Training Report: "Comprehensive Project Management" (01-15 DECEMBER, 2010)

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(01-15 DECEMBER, 2010)








1. Literature review 4-6

2. About the Course 7-13
3. Field Trips 13
4. Overview 14
5. Conclusion 16

The Fluid Control Research Institute (FCRI), Conducted the International

Training Course on “Advanced Management Practices in industries/service

Organizations & Public Administration”. The training program covered vital

areas of management (such as Management of technology, performance

management Project Management, Information System Management, Marketing,

Organizational behavior and HR, Financial Management and Accounting). This

great opportunity to attend the course gave me the knowledge that I need to be

worthy and effective leader in the modern organization.

I express my sincere appreciation to the ministry of external affairs Govt. of India

(ITEC program) embassy of India, Director, FCRI, Deputy Director &

Administration, Training Coordinator, Lecturers, and all Staff members of FCRI

for their guidance, encouragement and support given during this course . I would

like also to thank the staffs involved in organizing the social activities and study

tour trips, for their great effort and made these events to take everlasting memories

in my heart.



Fluid Control Research Institute (FCRI) was established by the Government of

India with the financial and technical assistance from United Nations
Development Programme. It is the centre for Research and Development on flow
products, testing and calibration of valves, flowmeters and other measuring
instruments as per ISO requirements, model approval tests, software for design
and selection of flowmeters/valves and specialized training programmes and more
on the various facilities viz., Water Flow Lab, Air Flow Lab, Oil Flow Laboratory
and other auxiliary laboratories in the South East Asia region.
The Institute runs under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
and presently situated at Kanjikode West, Palakkad, Kerala.

FCRI is empanelled with Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Ministry of

Finance, Govt. of India for providing Advanced Training programmes in Flow
Measurement & Control Techniques/Software in Industrial Process & Water
Distribution System, Oil & Gas Flow Measurement & Control Techniques,
Instrumentation & Control & Data Acquisition System, Advanced Management
Practices in Industries. These courses are offered to learners of various countries
who come through MEA /DEA under various Government sponsored programs.
These courses are executed at FCRI’s premises in PALAKKAD, KERALA. More
than 615 foreign nationals from 69 countries have already undergone various
Technical Training Programmes under ITEC/SCAAP/Colombo Plan scheme.


There is a separate training hall for conducting training programmes. Participants

can use computer lab and facilities. There is a shuttle bus service & regular
visiting programmes for sight seeing and to make the international participants
familiar with the Indian culture.


Twin shared accommodation is provided in Trainees Hostel inside the campus

with the telephone & Internet facilities.

FCRI provides following services:

- Calibration of flow meters,

- Testing of various flow products

- On-Site Assignment related to Fluid flow measurement, Calibration,

testing, Auditing etc.
- Third party certification,

- Arbitration,

- Engineering consultancy and analysis,

- CFD and FEM structural analysis,

- Software development,

- Model approval flow elements,

- Endurance testing of critical components,

- Sector specific services etc.

The Institute provides following facilities:

 Water flow lab

 Air flow lab
 Oil flow lab
 Physical standards lab
 Electro technical lab
 Environmental qualification lab
 Material testing lab
 Multiphase facility
 Water management


Duration : 2 weeks
Starting day : 01st December 2010
Ending day : 15th December 2010


The Management Training programme was organized to enhance the management

and technical skills of service organization by introducing the trainees to various

proven management practices in the field of logistics and project management,

organizational behaviour, marketing, finance management and accounting as well

as Information system management, Operational management, new development

frontiers in improving communication at work, using information technology

network to link various departments data in to one system, reducing stress,

enhancing human resource talents, building up good leaders with right

personality/attitudes with high emotional intelligence, reducing cost of production

and satisfying the customers requirements. All these various topics and more were

discussed extensively.

To enable the participants to update their knowledge about Project Management
for managing various projects and to find solutions to the problems like
operational failure, breakdown, changes due to regulations and to becomes experts
in the areas of application area knowledge, standards and regulations set forth by
ISO for project Management, general Management skills and project environment

- Project Management Methodologies

- Project Management frame work

- Effect Organisational structure

- Project Managers Role

- Components of Project Management

- Project scope Management

- Project Time Management

- Project Network diagram

- Project Cost Management

- Earned Value Management System

- Project Risk Management

- Project HR Management

- Team Development

- Project Communication & Information Management

- Communication Skills

- PMIS Basics

- Project Quality & Procurement Management

- Project Presentations

The training programme goes on Monday – Friday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Every Saturday and Sunday there are sight visits programme.


For better management of the training programme, intermittently study tours were

conducted to institutions, industries and tourist places within and outside Kerala

state. These were aimed at industrial exposure and cultural integration. Many of

the tourist places are unforgettable experience. Seeing nature well preserved for

the coming generations.


Paticipants from six countries were attended this course.

2.7.MODULES: Some of the topics covered are briefly explained below:


It’s known as temporary endeavor undertaken on create a unique product, service,

or result. By progressive elaboration developing in steps, and continuing by

increments.It’s meaning the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques

to project activities to meet project requirement. The person responsible for

accomplishing the project objectives.

