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Formation program for the members of SIP youth groups

M. Reyes St., cor. Arnaiz Ave., Pio del Pilar, Makati City, Metro Manila

I. Rationale
The parish is teeming with children and young people of different age brackets. Some of them are
transient while others are regular members of youth groups, 1 which fulfill particular duties for the smooth
running of the youth and children center. Every group can function well in their respective responsibilities when
they truly have proper motivation as well as integral formation.
It is futile to gather these generous youngsters officially into a youth group if there is not a well-planned
formation program to aid them in their values education as well as their relationship with God. In order to make
them feel that they are being taken care of, loved and formed, there must be a reliable formation program in
which the formation in-charge, preferably a Salesian seminarian or aspirant, meets the members of these youth
groups on a regular basis. The objectives are laid down below to ensure the proper growth of these youth group

II. Objectives
a. To let the youth of San Ildefonso Parish know and practice their roles, especially in their respective
youth organizations.
b. To make them acquire values and skills to be more responsible and well-balanced Christian citizens.
c. To create a spirit of camaraderie among the youth of the said parish.
d. To help deepen their relationship with God.

III. Scope and Limitation

This program is specifically designed for those who are bonafide members of youth organizations of
San Ildefonso Parish. It is important to note that this original program is created exclusively in the local context
of the said parish and may not necessarily be applicable to any other parishes. The different parish youth groups
are the following: (1) Knights of the Altar, (2) Savio, (3) Kerygma, (4) Laura Vicuña, (5) Children’s Choir and
(6) Rondalla. Members vary from elementary to high school students, ages 7 to 16 years.
This program is person-oriented, i.e., a particular value or virtue will be targeted by every participant for
every formation theme. Inasmuch as it is on a monthly basis, the values will vary every month. The flow of the
program is the same for all groups but the inputs and activities may vary according to age bracket based on the
in-charge’s discretion.
This may be subject to changes, depending upon unforeseen emergencies. Financial assistance for
certain activities, according to the creativity of the formator, may be subject to the approval of the parish youth
ministry coordinator. It is recommended that every particular activity must be carefully planned—i.e., materials,
resources, venue, etc., must be prepared beforehand.

see Scope and Limitations
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Formation Program for SIP Youth Groups

IV. Schedule

Brother/Reverend A Brother/Reverend B
Week 1 Knights of the Altar Children’s Choir
Week 2 Kerygma Rondalla
Week 3 Savio Laura Vicuña
Week 4 Common formation activity c/o both Bros./Revs.

The given period is from July to March, except October. In the first 3 weeks, each of the six groups
must undergo at least one 55-minute session (first session). Then on the last weekend of the month, all of them
will be gathered for a common formation session (second session). In sum, each youth group shall have at least
110 minutes, or approximately 2 hours, of formation every month. The venue of these formation activities will
vary, depending on the availability of the rooms from the 2nd to 4th floors of the parish building.

