Prune Belly Synd

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Prune belly syndrome

Article  in  Pediatric Surgery International · December 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s00383-011-3046-6 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Grahame H H Smith Andrew John Holland

Children's Hospital at Westmead Children's Hospital at Westmead


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Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228
DOI 10.1007/s00383-011-3046-6


Prune belly syndrome

S. Hassett • G. H. H. Smith • A. J. A. Holland

Accepted: 14 December 2011 / Published online: 25 December 2011

Ó Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract The majority of paediatric surgeons will It was initially reported by Frolich in 1839, although the
encounter a patient with prune belly syndrome (PBS) only term ‘‘prune belly syndrome’’ was coined by Osler [1]. In
a few times in their clinical practice. There have been many 1950, nine cases were reported by Eagle and Barrett [2]
opposing views in the literature regarding the pathogenesis who described the condition as Eagle-Barrett Syndrome.
and management of this complex condition. A detailed Other synonyms used in the literature include triad syn-
review was conducted using PubMed to identify key pub- drome and abdominal musculature deficiency syndrome
lications involving PBS. This article discusses the evolu- [3]. Whilst PBS was originally described in male infants
tion of our understanding of the pathogenesis and diagnosis with bilateral cryptorchidism as a diagnostic feature,
of PBS, including its typical characteristics. We describe identical abdominal wall and urinary tract abnormalities
the management options available for bilateral intra- have been, albeit rarely, described in females [4].
abdominal testes, the deficient abdominal wall, the dilated While the triad of signs described remain a constant
urinary system and examine the evidence base used to feature in PBS, many other non genito-urinary associations
support the current approaches employed. have been reported (Table 1). Recognition of these addi-
tional elements led Smolkin et al. [5] to suggest the term
Keywords Prune belly syndrome  Cryptorchidism  prune belly association.
Abdominal wall  Hypotonia  Ectasia The purpose of this review article was to examine the
current evidence on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and man-
agement of PBS, together with the level and quality of the
Introduction evidence utilised to support the approach employed in the
treatment of patients.
Prune belly syndrome (PBS) has been characterised by
deficient or absent abdominal wall musculature, hypotonia,
ectasia (that is pathophysiological dilatation or distension) Methods
of the urinary system and bilateral intra-abdominal testes.
A literature search was conducted using PubMed. The term
‘‘prune belly syndrome’’ was used and limited to humans.
A total of 642 publications were identified. Studies which
S. Hassett  A. J. A. Holland (&) used a heterogeneous population of patients including PBS
Douglas Cohen Department of Paediatric Surgery,
were excluded. Case reports, apart from those describing
The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Medical School,
The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia genetic associations, were also omitted. Seventy-two rele-
e-mail: vant articles were identified where the study population
consisted solely of PBS patients. Levels of evidence were
G. H. H. Smith
assessed the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Department of Urology, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead,
Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney, (SIGN) grading system for recommendations in evidence-
NSW, Australia based guidelines [6].

220 Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228

Table 1 Prune belly syndrome associations

Pulmonary (58%) Cardiovascular (25%) Gastrointestinal (24%) Musculoskeletal (23%)

Pulmonary hypoplasia PDA Malrotation (40%) Scoliosis

Tetralogy of fallot Atresia of small bowel and colon Congenital hip dislocation
ASD Splenic torsion Club feet
VSD Imperforate anus Pectus carinatum
Valvular anomalies Gastroschisis Polydactylism
Omphalocele Arthrogryposis
Cloacal anomaly Hemivertebrae
Bilateral cervical ribs

