Assessment: Biology

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Question 1
Which one of the following is a pollutant of the air?
oxygen (B) water vapour (C)
carbon monoxide (D)

Question 2
Which type of solution is formed when sulphur dioxide dissolves in water?
acid (B) alkaline (C)
neutral (D)
sulphur chloride

Question 3
Which of these substances can be formed by burning fossil fuels?
sodium chloride (B) carbon dioxide (C)
nitrogen (D)

Question 4
Which of these compounds helps to cause the greenhouse effect?
water (B) sulphur dioxide (C)
CFCs (D)
carbon dioxide

Question 5
Which of the following pollutants of the air causes the ozone layer to become thinner?
sulphur dioxide (B) CFCs (C)
oxides of nitrogen (D)

Question 6
Where was the ‘hole’ in the ozone layer first noticed?
Africa (B) Antarctica (C)
The Arctic (D)
South America

Question 7
Which of these elements may occur in fossil fuels?
sulphur (B) nitrogen (C)
helium (D)

Question 8
Which one of the following pollutants helps to cause acid rain?
carbon monoxide (B) CFCs (C)
sulphur dioxide (D)
lead compounds

Question 9
Which one of the following pollutants can spread germs that cause diseases?
farm chemicals (B) leaking oil from oil tankers
(C ) untreated human sewage (D) chemical waste from factories

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Question 10
What harm will a ‘hole’ in the Earth’s ozone layer cause?
(A) The average temperature of the Earth will increase.
(B) The oxygen content of the atmosphere will increase.
(C) Sea levels will rise as the Polar ice caps melt.
(D) More ultra-violet radiation will reach the Earth.

Question 11
Which of the following does NOT have a major role in the greenhouse effect?
carbon dioxide (B)
methane gas
CFCs (D)
nitrous oxide

Question 12
Which of the following will NOT result from global warming?
(A) rising sea levels (B) more droughts
(C) more damaging storms (D) a larger ozone ‘hole’

Question 13
Why does deforestation make global warming worse?
(A) Trees absorb moisture from the soil.
(B) Trees take carbon dioxide from the air.
(C) Trees make the landscape look attractive.
(D) There will be a shortage of timber.

Question 14
What is a possible effect of global warming?
acid rain (B) massive flooding
(C) more earthquakes (D) damage to statues

Question 15
Which of the following is the BEST description of particulates?
(A) gases that pollute the air (B) substances that dirty the air
(C) soot from chimneys (D) tiny particles of solid matter in the air?

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Question 16
Which of the following are NOT caused, or made worse, by air pollution?
diabetes (B) asthma (C)
bronchitis (D)

Question 17
a) Name the gas found in polluted air which causes acid rain.

b) How is that gas formed?

c) Give one effect of acid rain.

d) Name the main gas associated with global warming.

e) How is that gas formed?

f) Describe ONE possible effect of global warming.

g) Where would you find a catalytic converter?

h) What does a catalytic converter do?

i) A lichen is formed by a fungus and a simple green alga living closely together. If you saw masses of
hairy lichens growing on a tree or a wall, what would this tell you about the air quality in the area?

Question 18
1. Tick the boxes to show which of these environmental problems can be caused by burning fossil fuels.
a) the damage to the ozone layer
b) global warming
c) the cutting down of forests to create space to grow crops
d) the greenhouse effect
e) acid rain
f) the pollution of rivers by pesticides

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2. a) What can be done to improve the habitat in a lake that has been affected by acid rain?

b) What do we call the type of chemical reaction involved?

3. Describe the damage done to the environment by the chemicals called CFCs.

4. What illness in humans may be increasing because of damage to the ozone layer?

Question 19
1. a) Why are coal, oil, and natural gas called fossil fuels?

b) Are fossil fuels renewable or non-renewable?

Explain your answer.

2. a) Which gas, released when fossil fuels are burned, is also given off when biomass is burned?

b) What is the name of the effect caused by this gas in the upper atmosphere?

c) What effect is this thought to be having on the world’s climate?

d) Suggest TWO things humans can do to help reduce this effect.

e) Suggest TWO ways in which cutting down large areas of forest can be harmful to the Earth’s
atmosphere and climate.

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