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Nowadays, we have seen a lot of environmental problems. There are many problems, and one of
them is water pollution. Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of a stream, river,
lake, ocean, or any other stretch of water, depleting water quality and making it toxic for the
environment humans. There are two types of water pollution, the first one is organic pollution,
due to microorganisms, present in the water, generated by excrement, animal and vegetable
waste. The second one is chemical pollution, generated by the nitrates and phosphates of
pesticides, human and animal drugs, heavy metal, acids and hydrocarbons used in industries.

All of you must be wondering, how can this happened? First, it’s because of the industries.
Industries produce a lot of waste containing toxic chemicals and pollutants. A huge amount of
the industrial waste is drained in the fresh water which then flows into canals, rivers and
eventually in the sea. Next, it’s because of the marine dumping. Everyday, garbage such as
plastic, paper, alumunium, food, glass, or rubber are deposited into the sea. These items take
weeks to hundreds of years to decompose, and they are a major cause for water pollution. Last,
it’s because of the radioactive waste. Radioactive waste can linger in the environment for thousands of
years. When these substances are released accidentally or disposed improperly, they threaten
groundwater, surface water, as well as marine resources.

From all of those causes, we definitely have to prevent or solve this problem. There are many ways to
help our environment. The simple step is plastic waste reduction. 80% of plastic in our oceans is from
land sources. In order to reduce the amount of plastic entering our ocean, we need to both reduce our
use of plastic globally, and to improve plastic waste management. We also can do wastewater
treatment. Wastewater treatment consists of removing pollutants from wastewater through a physical,
chemical or biological process. The more efficient these processes are, the cleaner the water becomes.
Last but not least, we can do green agriculture. Globally, agriculture accounts for 70% of water
resources, so it is essential to have climate-friendly crops, efficient irrigation that reduces the need for
water and energy-efficient food production.

As a good human being, we must protect our environment, and try not to pollute the river, ocean, lake,
and stream.

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