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Week: 22 to 28 Feb 2021 AA SL — Questionbank — Functions — Medium = Question 20 TMD ivan a st exam questionbank — Functions (Mesium Ques [Maximum mark: 5] ® Solve the equation logy(x? — 2x +1) = 1 +logy(x — 1). Uting the Pro erties Zo Potawittenh we get Lag (et-2041) a It Lt") Log, (x 2441) = Loa 2 4 LA (a-) Loa) = ree Loh gC - ae Y= Log ) eee ee tl = De? whe 3 = © (%-DLe-?) = 0 *-3 =O [Since x-l 70) we 3 Question 22 DME 15 sta as st Exam questonbank — Functions (Medium Questions) [Maximum mark: 8] fe ar—6 Let flv) = Fp fore A A. (a) For the graph of y = f(x), find the coordinates of: (i) the z-intercepis Bolving the eget ion firyed La es we howe Bu-6 =o we <7 Zn-6 zO ne te, cniches fie ttc” at (210) =7 mee 2 (ii) the g-intercept. E valuvating qe ft) fer LO, we howe ge $00) 3(o)-& orl = -© HONE > The Coordi voted; ft tie y-indercpt are (01 -&) (b) For the graph of y = f(x), find the equation of: (i) the horizontal asymptote; We howe (ii) the vertical asymptote. We have dence te eget of the vet ody weptote 1% Heel (c) Hence sketch the graph of y = f(x). (c) Hence, if we sketch the graph of y = f(x), we have y ya to 8 ares y=3 r=-l © ARO) + BO6) = Question 24 TEE is tsatn aa si. exam questionbank + Functions (Mectum Questions) [Maximum mark: 5] ir) we faye Find the values of x when 257° = ( — . : (=) veil the prope icd of erpunewth , we fee nie ate 25 (a) ey _ veer - es ) we - 4h -|24%-@ = S gtr ye = 12 —& aon = ~-6r-S a’ $4x4+3 =O (ut) C+*") =0 L=-3,-k = Question 26 TIE sain aa st exam auestionpank — Funetions (ecm @ [Maxinmm mark: 8) {i Tt has been suggested that the number of yearly active mobile messaging app users worldwide can be modelled by an equation of the form U7 = a¥®, where U is the number of yearly active users (in millions), ¥ is the year number, a and are constants, ‘To test this model, the number of yearly active users of WhatsApp was collected from 2012 to 2016. ‘The results are shown in the following table for ¥ = 1 (2012) and ¥ = 2 (2018), y U (millions) 1 170 2 400 (a) (i) Write down the value of a Suateitureg ye qo awh oY eh in the espuokion V= ay? , We Lave | Fo = al yp a= 1t0 (Gi) Find the value of 6, giving your answers to five siguilieant figures Subaritukiny U= loo owt V2 in the euation Oz 'h y? awk holving the vrehultont Curation, foc by we ger hoo = 140(2) be Log, (422,) bw 2345] (b) Use this model to estimate the number of active users in 2017 (Y = 6). Give your answer to the nearest million. Evelukin Ye gp We for Yoo, we Hud Uz 130 (oy? s 1653 (rnilliod) It is given that the number of active WhatsApp users in 2017 was 1500 millions. (c) Calculate the error in your estimate as a percentage of the actual value. ting the percentage. errar ferry ul Va- Ve yloo7 wit Ye = 1500 Ve ark Vase 1553 , We oblaiw Ez oO aa SS 8152 >. too +. [Soo = Beste (4) Comment on the likely validity of the model as ¥ increases beyond 6. Lively mot be @& good fit for Valuer Llorger thon © Likely to be & Food fit for yale — clobe to G + Question 28 IME te stain 44 st exam questionoank Functions (Mecium Questions) [Maximum mark: 8} Let f(x) = i? —2and g(x) =2? —4, for 2 ER. (a) Show that (f©g)(x) = io = 2a? $2. we hove (fa) (x)= $ (4) = $ 4) 4 (xe4yh- 2 4 (she bet the) “2 \ v 2 ie es (b) On the following grid, sketch the graph of y = (f 0 g)(x), for 0

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