Epidemiology foetus. This distension prevents normal abdominal mus-

culature development and testicular descent. Gonzalez
A recent review of the epidemiology of male infants with et al. [18] demonstrated PBS in sheep that had undergone
PBS by Routh et al. [7] cited an incidence of 3.76 cases per complete urethral obstruction between 43 and 45 days
100,000 live births. An earlier study by Druschel et al. [8] gestation.
quoted an incidence in females of 1.1 per 100,000. Data This theory fits neatly with cases of PBS, which feature
from the United States (US) indicates a significant increase urethral atresia but does not explain PBS when the urethra
in incidence in the Afro-Caribbean population, with a is patent, or the failure to develop the PBS phenotype in
corresponding lower incidence in those of Hispanic origin cases of posterior urethral valves. Delayed canalization of
in comparison to the Caucasian population. There also the urethra during the 11th–16th weeks of gestation has
appears to be an increased incidence of PBS in children of been proposed as a possible mechanism [19]. Transient
younger mothers [8]. urethral obstruction at a critical time in the development of
There are reports of PBS occurring in association with the urinary tract may be responsible. One hypothesis is the
Trisomy 13, 18 and 21, but these cases are too few to presence of a hypoplastic prostate, which occurs due to a
indicate a formal association with these genes [9–11]. focal insult to the developing urogenital sinus mesoderm.
There is some evidence to suggest a genetic influence in The resultant hypoplastic prostate may cause the unsup-
PBS. There are 12 reported cases of familial PBS. Analysis ported membranous urethra to twist, or to create a flap
of these cases has implicated a sex hormone influenced valve mechanism resulting in transient urethral obstruction
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance due to the male [20]. This is supported by the presence of generalized
predominance of the reported cases [12]. prostatic hypoplasia found in PBS patients [21].
PBS is commoner in both monozygotic and dizygotic The other main theory in PBS is a failure of mesodermal
twin pregnancies. Interestingly, in cases of monozygotic development [22]. As the urinary tract, abdominal wall
twins, both discordance and concordance for PBS has been musculature, kidneys and the prostate gland, all affected in
reported, implying that inherited genetic mutations alone PBS, share a mesodermal origin, this appears attractive. An
cannot explain the pathogenesis of PBS [8, 13, 14]. insult to the mesodermal layer during the early stages of
An abnormality of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1b gestation should impact on other organ systems, however,
(HNF1b) has been demonstrated in patients with sporadic which is not the case in PBS. Perhaps more importantly,
PBS. This transcription factor, expressed on chromosome the cause of the insult to the mesodermal layer has not been
17, is found on numerous tissues in the body including identified.
mesonephric duct derivatives, renal tubules of the meta-
nephros and the developing prostate [15, 16]. Diagnosis

Pathogenesis Antenatal diagnosis in the second trimester is now the most

common presentation of PBS [23]. Cases of trans-abdom-
Pathogenic theories of PBS include urethral obstruction inal ultrasound diagnosis between 11 and 14 weeks of
and a mesodermal developmental defect. gestation have been reported [23–25]. Key elements in the
The theory of urethral obstruction was based mainly on sonographic diagnosis of PBS include bilateral hydroureter
observations of postmortem specimens and the anatomy of and hydronephrosis, a distended, thin-walled bladder and
infants with PBS [17]. Urethral obstruction causes bladder oligohydramnios [26]. Oligohydramnios implies reduced
distension and urinary tract dilatation in the developing urine output, poor renal function and subsequent lung

Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228 221

hypoplasia. The presence of severe renal dysfunction and 20% of infants born with PBS classified as category 1. The
pulmonary hypoplasia in PBS is a predictor of nearly 100% presence of severe renal dysfunction and pulmonary
mortality within the first few days of postnatal life [27]. hypoplasia resulted in near 100% mortality within the first
The differential diagnosis includes posterior urethral few days of postnatal life.
valves (PUV) and megacystis microcolon intestinal hypo- Category 2 patients have the classic features of PBS
peristalsis syndrome (MMIHS). In PUV, there is isolated with their prognosis dictated by the degree of renal dys-
dilatation of the posterior urethra in association with a plasia present. There appears wide variation in the degree
thick-walled bladder leading to a keyhole sign. This can of renal dysplasia present in these patients with severe
also occur in PBS if there are associated urethral abnor- forms requiring early dialysis. Routh et al. [7] reported an
malities making it difficult to differentiate between PBS and incidence of 15% of newborns with PBS exhibiting some
isolated PUV on antenatal ultrasound [28]. In MMIHS, seen degree of renal dysplasia with 4% presenting in acute renal
much more frequently in females, a thin-walled bladder is failure. Category 3 patients have normal renal function and
noted in association with normal liquor volume [29]. mild phenotypic features of PBS [36].
The issue of antenatal intervention in PBS is a part of The initial postnatal course of PBS infants is dictated by
the wider question of the antenatal intervention in a foetus their co-morbidities: 75% of infants born with PBS have
showing signs of lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO). co-existing morbidities [37, 38]. The most common is
Decompression of the urinary system in utero can be prematurity with 43% of infants born preterm. Cardiovas-
achieved via insertion of a vesico-amniotic shunt. Case cular and pulmonary problems are also common (Table 1)
reports of vesico-amniotic shunting between 17 and [7, 39, 40].
24 weeks gestation in PBS, in a foetus with a normal Perinatal mortality rates for PBS are quoted between 10
karyotype and the absence of other severe congenital and 25%. This is primarily related to the degree of pul-
abnormalities, have been reported [30–32]. In all cases monary hypoplasia, co-morbid conditions and prematurity.
oligohydramnios improved with survival of the foetus
through the last trimester and into postnatal life, although it
remains difficult to ascertain whether this was a reflection Management issues in PBS
of the natural history of the condition or as a result of
antenatal intervention. A meta-analysis performed by Urinary tract
Clarke et al. [33] indicated that prenatal bladder drainage
may improve perinatal survival in fetal LUTO. An attempt The hallmark of PBS is a low-pressure dilated urinary
to definitively answer this question is currently being system, evident from the renal pelvis to the urethra.
undertaken by the percutaneous shunting of lower urinary Elongated, tortuous ureters occur as normal smooth muscle
tract obstruction (PLUTO) trial, the first randomized con- is replaced by collagen and fibrous tissue. This does not
trol trial of intervention versus conservative management occur in a homogeneous fashion but rather in segments
in foetuses with evidence of lower urinary tract obstruction along the ureter with the distal ureter most affected. Ves-
[34]. The results of this trial will hopefully provide guid- ico-ureteric reflux (VUR) is found in 75% of PBS children
ance regarding antenatal intervention in the PBS patient. (Fig. 1) [41]. Like the ureter, the bladder is enlarged and
distorted due to replacement of bladder muscle with col-
lagen and fibrous tissue. While the bladder may bulge in
Postnatal presentation different directions when intra-vesical pressure is
increased, trabeculations, and muscular hypertrophy are
Classification of PBS, proposed by Woodard [35], was uncommon. A urachal remnant appears common while
based on antenatal and anatomical features (Table 2), with persistence of a patent urachus can be found in the presence

Table 2 Woodard classification of prune belly syndrome

Category 1 (20%) Category 2 (40%) Category 3 (40%)

Pulmonary hypoplasia and/or pneumothorax Typical external features External features mild or incomplete
Oligohydramnios Hydroureteronephrosis Normal renal function
Renal dysplasia Uropathy Mild degree of uropathy
Urethral obstruction patent urachus Renal dysplasia
Club feet Risk of urosepsis
Risk of azotemia

222 Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228

Fig. 1 MCUG demonstrating irregular shaped floppy bladder with

gross VUR bilaterally

of urethral atresia, which allows decompression of the

Fig. 2 MCUG depicting large hypotonic bladder, wide open bladder
urinary system in utero. Urodynamic profiles of PBS neck and dilated prostatic urethra
bladders show that they are efficient at urine storage but
demonstrate significant residuals due to the high incidence The rationale of ensuring adequate bladder emptying is
of VUR and poor detrusor contraction [42]. the basis of the conservative approach to the urinary tract in
The prostatic urethra is wide and elongated and tapers as PBS patients. Implementation of prophylactic antibiotics,
it becomes the membranous urethra when it passes through double voiding and timed voiding in toilet-trained children
the urogenital diaphragm. This can give the impression of coupled with regular functional renal assessments appears
mechanical obstruction, however, the tapering seen is as effective, with fewer complications, as early total uri-
mainly due to redundant folds of urethral mucosa (Fig. 2). nary reconstruction in the setting of stable renal function
Abnormalities of the anterior urethra have all been (Level 3) [47–49]. If adequate bladder emptying cannot be
reported in association with PBS. Both fusiform and sca- achieved by double voiding and timed voiding, regular
phoid megalourethra have been found in association with catheterisation can be implemented to aid urinary drainage.
PBS but are rare. Conversely over 50% of cases of meg- If this proves problematic or painful, due to urethral
alourethra are associated with PBS [43]. A mildly dilated abnormalities, an appendicovesicostomy remains a useful
anterior urethra is the most common abnormality present in procedure to aid bladder emptying. Ectasia and drainage
approximately 70% of PBS patients [44]. patterns also improve over time making the conservative
The primary aim in management of the urinary tract is approach a more attractive option in these complex
preservation of renal function and prevention of urinary patients.
infection. Woodward and colleagues felt that this was best Long-term follow-up of PBS patients also provides
achieved using an approach of early surgery. Proximal important insights into the early surgical versus conserva-
urinary drainage with cutaneous ureterostomies followed tive approach. Fallat et al. reported on 15 patients who had
by later definitive reconstruction and remodelling of the undergone early urinary reconstruction, consisting of ure-
urinary tract was their procedure of choice in PBS patients. teric tapering, reimplantation and reduction cystoplasty. In
They reported stable renal function and a reduced rate of all patients, there were no changes in pre- and postopera-
urinary tract infection in PBS patients treated using this tive serum creatinine levels (Level 3) [39]. Bukowski et al.
approach (Level 3) [45, 46]. The authors acknowledged examined the reduction cystoplasty element of their urinary
that the success of this approach relied on maintenance of reconstructions. In their cohort of 11 patients, there was
adequate bladder emptying which may or may not be some improvement in voiding and reduction in number and
achieved with reduction cystoplasty (Level 3) [46]. severity of urinary tract infections, but long-term review

Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228 223

(mean 7.7 years) demonstrated no reduction in bladder

capacity or improvement in voiding dynamics (Level 3)
[50]. Kinahan et al. [42] also demonstrated no difference in
urodynamic profiles between reconstructed and non-
reconstructed PBS patients (Level 3).
There is a high complication rate associated with sur-
gery in PBS patients [39, 51]. This is likely due to the poor
peristalsis and inherent muscular deficiencies present in the
PBS ureter and bladder. Vesico-ureteric junction (VUJ)
obstruction requiring re-operation in 40% of patients and
failure of resolution of VUR post-reimplant in 30% of
patients was reported in one series [39].
It appears as if early aggressive surgery on the basis of
urinary tract dilatation alone without evidence of com-
promised renal function in PBS appears unwarranted given
the reported success of the conservative approach coupled
with the high complication rate of surgery associated with
PBS patients (Level 3) [39, 47–49, 51].
Anecdotal reports recommend circumcision in the set-
ting of recurrent urinary tract infection in PBS patients,
although no series exploring this question has been pub-
lished [52]. It is likely that the practice has evolved fol-
Fig. 3 Newborn male with PBS, demonstrating classic abdominal
lowing observations in the PUV and high-grade reflux wall appearance
populations of a reduction in urinary tract infections fol-
lowing circumcision [53]. the umbilicus where muscle may be entirely replaced by
One definite indication for early surgery is where fibrous tissue. In contrast, the peripheral abdominal wall
obstruction is present secondary to urethral atresia. These shows normal or nearly normal muscle and fascial layers
cases tend to have a patent urachus or bladder fistula that [55, 56].
has enabled urinary tract decompression in utero. Forma- The basis of abdominal wall reconstruction is the
tion of a vesicostomy or short-term placement of an advancement of these well-innervated, well-vascularised
indwelling urachal catheter provides adequate decompres- peripheral muscle layers with or without excision of the
sion until more definitive surgery is performed in the future deficient central muscle and fascial portions. The rationale
(Level 3) [46, 54]. is that improved abdominal tone, due to the better quality
If there is a steady decline in renal function or consistent tissue, may lead to improved sensation of bladder disten-
failure to prevent or eradicate infection using conservative sion and an enhanced efficiency of the Valsalva manoeuvre
measures then surgery must be considered to provide more in bladder emptying (Level 4) [57].
effective drainage of the urinary system (Level 3) [39, 51]. A number of techniques have been described in abdomi-
Pyleoplasty, ureteric tapering and reimplantation and nal wall reconstruction in PBS. In 1981, Randolph [58]
cystoplasty may improve drainage and prevent infections reported his technique utilising a U-shaped incision between
in some cases, but carry complication rates of up to 40% the tips of the 12th ribs with full thickness excision of the
with revisional surgery often required (Level 3) [39, 51]. lower abdominal layers and advancement of the upper
The complexity of PBS patients means that each case must abdominal layers towards the groin and pubis (Fig. 4).
be approached on an individual basis with no general Erhlich [59] described advancing one fascial flap medially to
consensus as to which surgical procedure is most effective the opposite side via a midline vertical incision creating a
in aiding drainage and preventing infections. double-breasted fascial plate (Fig. 5). Whilst similar, the
Monfort technique, described in 1991, involves extensive
Abdominal wall dissection of both lateral fascial plates prior to a double-
breasted midline closure. This procedure was performed on
As with other anatomical manifestations of PBS, there is a nine patients (age range 1–10 years old) with reports of a
wide phenotypic variation in the abdominal wall of PBS. It satisfactory result in all cases (Fig. 6, Level 3) [60].
classically consists of poorly organized central abdominal The Firlit technique, reported in 1998, has the advantage
musculature interspersed with dense collagen (Fig. 3). All of an extra-peritoneal approach. Skin flaps are raised lat-
muscle layers are commonly affected particularly below erally to expose the fascial layer via a vertical midline

