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MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris HARI/TANGGAL : Rabu, 16 September 2020

KELAS : VIII (Delapan) WAKTU : 60 menit
KODE : - PUKUL : 07.30 – 08.30 WIB
1. Tulis identitas kalian pada lembar jawab dengan benar!
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum kalian menjawab!
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang kalian anggap mudah!
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan memberi tanda silang pada huruf A, B, C, atau D di lembar
jawab yang tersedia!
1. Mrs. Sheila: “Attention, Please! Do the questions number 3 and 4 we will discuss after you
Students : “Yes, Mom.”
The underlined sentence is to …
A. Ask for attention
B. Ask question
C. Ask for apology
D. Ask for suggestion
2. Zain: “You need some flour to make the cake.”
Dina: “Oh, I see. Tell me the next step.”
The underlined sentence is showing …
A. Asking for opinion
B. Showing attention
C. Asking for attention
D. Giving opinion
3. Lucy : Do you know what I’m talking about?
Betty : Yes, I do.
The underlined utterance indicates ….
A. Asking for opinion
B. Giving opinion
C. Showing misunderstanding
D. Checking for understanding
4. Sarah : Do you understand?
Velove : No, …. . You talked too fast.
A. I get it
B. I don’t get it
C. I know it
D. It is clear
5. Fatih : Did you see what the fireman did?
Ale : Yes. He saved the lady just in time. He climbed the ladder so quickly and jumped into the fire so
bravely ….
Fatih : Yeah! He is a dedicated person.
A. What a careless man!
B. What a poor man!
C. What a brave man he is!
D. How poor!

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6. Tina : Aida, you look so happy. What’s happened?
Aida : I got a hundred in the last English test. I don’t believe it.
Tina : …. Congratulation on your achievement.
Anida : Thanks.
A. What’s a pity
B. What wrong with you
C. Fantastic!
D. That’s too bad
7. Gibran : Look! My father give me a new shoe.
Ilham : Wow! That is beautiful.
Gibran : …
A. It’s worst
B. Sorry
C. I don’t care
D. Thanks
8. Marina : What do you think about my dress?
Janet : I think you look beautiful.
Marina : Thanks, Janet.
Janet : It’s ok.
From the dialogue above, Janet is ….
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Asking for attention
C. Giving help
D. Giving opinion
9. Hera : Hi, What do you think of this cake? I made it by myself.
Anna : …. You really have a talent to be a good cook.
A. I’d love to
B. I don’t like it
C. It’s not good
D. Not bad
10. Jim : What do you think about the English test today?
Eve : I think it’s so easy. I can answer the entire questions well.
The word “can” in the dialogue above shows ….
A. Opinion
B. Ability
C. Willingness
D. Prohibition
11. Nana : Yesterday, I joined LIA English course. Will you join with me?
Sari : …. I want to speak English too.
A. Yes, I can
B. Yes, I will
C. No, I wont
D. No, I can’t
12. Sheza : Will you sing this song for me, Dad?
Mr. Zee : Sure, I will.
The underlined word means ….
A. Ability
B. Skill
C. Command
D. Willingness

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13. Rey: It’s 08.00 a.m. You are late to school. You …. Go now!
Dipta : Yeah, bye.
A. Should
B. Will
C. Shouldn’t
D. Shall
14. Jonas: I’m leaving to go camping in Menganti beach this weekend.
Ana: Well, I think you … take a raincoat with you. It’s the rainy season now.
Jonas: You’re right.
A. Must not
B. Should
C. Should not
D. Don’t have
15. Security : Excuse me, ... You mustn’t smoke here.
Visitor : Oh, I am sorry.
A. Look at me.
B. Listen to me.
C. Listen to the doctor.
D. Look at that sign.

Look at the notice to answer questions no 16-17.

16. The notice means …

A. We must keep our distance to others at least 6 feet.
B. We must practice social distancing at home with our family
C. We are allowed to have social distancing
D. We must keep our distance to others less than 6 feet
17. The word “distancing” has similar meaning to …
A. Associating
B. Separating
C. Closing
D. Joining
18. Look at the picture.

The correct command for the above situation is …

A. Don’t do that.
B. Open the window.
C. Clean the window.
D. You must sweep it.

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19. Sony: …. ?
Azel : Yes, of course. Don’t forget to return it soon.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Do you need a typewriter
B. Do you have a typewriter
C. Is the typewriter expensive
D. May I borrow your typewriter
20. Petra : Excuse me, Sir. May I close the door? It’s windy outside.
Teacher : Oh, sure.
The underlined sentence is showing …
A. Asking help
B. Asking opinion
C. Asking permission
D. Asking attention

Read the text to answer no 21 to 24!

My School Library
My school library is located in front of my school. It is big and tidy.
There are many kinds of book put on the shelf, they are text books,
novels, encyclopedias, folk stories, dictionaries and magazines.
The students can visit the library every day when they need. The
visitors of the library always keep their voice to be silent because if they make
noise they will disturb others.
The students can read the books and borrow them to read in their house
if they have a member card of the library.
The library can help the students to get more information and knowledge

21 Where is the library located?

A. Beside the school
B. Infront of the school

C. Behind the school

D. Beside the school
22. How many text book are there?
A. 5 books
B. 4 books
C. 3 books
D. 2 books
23. what is the kinds of the text?
A. Descriptive
B. Report
C. Prosedure
D. Recount
24. What is the function of the text
A. How to make something
B. To Describe in general
C. To describe4 the writer library
D. To tell the past experience
25. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
I – go – the – concert – to – tonight – may - ?
A. May I go to the concert to night?
B. May I go to the concert night to?
C. I go to the concert to night may?
D. I go to the concert may to night?

********** GOOD LUCK **********

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Multiple Choice
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. C

1. Mikaila : What do you think …. / What is your opinion …?
Julia : I think …. / My opinion ….
2. I will read a book
I will borrow a book
3. Let’s go to the library
Let’s read a story book in the library
4. - You should keep silent in the library
- You should return the book
- You should bring a member card if you borrow a book
- You shouldn’t talk loudly in the library
- You shouldn’t disturb other in the library
- etc.
5. May I go to the concert tonight?

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