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Siloam‘ 7 Student Record esaas MEDICINE @UPH LEMBAR KASUS STATUS NEUROLOGI/ NEUROLOGY CASE SHEET Status Lengkap / Complete Status Identitas Pasien / Patient Identity Tnisial Pasien / Patient Initial 2UTI DELLA MAHARANI Kelamin / Sex Sex: Female / Ph: 082251443961 Twat 008 Pee apne Status Perkawinanl Marital Status: _3r. dr Racksy Fransiske SANK PEMBANGU ‘Agama / Religion Pendidikan / Educational Status ‘Alamat / Addrees Keluarga Yang Bisa Dinubungl / Family Contact Number Pekerjaan / Occupation \bv wmak dangse . ‘Tanggal Masuk RS/Date of Admission: 9/1] 0 Jam/Time: 21° ‘Tanggal Pemeriksaan / Date of Examination :/iifo Jam /Time: |2. (4° HAutoanamnesis [] Alloanamnesis dari...; PARE ‘fAutoanamnesis [] Alloanamnesis from... : POG ‘Tanggal Pulang /Date of Discharge :C/li/20 Jam/Time: [2 4.- ANAMNESIS (alloanamnesis/autoanamnesis) KELUHAN UTAMA / CHIEF comPLAIN: Neo pergetancjan fangan fenon Seale Vhainage PYRE RIWAYAT PENYAKIT SEKARANG / Present Iliness History: Pater doting olergan Welvhan MYen’ a’ Poryelangern Janyan kenan Sef | mya, Gerry, Myer paren reucrleen een Soot mengze— feryelamgan fengan, Partr pag hecraken beans adore akean Retematen pool me hs r Pergeters an ee Res aaa fen’ yom pherg late RIWAYAT PENY, DAHULUS Posies Hisfon “p ere poets” eaten Fawen mengenskat aelonye nwesah | Regenghel afoge fergatt rebelomngn anya untuk kebutuhan pendldkan/For educational purpose only ‘57H 1403.10/2 Goh dem dor tebgit, Teter: Polnen menace leas Qergiena Soioim fonayere| tage ee C cow hep’ paw agpitis: | @UPH Student Record RIWAYAT KELUARGA / Family History: . Aber erjerpkal Colona Keluhan fevpa ali helusgonga, RIWAYAT SOSIAL/KEBIASAAN/POLA. HIDUP ( Social History / Life style ): fanen Lenka melakulenn heqpatan Reyutile Pemhel PEMERIKSAAN FISIK / PHYSICAL EXAMINATION STATUS GENERALIS cues Keadaan umum / General Appearance. Ago Kesadaran / Consciousness Gouge ren Tekanan darah / Blood Pressure : vos fye° —Pemnapasan/ Breath £ U8x Jaa Nadi/ Heart ate 3} x/m — Suhu/ Temperature © Onpeters Kepala / Head from cepa Mata/ Bye CA [-)—) pc Coreen) THT/ENT Palam —berbey wormat Leher/ Neck PHle cola Pemberann [eR . Thorax/ Thorax Paloim loevtes hurral Paru/ Lung Ves tly, rh (-)_) poke) Jantung /Cor fy [peyton / eamenr C-), \altep C-) Abdomen/ Abdomen Aolow betes hema! Punggung/Back gertan bahar hemat Extremitas / Extremity Abofr fener (~) petal inte it, eaten open tiraan £/ Fekuctun W-ter nl tone rene ele trner FF) Phaillen (-/-) anya untuk kebutuhan pendiikan /Fr educational purpose only 57H 1408.10/1 Hospitals} FACULTY O} MEDICINE ‘Ss i= Student Record STATUS NEUROLOGIS / NEUROLOGICAL STATUS ccs E4My Ve Tanda rangsang meningeal/ Meningeal sign Kaku kuduk / Neck sifiness = Tanda Laseq / Laseque sign 7 70 /> Fe Tanda Kemnig/ Kemnig sign 71 25- />12.5 Brudzinski 1/ Brudzinski [sign Brudzinski Il / Brudzinsgt If sign” — Saraf Kranialis / Cranial nerve Kanan Kiri ! ‘Nervus I: gangguan menghidu /Olfactory Disorders eae Nervus I: Visus / Vision wv Bee. ie ‘Kampus/lapang pandang (Konfrontasi test) / Visual field oe eulcion Warna / Colour benieal rae a Fundus / Fundus wormed ! ‘Nervus III, IV, VI eae ‘ oe Sikap bola mata Celah Palpebra Ak eric Sie shape ) Ilort pana dobar blab Amber (lon Reflex cahaya langsung / Direct light reflex + a Reflex cahaya tidak langsung / Indirect light reflex up a Reflex konvergensi / Convergency reflex Nistagmus / Nystagmus a + Pergerakan bola mata / Hye movement oo a 4H Aveta ermal Motorik /Motoric Inspeksi / Inspection Palpasi / Palpation Membuka mulut / Open mouth La Gerakan rahang / Jaw movement wermat Sensorik / Sensorie Vana | ‘Sensibilitas VI /17 sensibility ae =e Sensibilitas V2 /V2 sensibility Sensibilitas V3 /V'3 sensibility ot hi Reflex komea / Corneal reflex