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ARTS 1013: Art Appreciation

Part 1: Insert a picture or a painting here of your choice. Don’t forget to include the source. (4 points)

‘ROMEO AND JULIET’ by Sergio Cupido

Look at the artwork carefully then answer each of the following questions in 1-3 complete sentences.

1. What do you think the artwork is about? (4 points)

The artwork is about Romeo and Juliet’s love. See as the two teens try to reach for each other,
but hands of their opposing families are desperately holding them apart from each other. I
believe Juliet strongly and desperately tries to reach for Romeo with one last kiss, as Romeo
who had already assumed Juliet dead, is already dosing off onto his death.

2. What subject type is reflected by the artwork? Why? (4 points)

The subject type portrayed is representational art. This is due to the fact that the subjects in the
painting are both recognizable right away by the audience as to what it is. It also represents an
actual subject from reality.

3. What type of beauty the artwork would most probably fall under? Why? (4 points)
The artwork most likely falls under intellectual beauty. The painting resonates with so many
different meanings depending on the person processing it. Though yes, the overall picture is
labeled as lovers from a tragedy, the underlying symbolisms from its small parts lead to
something else.

4. Identify what way of representing the subject was used in the artwork? (4 points)
ARTS 1013: Art Appreciation Module 2 | 1
The way of representation used is symbolism. Like what I said before, the painting portrays
various messages and speaks a lot to its audience. It also obviously stems from a very different
interpretation of the creator from the story itself.

Part 2: Answer the following questions based on the image above. 10 points

1. How does the artwork make you feel? (5points)

It makes me feel intrigued and reflective. The first time I ever saw this piece, both intrigue and
an overwhelming feeling of awe had struck me both at once. The depiction of Romeo and Juliet's
love in this piece has been true and captivating altogether.

2. If you could change or to put on the artwork’s title, what would you call it? Why? (5points)

   "Unrequited Love" - I'd decided that there is a tinge of melancholy one could feel just by staring at this
marvelous piece. It doesn't say who had experienced the unrequited love, just that you could feel it; a
tugging feeling of overwhelming anticipation and sadness. It's love in its natural form, but this time,
bearing a sad feeling.

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