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Name : Afifah Ikrimah

Class : 4BA
Listening 4
Transportation Technology
Along with the development of an increasingly modern era, more and more developments
taking place in this world are more advanced and sophisticated. One example is the rapid
development of transportation technology. Transportation technology is technology that is
able to support the movement of people or goods from one place to another by using vehicles
that are driven by humans or machines, so transportation itself is used and created to facilitate
humans in carrying out daily activities.

There are three types of transportation technology used, namely land transportation, water
transportation, and air transportation. Land transportation technology is a transportation
vehicle that runs using the road to transport goods or people. Land transportation can be
divided into two types namely motorized and non-motorized vehicles which are still used
today. Transportation that is not traditionally engined and lasts a long time, for example,
bicycles, tricycles, carts, carts and many others. Then, transportation technology that uses
modern machines and continues to this day such as motorbikes, buses, trains and so on.
Water transportation technology is transportation through water which includes transportation
of rivers, lakes, straits, and sea. Transport equipment that is in the water are also simple and
modern. Simple water transportation equipment including rafts, canoes, boats and sailboats.
While modern means of transportation include passenger ships consisting of fast ships, jets,
ferries, cruise ships, and also cargo ships consisting of tankers and container ships. Then air
transportation technology is a type of vehicle technology or transportation that operates in the
air such as airplanes. Airplanes are generally able to fly in the air or in the atmosphere and
are generally also used to transport people or goods.

The function of transportation technology is to transport passengers and goods from one
place to another. The use of transportation technology is not only to launch goods or services,
but also can help achieve optimal allocation of economic resources. Transportation
technology also functions as a development support sector and service provider for economic
development. The function of transportation technology also plays an important role in
efforts to achieve the goals of economic development in a country.

Overall, with technology, it can provide many benefits for transportation. This will help in
developing new transportation technology systems. Therefore, the more technology used, the
easier it is for public transportation

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