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Name: María Valentina Galindo Pineda ID: 000149701 , Maria Alejandra Vargas Florez ID: 00314366


Figure 1. Falcon 900 LX

General characteristics[1] • −VA(KEAS): 76,62

• VC(KEAS): 233,605
• Aircraft’s name: Falcon 900 LX
• VNE(KEAS): 262,805
• Aircraft’s category: Transport
• Vd (KEAS): 292,01
• Aircraft’s OEW (𝒍𝒃): 25813
• CMAC(ft): 9,22
• Cruising service(𝒇𝒕): 39000
• Taper ratio 𝝀: 0,2745
• VC(KTAS): 458,85
• Sweep angle (𝐝𝐞𝐠): 25
• VC(KEAS): 233,605
• Compressibility parameter 𝜷: 1
• S (ft2): 527,4 ft2
• Compressible sweep angle factor 𝚲𝜷:
• 𝒃 (𝒇𝒕): 70,083 ft
• W/S (lb/ft2): 48,94
• Aspect ratio parameter (𝜷 ∗ 𝑨𝑹⁄𝒌):
• AR: 7,6 7,6, assume 𝒌 = 𝟏.
• Ctip (ft): 3,66 ft
• Parameter (𝜷 ∗ 𝑪𝒍𝜶𝒘⁄𝒌): 4,343217807
• Croot (ft): 13,33 ft
• Claw: 4,3432
• Clmax: 2,25
• 𝑪𝒍𝜶𝑨: 4,7775, assume that 𝑪𝒍𝜶𝑨 = 𝟏,
• Gust speeds:
• Ude1(ft/s): 76, • 𝝆𝒔𝒍 (𝒔𝒍𝒖𝒈/𝒇𝒕𝟑): 0,002377, at sea level.
• Ude2(ft/s): 99,04, • 𝝆𝒉 (𝒔𝒍𝒖𝒈/𝒇𝒕𝟑): 0,616082, at service
1. V-n diagram maneuver (KEAS vs load factor) ceiling.
using the information requested bellow: The table corresponding to the
• Maximum Load factor estimation by compressibility effects can be found in the
weight: 𝒏𝒎𝒂𝒙: 2,77 excel annex.
• Maximum load factors: 𝒏𝟏 =2,77, 𝒏𝟐: 2. Report the following information from a
2,0775, 𝒏𝟑 = -1 level turn maneuver:
• Proof load factor: 3,46Ultimate load
factor: 4,15 A. 𝝓𝒎𝒂𝒙(𝐝𝐞𝐠): 68,84
• Gravity (𝒇𝒕/𝒔𝟐): 32,16 B. 𝝎𝒎𝒂𝒙(𝒅𝒆𝒈/𝒔): 0,36
• Speed of sound 𝑪𝒔𝒆 (KEAS): 292,01 C. 𝑹𝒎𝒊𝒏(𝒇𝒕): 226,7
• +VS(KEAS): 81,33 D. 360° level turn time (s): 1003,7
• −VS(KEAS): 81,33 E. Plot 𝝎 vs. speed (KEAS).
F. Plot 𝑹 vs. speed (KEAS).
• VS1(KEAS): 93,53
G. Plot 𝝓(𝐝𝐞𝐠) vs. speed (KEAS).
• +VA(KEAS): 129,96
Figure 2. V-N Diagram