V. Outline of Topics:


July Knowing me, Members will learn to understand the importance of RESPECT
Knowing you knowing, appreciating, accepting and affirming their co-
members and of giving due respect to them. This
establishes and strengthens the bond among the
Likewise, the formation in-charge attempts to establish a
respectable rapport among them.
August My Identity Inasmuch as the different youth organizations are created GENEROUS
to serve the community through the Liturgy, all members SERVICE
must not only be enthusiastic in working with each other.
They must also be very clear about their respective roles
in the Liturgy. Knowing the identity and goals of one’s
particular organization is indispensable.
As a radio must be properly tuned to a good frequency to
have a clear sound, so must also be the member to a
particular goal or vision. It is important, therefore, for a
member to resonate with his/her group’s identity and
priorities. This proper direction will now propel him/her
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to be more generous in serving his/her fellow members
of the Parish community, especially children and youth.
September Oremus Prayer plays a vital role in all aspects of life in that it FAITH
opens up the door of faith and intimacy with our personal (also piety,
Lord. Hence, it is very important that the young must primacy of God)
learn and relearn how to pray in a proper and more
solemn manner.
Likewise, this serves as an appropriate venue for humbly
recognizing the primacy of God over one’s life and that
there is need for recharging and recollecting, inasmuch as
it is God who bestows His grace and strength to those
whom he called to serve. (This activity needs to
reverberate in all the activities of the formation program)
November Do Good, The Catholic tradition of remember our deceased loved VIGILANCE
avoid Evil ones has been practiced since the Philippines was
converted to Christianity in the 16th Century. This is a
good opportunity to teach the youngsters the importance
of the virtue of vigilance, or readiness, especially in view
of the inevitable—death.
This is an opportune time to teach about the importance
of preparing oneself always for the time when we meet
The slant for this particular lesson may be towards doing
good works and avoiding what are evil. The formation
in-charge may distinguish what is good what is evil. He
may also teach them how to avoid false non-Catholic
beliefs or legends as regards spirits, ghosts, amulets and
December Christmas The youth ought to understand the true meaning of GRATITUDE
Season Christmas, and not in the popular commercial
perspective. They need to learn how to appreciate
Christ’s Kenosis (Phil 2: 6-11), or the incarnation event,
as clear expression of God’s love for us all. Hence,
everyone is invited to be in hopeful expectation for Christ
during the celebration of Christmas day.
Moreover, focus must be given to Jesus Christ being the
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Formation Program for SIP Youth Groups
greatest GIFT for all of us, and not the commercial
paradigm of gift-giving. Hence, one is expected to be
grateful for this wondrous gift given to us by God, at the
same be generous in giving gifts to those who are very
much in need. These are concrete actions that would not
only give hope to each other, but also joy and peaceful
security of having persons willing to share each one’s
January Be Alive After a very meaningful Christmas season, the youth JOY AND
must also learn how to live very meaningful lives not OPTIMISM
only among their youth group members but also among
their human persons in general.
Bonding, games, contests, and the like can serve as
expressions of their joy and optimism in life. They can
also be valuable tools to win the hearts of others back to
God and to the Church.
February I Love You Part of human nature is the propensity to reach out and LOVE
become a friend to one another. The famous adage “no (in the context of
man is an island” speaks of the reality of a person’s need friends, family,
of another. Hence, one must appreciate his/her own courtship)
relational nature. One ought to have friends rather than
enemies. It is crucial, therefore, for young people to have
skills in relating with different persons, starting first
among their fellow young persons.
Formation concerning human sexuality can be useful for
those in the high school level. For elementary students,
the focus shall be in the aspect of friendly relationship
among peers.
March Lenten Each group, together with the formator, will reflect on RECONCILIATI
Season the meaning of Lent. This is an opportune time for going ON (especially in
back into God’s heavenly emrace by simply turning away the context of the
from one’s evil ways. The focus of the lesson is Sacrament)
metanoia, or conversion, i.e. a change in one’s mind from
sin, bad habits, broken relationships, etc.
Each member is exhorted to be more open to the grace of
reconciliation with God and with fellow youngsters.
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Hence, the need for the Sacrament of Penance is

