English Test Teacher

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A) Complete the text with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

I 1____________ (work) for a construction company. We 2____________(build) roads, dams, bridges and things
like that. At the moment my company 3____________ (produce) a plan for a new motorway. I
usually 4______________(work) in the roads department, but this month I 5______________(work) in the
department that 6______________ (build) bridges. So my whole working day is different just now. I
normally7_____________(spend) a lot of time outdoors, because I 8_______(go) to the construction sites. But
with this new project I9_____________ (spend) a lot of time in the workshop. At the moment
we 10_________________(test) a model of one of the new bridges. I 11___________ (enjoy) it a lot, because
I 12____________ (learn) a lot of new things.

B) Answer about the text?

1. What does Richard do? _________________________________________________________________

2. Which is the company’s plan? _____________________________________________________________

3. Is he working indoors or outdoors this month? _________________________________________________

4. Is he repairing an old bridge at this moment? __________________________________________________

5. Does he like working? Why? Why not? _______________________________________________________

C) Identify 5 nouns, 5 adjectives, 5 verbs and 5 cognates in the text. Translate them


1.________________ 1. _________________ 1. _______________ 1. _______________

2. ________________ 2. _______________ 2. _______________ 2. _______________

3. _______________ 3. _______________ 3. _______________ 3. _______________

4. _______________ 4. ______________ 4. _______________ 4._______________

5. ______________ 5. _______________ 5. _______________ 5. _______________

D) Translate the text












E) Complete the sentences using your own ideas

1. There is

2. There aren’t __________________________________________________________________

3. How many ____________________________________________________________________

4. Martha was ___________________________________________________________________

5. The boys aren´t going to _________________________________________________________

6. My friends didn´t ______________________________________________________________


A) Read the following text and answer the questions below.

1. How often do dolphins swim beside boats?

2. Are dolphins considered the most dangerous animals?

3. Are female peacocks more beautiful than male ones?

4. What is a male peacock like?

5. Where do crocodiles live?

6. What can crocodiles do?

B) True or False?

1. ____ Dolphins live in lakes.

2. ____ Dolphins are very good swimmers.

3. ____ Sometimes dolphins save people.

4. ____ The peacock is orange and yellow in colour.

5. ____ The peahen is smaller than the peacock.

6. ____ Crocodiles live in rivers.

7. ____ Crocodiles don´t have sharp teeth.

8. ____ Crocodiles can attack and kill people.

C) Identify 5 nouns, 5 adjectives and 5 verbs in the text. Translate them


1.________________ 1. _________________ 1. _______________

2. ________________ 2. _______________ 2. _______________

3. _______________ 3. _______________ 3. _______________

4. _______________ 4. ______________ 4. _______________

5. ______________ 5. _______________ 5. _______________

D) Write the Comparative or Superlative form.

1. The Taj Mahal is one of the the world’s _______________ (beautiful) buildings.

2. Wood is one of the _______________ (old) materials used in construction.

3. Facing brick is _______________ (smooth) than common brick. It has a _______________ (attractive) view
and it is used for the _______________ (visible) parts of buildings.

4. Flooring brick is the _______________ (hard) type of brick used for factory floors in the _______________
(heavy) goods use.

5. Structural frames made of steel can be _______________ (long) than frames made of wood

6. 1. The world’s _______________ (long) sea bridge was opened in China, a 26.4 mile-long structure.

7. The Stelvio road is located in Italy; at 9045 feet is the _______________ (high) paved mountain road.

E) Choose 4 sentences from exercise D and translate them


2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Esc. Técnica n°3 de Vialidad Nacional “Gral. Manuel Belgrano”

a) Read the postcard and answer the questions.

Dear Naya,

I’m staying with my friend Julie in Santa Cruz. Her parents have a lovely house near the beach.
I can see the beach from my window. Every day, we get up at nine o’clock and bike to the store.
We buy milk, bread, and eggs. Then we come home and make breakfast for the family. We all
have different things for breakfast. Julie usually has an egg on toast and a glass of milk. Her
brother Mike has two eggs and bacon and a cup of tea. Julie’s father Tony has cereal, two eggs,
bacon, and two cups of coffee. Her mother Angie has toast and jam, and a cup of coffee. I
usually have cereal with milk and a glass of orange juice. After breakfast, we go to the beach.
At the moment, Tony is reading a magazine and Angie is taking photos. Julie is swimming and
Mike is playing volleyball. I’m sitting under a beach umbrella and writing this postcard to you and
eating ice cream. It’s delicious chocolate ice cream with nuts on it. It’s really YUMMY!!

See you soon.

Love, Marisa

1. What can Marisa see from her window? _______________________________________________________


2. Who makes breakfast every day? ____________________________________________________________


3. Does Julie have a cup of tea for breakfast? _____________________________________________________


4. What is Tony doing at the moment? __________________________________________________________


5. Who is playing volleyball? _________________________________________________________________


6. Is Marisa writing this postcard? ______________________________________________________________

b) Correct the mistakes.

1. You are dancing in the evening? ____________________________________________________

2. He usually get up late. ____________________________________________________

3. I don’t write an e-mail at the moment. ___________________________________________________

4. They’re swim in the pool now. ___________________________________________________

5. My brother have toasts for breakfast. ___________________________________________________

6. Do Rita visit her parents every Saturday? ___________________________________________________

c) Use the information given to write about Sarah.

Name: Sarah Fox ____________________________________________________

Age: 15 ____________________________________________________

Abilities: play the piano and do karate ___________________________________________________

Routine: get up at 8 and go to bed late ___________________________________________________

Now: listen to music and chat with friends ___________________________________________________

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