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Personal Improvement Plan Instructions and Rubric

The purpose of this assignment is to teach you one approach to self-assessing your needs for
professional development, which will serve you well for a lifetime.

By the end of the course, you will self-assess your professional skills using the from on page 299
of the Baily & Burch text. You will also ask a colleague to candidly complete an assessment of
your professional skills using the checklist. After reflecting on the results of the assessment, you
will develop a written personal plan for improvement. Use the rubric here and be sure to ask
your instructor any questions well in advance. Whether you use this plan in real life after class is
up to you!

This assignment is worth 7.0 pts.

Format your document with (a) 12 pt font, (b) double spacing, and (c) a header for each item
worth points.

0.5 pt - Cover page

0.5 pt - A written summary of the results of your self-assessment and the assessment
conducted by your colleague (with a separate header for each).
0.5 pt - A statement of your intent to apply the information acquired in this class to improve
your professional skills as indicated by the results of the assessment.
2.5 pts - A plan targeting at least one skill in each domain (i.e., one skill in “Essential Business
Skills”, one skill in “Basic Consulting Skills”, etc.)
- Essential business skill description and plan (approximately 1 paragraph), referencing
at least one article from the “further reading” list at the end of a chapter in this domain
- Basic consulting repertoire skill description and plan (approximately 1 paragraph),
referencing at least one article from the “further reading” list at the end of a chapter in
this domain
- Applying your behavioral knowledge skill description and plan (approximately 1
paragraph), referencing at least one article from the “further reading” list at the end of a
chapter in this domain
- Vital work habits skill description and plan (approximately 1 paragraph), referencing at
least one article from the “further reading” list at the end of a chapter in this domain
- Advanced consulting skill description and plan (approximately 1 paragraph),
referencing at least one article from the “further reading” list at the end of a chapter in
this domain
0.5 pt - A reference section with correct APA 7th edition formatting and at least 5 supporting
2.5 pts - A list of 5 behaviorally stated, observable and measurable objectives, one for each
domain of professionalism.
E.g., For the Vital Works Habits domain, “At least once a month for three consecutive
months, I will use a 4-step approach to dealing appropriately with stress in the

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