224 Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228

Fig. 6 Monfort technique: this technique involves extensive dissec-

Fig. 4 Randolph technique: this technique utilises a U-shaped
tion of both lateral fascial plates prior to a double-breasted midline
incision between the tips of the 12th ribs with full thickness excision
of the lower abdominal layers and advancement of the upper
abdominal layers towards the groin and pubis

Fig. 7 Firlit technique: this technique plicates the lateral fascial

layers in a double-breasted fashion in the midline without lateral
fascial dissection or incision of the midline fascial plate
Fig. 5 Erhlich technique: this technique advances one fascial flap
medially to the opposite side via a midline vertical incision creating a
double-breasted fascial plate technique has been described in 13 boys (age range
9 months–11 years) with a follow-up period of
incision (Fig. 7). This lateral fascial layer is plicated in a 17–207 months. Three patients required further surgery at
double-breasted fashion in the midline without lateral fas- 14 months, 1 and 5 years post-initial surgery (Level 3)
cial dissection or incision of the midline fascial plate. This [61]. A laparoscopic-assisted technique was described in

Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228 225

2005 to visualise suture placement and prevent inadvertent from newborns and prepubertal children. Massad et al. [68]
suturing of underlying bowel [62]. described atypical germ cells in testicular biopsy speci-
Smith et al. reported on improved bladder emptying in mens from three boys aged 5.5, 6 and 7 months old. Adult
their series of 12 patients following Monfort abdominal males with PBS are azoospermic with little or no germ cell
reconstruction. Subjective improvements in continence, maturation [69]. It is unclear whether this occurs due to
sensation and urinary flow were noted in the majority of developmental arrest, failure of descent, late orchidopexy
patients. Improved postvoid residuals from 40% down to or a combination of all three factors.
13% were reported. Five out of 10 patients noticed a There are three treatment options available to treat intra-
reduced defecation time with increased quantities of stool abdominal testes in PBS: single stage bilateral orchidopexy
evacuated, while two out of 12 patients with poor bowel with preservation of the vascular pedicle, single stage
control reported a reduced laxative requirement (Level 3) bilateral Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy or a two stage
[57]. The authors speculated that a contributory factor to Fowler-Stephens bilateral orchidopexy. These can be per-
these improvements was as a result of the increased pres- formed via either an open or a laparoscopic technique.
sure of the Valsalva manoeuvre in accordance with Pascals Success rates of 80 and 85% are reported for single stage
principle (pressure = force/area), although no formal and two stage Fowler-Stephens orchidopexy, respectively
measurements were performed. [70]. A standard single stage orchidopexy for intra-
Crompton et al. [63] demonstrated that air-trapping abdominal testes has a reported success rate of [90% [71,
secondary to poor respiratory effort from deficient 72]. The laparoscopic approach would seem the procedure
abdominal wall musculature was the main feature of spi- of choice for the management of intra-abdominal testes with
rometry testing in patients with PBS (Level 4). No inves- comparable rates of testicular survival reported [73, 74].
tigation of postoperative spirometry has been published in Literature relating specifically to orchidopexies in PBS
PBS patients, but anecdotal evidence suggests an improved demonstrates higher rates of testicular loss. Denes et al.
clearance of respiratory secretions post-abdominal recon- [51] reported on single stage bilateral orchidopexy at the
struction 64]. time of urinary reconstruction. In 32 patients, an 8%
While these studies are informative, there is insufficient atrophy rate was noted and 8% of testes were positioned in
evidence currently to justify abdominal wall reconstruction the inguinal region. The mean age of surgery was
as anything other than a measure to improve the appear- 23 months with a mean follow-up period of 60 months
ance of the abdominal wall. Advocates argue that the (Level 3) [51]. Fallat et al. demonstrated that children
improvement in a patient’s self-esteem post-reconstruction [2 years showed a higher atrophy rate (30%) compared
warrants an aggressive approach at an early age although with only 4% of those \2 years following orchidopexy
this is based on anecdotal reports rather than any evidence performed at the time of urological reconstruction. Of
base. It is worth noting that good cosmetic outcomes have these, 82% were single stage orchidopexy, 14% the Fow-
also being achieved with improvement in abdominal wall ler-Stephens technique and 4% a staged Fowler-Stephens
laxity over time using abdominal corsets for support, technique [39]. The largest series was reported in 2004 by
although once again the evidence for corset use remains Patil et al.: in the 31 boys who underwent a single stage
weak [58, 65]. orchidopexy, at a mean age 8 years, there was a testicular
atrophy rate of 16% with 24% showing evidence of a
Cryptorchidism smaller testis. In the two stage orchidopexy group
(n = 30), where the mean age of surgery was 3.2 years, the
Bilateral intra-abdominal testes remain one of the major testicular atrophy rate was 3% with smaller testes noted in
features of PBS. Mechanical obstruction secondary to the 13% of boys. Of those patients who had a single stage
enlarged bladder and urinary system, coupled with the bilateral orchidopexy, 10% required hormonal supple-
absence of central abdominal wall musculature likely mentation at puberty while all children who had a two stage
impedes normal descent of the testes. The gubernaculum, orchidopexy underwent spontaneous puberty (Level 3)
important in testicular descent, has been noted to be atretic [75].
or abnormally attached at the pubic tubercule [66]. The There are only three reports in the literature of laparos-
presence of developmental abnormalities in the PBS testis copic orchidopexy in PBS and these primarily relate to
leading to failure of descent has also been suggested technical issues rather than testicular survival. Problems
although the evidence is contradictory. with air leak were reported due to the absent abdominal
Orvis et al. [67] studied the testes from fetal specimens musculature. Recommendations from these reports suggest
and noted reduced spermatogonia and Leydig cell hyper- careful port fixation, higher CO2 flow rates and the use of
plasia. Conversely Nunn and Stephens [66] described longer instruments due to the lax abdominal wall (Level 4)
normal testicular histology for age in autopsy specimens [76–78].

