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Reflection #2

This week, I erased the parts of the template that were left on the Solutionary Project

page of my Weebly. After I erased all of it, I made some ideas as to what I wanted on the page,

but I was unable to add it back, so it was empty for the week. I did some research and found that

I was just supposed to add a section to get back what I erased. I am still deciding if the

Solutionary Project page should have anything on it, or if I should create a separate Home Page

with paragraphs, such as why I chose the topic, or buttons that lead to the other pages. This

week, I also did the second research log. It was more difficult to find a documentary because I

was searching up the wide topic of neuromuscular diseases, but it was a lot easier to find when I

searched up muscular dystrophy documentaries. I forgot to post the first research log and

reflection to my Weebly this week, so I need to do that next week. I have been drawing sketches

of what the cutouts for the various animals would look like so that we know which size we

should make them and how much of each color felt we should buy. I think that it should be six

inches and be able to fit at least three cutouts on one piece of felt, but Crishelle thinks that we

should make them larger and fit, at most, two cutouts on one piece of felt. I agree that we might

have to make them bigger because some of the skinner animals, like the zebra and dinosaur,

would be awkward to hold. I still have not found the proper dimensions and templates for the

animals because I am not sure what version of the dolls we are going for, like a tall T-Rex or a

long dinosaur with spikes. I also think that we need to find some way to see what the paper

versions will look like with stuffing in them because it could either be bigger from the stuffing or

smaller because the stuffing is stretching the felt.

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