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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Introduction 3

Make It Sexy 5

Write Until Your Fingers Bleed 10

The Secret Sauce: Direct Messages and Engagement Groups 17

What No One Talks About, Know Your Numbers 19

Tweets, the Tricks 25

Keep It Clean! 28

Twitter Automation 30

Twitter Balance 32

The Bu$iness of Twitter 34

Everything Is A Tweet, But Persuasion Is Key 39

Twitter Tips 40

Special Thanks! 42

Thank you for trusting me with your time.

If you are reading this e-book, it means that you are serious
about Twitter growth and are probably starting to gure out
that it is the key to your future Twitter pro tability…and you

My Twitter journey started during Covid-19, a time in which

many of us were a ected by a crazy situation that was
completely out of our control. I was stuck in my house with a
three year old, a newborn, and a tired wife (who is a complete
champ). Like many of you I was looking for two key things:

1. A simple way to escape my involuntary incarceration (how

much Net ix and Facebook can a person handle?).

2. A new way to make money online, because my income

was a ected by Covid.

Frustrated, I started to look for the famous “how to make

money online” google search. Yes, how lame…but it got me
to Twitter.

Out of great adversity, the most beautiful opportunities


I found a Gumroad course that opened my mind to the

possibility of using 280 characters to make money. However,
in order to make money - REAL MONEY - you could bene t
from having thousands of followers.

This guide will go over the di erent strategies I have used to
grow, mistakes that I have made, and the plan of action that
actually worked for me.


A sales approach to growth.

Make It Sexy
Let's talk image.

Yes, you got that right!

People make decisions based on emotions, and your Twitter

pro le is no di erent. You need to make it appealing for
people to want to follow you.

It should be compelling, to
the point, and memorable.

You will need:

•A cool pro le picture

•A straight to the point niche

based name and message

•A memorable Twitter header

A Cool Pro le Picture.

Your pro le picture has to tell a story. It has to inspire the
viewer - make them remember you. Depending on your niche
and the plans you have for your account, your best options

1. A picture of yourself

2. A logo

You must think of your Twitter

pro le as a brand and your

decisions should re ect that.

Do you want to be a brand or are you looking to become an

in uencer?

If you want to be an in uencer, use a picture that will get you

as much attention as possible. I recommend either
something intriguing, funny, or
friendly (if you are in the
health niche, a picture
showing physical results is

In my particular case, I chose
a brand. Why, you might ask?
I understand that brands can grow
without the owner once a successful
system has been created.

My goal is to create a Wealth Academy and a $mart Society. I

can not do that alone. To grow
a successful brand, I will need
a strong team in order to
succeed. When the time
comes each member should
be featured by my brand (I
believe that collaboration is
the easiest path towards

If you are using a logo, make it

stand out! Bright colours are
the best. As your brand evolves so should the logo. For
example, look at my logo and Nike’s which are always

TIP: Think about what you want to transmit through the use of
colour psychology.

A straight to the point niche based name and

Now that you have an impactful image that people will
remember, it is time to focus on your Twitter name, handle,
and bio.

I am originally from South
America, and where I come from
your name means everything.
Business is done with a
handshake and it is based on
pure reputation. Twitter is pretty
much the same thing with the
exception of the handshake. Your
name needs to mean something, it has to represent you in
front of millions daily. MAKE IT COUNT, MAKE IT STICK.

Your Twitter name is going

to be what other people call
you. Make sure it is niche
focused as well as unique.
For example, my Twitter
name is $mart Money and
people call me $M or $mart.
If you have noticed, people
have found di erent ways to

talk about me, and that is a great thing! Think of a name that
people will ultimately remember you by.

Your Twitter handle is your username and it should be

similar to your Twitter name. You do not want to have
di erent handles and names as it will confuse people. The
easier it is to nd you, the better!

Your Twitter bio is a short description about who you are and
what your account is all about. Since you have already
decided on a niche, make it niche-centric. Give your future
followers 2-3 key words that describe you and your tweets.
Make sure it is professional, interesting, and to the point.
That small paragraph is your business card information…it
needs to captivate your audience and QUICKLY.

Last but not least! Do

you see the little yellow
hand in my bio? It is
pointing to a link. That
link is where the magic
happens! No, really! I
am not joking. You are
going to realize that
you can make MONEY
on Twitter and that link
will give your followers
everything you have to o er such as: your website (if you
have any), a liate products, a YouTube channel, Instagram,
etc. I am currently using an app called Mikshake, but there
are many others. The most popular are Linktr and Carrd.

$mart Tip: I would recommend having a very strong pinned tweet on
your pro le, as it will give you authority and prompts new followers to
continue to like and engage with that particular tweet.

