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Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a physical property?

a. Density b. ability to drawn into wire
c. Color d. ability to burn
2. He was able to determine the mass of charge to ratio of an electron
a. J. J. Thompson b. Henri Antoine Becquerel
c. W.K. Roentgen d. Ernest Rutherfor
3. Arrange the proton, neutron and electron in increasing mass
a. proton<electron<neutron
b. electron<proton<neutron
c. electron<neutron<proton
d. neutron<electron<proton
4. Which of the following is an intensive property?
a. density b. temperature c. color d. volume
5. The element X has three naturally occurring isotopes. The masses (amu) and % abundances of the isotopes are given in
the table below. The average atomic mass of the element is ________ amu.

a. 219.7 b. 220.4
c. 220.42 d. 218.5
6. The sum of the protons, neutrons and electrons of a zinc ion, Zn+2 is
a. 94 b. 92
c. 95 d. 93
7. Atoms with the same atomic number but different mass number is called
a. isobars b. isotopes
c. isotherms d. isoelectronic
8. What are the units of R in the equation PV=nRT if P is in torr, V is in mL, n is in mol, and T is in K?
a. mol-K/torr mL b. torr-K/mL-mol
c. torr-mL/mol-K d. torr-mol/mL-K
9. Which states of matter are significantly compressible?
a. gases b. liquids
c. solids d. none of the above
10. The quantum number that has an allowable value of 0, 1, 2, etc. is the
a. Principal Quantum no. b. Magnetic Quantum no.
c. Angular Quantum no. d. Spin Quantum no.
11.It states that no two atoms will have the same quantum no.?
a. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
b. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
c. Aufbau Building Up Principle
d. Hund’s Rule of Multiplicity
12. In the periodic table, the elements touching the step-like line are known as
a. transition elements b. noble gases
c. metalloids d. nonmetals
13. The observation that 15.0 g of hydrogen react with 120.0 g of oxygen to form 135 g of water is evidence for the law of
a. definite proportions b. energy conservation
c. mass conservation d. multiple proportioin
14. In what group of the periodic table is the element with the following electron configuration?[Ar]4s 23d104p3
a. 1A b. 2A
c. 3A d. 5A
15. Of the choices below, which one is not an ionic compound?
a. PCl5 b. NaCl
c. RbCl d. KCl
16. The formula for the compound, sodium sulfate, is
a. Na2SO3 b. NaSO4
c. Na2SO4 d. Na3SO4
17. Which formula/name pair is incorrect?
a. FeSO4, iron(II) sulfate b.Fe2(SO3)3, iron(III) sulfite
c. FeS, iron(II) sulfide d. Fe2(SO4)3, iron(III) sulfide
18. Arrange the following in increasing ionization energy:
C (1) Na(2) Mg(3) B(4) N(5)
a. 41532 b. 51432
c. 23415 d. 23514
19. The formula of nitrobenzene is C 6H5NO2. The molecular weight of this compound is ____ amu.(Use: C=12.01 amu,
H=1.01 amu, N=14.00 amu, O=16.00 amu)
a. 107.11 b. 43.03
c. 109.10 d. 123.11
20. A sample of CH2F2 with a mass of 19 g contains ________ atoms of F (Use: Avogadro’s No. 6.022 X 10 23 atoms/mol,
C= 12.01 g/mol, H=1.01 g/mol, F=19.00 g/mol)
a. 2.2 × 1023 b. 38
c. 3.3 × 10 d. 4.4 ×1023
21. It pertains to single bond, double bond, triple bond and those intermediate between single bond and double bonds, etc.