2.7.2.Project Life cycle:

Organization is defined as the project of phases that connect the beginning of a

project to its end, to provide better management control with appropriate links to

the ongoing operation of the organization. Generally project life have three phases

, initial (idea, project management team ,charter ,scope statement) intermediate

(plan .baseline ,progress ,acceptance)and the final (approval .handover ) .

2.7.3.Project Scope:

Project Scope Management is a subset of Project Management. It includes

Processes required to ensure that the project includes All Work Required and the

Only Work Required to Complete the Project Successfully. The Project Life

Cycle consists of three stages namely – Initial, Intermediate & Final. The Project

Management Outputs in the initial stage are as follows – Charter, Requirements,

Specifications, Plan, and Base-Line. Progress is the intermediate stage of the

Project Life Cycle. Acceptance, Approval & Handover occurs in the final stage of

the Project Life Cycle.

2.7.4.Time Management:

TM is the effective management of technological change. How can we more

effectively manage the process of changing our products and service, and the

ways in which they are created and delivered? - UNIDO. TM is the art and
science of creating value by using T together with other resources of an

organization - (Thamhain 2005).

2.7.5.Communication :

Its defined as the interchange of information, ideas and opinions between and

among people in any organization to impart the skill to work and also the will to

work. Communication is done through Oral, Written and Symbolic.

Public Speaking is the oral communication of a message from the mind of the

speaker to the mind of the listener. It is not the number of words spoken that

counts but the number of words received.

2.7.6.Management of Technology:

In the globalized world, mobility of the capital, communication and transport

technologies diminish competitive advantage. Thus businesses have more

difficulty finding ways of differentiation. The alternative is innovation through

use of technology in products, services and processes.

Technology is a consequence of science and engineering. A human activity

precedes the two fields. Science studies the flow of electrons in electrical

conductors, using existing tools and knowledge. This new-found knowledge is

used to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and

other forms of advanced technology. Scientists and engineers may both be

considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the

purpose of research and reference.

2.7.7.Human Resource Development:

Human Resource Development is a continuous process to ensure the development

of employee competencies, dynamism, motivation and effectiveness in a

systematic and planned way.

The Basic concepts of Human Resource Development are that –

1. All average persons are competent, dynamic and can be effective if motivated

and developed.

2. The input to ensure these should be continuous – To ensure capability to cope

up with the change.

3. This resource has the capacity to respond to the developmental input to any

extent – Any other resource has a limit.

There are many HRD tools like Man Power Planning, Training and Development,

Performance Appraisal, Career planning, Succession Planning, Redeployment,

Job Rotation, Multiskill, Counseling & Termination.

2.7.8.Team Building :

Team Performance Management is very important because it leads to better

synergy and outcomes, more easily available and more objective measures, more
dimensions can be tackled, closer to organizational performance and is any way

essential to measure top/senior level performance.

The Work Team however generates positive synergy through coordinated effort.

Its total out put is usually greater than the sum of individual’s input, if the

members are committed. However merely forming a team does not guarantee

success. For the teams to be effective, certain ingredients are essential.

Teams can be many types. Teams are commonly classified into 4 as follows:

1. Problem – Solving Teams

2. Self-managed Work Teams

3. Cross-functional Team

4. Virtual Teams


Tourist Places and Sight Seeing

During the training programme FCRI organized different tourist at interesting

places in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Cochin. A brief description of each
trip is given below:

3.1. Mysore Palace (3-6 December 2010)

Mysore is the second largest city in the state of Karnataka, India. The Mysore
Palace was home to the Woldeyar rulers of the

princely state of Mysore. The Palace was

originally built of wood. It was destroyed in a

fire in 1897 and was rebuilt for the 24 th woldeyararaja

in 1912. Tipu Sultan summer palace & Museum.

3.2. COCHIN (December11-12):

The tour to cochin was also exciting.

There was the opportunity to observe the

Arabian sea, the Back water of the sea,

Dubai Terminal, renowned Church and

overall The Museum n Cochin, the King’s



Chaina fishing Net Back Water of the Sea


From this “Comprehensive Project Management” course the

participants came to know what project is, what is Project Management,

what is the Project’s Manager’s role, project phases, Stakeholders

analysis and the project strategy. We also came to learn from this course

about project documents and the procurement process. This course will

help us to be a good Project Manager.

The operational management covered areas like project scope, Project life Cycle,

processes for project, integrational management, time management, risk

management, leadership and management. These topics was to help in

reorganizing us and our organisations and making us better managers of human,

fund and resources. The training pointed out the need for continuous analysis of

our performance using principle like Six Sigma and 5 S which is for creating a

clean work environment.


The training course on “Comprehensive Project Management” is unique,

advanced and interesting looking at the wide spread of topics covered using very

experienced lectures frationsom higher institutions, experienced & HR


We shared our experiences and values with the various experts and achieved a lot

for implementation in our jobs. This programme has motivated and taken me to

the stage of confidence. I strongly believe, this course will be helpful to me, my

organization and country at large. By the advice of knowledge management, I will

go ahead to share and impact knowledge to others.

Khandaker Fatema Begum

Ministry of Communications

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