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Study Guide: Reid Chapters 7-8


Complete this assignment on your own.

Chapter 7

What are the two different types of Special Recognition procedures? Give a brief
explanation of both. Pg. 153 – Ashley Ponce

What are some examples of how Special Recognition can be used in the workplace?pg. 154 –
Ashley Ponce

Name two critical considerations that ensure special recognition procedures are used
effectively. Explain. P. 154-155 -Chloe Lopez

List two steps a supervisor or agency must make when issuing special recognition awards?
Explain. P. 156-158 -Chloe Lopez

List 5 ways supervisors can turn negative workplace events for staff into positive events. P.
174: Rachelle Powell
Does monetary compensation impact daily work performance or enjoyment? Why or why
not?. P. 176: Rachelle Powell

List the common reasons for non proficient staff performance and supervisor corrective
actions? Pg 183-186 (Felicia Rodriguez)

List and briefly describe the three most detrimental effects of supervising with a negative
focus? (Aparna Mathew) Chapter 8

Define the global effect of workplace withdrawal. What are examples of workplace
withdrawal? (Aparna Mathew) Chapter 8

Ch. 8

List the common reasons for non proficient staff performance and supervisor corrective
actions? Pg 183-186 (Felicia Rodriguez)

List the steps for providing feedback to overcome insufficient work motivation using the
Evidence Based Feedback Protocol. Pg. 190 (Jessica Limon)
List three reasons it's important to inform staff about some aspect of their performance that
they performed well. Pg 191-192 (Jane Pfeiffer)

Why can performance problems outside of the work place be promplimacit for supervisors?
And what can they do? Pg 201-202 (Jane Pfeiffer)

List a couple task list worksheet items the content in this unit apply to:


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