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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Turn to Subject Field 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the
corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
B. Knowledge
1. For _____________, a human being is a C. Wisdom
rational animal, a being that possesses rights to life and D. Arche
liberty and that is superior to 9. Philosophizing begins from ___________ which is linked
non-human animals. to the drive to fullness.
A. Plato A. Inner restlessness
B. Socrates B. Doubt
C. Aristotle C. Metaphysical uneasiness
D. Parmenides D. Wonder
2. An organized body of knowledge with systematic 10. ___________ can also impel man to ask philosophical
investigation. questions.
A. Philosophy A. Inner restlessness
B. Science B. Doubt
C. Mathematics C. Metaphysical uneasiness
D. Values D. Wonder
3. Philosohia comes from the Greek word 11. ___________is be unsure of one’s own physical
philos, meaning “love” and “________”, meaning existence.
“wisdom”. A. Inner restlessness
A. Sophia B. Doubt
B. Telos C. Metaphysical uneasiness
C. Beyond D. Wonder
D. Physical 12. “Man by nature is ___________.
4. Philosophy of the Human Person is a unique discipline A. Perfect in nature
where_________. B. Critical Thinker
A. Man refer to others C. Inquisitive being
B. Man looks at himself D. Good inner and out
C. Man is perfect in many aspect 13. To philosophize is to explore life by asking
D. Man finds peace of mind ____________
5. Philosophy is a science that, by the light of natural reason, A. Beautiful Question
studies the ____________, ____________, and B. Painful Question
____________ which govern all things. C. Deeper Question
A. Ultimate causes-reasons-principles D. Educational Question
B. Reasons-ultimate causes-sources 14. Philosophy is the beginning of enlightenment and the end
C. Causes-sources-ultimate causes of ____________.
D. Ultimate causes-reasons-sources A. Question
6. Philosophy is a mother discipline because it is a: B. Doubt
A. Meta-discipline C. Mystery
B. Deals with other worldview D. Life
C. Criticizes other disciplines 15. Greek philosophers departed from the Greek Mythology
D. All of the above. in trying to discover the truth and unity of all things. They
7. ____________ are inescapable realities which cannot be concluded that even the god and goddesses were
changed but only to be acknowledged. ______________ in many aspects.
A. Phenomena A. Perfect
B. Limited Situation B. Imperfect
C. Beautiful
C. Every day Life D. Good
D. Sens De la vie 16. It attempts to distinguish good reasoning from bad
8. ______________ is the feeling of a philosopher and reasoning.
philosophy begins with it. A. Logic
A. Wonder B. Metaphysics
1|First Periodical Exam – Introduction to Human Philosophy
C. Aesthetics 27. He is a loyal follower of Parmenides. Thus, he believed in
D. Ethic and Moral the notion of one and he also rejected the concept of
17. It is a branch of philosophy that studies how people ought change.
to act and the search for a definition of right conduct and A. Anaximander
the good life. B. Heraclitus
A. Aesthetics C. Zeno Of Elea
B. Ethics/Moral D. Thales of Miletus
C. Logic 28. He considered philosophy as a good way for the
D. Epistemology purification of the soul.
18. It is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature and A. Pythagoras
scope of knowledge and justified belief. B. Protagoras
A. Logic C. Parmenides
B. Aesthetics D. Plato
C. Epistemology 29. Which of the following is NOT the teaching of
D. Ethics/Moral Pythagoras’s religious Cult?
19. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with nature and A. Contemplative Life
appreciation, art, beauty and good taste B. Numbers
A. Logic C. Eating Meat
B. Aesthetic D. Reincarnation
C. Moral/Ethic 30. He claimed that the entire universe consists of one thing,
D. Metaphysics which never changes, has no parts, and can never be
20. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the question of destroyed. He called this thing as the One.
