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Name : AS
Subject/Topic: English/Discussion Text
Class : XII (Twelve) Science
Date : 23rd October 2017
T : Adi, I want to ask you. Why do you wear your jacket. Are you sick?
A : Yes ma’am
T : Ok. Because he said that he is sick, you can pray for him
T : Ok, my students, Last week. I had told you that. Today we are going to study
discussion. Actually, when will you use discussion Cici?
S : when we have a problem.
T : do you want to say that discussion just .. Do you know what Discussion in Bahasa?
S : Diskusi (Discussion)
T : Ok in Bahasa we can take that diskusi. Ok take a seat Cici. You can see there my
students, you can see that when we study discussion text firstly when we talk about
discussion text firstly when we talk about genre, you will understand what the purpose of
the text. Previous genre you had studied especially about explanation, isn’t it. ?
S : Yes
T : and I hope all of you know have not what is explanation text now we can continue to
discussion text. Cici has just said that discussion same with diskusi.You, Pernando pernah
ga kamu diskusi,? (Pernando, Have you ever discussed)
S : Pernah Ma’am (I’ve, ma’am)
T : Kamu Lidya pernah ga diskusi? Sama siapa kamu diskusi (How about you Lidya?
Whom do you discussed with?)
S : Teman Ma’am (with my friends, ma’am)
T : Teman sebangku. Teman yang lain. OK. Kalau kamu berbicara berdiskusi apa sih yang
mau kamu diskusi kan? (table mate and the other friends. OK. If you discuss, what will you
S : Penyelesaian masalah (Overcome the problem)
T : Apa ga harus berantem dulu? (will you fight first?)
S : Ga ma’am? (No, ma’am)
T : OK. Actually when we want to talk about discussion, we just want to see or to know
about the various perspective, isn’t it?. That’s why firstly, we can say the various perspective, the
purpose of this one we can see that. To present two point of view about an issue. If we have an
issue, it is same with the topic actually, how can we explore the various perpective. Bagaimana
sih kita bisa mengekpor? Yang dikatakan mengeksplor itu apa sih
S : Menjelajahi (Explore)
T : Menjelajahi, menggali. Kira kira apa yang mau kita gali? Pendapat yang bermacam
macam yang kita cari. Nanti kita mau katakan apa? Agree and disagree. Goodfriend apa yang
akan kita katakan agree? (Explore, what will we explore? Various of opinion which we are
looking for. What will we say? Goodfriend
S : Setuju
T : In bahasa? Setuju. Kalau misalnya dikatakan disagree, siapa yang tau?
S : Semua tau.Ketidaksetujuan
T : iya. Ketidaksetujuan. Agreement and disagreement, so in this case, when we talk about
explore various perspective, actually we just want to know that how many person pro with the
issue and how many person cons with the issue. We can say Pro it is agree. And then con is
disagree with the issue. So when we talk about agree, berarto lalu kata saja yang berhubungan
dengan setuju? Kenapa kita setuju?Ada ga disana sebuah keuntungan?
S : ada ma’am (
T : Are you sure?
S : Yes ma’am
T : Are you sure, there are advantages?
S : Yes ma’am
T : Apa kah kalau kita menyatakan setuju, karena kita akan mendapatkan keuntungan?
S : Yes ma’am
T : Apakah kita mau setuju kalau kita mendapatkan kerugian
S : No
T : So,apa dalam bahasa Inggris kerugian?
S : Disadvantages
T : So the word of Pro aloud with advantages and disadvantages. Right, look this one. Talk
about agree and disagree, and so here my students when I tell you purpose of discussion
text to present show two point of view, berarti kita akan menampilkan menyampaikan
yang dikatakan two point of view, dua pandanagn yang dikatakan tentang sebiuah issue.
Misalnya ada sebuah topik, kita muncul kan satu topik, kita ada di posisi mana? Ketika
kita mengatakan kita pro atau pun con. Satu hal, for instance, I take the topic is about
abortion. Apa itu abortion?
S : Abosri
T : Kalau saya katakana aborsi, kamu setuju atau ga setuju dengan aborsi?
S : Tidak setuju.
T : Ok Raise you hands up if you say agree. Agree. Ga ada?
S : No ma’am
T : yang disagree? Yang lain nya gimana? Ok right my students. Don’t be a negative
thinking. Jangan berpikiran negative jika kita berbicara tentang aborsi. Why do I say that?
If the pregnant mother ketika seorang ibu hamil, there is a disorder pregnancy kalau ada
kelainan pada kemahilan kan harus di abort juga, harus digugur kan juga. Apa kah kamu
setuju jika ibu hamil tersebut harus menderita akibat kelainan pada kehamilan nya?
S : Tidak ma’am
T : Ayo mana tanggung jawab mu? It is about responsibility. Kalau kita berbicara tentang
discussion ada yang di sebut tentang responsibility. Ada pertanggung jawabnya. Siapa
yang setuju jika ibu hamil dibiarkan saja kandungan nya rusak dan bisa mematikan siapa
yang setuju?
