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Brett Mosley

BSC2844 – BioSkills Module 5 Homework

@UWF: Academic Strategies for Success

Activity #1: The Study Cycle

After watching the video on The Study Cycle, list and summarize the 5 steps of the study cycle?

1. Preview- Gives you the big picture. Details become more obvious and lectures more interesting.

2. Attend- Attending lecture is a must if you want to achieve good grades.

3. Review- Helps strengthen information from short-term to long-term memory.

4. Study- Throughout the week it’s import to review content covered so that you can integrate it
into different study materials.

5. Assess- The process of evaluating your understanding of new material. Asking questions like
“where do I need to focus?”

Which of the five steps of the study cycle do you currently do when you study? Explain how you could
implement one additional step of the study cycle that you do not currently do.

I implement steps 2 and 4 (attend & study) in my current routine. I will definitely be incorporating the rest
of the additional steps into my routine as they will help me achieve my academic goals at a much easier and
faster pace.

Activity #2: Note Taking

What is one strength in your notes and one thing that you think is lacking in your notes?

Strength: I am a very organized note taker. If I ever need to quickly go back through my notebook
and find something specific I am usually able to do so fairly easy.

Weakness: I am bad about not being able to pick out the most important topics, I usually take too
many notes that include things that don’t always necessarily help me study.

What are three characteristics of good notes?

1. Organization

2. Keeping things detailed and specific

3. Don’t add too much “fluff” meaning, don’t overdo it and write down everything word for word.
Activity #3: Study Environment

1. Describe your typical study environment. Where do you study, what do you have with you, do you have
computers/cell phones/televisions/music on? (3 sentences)
I study in my room sitting at my desk. Usually, I will play music in the background with the volume turned
down enough that it is not distracting. I am pretty meticulous about how I arrange my desk depending on
what subject I am studying. I just try to make my work environment as efficient and comfortable as it can
possibly be.

2. What is your biggest challenge while studying? (3 sentences)

Staying away from my phone is usually the biggest challenge I have to overcome when studying. I run a
pressure washing business on the side to help me pay for school, and I have to be able to communicate
with customers in a timely manner. I am working to come up with a solution to this so that I am not
constantly drawn away from my computer when I need to be studying.

Resources for Academic Success (Homework)

Identify two things you can do to get extra help for your courses. Provide a summary of what they are
(include format [online or in-person], contact information, dates, etc.). Based on that information when
can you take advantage of those resources?
I could take advantage of the Tutoring and Learning Resource Center to help me with a lot of my general
studies. These are online tutoring sessions that are available through appointment via UWF Navigate. You
pick an available date ahead of time that works for both you and the tutor. If you did not schedule a specific
date, they may offer drop in/walk in sessions for you to attend without scheduling in advance. Course
specific workshops are also a good tool to utilize as well. These workshops come sometimes count
positively towards your grade in the form of extra credit.

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