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Semester Fall 2020

Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Assignment No.01
Question :1

Read the given scenarios, identify the defense mechanism person is using and justify

Scenarios Identification Justification

1*4 (4) 4*4 (16)
Alina was so angry; she Displacement  In displacement, the
missed her college bus, got person channels their
late and also forgot her emotion towards
homework at home. Her another target. For e.g.,
teacher warned and scolded kicking wall because
her. When she came back you cannot hit your
home, she hit the wall and spouse.
chair, screamed on her  Displacement has
mom and slap her younger usually be observed
brother. with anger whereby,
people using
displacement direct
their anger towards a
non-threatening target.
 This non-threatening
target could be a non-
living item such as a
toy, a can of a soft
drink or another person
whose reaction is not
threatening to the
person, for e.g., a child,
wife and/or younger
 Alina used
displacement because
she could not say
anything to her teacher
when she scolds her.
Therefore, Alina
channeled her anger
towards her mom and
younger brother
because they were safer

Altamash failed in his exams Rationalization  In rationalization, the

because he didn’t study. He person tries to reason
told his family that he failed their way out of a
because his teacher didn’t particular situation.
like him and couldn’t teach  The reasons given are
him well. particularly targeted at the
society, situation or an
individual for the problem
faced, for e.g., taking a
bribe because the salary is
not enough.
 Rationalization involves
blaming others and letting
yourself of the actual
responsibility of the
 Altamash in the scenario
did not acknowledge his
own shortcomings but
rather blamed the teacher
for his failure.
Zarnish comes to a Regression  In regression, the person
counselor and she is having reverts/goes back to an
suicide ideation and severe earlier stage of life in
depression. During the order to cope with the
session, counselor notices problem.
that she began to refer  The idea behind
herself by a 7 year old girl regression is that the
name, uses a language and
person goes back to a
voice of a little girl and act
stage/point where things
like a child.
were fine for them.
 This, going back to an
earlier stage may involve
the person becoming a
 The person also while
regressing tends to
indulge in childish
behavior (crying, tantrum
a childish voice, and etc)
 Zarnish, instead of facing
what is out there and to
avoid threatening
impulses, reverts to an
earlier stage of life
Zeeshan don’t like his wife Sublimation/Reaction  In sublimation, the person
and spend a lot of time away sublimes their personal
from home with his Formation feelings for a particular
girlfriends. When he comes person/scenario and rather
home, he brings lot of gifts adhere to socially
for his wife and praises her. acceptable behaviors.
 The person sublimating,
fights against their actual
feelings, which are
unacceptable and tend to
behave in ways which are
 For example, if a person
has a disliking for their
homeland. He knows that
this is unacceptable,
therefore, he tries
showing his liking for the
homeland by indulging in
patriotic activities.
 Zeeshan, similarly, in this
scenario, despite not
liking his wife and
spending time away from
her, suppresses his actual
feelings for his wife and
behave very lovingly
towards her.
 In reaction formation, the
person, in order to avoid
the unacceptable
impulses, behaves in an
opposite manner.
 A person with reaction
formation realizes that the
feelings they are having
are wrong and that they
should not have such
 For example, if a person
does not like his parents.
He realizes that his
parents have done a lot
for him and that it is
wrong to dislike them.
This person takes care of
them excessively and
while completely denying
the feelings that he has.
 Zeeshan does not like his
wife and spends time
away from her with other
girls. In order to avoid the
impulses of disliking that
he has for his wife, he
behave in an entirely
opposite way.

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