter.
5.1. Follicular and luteinized-follicular cysts The relatively larger paraovarian cysts are referred to as
hydatid of Morgagni, similar to those observed in ewes
Follicular and luteinized-follicular cysts are collec- and sows [94,95]. Paraovarian cysts are vestiges of the
tively referred to as abnormal structures associated with mesonephric (Wolffian) or paramesonephric (Muller-
cystic ovarian degeneration or disease. As mentioned ian) duct systems and are of two types. Cysts derived
earlier (Type III anestrus), a follicular cyst arises from a from the cranial mesonephric tubules are referred to as
persistent dominant follicle. Although the etiology is not epoophoron, whereas those derived from the caudal
thoroughly known, if left undiagnosed, the follicle cells mesonephric tubules are referred to as paroophoron.
(granulosa and theca) of the cyst begin to luteinize, such Paraovarian cysts are considered morphologically and
that they take on different structural and functional physiologically benign; they have no apparent effect on
characteristics to become a luteinized-follicular cyst the estrous cycle and fertility [96].
previously known as a luteal cyst [85]. A follicular cyst is
defined as an anovulatory follicle-like structure [86] of 5.3. Fibrin tags
the ovary which is fluid-filled, usually >24 mm in
diameter, which persists for more than 7–10 d in the Small tags of fibrin, particularly in heifers, from
absence of a corpus luteum [87]. In regard to the latter, the bleeding after ovulation are frequently attached to the
presence or absence of a corpus luteum as a component of ovary at the site of a previous ovulation or on the medial
the definition of a luteinized-follicular cyst is debatable attachment of the ovary to the uteroovarian ligament
[88]. In addition, the size of a luteinized-follicular cyst and are commonly referred to as ovulation tags. There is
1354 A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357

a paucity of information about these tags, but it appears the uterine tubes. Historically, adhesions have been
that they do not interfere with subsequent ovulations or associated with physical rupture of a large cyst or
conceptions [96]. expression of a corpus luteum. Fortunately, these
antiquated procedures are no longer commonly practiced.
5.4. Granulosa-theca cell tumor Contemporarily, uterine irrigation with irritating fluids in
large volumes for therapeutic and non-therapeutic reason
While ‘‘granulosa cell tumor’’ has been the classic may leak into the bursa area and provoke an inflammatory
terminology, ‘‘granulosa-theca cell tumor’’ is the pre- response. Notably, intensive and repeated handling of the
ferred terminology since it appears both types of follicle reproductive organs involved in extensive reproductive
cells are involved in the disease. Even though granulosa- programs may induce microscopic lesions on the
theca cell tumors are the most common ovarian tumors in peritoneal surface. In one instance involving 50% of
cattle, they are rare (<0.5%). This type of tumor arises the cows, lesions were present in the uterine tubes and
from the sex cord stromal tissue within the ovary and may adjacent tissues. These strands were made up of numerous
be relatively small, solid, and yellow to white or large, filaments, probably of collagen, and most likely
filled with cysts of varying sizes and weigh 11.9–12.3 kg correspond to the organized peritoneal fibrinous exudate
[96]. They are usually benign (no metastasis) but can be that forms during peritonitis [102].
malignant and are often hormonally active. If undiag- Adhesions between the mesosalpinx and mesoovar-
nosed or diagnosed and left intact, clinical signs progress ium often include the fimbria and ovary and may be
through various stages beginning with nymphomania and mild, consisting of a few fibrous strands, moderate with
ending with virilism. In some instances, mammary more than a few strands but not enough to interfere with
development is observed [97]. ovulation, or extensive to the point of concealing the
Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and transrectal ovaries which can interfere with ovulation. In extreme
palpation and ultrasound examinations [86]. Clinically, cases, adhesions may extend to the opening of the
granulosa-theca cell tumors may be characterized by ovarian bursa, resulting in a very narrow opening that
abnormal estrous cycles and follicular and luteal may affect fertility [103]. This condition is referred to as
inactivity on the contralateral ovary. In the mare, perisalpingitis and is rare [104].
granulosa-theca cell tumors are also differentiated by Diagnosis is based on reproductive history and
assay of circulating concentrations of androgens and previous therapy for reproductive disorders combined
inhibin [98], which apparently have not been fully with detailed and methodical transrectal and ultrasono-
characterized as diagnostic tools for granulosa-theca graphic examination of the reproductive tract.
cell tumors in cattle.
5.7. Ovarian hypoplasia
5.5. Rete ovarii (ovarian cyst)
The hypoplastic ovary undergoes incomplete devel-
In the hilus region of a mature ovary, the rete ovarii is opment (ovarian dysgenesis), such that the ovary lacks its
found as a network arrangement of medullary tubules or usual full complement of primordial follicles. Hypopla-
cords near the mesoovarium. The cords are lined with sia can be unilateral or bilateral and can be partial or
cuboidal and columnar epithelium that differentiate to complete. Historically, this condition has been observed
form granulosa-like cells possessing secretory activity and documented in certain breeds of dairy and beef cattle.
[99]. Cysts associated with rete ovarii are not commonly In heifers, hypoplastic ovaries may be small such
linked to severe pathological lesions [100,101]; how- that they are difficult to locate by transrectal palpation.
ever, if the rete ovarii has a space occupying lesion, The ovaries may feel like thin, narrow, firm cord-like
ovarian function may be jeopardized. Transrectal structures. Lack of estrus associated with this condition
ultrasonic imaging of the reproductive tract has has to be differentiated from anestrous conditions
provided a tool for diagnosing and differentiating rete associated with other ovarian disorders previously
ovarii from other structures associated with the ovary. discussed. Diagnosis is primarily based on transrectal
5.6. Ovarian bursa adhesions
6. Summary
A perivoarian adhesion usually results from ovarian
trauma or peritonitis that may lead to blockage of ovum As one of a potential series of reviews, this review has
transport from the ovaries and embryo migration through focused on compiling many of the classical and current
A.T. Peter et al. / Theriogenology 71 (2009) 1343–1357 1355

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