$uper $mart Tip: If your Twitter name can be used in a sentence, you

eg. “$mart thinking will always get you @the_smartmoney”.

Write Until Your Fingers Bleed
Engaging, the art of being seen.

Imagine yourself on top of the highest mountain. You can feel

the breeze in your face. As you take a deep breath in, you
can almost touch the pure fresh air between your ngers. It
feels amazing, right? When you rst start tweeting on Twitter,
it is actually the opposite of that. It feels more like screaming
into the abyss and all you can hear is your own echo. Do not
be discouraged,
however, as I have the
secret sauce and I love
to share my recipes.

The good news is that

I have already
experienced the
solitude of starting to
tweet without proper
guidance, so I am here to help you. As your account grows,
more and more people will identify themselves with your
message. That is why creating brand identity and a niche
based account is key!

The secret sauce to getting your rst 4000 followers on

Twitter is getting your message in front of an audience
larger than your own.

But how do we do that? Well, let us break it down:

What Is Twitter Engagement?
Twitter engagement is when you get people to interact with
your tweets.

There are multiple ways in which people can interact with

your content, including:

• Liking your tweets: This is the cheerleader action of

Twitter. It shows others that the message is good. The
more likes, the higher the odds are that people will stop
and check out your tweet.

• Retweeting: This is
the best and fastest
way to grow. A retweet
or RT shows on that
person’s personal
timeline. This equates
to having your own
personal billboard on
top of someone else’s
house. YES!!

• Responding: Getting responses is great because people

are actually interacting with your content. When you have
responses, it shows not only on your home Twitter page,
but on your followers’ pages as well. Double Bonus!!

• Mentioning accounts in a tweet: This is a great way to

interact with bigger accounts. If you tag them in a tweet,
they might reply, like, or interact with you (there was one

time when I got Mastercard to interact with me by doing
this). Any type of engagement with a big account when
you start is a HUGE bonus, and you should get excited!
This means that you are doing something right.

• NOTE: Do not do tag big accounts all the time as you might
get blocked, be $mart about it.

• Clicking your links (this is how you make money with

a liates). Creating an educational thread that has internal
links (a liates) is a great way to push your followers to
not only engage with your content, but to also show them
your products or services (we will talk more about that
later on).

How do you get people to engage with you?

Like anything in life, it will require hard work. I know that is
the last thing that people want to hear, but remember, if you
are reading this guide it is because deep inside of you there
are some meaningful plans that you want to accomplish with
Twitter. Perhaps you wish to launch some products, or maybe
you want to make some money with a liates. At the end of
the day, you are looking for another source of income to get

closer to your dreams. My personal plans are to start a
Wealth Mindset Academy and a $mart Society where people
can grow mentality and monetarily. I want to help people
make money, fast and e ciently (that is why I wrote this
guide, to help you)! So let's get to work and grow that
account shall we?

As I was saying, at
the beginning it will
be a bit hard, but try
to make it fun!
Cherish every single
follower, every
comment and like
that you get! Take the
time to discover new
and exciting
accounts. Learn from
them and engage
with them.

The key to making this journey fun and e ective is to engage

with accounts in the same niche as you.

During the beginning stages, it is all about posting on other

people’s content. Make sure you add as much value as
possible under their tweets. By doing that, his/her followers
will start to see your message and therefore your account.

If you are not going to add value, do not comment…like or RT

and move on.

$mart Money’s Success Blueprint:

- 3-5 Tweets per day

- 5 Re-Tweets per day

- 10 Quote tweets per day

- 50-100 Comments per day -> 50 on Big Accounts -> 30 on

Medium Accounts -> 20 on Smaller Accounts

- 2-3 Threads a week

That is how I got to 4000 Followers in a little over three

months. Short term pain for long term gain.

I know what you are thinking…“What!!? His name

should be ‘Insane' instead of $mart…”
The truth is, you do not need to do any of the things that I am
mentioning. When I started, I did not apply these parameters.
That is why I wasted a month of growth trying my own un-
proven techniques. Since I started implementing a $mart
system, I was able to gain over 2200 followers in less than 30
days. Look at the analytics…

Once I implemented a systematic approach for growth which

could hold me accountable for my actions, my daily numbers
started to sky rocket! That is when the followers started to
magically appear.

After two and a half months on Twitter I received over 2000
followers, but during my rst month I did not get almost any.
Everything in life is a learning experience - you just have to
be willing to learn and apply.

The power of threads!