a. Bond order b. Bond length
c. Bond strength d. Bond degree
22. What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains 27.0% S, 13.4% O, and 59.6% Cl by mass?
a. SOCl b. SOCl2
c. S2OCl d. SO2Cl
23. Standard temperature and pressure (STP), in the context of gases, refers to ________.
a. 298.15 K and 1 atm b. 273.15 K and 1 atm
c. 298.15 K and 1 torr d. 273.15 K and 1 pascal
24. Which of the following does not assume the behaviour of the ideal gases?
a. Boyle’s Law b. Van der Waals Equation
c. Graham’s Law diffusion d. Dalton’s Law of Pressure
25. The molar volume of a gas at STP is ________ L
a. 0.08206 b. 62.36
c. 1.00 d. 22.4
26. What is the volume of 18.0 grams of pure water at 4 oC and 1 atm?
a.18 mL b. 22.74 L
c. 22.74 mL d.18 L
27. Gaseous argon has a density of 1.40 g/L at standard conditions. How many argon atoms are in 1.00 L of argon gas at
standard conditions?
a. 4.76 × 1022 b. 3.43 × 1025
c. 2.11 × 1022 d. 1.59 × 1025
28. The volume of a sample of gas (2.49 g) was 752 mL at 1.98 atm and 62 °C. The gas is ________.(Use R= 0.08206 L-
atm/mol=K) (Use: S=32.0 g/mol, O=16.0 g/mol, N=14.0 g/mol, H=1.01 g/mol)
a. SO2 b. SO3
c. NH3 d. NO2
29. The densities of an unknown gas and O2 were find 0.2579 kg/m3 and 0.2749 kg/m3 at the same P and T. Calculate the
molecular weight of unknown gas.
a. 30.02 g/mol b. 60.02 g/mol
c. 15.01 g/mol d. 45.01 g/mol
30. Which one of the following is an endothermic process?
a. ice melting b. water freezing
c. boiling soup d. both a and c
31. Calculate the energy needed to raise the temperature of 10.0 g iron from 25 oC to 500oC if the specific heat capacity of
iron is 0.45 J/g-oC.
a. 213.75 J b. 2137.5kJ
c. 2137.5 J d. 3127.5 J
32. When the following equation is balanced, the coefficients are ________.
C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
a. 2, 3, 4, 4 b. 1, 4, 8, 9
c. 2, 12, 8, 9 d. 2, 25, 16, 18
33. Of the reactions below, which one is not a combination reaction?
a. C + O2 → CO2 b. 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
c. 2N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3 d. 2CH4 + 4O2 → 2CO2 + 4H2O
34. When a hydrocarbon burns in air, a component produced is ________.
a. oxygen b. nitrogen
c. carbon d. water
35. A certain gas weighs 2.478 g and occupies a volume of 712.5 mL at 25 oC and 1.2 atm. What is the molecular formula
of the gas?
a. H2 b. Cl2 c. F2 d. N2
36. Which of the following bond is the strongest?
a. Covalent Bonding b. Ionic Bonding
c. Hydrogen Bonding d. Dative Bonding
37. Which of the following is an acidic oxide?
a. MgO b. SO2 c. Na2O d. CaO
38. New industrial plants for acetic acid react liquid methanol with carbon monoxide in the presence of a catalyst.
CH3OH(l) + CO(g) → HC2H3O2(l)
In an experiment, 15.0 g of methanol and 10.0 g of carbon monoxide were placed in a reaction vessel. If the actual yield is
19.1 g, what is the percentage yield?
a. 32.4% b. 55.6%
c. 89.1% d. 27.8%
39. The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its
a. molality b. molarity
c. normality d. formality
40. For an ideal gas possessing only translational energy, the following relationship are valid except
a. Cp=2.5R b. Cv=1.5R
c. Cp=Cv+R d. Cp/Cv=1.67
41. A solution contains 11% by mass of sodium chloride. This means that ________.
a. there are 11 g of sodium chloride in in 1.0 mL of this solution
b. 100 g of the solution contains 11 g of sodium chloride
c. 100 mL of the solution contains 11 g of sodium chloride
d. the density of the solution is 11 g/mL
42. Calculate the molality of a solution made by dissolving 45.0 g of glucose C6H12O6, in 500.0 g of water. (Use:
C=12.01 g/mol, H=1.01 g/mol, O=16.00 g/mol).