purpose. A. Thrasymachus
A. Aesthetic B. Thales
B. Logic C. Plato
C. Metaphysics D. Parmenides
D. Teleology 31. He believed that reality is made up of four elements
21. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the existence namely earth, fire, air, and water. He is regarded as
of being, an approach that goes beyond the physical. pluralist because reality is made up of many elements
A. Metaphysics instead of only one.
B. Existentialism A. Pythagoras
C. Logic B. Anaxagoras
D. Teleology C. Protagoras
22. Man is understood in terms of his own experience. D. Empedocles
A. Existential Approach 32. Matter becomes infinitely divisible. Whenever you divide
B. Phenomenological Approach matter, each separated part will contain elements of
C. Anthropocentric Approach everything else.
D. Theocentric Approch A. Pythagoras
23. Man is understood in terms of his own existence. B. Anaxagoras
A. Phenomenological Approach C. Protagoras
B. Existential Approach D. Empedocles
C. Theocentric Approach 33. He is the Father of Western Philosophy.
D. Anthropocentric Approach For him, water is the origin of everything. It is the basic
24. Man is understood in his own terms, but basically on stuff because all things have moist.
reason. A. Empedocles
A. Cosmocentric Approach B. Protagoras
B. Anthropocentric Approach C. Parmenides
C. Theocentric Approach D. Thales of Miletus
D. Existential Approach 34. For Him, Air is the arche of the universe because the air
25. Man is understood from the point of view of God. is infinite, in constant motion and it encompasses all
A. Logical Approach things. All livings are survived by air.
B. Theocentric Approch A. Anaximander
C. Cosmocentric Approach B. Anaximenes
D. Existential Approach C. Zeno of Ella
26. The Greeks were concerned with the nature and the D. Parmenides
universe. Thus, man being part of the universe must 35. The ultimate urstoff is atom. Therefore, reality is made up
maintain balance and unity with the world. of atoms.
A. Anthropocentric Approach A. Anaximander
B. Cosmocentric Approach B. Democritus
C. Existential Approach C. Georgians
D. Theocentric Approach D. Empedocles

2|First Periodical Exam – Introduction to Human Philosophy

36. All things are in flux. You cannot step into the same river A. Hedonism
twice... fresh waters are ever flowing upon you. For him, B. Epicurianism
the only permanent in this world is change. C. Cannibalism
A. Anaxagoras D. Determinism
B. Thrasymachus 46. ______________ is taken to be contrary to pain but
C. Heraclitus related to enjoyment and sensual experience.
D. Georgias A. Power
37. ______________ is a process of transformation whereby B. Pleasure
what is fed into it is transformed into something else. C. Poverty
A. Water D. Preasure
B. Air 47. He claimed that pleasure was the highest end of life and
C. Fire that pleasure and suffering were the criteria of good and
D. Earth evil. All pleasures are equal in value, but differ in degree
38. Empedocles assumed that there are in nature two forces. and duration.
A. Love and Hate A. Aristippus
B. Compassion and Hatred B. Epicurius
C. Mercy and Compassion C. Cyrenaics
D. Good and Evil D. Aristotle
39. The ___________ is immortal and imperishable, 48. He claimed that because the past is gone and the future is
changeless, bounded less, both in space and in time, and not certain, the present enjoyment of sensual pleasure,
does not have the characteristics of ordinary elements and that is, what they called “the smooth motion of the flesh,”
their composites. is the supreme good in life.