226 Pediatr Surg Int (2012) 28:219–228

The higher rates of testicular loss reported in PBS Improvement in bladder emptying may be achieved by
patients might reflect older age at orchidopexy rather than timed voiding and intermittent catheterisation. If low
PBS as an independent risk factor for increased testicular postvoid residuals are not achieved using these conserva-
loss following orchidopexy. Orchidopexy was often timed tive methods, then more aggressive treatment by internal
when urinary reconstruction and abdominal wall recons- urethrotomy or vesicostomy has been reported (Level 4)
truction were performed which was beyond the first year [83, 84]. Acute graft torsion secondary to the abdominal
of life. Current guidelines recommend early orchidopexy wall laxity is a specific problem in PBS patients, with
(\1 year) to maximise testicular function and reduce the abdominoplasty or transplant nephropexy advocated to
risk of malignancy [79]. These guidelines should also prevent occurrence (Level 4) [83, 84].
apply to PBS patients. Where urinary or abdominal wall PBS patients have similar outcomes to age-matched
reconstruction is considered in the first year of life, a controls following renal transplantation. This is likely a
single stage abdominal orchidopexy should be performed reflection of the preoperative preparation to ensure ade-
at the same time. At this early age, it has been noted that quate bladder emptying coupled with vigilant post-trans-
it is easier to achieve mobilisation to allow for successful plant follow-up in these patients.
scrotal placement of the testis (Level 4) [39]. If no
abdominal surgery is planned then a laparoscopic
approach should be utilised with a single stage procedure Conclusion
used where possible to allow maximum potential for the
testes to survive and develop. This review highlights the complexities of patients with
PBS and the difficult management decisions that are faced.
Renal transplantation The literature, while informative, has been predominately
retrospective reviews from single institutions reporting
Nearly a third of PBS patients outside the postnatal period treatment options and outcomes. A more collaborative
will progress to renal failure requiring transplantation. approach is now required in the form of multicentre pro-
Early identifiable risk factors are renal cystic disease and spective randomized studies assessing specific treatment
dysplasia reported in approximately 50% of infants with outcomes. Without this, we will be none the wiser over the
PBS. The most accurate marker of significant renal dys- coming decades into the correct management of these
plasia is nadir creatinine; that is the lowest consistent complex set of patients.
creatinine level in the first 12 months of life. Canning et al.
reported that a creatinine level of [0.7 mg/dl was a strong
predictor of progression to renal failure in later life.
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