a. 0.500 molal b. 0.25 molal
c. 1.50 molal d. 3.00 molal
43. What is the mole fraction of glucose in a solution made of 7.59 g of glucose, C6H12O6, dissolved in 125 g of water?
(Use C=12.01 g/mol, H=1.01 g/mol, O=16 g/mol)
a. 0.009 b. 0.006
c. 0.16 d. 0.606
44. The magnitudes of Kf and of Kb depend on the identity of the ________.
a. solute b. solvent
c. solution d. system
45. Which of the following liquids will have the highest freezing point?
a. aqueous glucose (0.60 m) b. aqueous sucrose (0.60 m)
c. aqueous KF (0.50 m) d. pure H2O
46. What are the boiling point and freezing point of a solution containing 5.70 g of sugar C12H12O11, in 50 g of water.
(Use C=12.01 g/mol, H=1.01 g/mol, O=16 g/mol, kf=1.853oC/m, kb=0.515oC/m)
a. 100.17oC, -0.618oC b. 100.71oC, -0.618oC
o o
c. 100.17 C, 0.618 C d. 101.17oC, -0.618oC
47. What are the percentages by mass of each element in CaCl 2?
a. 33.3% Ca and 66.7% Cl b. 53.1% Ca and 46.9% Cl
c. 36.1% Ca and 63.9% Cl d. 69.3% Ca and 30.7% Cl
48. Considering the following reaction. What combination of changed conditions would cause it to proceed more to the
right as written?
C S2 (g) +3 O 2(g ) → C O 2 ( g) +2 S O 2 (g) ∆ H …=−1110 kJ /mol
a. raising the temperature and increasing the pressure
b. raising the temperature and decreasing the pressure
c. lowering the temperature and increasing the pressure
d. lowering the temperature and decreasing the pressure
49. Select the correct equilibrium expression for the reaction:
N 2 ( g) +3 H 2 (g ) → 2 N H 3 ( g)
( pN H 3 ) ( pN H 3 )
a. Kp= b. Kp= 3
( p N 2 )( p H 2 ) ( p N 2 )( p H 2 )
c. Kp=( pN H 3 ) ( p N 2) ( p H 2 ) d. Kp=
( pN H 3 )( p N 2 ) ( p H 2 )
50. The equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 600K is 38.6. What is thereaction quotient for this reaction if
the partial pressures of all three gases aremeasured to be 2.0 atm?
2 H I ( g) → H 2 ( g ) + I 2 ( g )
a. 1.0 b. 2.0
c. 19.3 d. 38.6
51. What is the solubility of CaF2 in water in mols of CaF2 per L of solution? Ksp for
CaF2 is 1.7 × 10—10?
a. 9.2x10-6 M b. 1.3x10-5 M
c. 3.5x10-4 M d. 5.5x10-4 M
52. A particular reaction goes much more favorably (with a larger equilibrium constant in the forward direction) at a
higher temperature. Which of the following statements are likely to be true?
(1) the reaction is endothermic; (2) the reaction is exothermic; (3) the enthalpy change for the reaction is positive; (4) the
enthalpy change for the reaction is negative; (5) the products have greater bond strengths than the reactants, assuming that
bond energy differences dominate the enthalpy of reaction; (6) the products have lesser bond strengths than the reactants,
assuming that bond energy differences dominate the enthalpy of reaction.
a. 1,3, and 6 b. 2,4, and 6
c. 1,4, and 6 d. 2,3, and 5
53. What is the pH of a solution that has an H3O+ concentration of 2.0 × 10—3M?
a. 7.0 b. 2.0
c. 2.7 d. 3.0
54. What is the pH of a solution that has an OH— concentration of 5.0 × 10 —5M?
a. 9.7 b. 4.3
c. 5.0 d. 12.0
55. HX and HY are both weak acids. HX is a somewhat stronger acid than HY.Which is the stronger base, NaX or NaY?
a. NaX is the stronger base b. NaY is the stronger base
c. Neither is a base d. Both from buffers
56. What is the final water temperature if 100. g of water at 15.0°C is thoroughly mixed with 250. g of water at 50.0°C?
Assume that the vessel in which the mixing occurs is perfectly insulated.
