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95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

1 5 9.0900 13.46813 6.02313 -7.6329 25.8129 .00 30.00

2 5 28.2260 4.70787 2.10543 22.3804 34.0716 22.22 35.24

3 5 37.8660 12.63818 5.65196 22.1736 53.5584 24.12 58.50

4 5 38.7860 16.39284 7.33110 18.4316 59.1404 20.70 62.44

Total 20 28.4920 16.82690 3.76261 20.6168 36.3672 .00 62.44



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2851.733 3 950.578 6.016 .006

Within Groups 2528.013 16 158.001

Total 5379.747 19

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons


(I) (J) 95% Confidence Interval

Perlakua Perlakua Mean Difference (I-
n n J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 2 -19.13600* 7.94986 .029 -35.9890 -2.2830

3 -28.77600* 7.94986 .002 -45.6290 -11.9230

4 -29.69600* 7.94986 .002 -46.5490 -12.8430

2 1 19.13600* 7.94986 .029 2.2830 35.9890

3 -9.64000 7.94986 .243 -26.4930 7.2130

4 -10.56000 7.94986 .203 -27.4130 6.2930

3 1 28.77600* 7.94986 .002 11.9230 45.6290

2 9.64000 7.94986 .243 -7.2130 26.4930

4 -.92000 7.94986 .909 -17.7730 15.9330

4 1 29.69600* 7.94986 .002 12.8430 46.5490

2 10.56000 7.94986 .203 -6.2930 27.4130

3 .92000 7.94986 .909 -15.9330 17.7730

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.





95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

1 5 .0000 .00000 .00000 .0000 .0000 .00 .00

2 5 29.3120 13.88836 6.21107 12.0673 46.5567 15.00 50.77

3 5 21.9380 2.82626 1.26394 18.4287 25.4473 17.56 24.20

4 5 27.4040 8.60063 3.84632 16.7249 38.0831 15.45 37.76

Total 20 19.6635 14.18591 3.17206 13.0243 26.3027 .00 50.77



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2724.177 3 908.059 13.216 .000

Within Groups 1099.381 16 68.711

Total 3823.558 19

Post Hoc Tests




95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

1 5 18.4340 15.22891 6.81057 -.4752 37.3432 .00 42.42

2 5 30.8480 3.29229 1.47236 26.7601 34.9359 26.56 35.24

3 5 26.4960 3.28705 1.47002 22.4146 30.5774 23.11 30.00

4 5 24.4500 8.64431 3.86585 13.7167 35.1833 15.45 37.76

Total 20 25.0570 9.49334 2.12277 20.6140 29.5000 .00 42.42



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 399.195 3 133.065 1.621 .224

Within Groups 1313.150 16 82.072

Total 1712.345 19




Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing

User-defined missing values are treated as missing.



95% Confidence Interval for Mean

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

1 5 66.5280 16.47098 7.36605 46.0766 86.9794 47.58 90.00

2 5 27.1280 15.22425 6.80849 8.2246 46.0314 .00 35.24

3 5 28.6700 17.21829 7.70025 7.2907 50.0493 .00 45.00

4 4 23.3500 7.46387 3.73194 11.4733 35.2267 15.45 33.21

Total 19 37.1068 22.73532 5.21584 26.1488 48.0649 .00 90.00



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 5938.813 3 1979.604 8.824 .001

Within Groups 3365.291 15 224.353

Total 9304.104 18

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons


(I) (J) 95% Confidence Interval

Perlakua Perlakua Mean Difference (I-
n n J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 2 39.40000* 9.47318 .001 19.2084 59.5916

3 37.85800* 9.47318 .001 17.6664 58.0496

4 43.17800* 10.04782 .001 21.7616 64.5944

2 1 -39.40000* 9.47318 .001 -59.5916 -19.2084

3 -1.54200 9.47318 .873 -21.7336 18.6496

4 3.77800 10.04782 .712 -17.6384 25.1944

3 1 -37.85800* 9.47318 .001 -58.0496 -17.6664

2 1.54200 9.47318 .873 -18.6496 21.7336

4 5.32000 10.04782 .604 -16.0964 26.7364

4 1 -43.17800* 10.04782 .001 -64.5944 -21.7616

2 -3.77800 10.04782 .712 -25.1944 17.6384

3 -5.32000 10.04782 .604 -26.7364 16.0964

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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