A. ea Polat Clilobukan Hanya untuk kebutuhan pendldiken /For educational purpose only ‘57H 1408.10/1 Siloam'syHospitals Student Record Nervus VIL | Sikap mulut istirahat / Resting mouth movement we ‘Angkatalis, kerut dahi, huormal tutup mata dengan kuat / Kembung pipi poral Menyeringai Lerma | Rasa kecap 2/3 anterior lidah ornacu{ ULTY OF DICINE (@UPH 2 Nervus VIII Nervus cochlearis Suara bisikan / + i+ ‘Suara gesekan jari +/+ Rinne +/+ Weber Schwabach it Nervus vestibularis | Nistagmus Berdiri dengan satu kaki: Mata tertutup (Stand with I feet : Close eve) — prorat Mata terbuka (open eye) worms f BBerdiri dengan 2 kaki: Mata tertutup hormol Mata terbuka en Berjalan tandem haconaa Fukuda stepping test creat Past pointing test Ra see NIXX z ‘Arkus faring / Pharynx arch @ Wetrs Bila obdengab - Disfoni / Dysphony = Disfagi / Dysphagy = Reflex faring / Pharynx reflex yclab dulorbukon - N.XI Sternocleidomastoid Norte, | Trapezius hormal NII Sikap lidah dalam mulut Deviasi / Deviation a Atrofi / Atrophy = Fasikulasi/ Fasciculation — — Tremor / Tremor & anya untuk kebutuhan pendidikan /For educational purpose only 7H 1403.10/1 FACULTY OF MEDICINE | (UPI 1 Student Record Menjulurkan lidah honmor! Kekuatan lida heormal MOTORIK / MOTORIC Extremitas Atas / Upper Extremity Inspeksi /Inspection Atrofi/ Atrophy — Fasikulasi / Fasciculation — Palpasi: tonus (Palpation: Tone) Wwormaetoues . Kekuatan / Power Sendi bahu /ShoulderJoint — S15 Biceps CS Triceps de Pergelangan tangan/Hand movement S/S Extensi Jari/ Finger extension oly Menggenggam / Grasp we Gerakan involunter /Involunter Movement _—y_ Extremitas bawah / Lower Extremity Inspeksi / Inspection ‘Atrofi/ Atrophy — Fasikulasi/ Fasciculation — Palpasi: tonus (Palpation : Tone) Wwotrutovica Kekuatan / Power Gluteus ae Hip flexor de Quadeiceps hamstring cdc ‘Ankle dorsi flexi de Gastrocnemius n Gerakan involunter/ Involunter Movement’ — /— Refleks fisiologis / Physiologic Reflex Biceps 9 t+ AT Triceps (4 KPR rae teh APR 4+ [44 Refleks patologis / Patologic Reflex Babinski = —/— Chaddock =~ f — Oppenheim = — f — Gordon, a Hanya untuk kebutuhan penditkan /For educational purpose only ‘STH 1403.10/1 Siloam* yy Hospitals FACULTY OF | @ Student Record Schatter ay Rossolimo Mendel Becthrew — — / — Hoffinan Trommer SENSORIK / SENSORIC Eksteroseptif Raba Wome! Nyeti Worms | Suhu homme Propioseptif Posisisendi — Worma) Getar wor ma| KOORDINAS! / COORDIANTION Tes Tunjuk-Hidung \ormat Tes Tumit-Lutut es Disdiadokokinesis ern | OTONOM, Miksi bonnet Detfekasi lsmet Sekresi keringat stn | FUNGSI LUHUR: MMSE ermal : Wante, 412 tahun ote: Aingan belhon Viger’ peryelans cn fom ip Ldn es Pela ren vs : Yt pada dor pomped cham lurch yor} hileons Aube. Resin oe » atthe letras ain Wergiilele. eermtoal - fooln poner brea fla di fimel tee Ce) pola Pepelengan fowgom fernrorn, DIAGNOSIS / DIAGNOSE Kiinis/Clinie: favrerten’ can) © i choxhe om Feupam be Tops! opt han, bcolians Peo Etiologi / Etiology (eeespe ti, Patologis / Patology lpha, ¥ Hanya untuk kebutunen pendatan /For educational purpose only $74 1403.10/1 Sree meseicis MEDICINE | @UPH Student Record DIAGNOSIS KERJA / WORKING DIAGNOSE Corpo fume! Paroliome daha DIAGNOSIS BANDING / DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSE Grrlea Pedueulspattey ; PROGNOSIS / PROGNOSE Ad vitam now Adfunctionam : Cuba ag Brav~ Ad sanationam (ee SARAN PEMERIKSAAN PENUNJANG / Tidal. alo . SARAN TERAPI / THERAPY SUGESSION Won Weclilee renters : einen 4 Fagan. ere ao Merpshrohaflean Aree — forsan tertelul paola = Nerrotrisn (Xt tem - fact hi ‘Nama dan td mahasiswa/ Stents nome and signature Preceptor/Precepior (thadeer Winabr. (de Prag by! ‘anya untuk kebutuhan pendldkan /For educational purpose only ‘57H 1403.10/2

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