a. 31.4°C b. 40.0°C
c. 44.0°C d. 50.0°C
57. What is the internal energy (E) in J of a system that consists of 2.50 moles ofneon behaving as an ideal gas at 298K?
a. 3720 J b. 9290 J
c. 13900 J d. 18600 J
58. Which of the following is true about an elementary process?
a. A reaction involving only atoms is an elementary process.
b. A reaction that proceeds in only one step is an elementary process.
c. A reaction with a zero-order rate law is an elementary process.
d. All chemical reactions are elementary process.
59. What is the specific rate constant for a 1st order reaction with a half-life of 45 min 30 s?
a. 2.54x10-4 s-1 b. 3.66x10-4 s-1
c. 1.89x103 s-1 d. 3.66x104 s-1
60. The radioactive isotope, 14C, has a half-life of 5720 years. How many year before 70% of the radioactive isotope has
a. 2900 yrs b. 8250 yrs
c. 3470 yrs d. 9940 yrs
61. A reaction has an activation energy of 4.82 × 102cal/mol. If the rate constant is
8.82 × 10-5 at 275K, what is the rate constant at 567K?
a. 6.25 b. 5.17x102
c. 1.39x10-4 d. 2.36x10-3
62. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Measurements with errors have no value.
b. Errors can be ignored in calculations involving measurements.
c. Measurements without stated errors are difficult to interpret.
d. Measurements should be done sufficiently carefully so that there are no errors.
63. Consider the following equation.
¿¿ H 14 (l ) +¿ O 2 (g ) →¿ C O 2 ( g )+ ¿ H 2 O (g)
When this equation is properly balanced, the numbers that fill the four blanks are
a. 1, 19, 6, 7 b. 1, 19, 12, 14
c. 2, 19, 6, 7 d. 2, 19, 12, 14
64. What is the simplest formula of a compound that contains 53.1% C, 37.2% N, and9.77% H by mass?
a. C5N3H11 b. C22N15H4
c. C2NH4 d. C10N6H22
65. H2(g) effuses though a tiny opening ______ times as fast as O2(g) under the sameconditions.
a. 1.3 b. 4.0
c. 5.6 d. 32
66. A gas diffuses through a tiny opening at 1.37 times the rate of O2(g). What is the
molar mass of the gas?
a. 23.4 b. 43.8
c. 17.0 d. 60.1
67. A water solution contains 90.0 g of glucose, C 6H12O6. It has a density of 1.10g/cm 3 and a total volume of 900 mL.
What is the molality of the solution.
a. 0.495 m b. 0.556 m
c. 0.500 m d. 0.100 m
68. Which of the following units of concentration will change in value for a particularsolution if the temperature changes?
a. mole fraction b. molarity
c. molality d. none of these will change
69. What is the value of w for a process in which a gas expands from 3.00 L to 10.00 Lagainst a constant external pressure
of 2.00 atm?
a. -20 L-atm b. -14 L-atm
c. +14 L-atm d. +20 L-atm
70. What is the temperature of a gas sample if the gas does 25.0 L⋅atm of workagainst a constant external pressure of 3.57
atm when expanding from 14.0 L to21.0 L?