The falcon 900lx is an executive transport limited. The farther right vertical line
aircraft and is ruled by the FAR 25, this means corresponds to the dive speed previously
that the limit load factor must be between 2.5 and mention, also called never exceed because this
3.8, in this case is 2,77, and it must vary linearly speed exceeds the dynamic pressure that the
between the cruising speed and the dive speed. aircraft can resist which can cause damage to the
The slope of this aircraft can be described in a structure. The FAR 25 regulation indicates that
linear manner, in the excel annex of this the dive speed must be 1,25 times the cruise
document it can be shown that the equation y = speed, which is 233,6 KEAS. Looking into the
0,0318x - 1,6368 rules the slope with an error of difference between the stall and dive speed, it
R= 0,9957, the stall velocity is 81,33 KEAS and can be noted that the aircraft can perform in a
the dive velocity is 292 KEAS. The area between vast amount of speeds considering it is a medium
0 and 1 n is the aerodynamic limitation of the aircraft with an operating empty weight of
aircraft since this part describes the stall of this 25813lb. Below the n=0 it is encountered the
aircraft, above is the positive stall area initiated negative stall area, the inferior line determines
by the stall speed that occurs when n=1. The the maximum negative load factor the aircraft
intersection between the slope and the horizontal can resist in some situation, this slope is a
line is the cornering speed or maneuver speed of polynomial one described by the equation y = -
137,29 KEAS, below this speed the aircraft can 0,0002x2 - 0,0003x + 0,001, more details in the
perform maneuvers, in this exact speed the excel annex, this indicates that the aircraft can
aircraft experiments the maximum load factor of not resist great negative load factors compared to
2,77 and corresponds to the faster and tighter the positive load factors or other aircrafts due to
turn possible, above this speed the maneuvers are the nature of its mission. The minus lift
coefficient that rules this part of the diagram is phase. A conclusion that can be achieved in the
1,125, which is half of the lift coefficient equal figure 3, is that the turn rate will increase with
to 2,25. The proof load factor equal to 3,46 is the increase of velocity in a linear manner.
1,25 times the limit load factor; in the Figure 1 it
can be noted that it is outside the maneuver
R vs V∞
diagram, which indicates that with the
recommended speeds the structure of the aircraft 160,00
can endure the loads that it experiments. The 140,00

R (ft)
same can be said about the ultimate load, which 120,00
is 4,16 or 1,5 times the limit load factor; it is
outside of the maneuver diagram indicating that
the recommended speeds of operation can not be 80,00
220 270 320 370 420
a danger to the structure. The gust load factors
are inside the maneuver diagram except for one V∞ (KEAS)
point of the positive gust load factor equal to
2,83, this means that the aircraft is made to Figure 4. R vs V∞
In the Figure 4 it can be noted that it is a
endure a turbulent and unexpected phenomenon
that is close to its maximum load factor but its polynomial function, that means that with the
increase of velocity, the radius required will
far beyond the ultimate or the proof load.
decrease significantly.

ω vs V∞ φ vs V∞
20,15 60
φ [Deg]
ω [Deg/s]

15,15 40
10,15 20
5,15 0
0,15 80,00 100,00 120,00 140,00 160,00
80,00 100,00 120,00 140,00 V∞ (KEAS)
Figure 5. φ vs V∞
Figure 3. ω vs V∞ In the figure 5 it can be noted that it has a
potential function meaning that with the increase
Analyzing a level turn maneuver for the of velocity, the turning rate will increase
Falcon900LX, it must be put in consideration the potentially. Lastly, the 360-level turn time was
range between the minimum to maximum limit calculated, being equal to 17,51 seconds, an
load and the range of stall to the maneuver standard turn is accomplished in approximately
velocity, taking this into account, it can be 2 minutes, this indicates that this aircraft takes a
calculated the turning radius that depends on the lower amount of time to make a 360-level turn
previously mention factors and the gravity of the than stipulated.[2] Bibliography
planet. This radius varies between 276 to 226 ft,
the turn rate varies between 0 and 20°, and φ [1] “Janes: Dassault Falcon 900.”
varies between 0 and 68°. It must be noted that https://customer-janes-
in the figure 3, 4 and 5 the stall velocity is not
awa0260-jawa (accessed Sep. 07, 2020).
implemented, this is due to the fact that when the
aircraft is turning, the angle of attack and, [2] A. Structures, “Estructuras Aeronáuticas
subsequently, the lift coefficient changes, thus Aerospace Structures.”
requiring more velocity to not enter into the stall

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