A. Water A. Aristippus
B. Apeiron B. Epicurius
C. Fire C. Cyrenaics
D. Air D. Aristotle
40. They believe that all matter has life and the universe is 49. Happiness, our final end, lies in pleasure, but the ultimate
alive. good of pleasure comprises peace of mind and tranquillity
A. Sophist rather than sensual gratification.
B. Hylozoist A. Aristippus
C. Eleatic B. Epicurius
D. Ionians C. Cyrenaics
41. We ought to seek happiness as our ultimate end in life and D. Aristotle
pursue everything else for the sake of happiness. 50. What are the five images that you can find in Plato’s
A. Eudaemonia Allegory of the Cave
B. Weltenchauung A. Shadow-prisoner-fire-roadway-sun
C. Arche B. Prisoner-fire-roadway-sun-cave
D. Urstoff C. Stone-chains-prisoners-sun-darkness
42. They are commonly known as the intellectuals. But they D. Shadow-prisoner-fire-roadway-philosopher
were practical people. They are the source of knowledge. 51. We tend to feel a strong sense of certainty for when we
A. Hylozoist observe visible and tangible things. Still for Plato, there is
B. Eleatic a degree of certainty that seeing gives us, but this is not
C. Ionians absolute certainty.
D. Sophist A. Intelligence
43. According to Him, “Man is the measure of all things, of B. Reason
the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are C. Imagination
not, that they are not.” D. Belief
A. Empedocles 52. We are never fully satisfied as long as we must to have a
B. Protagoras perfect knowledge would require that we grasp the
C. Pythagoras relation of everything to everything, the unity of the
D. Parmenides whole reality.
44. He believed that “injustice is to be preferred to the life of A. Intelligence
justice. Thus, he did not look upon injustice as a defect of B. Reason
character. C. Imagination
A. Heraclitus D. Belief
B. Zeno of Ella 53. The most superficial form of mental activity is found in
C. Thrasymachus this level. Plato only means that the sense experience of
D. Thales appearances wherein we take appearances as true reality.
45. A position which claims that pleasure or happiness is the A. Intelligence
highest or most intrinsic good in life, and that people B. Reason
should pursue as much pleasure and as little pain as C. Imagination
possible. D. Belief
3|First Periodical Exam – Introduction to Human Philosophy
54. Understanding using scientific or mathematical 64. Beyond
hypothesis. A. Episteme
A. Intelligence B. Theos
B. Reason C. Meta
C. Imagination D. Pistis
D. Belief 65. Belief
TRANSLATION: Give the Corresponding Greek/Latin A. Philos
meaning translation of the following words. B. Anthropos
C. Sophia
55. Knowledge
D. Pistis
A. Theos
66. Friend
B. Cosmos
A. Philos
C. Episteme
B. Theos
D. Arche
C. Cosmos
56. Imagination
D. Dianoia
A. Pistis
67. Man
B. Anthropos
A. Episteme
C. Dianoia
B. Academia
D. Eikasia
C. Eikasia
57. Origin
D. Anthropos
A. Arche
68. Wisdom
B. Cosmos
A. Sophia
C. Theos
B. Arche
D. Sophia
C. Pistis
58. Reason
D. Philos
A. Noesis
69. Mask
B. Philos
A. Weltenshauung
C. Dianoia
B. Eudaemonia
D. Episteme
C. Persona
59. World
D. Ousia
A. Telos
70. Happiness
B. Arche
A. Weltenshauung
C. Philos
B. Eudaemonia
D. Cosmos
C. Persona
60. God
D. Ousia
A. Sophia
B. Theos
PHILOSOPHICAL THINKING: Choose three (3) thesis
C. Meta
statements/questions and develop a good and comprehensive
D. Pistis
philosophical scheme. (10 pts each).
61. End
A. Academia
1. Explain the reason why Protagoras, the Sophists and
B. Telos
Thrasymachus’ concepts are anthropocentric in nature.
C. Anthropos
D. Noesis
2. What are the possible consequences of Protagoras’
62. Physical
concept of man as the measure of reality?
A. Physika
B. Sophia
3. Explain Plato’s concept of the soul.
C. Eikasia
D. Cosmos
4. Evaluate the Hedonist concept of happiness in the light of
63. Intelligence
our present generation.
A. Philos
B. Arche
5. What is the resemblance of Plato’s philosophy and
C. Dianonia
D. Noesis


4|First Periodical Exam – Introduction to Human Philosophy


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