VI. Bibliography

The Jerusalem Bible

The New American Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Definitive ed. Manila: Word and Life Publications, 1994.
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.Manila: Word and Life Publications in
cooperation with Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004.
Code of Canon Law. English trans. PasayCity: Paulines Publishing House, 2001.
Inaestimabile Donum: Instruction Concerning Worship Of The Eucharistic Mystery. (Prepared by
the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship). Approved and
Confirmed by His Holiness Pope John Paul II 17 April 1980
The Rites of the Catholic Church as Revised by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Study
Edition. New York: Pueblo Publishing Co., 1983.
Bouley, ed. Catholic Rites Today: Abridged Texts for Students.Minnesota: The Liturgical Press,
Brown, Raymond E., Joseph A. Fitzmayer, and Roland E. Murphy, eds. The New Jerome Biblical
Commentary.New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1990; reprint, Bangalore: Theological
Publications in India, 2007.
Brown, Raymond et al., eds. Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by
Protestant and Roman Catholic Scholars.New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Buby, Bertrand. Mary of Galilee. Vol.1: Mary in the New Testament. MakatiCity: St. Pauls
Philippines, 1997.
Buono, Anthony. The Greatest Marian Titles: Their History, Meaning, and Usage.MakatiCity: St.
Pauls Philippines, 2008.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. A Summary of the CFC.Manila: Word & Life
Publications, 1998
Cantalamessa, Raniero. The Eucharist: Our Sanctification. Trans. by Frances Lonergan Villa.
Revised ed. MakatiCity: St. Paul’s, 2006
Congregation for the Clergy. Catechetical Directory for Catechesis. PasayCity: Paulines
PublishingHouse, 1998.
Davis, Leo Donald. The First Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and
Theology.Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1983.
Dowley, Tim, organizing ed. The History of Christianity. Revised Edition. Oxford: Lion
Publishing, 1990
Drobner, Hubertus R. The Fathers Of The Church: A Comprehensive Introduction. Translated by
Siegfried S. Schatzmann. Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2007.
Eno, Robert B. Teaching Authority in the Early Church. Vol. 14, edited by Thomas Halton.
Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1984.
Evans, G.R. Faith in the Medieval World.Oxford: Lion Publishing, 2002.
Fernandez, Pablo. History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898).Manila: Life Today
Publications, 1988.
Flannery, Austin, general ed. Vatican Council II. New Revised Edition. Vol. 1, The Concillar and
Post Concillar D6ocuments.New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1975.
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Flannery, Austin, gen. ed. Vatican Council II: More Post Conciliar Documents. Vol. 2.
PasayCity:Paulines Publishing House, 1982.
Glazier, Michael and Monika K. Hellwig, eds. The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia. Minnesota:
Order of St. Benedict, 2004; reprint, Bangalore: Claretian Publications, 1997.
Gambero, Luigi. Mary and the Fathers of the Church: The Blessed Virgin Mary in Patristic
Thought. Translated by Thomas Buffer. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1999.
Griffin, James. A Summary of the New Catholic Catechism.MakatiCity: St. Pauls Philippines, 1995.
Gutierrez, Lucio.Archdiocese of Manila: A Pilgrimage in Time (1565-1999). Vol. 1, edited by
Chrisostomo Yalung. Manila: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, 1999.
Gutierrez, Lucio. Notes on AncientChurch History.
Hayes, Zachary. The Gift of Being: A Theology of Creation.Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 2001.
Latourelle, René, and Rino Fisichella, eds. Dictionary of Fundamental Theology. English-language
edition. New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994.
Lovasik, Lawrence G. Church History: The Catholic Church through the Ages.New York: Catholic
Book Publishing Co., 1990.
Macquarrie, John. A Guide to the Sacraments.New York: The Continuum Publishing Company,
Martos, Joseph. The Sacraments: Seven Stories of Growth. Missuori: Liguori Publications, 1989.
Martos, Joseph. Doors to the Sacred: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic
Church. Revised and updated ed. Missuori: Liguori/Triumph, 2001.
McCauley, George. Sacraments for Secular Man.New Jersey: Dimension Books, 1999.
McKeating, Colm. Peace at the Last: A Christian Theology of the Last Things.Quezon City:
Claretian Publications, 2009.
McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1976; reprint, Bangalore:
Asian Trading Corporation, 1998.
Nolan, Albert. Jesus Before Christianity.Quezon City: Claretian Publications, 2008.
Payawal, Maria Cecilia. “Know, Love and Live the Eucharist: A Challenge to Asian Youth Today.”
Lantayan: A Pastoral-Theological Journal, Vol. 8, S.Y. 2009-2010, 93-101.
Payawal, Maria Cecilia. Handouts on Sacramental Theology. 2009.
Peschke, Karl H. Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II. Newly revised ed.
Vol. I: General Moral Theology. Manila: Logos Publications, Inc., 2004.
Pope Benedict XVI. Spe Salvi: Saved in Hope.MakatiCity: Word and Life Publications, in
cooperation with Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2007.
Pope Benedict XVI. Deus Caritas Est.Encyclical Letter on Christian love. 2005
Pope John Paul II. Christifidelis Laici. 3rd printing. PasayCity, Phils: Paulines Publishing House, in
cooperation with Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Pope John Paul II. Reconciliatio et Penitentia. December 1984.
Pope John Paul II. Veritatis Splendor. 4th printing. PasayCity, Phils: Paulines Publishing House, in
cooperation with Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Puthenkalam, J. and A. Mampra. Sanctity in the Salesian Family.Chenai, India: Salesian Institute
of Graphic Arts, 2002.
Roberts, Alexander and James Donaldson, eds. Ante-Nicene Fathers. Vol. 1: The Apostolic
Fathers, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus.Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1994.
Rolheiser, Ronald. The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God. Revised ed.
Quezon City: Jesuit Communications Foundation Inc., 2003.
Schock, Bill. Prayer and Personal Growth: Reflections on Prayer and the Spiritual life Exercises
in Personal Growth.MakatiCity: St. Paul Publications, 1990
Searle, Mark and Kenneth W. Stevenson. Documents of the Marriage Liturgy.Minnesota: The
Liturgical Press, 1992.
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Tejon, Guillermo. Church and Sacraments in the Life of a Christian.Manila: Life Today
Publications, 2006.
Thomas, P.C. A Compact History of the Popes.Bangalore: The Bombay Saint Paul Society, 1992
Thomas, P.C. General Councils of the Church.Bangalore: Saint Paul Society, 1993.


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