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Name: Raymond C.

Gutierrez Date: January 20, 2021

Grade and Section: 12 STEM - Platinum

Activity 1: What I Have Learned (ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES)

Why do you need to accept others point of view, action or differences?

- Accepting differences is one way or another to respect how he/she think. We have
different personality, environment where we grew, and lastly peer surrounding us. In this case,
you’re not only help someone to grow but also you yourself as a human. Also, you'll learn new
things and make better decisions, which in turn will help your career and improve your self-
confidence. Thus, this will open a door to an opportunity of a more humane thinking.

Activity 2:  What I Can Do (ACCEPTING DIFFERENCES)

Comment on the motivational quote of Charles R. Swindoll, “We cannot change
our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change
the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our
attitude.  I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”

- Our wellbeing may be influenced not only by our attitude or response to what has
happened, but also by our attitude or expectations on what could happen. We may opt to have a
mentality of apprehension or one of allowance and interest if there is something looming on the
horizon, something that we are helpless to manage. The result of the incident cannot affect or
depend on our mood; however, it is possible to modify our wellbeing.

By exercising relaxed understanding of that which we cannot fix, it is best to have an

open approach to future happenings. Chances are, the case is not ever going to take place.
Chances are, the incident is going to take place in an unpredictable way and not to the level
imagined by our frightened minds. Chances are a surprising silver lining would be uncovered by
the case.

Let's see if we can maintain a straightforward outlook, as if we are reading a book or a

mystery, on what lies ahead. We don't know how the next chapter or even the next page will
finish, nor can we predict it. But as we playfully try to maintain our balance between the
threatening waves and surprising splashes, we can relax in our chair and encourage the tale of
life to run through and around us.
Activity 3:  What I Can Do (ACCEPTING OTHERS)

Recall and write a short narrative of a situation in your life where you had seen and
made your own differences a guide in doing your best.

Being a server or “Sakristan”.

“Karangalan ang makapaglingkod sa iyo”

This is one way or another for me of being different in terms of doing my best. Some are striving
hard, study hard, and focus only in one thing to achieve their goal. But I have different opinion about
this, being grateful to our God is the best way to achieve your goal. His guidance makes you more
successful than you think in the future.

This is different, but this is my great decision so far. Thank you!

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