OCPP Setting

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OCPP 配置文档-客户版

1. PC 机 IP 地址设置

IP address setting in PC

设 置 PC 的 IP 地 址 为 或 者 其 他 192.168.88 网 段 的 IP 地 址 ) , 子 网 掩 设
Set the PC IP address into (or 192.168.88), set the subnet mask into

2. 登入到配置页面.

Log in to the configuration page

使用 Chrome 浏览器,在“地址”栏输入管理界面默认 IP 地址。登陆后,
Using Chrome browser, enter the default IP address of the management interface
in the "Address" field. After logging in, you are prompted for a username and password. The
default user name is "xxcd" and the password is "28912891".

3. OCPP 连接设置

OCPP connecting set

1 点击”Software Setting” click ‘ Software Setting’
2 填 写 ” Setting” 中 相 应 的 OCPP address Fill in the corresponding OCPP address in
3 点击”Submit” Click ‘ Submit’

4. 桩号设置 Setting of the Pile Number

1 点击”Hardware Setting” click ‘ Hardware Setting’

2 填写”Pile Number” filling in the ‘ Pile Number’
3 点击”Submit” click the ‘Submit’
5. APN 设置 APN setting

1 点击“Software Setting” Click “Software Setting”

2 选中“4G configuration”中的”Enable modification”.填写相应的 APN 信息
Select "Enable modification" in "4G configuration". Fill in the corresponding APN
3 点击”Save” Click ‘Save’
4 点击“Reload configuration“ Click “Reload configuration“
6. 启停卡设置 Start & stop Card setting

1 点击”Software Setting” Click ”Software Setting”

2 在 “ Card Type“ 中 选 择 RFID 卡 的 用 途 , ” Billing card” 会 上 传 ID 到 后 台 鉴
权,”Start stop card”则是不鉴权,直接启停充电桩(多用于测试)。
Select the purpose of the RFID card in "Card Type", "Billing card" will upload the ID to
the background authentication, and "Start stop card" will start and stop the charging pile
without authentication (mostly used for testing).

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