Question Words

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Fill in who, why, what, how, how much, how many, how old, when, where, whose.

1. _________ are you so happy? because I have a birthday party.

2. _________ is sitting behind you? Rita.
3. _________ do you go to school? by bus. 
4. _________ does the first lesson begin? at 8.00 o'clock.
5. _________ is the police-station? in front of the park. 
6. _________  is the weather like in Israel? It's hot. 
7. _________  do the tickets cost? I don't know. Maybe 15 $. 
8. _________ does your mom go to work in the morning? by taxi. 
9. _________ does he usually have for lunch? rice and fish.
10. _________ wants to sing this  song? Tamara .
11. _________ book is that? It's Maria's.
12. _________ do you have the longest holidays? in summer.
13. _________ can translate this word in English? I can.
14. _________ is your address? Main Street 16.
15. _________ are you crying? because I lost my keys.
16. _________ works in this school? my aunt.
17. _________ does the boy come from? from Brasil.
18. _________ are her brothers? sixteen .
19. _________  is  your test? on Monday 
20. _________  does this jacket cost?  200 dollars.
21. _________  is reading a letter now? David.
22. _________  do you go on Friday? to the swimming lesson.
23. _________  water do you want? one glass of water, please.
24. _________  does the museum open on Sundays? at nine o'clock .
25. _________  can we buy  milk here? at the supermarket.
26. _________  are you doing now? cooking spaghetti.
27. _________ is your sister going to do today? to do her homework .
28. _________ is your English teacher? Mrs. Berry
29. _________ is your favorite color? orange.
30. _________ is his wedding? in September 

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