a. 2304K b. 608K
c. 913K d. more information is required
71. The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the.
a. colour b. turbidity
c. hardness d. dissolved gases
72. The total solids in water are due to the presence of
a. Suspended and dissolved solids b. Suspended and floating solids
c. Colloidal and settleable solids d. Colloidal and bacterial load
73. Temporary hardness in water is due to the presence of
a. chloride b. carbonate
c. calcium d. Manganese
74. Nitrates more than 50 ppm in water leads to a disease called
a. Typhoid b. Gastroenteritis
c. Mathenoglobenemia d. Mottled tee
75. A network of crossing, interlinking food chains which include variety of producers,consumers and decomposers
a. Food chain b. Food cycle
c. Food web d. Nutrient cycle
76. The presence of manganese in water causes growth of
a. mosquitoes b. microorganism
c. flies d. algae
77. Other name for troubled waters
a. Ground water b. Water stagnation
c. Water pollution d. Frozen water
78. Aeration of water is done to remove
a. suspended impurities b. floating impurities
c. dissolved salts d. dissolved gases
79. Very fine suspended and colloidal impurities are removed by a process called
a. Softening b. disinfection
c. coagulation d. plain sedimentation
80. This republic act is also known as the “Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999”
a. R.A. 8719 b. R.A. 8749
c. R.A. 8149 d. R.A. 1749
81. In double filtration, the first filter is
a. roughing filter b. rapid sand filter
c. pressure filter d. gravity filter
82. It means the organic compound that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web and pose a risk to
a. Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) b. Biological Organic Demand (BOD)
c. Carbon Oxygen Demand (COD) d. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
83. This republic act is also known as the “ Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004”
a. R.A. 9275 b. R.A. 1275
c. R.A. 9075 d. R.A. 9225
84. The (a) Montreal Protocol (b) Earth summit (c) Kyoto Protocol (d) Stockholm
Convention is a global undertaking on persistent organic pollutants.
85. The (a) Montreal Protocol (b) Earth summit (c) Kyoto Protocol (d) Stockholm
Convention is a global undertakings on global warming and greenhouse gases.
86. It means the introduction of substances not found in the natural composition of water that make the water less
a. biosynthesis b. contamination
c. treatment d. enrichment
87. (a) BOD (b) COD (c) ThOD (d) TOC may be used to measure the assimilative capacity of a stream
88. This provides the blue print for action towards sustainable development
a. Earth Summit b. Agenda 21
c. Montreal Draft d. POP’s Convention
89. It means any waste or combination of wastes of solid, liquid, contained gaseous, or semi-solid form which cause, or
contribute to, an increase of mortality or an increase of irreversible illnesses.
a. Contaminants b. Hazardous Waste
c. Pollutants d. Water waste
90. It means any method, technique, or process designed to alter physical, chemical or biological and radiological
character or composition of any waste or wastewater to reduce or prevent pollution.
a. Treatment b. Management
c. Prevention d. Disposal
91. These are waste that is in liquid form
a. solid waste b. sludge waste
c. aerosol d. waste water
92. This republic act is also known as the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.”
a. R.A. 9000 b. R.A. 9008
c. R.A. 9003 d. R.A. 9001
93. This refer to a disposal area wherein the solid waste are indiscriminately thrown or disposed of without due planning
and consideration for environmental and health standards.
a. open dump b. incineration
c. closed dump d. segregation
94. This refer to the treating of used or waste materials through a process of making them suitable for beneficial use.
a. segregation b. recycling
c. recovery d. dumping
95. What kind of certificate should one obtain in order to prove that he/she complies with the standard of clean air act?
a. Certificate of Graduation b. Certificate of Clean Air Act
c. Certificate of Conformity d. Certificate of Participation
96. What kind of gasoline was phase out last December 23, 2000?
a. Unleaded Gasoline b. Diesel Oil
c. Leaded Gasoline d. Bunker Fuel
97. Who signed the Clean Air Act?
a. Pres. Joseph E. Estrada b. Pres. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo d. DENR Sec. Antonio Cerilles
98. Defined as the burning of municipal, bio-medical and hazardous wastes, which process emits poisonous and toxic
a. Dumping b. Segregation
c. Incineration d. none of the above
99. When was the Clean Air Act signed?
a. July 27, 2000 b. July 24, 1999
c. July 27, 1998 d. January 24, 1999
100. What Presidential Decree is also known as the Environmental Impact Assessment Law
a. PD1386 b. PD 1586
c. PD 1836 d. PD 1856

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