S : Ga ada ma’am
T : Nah, berarti kita bisa pilah menjadi dua. Ada yang setuju ada yang tidak setuju. OK. I
continue. I want to ask you again. Talking about abortion. Do you agree or disagree with
this topic. Bisa berubah? Siapa yang sertuju kalau ada kelainan pada kehailan nya? OK
Several student agree. We can say that talk about abortin Pro and Con. Kenapa kita
katakana Pro. Tadi kata nya karena ada disorder pregnancy. Iya benar. Why don’y you
agree? Kenapa tadi kita katakan tidak setuju? Satu hal because of infertility,
mengakibatkan kematian. Ok now we can continue, saya mau Tanya dulu pelajaran yang
lalu tentang explanation text? Kira kira siapa yang bisa mengatakan apa text organization
dari explanation text? Ok Lidya Stand up.
S : There are three generic structure are general statement, explanation and conclusion
T : OK Good. Do you agree with Cici?
S : Yes ma’am.
T : Ok Let’s see about this one, what are the generic structure of discussion text? The first is
issue, issue is statement of review. The second is argument. Argument it means when we
have an issue and we continue to the argument and next we can continue to the
conclusion or recommendation. After we talk about the text organization, we talk about
the lexico grammatical features. The first is material processes. Material processes use in
discussion text next there are two relational processes which is related to the
consequences. Misal nya gini, kalau kita tadi bicara tetntang aborsi, apa sih konsekuensi
nya? Maka pendapat kita tadi itu disebut dengan argument. So, I will divide you into
sixteen groups, one group consists of two students and I will give you some topics and
you and your partner must choose one topic and show your arguments in pro and con
side. Maka kamu boleh berdiskusi dengan teman mu, dengan menggunakan agreement
dan disagreement.
Name : RN
Subject/Topic: English/Discussion Text
Class : XII (Twelve) Social
Date : 27th October 2017

T : OK, my class. I had told you about the topic that we are going to learn today. Who still
remember about the topic?
S : About discussion text ma’am
T : OK good. I hope you had search several information about it. But, before we continue.
I’d like to ask you about our previous lesson. Could you tell me what it is? Hayo apa
pelajaran kita sebelum nya?
S : Explanation Ma’am
T : OK. Do you still remember the goal of explanation text?
S : Menjelaskan ma’am?
T : Menjelaskan apa? Siapa yang tau? Hendri, do you know?
S : Tujuan kan ma’am?
T : Ya, Goal means tujuan in Bahasa. Tell us about the goal of explanation?
S : The goal is tell processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific, and cultural
phenomena. Or to explain how or why something happens.
T : OK. Great. Now, We continue our lesson to Discussion text. Who know the meaning of
discussion in Bahasa?
S : Diskusi Ma’am
T : Ok What are you going to discuss?
S : Banyak ma’am.
T : Give us one example.
S : Diskusi tentang pelajaran ma’am
S : About problem ma’am
T : OK, any other?
S : Politics, education and many other ma’am
T : OK. I’ll give you a text and then I want you analyze the text. I will divide you into 5
groups. OK Here is the text. The text talk about credit card.
After 15 Minutes
T : OK what have you got from the text
S : Opinion ma’am,
S : Kesimpulan Ma’am
S : Pendapat Ma’am
T : Opinion in Bahasa is Pendapat. So you have same idea with the other group. Opinion
here means argument. My question, how many arguments have you got?
S : Many arguments ma’am.
T : Are they same in one side?
S : Maksud nya ma’am?
T : Apakah argument nya memiliki pendapat yang sama posisi nya?apakah mereka semua
setuju tentang topic itu?
S : Oo, Tidak ma’am. Ada yang setuju ada yang tidak setuju.
T : When someone setuju. How to say Setuju in English?
S : Agree ma’am
T : How about tidak setuju?
S : Disagree ma’am?
T : OK. When someone agree it is the argument of Pro and when someone disagree it called
by Con. But before we talk about the argument. Do you know why they discuss about
credit card?
S : To show different opinion ma’am
T : OK. It means that when someone discuss about something it means that there are two
different points of view about a topic. When we talk about a genre of discussion we will
see the generic structure. There are three generic structures. The first an issue which is
talk about the definition, maka kamu akan temukan itu pada paragraph yang pertama,
then argument which is show some opinions of agreement and disagreement. Kamu bisa
lihat ini di paragraph selanjut nya. The last is conclusion, we can see it at the ;ast
paragraph. OK I’ll give you time ten minutes to find out the issue, argument and
conclusion. Saya minta kerja nya individual. Jadi cari issue, argument dan conclusion
S : OK Ma’am
(Students )
T : Ok. The time is enough for you. Saya mau volunteer five students. Who want to be?
S : Me ma’am
T : four more
S : me and my friend Linda Ma’am.
T : Ok. There are three volunteers. Who wants to join?

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