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2. Find the activity that is different.

1. A. walk the dog B. brush my teeth C. have a shower

R//= walk the dog
2. A. sweep the floor B. watch TV C. make the bed.
R//= watch TV
3. A. go to bed late B. jog C. hike
R//= go to bed late
4. A. have lunch B. cycle C. have dinner
5. A. roller-skate B. swim C. go to the cinema
R//= go to cinema

3. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb affirmative (+) or negative (-).

Mary (1) likes to keep fit, so she (2) doesn’t TV every

night. She

(3) (+) watch exercise. On Mondays and Fridays, she (4) does. Her friends

(5) swim, so she goes alone. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, Mary and

her friends

(6) doesn’t jog in the park. They (7) swim when the weather is bad.

Also, Mary

(8) jog a lot. She (9) doesn’t go her car very often. She’s

very active.

Sometimes she (10) cycles to the shops!

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