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Self-Review Commentary

Name(s): Ahmad Azlan bin Arifin

Class: A20G
Owner of the Commentary: Muhammad Syahirin bin Mohd Sharfi

Identify and fill in the items below

No. Items Yes/No.

Sentence(s) from the commentary.

1. Is there a selected IA prompt? Please state. What is the relationship between

personal experience and knowledge?

2. Is there any unpacking/discussion of the IA The commentator shows how

prompt? Is the unpacking/discussion personal experience has an indirect
relevant to the context of the object? impact on perspectives towards
knowledge. Through further
discussion, he relates the object to
the IA prompt extensively.

Suggestion(s) for improvement The discussion of the IA prompt is

slightly unclear and might require
further clarification in shorter terms.

3. What is the IA prompt It questions the effect of a person’s

questioning/challenging? What aspect of understanding towards knowledge
knowledge does it explore? and explores the tools and
perspectives of knowledge that
affects said understanding. In the
commentary, the relation between
multiple tools, perspective and
knowledge is clearly shown.

Suggestion(s) for improvement Cognitive tools that are mentioned in

the commentary should be specified
to ensure clarity of understanding of
the commentary.

4. Is there an object? Is it a generic object or The commentator refers to two

have a specific real-world context? specific lines of lyrics of the song

‘Fine Line’ by Harry Styles.

5. The link between the object and IA prompt This is shown through the examples
is clearly explained and justified given in the commentary which
show multiple scenarios in which
personal experiences could affect
the knowledge gained.

Suggestion(s) for improvement The example given might be too

extensive and include excessive
details. This could cause incoherence
of the argument that the
commentator aim to achieve.

6. Strong justification on the choice of object The link of the object towards the IA
and effectively link to the IA prompt prompt is clearly shown through the
conclusion of the commentary,
although it is not justified clearly.

Suggestion(s) for improvement Including personal engagement

towards the object could provide a
strong justification on the choice of

7. The justification is done within the context The commentary mostly discuss of
of the core theme, or one of the optional the relation between knowledge and
theme knower, correlating to the context of
the core theme.

Suggestion(s) for improvement

8. All points are well supported by evidence Most statements in the commentary
are generalised or speculative.

9. Use of relevant core concepts and Link between the object and the IA
effectively discuss the link between the prompt is clearly shown through the
object and IA prompt discussion, with overarching use of
core concepts.

Suggestion(s) for improvement

10. Concise wording technique is applied in Certain sentences are slightly
the writing confusing or incoherent, the
commentary could be structured

11. TOK concepts and tools used are explained Certain concepts and tools are
implicitly in the writing mentioned and related to the
discussion, however in certain
instances might require further

12. Summarize and very briefly synthesize From a personal point of view, the
what the object have shown is the answer argument and object presented by
(or are the answers) to the IA prompt the commentator, it proves that
question. personal experience affects the gain
of knowledge.

13. Use the object to comment on the Prompt Poetry, Music and Arts are often up
question and to talk about how Theory of to personal interpretation that is
Knowledge manifests in the world around affected by our past experiences.
us. This in turn, affects the knowledge
we gain from these sources.

Marks: 7/10

Overall Comment: It’s a good commentary overall, with a good, coherent idea that is easy to agree with.
However, sentence structuring in the commentary could be improved, as it might affect the coherence
of your commentary. Personal engagement and justification would also be a plus point as it serves as a
proof of the argument that is presented.

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