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Good Morning everyone. My name is _____, a youth ambassador of

paradise farms national high school.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, I am honored that I am welcome to this palace

even thought in virtual world representing fraction of nation

and on behalf of the student body.

Mr. President

I don't want to wander around anymore. Sraight to the point,

we want better action and plan to social inequality. It leads to

poverty... yes

Poverty doesn't just make it difficult for families to survive,

it can also have much wider economic impact.

let me start it by showing some pictures, how inequality

particularly wealth inequality affects our nation

as child,worker, and filipino

three pictures, different kind families, different scenario, but similar in

one thing. They all in the poverty line. Mr pres This is only just a

blink of an eye

of how wealth inequality needed to have a better developmental action

It is considered blasphemous, from a progressive perspective,

to question the assumption that wealth inequality is a social ill,

but the idea really doesn’t stand up to rational scrutiny, and the
great amount of time and effort spent on trying to “solve” inequality

simply diverts resources from

solving the fundamental problem, which is poverty.

policy brief released by the De La Salle

University Angelo King Institute (AKI) revealed.

s in many other parts of the world, it is often

the indigenous population that suffers the most.

In the Philippines, the approximately 1.7 million people

belonging to the nation's 100 ethnic groups remain the most

disadvantaged, with discrimination and a

lack of opportunities creating serious barriers.


If schools are focused on measuring their success solely by

overall student achievement, students who bring down the average

are more likely to be forced out. Instead, curriculum development

and classroom priorities should focus on each student’s

individual success. A more compassionate and understanding

school environment is likely to reduce the need for security

guards, police officers, and zero-tolerance policies—all of which

contribute to a hostile and regimented environment.

health care

Many Filipinos continue to die or suffer from

illnesses that have well-proven, cost-effective interventions,

such tuberculosis, HIV and dengue,

or diseases affecting mothers and children.

the average life expectancy for the Philippines in

2014 was 68.2, which is significantly below the

world average and other East Asian countries.

Higher salary, and efficient medical equipment for all health care



As in many other parts of the world, it is often the

indigenous population that suffers the most. In the Philippines,

the approximately 1.7 million people belonging to the nation's

100 ethnic groups remain the most disadvantaged, with

discrimination and a lack

of opportunities creating serious barriers.


wealth inequality are complex problems,

but they can be addressed by governments and aid organizations

working together to ensure that opportunities are more readily

available for the nation's poorest people.

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