People on Twitter love threads for two main reasons:

1. They can learn from them.

2. They identify themselves with the information.

Threads, based on my humble

experience, are one of the easiest ways
to get a RT. On average my threads
receive 50% more engagements than
regular posts. I think it has to do with the
fact that it takes more e ort to craft
multiple tweets rather than just one. Your
level of focus increases while writing a
thread which makes you less prone to
making mistakes.

Twitter threads just perform better in

general. People enjoy a fantastic story
that teaches them along the way, or a
quick guide to improve their daily lives.
Crafting Twitter threads forces you to
narrate a story over several tweets, and
that as a consequence produces better tweets.

Threads showcase your love and understanding of your niche

and that will make you (little by little), in the eyes of your
audience, an authority. I can honestly tell you that threads are

follower magnets, as every single thread I have written has
gotten me more followers. My rule of thumb is: every single
RT on a thread = 1-10 new followers.

The Secret Sauce: Direct
Messages and Engagement

When you start your Twitter journey you will be ba ed by the

amount of engagement, comments, and likes certain
accounts get on their posts - I know I did! When you see
posts with 20, 30, or even 100+ likes, you will be scratching
your head wondering: “How can I get there?”

Well, let me tell you how. It

all starts with the power of
Direct Messages or DMs.
DMs will open up a new
world of opportunity within
the Twittersphere. DMs are
the “behind the scenes” of
Twitter. That is where the
real money and deals are
made. It is also how you can join engagement groups.

Engagement groups are essential for Twitter growth.

Engagement groups (EG) are a group of accounts that get

together in order to help each other grow. If it wasn’t for
engagement groups I would still be trying to gure out how to
get certain likes and comments on my posts. I have been

part of EG and I have created some myself. The sky is the
limit when it comes EG, but these are my recommendations:

• Find a group that shares the same niche to start with.

• Find a group that is actually interested in growing their

accounts (motivated people).

• Find a group of similar types of personalities (this one is trial

and error).

• Make sure you can handle the rules of the group.

Every EG will have rules, make sure you follow them.

If the rules do not t your schedule or routine, do not

join that group, as it might a ect your reputation.

EG are the best way to develop a Twitter network.

Do not try to make your own until you have gained

some traction and connections.

Note: Do not be afraid to DM bigger account than yours, as

most of them are very welcoming and helpful. Sometimes it
could take a while to get a reply. You need to understand that
people are busy, and big accounts get a lot of DMs. Some of
the best friendships I have developed over the past few
months started as simply “Hello”. Networking is essential for
success and growth, do not be afraid about contacting
anyone on Twitter. If the DM is open…go for it!

What No One Talks About, Know
Your Numbers
If you have been following me on Twitter you know that I am
all about Money, Motivation, Life, Entrepreneurship, and
developing a Wealthy Mindset.
My goal is to propel you towards success through $MART

Not a lot of people know about my background. Yes, I am an

entrepreneur, but before that I specialized in sales. I started
with nancial sales right out of University (I have an Honours
degree in Commerce with specialties in Venture Capital and
Entrepreneurship) and from
there I moved to
Commodity Sales, Facility
Services Sales, Uniform
Sales, and ended up in
Construction Sales. So, it is
safe to say that $mart likes
and enjoys $ales.

I have treated Twitter like a

new sales venture. I looked
at making the right connections (by using DMs and EG),
researched my featured products (tweets), tested my
audience and niche’s reciprocity (engagement rates), and
developed a growing company (number of followers).

The number one rule in sales is not “always be
closing”, it is “know your numbers”.

Why do you need to know your numbers?

The most common reasons that sales people fail are:

1. They are not persistent enough.

2. They do not know or love their products enough.

3. They do not know their numbers.

You must learn how to measure the e ort that you need to apply
in order to reach the numbers or goals that you are seeking.

My personal goal is to
grow at a rate of 10%
per week. Yours may
be to reach your rst

Regardless of what the

goal may be, you need
to understand how to
get there, and knowing
your numbers will get
you there.

Let me guide you (if you are not a numbers person, don’t
worry - I made this fool proof)!

First, look at your Twitter Analytics:

• Go on your side bar and click on MORE.

• Click on Analytics.

• Check the information available to you.

This section will show you everything that you will need to
know in order to understand your levels of activity and the
rewards from your e orts.

I would like you to focus on:
1. Followers: Make sure you have an upper trend on your
follower graph. If it is not going up, you must adjust your

2. Percentages: Make sure that your “percentages” are

green. If you keep everything in the “green” zone it means
that your level of e ort is greater than it was before. Higher
level of e ort = higher number of followers.

3. Your top tweets: The best tweets of the month will be

shown under this section. Make sure you take the best 10-20
tweets from each month and save them. The reason why you
should save them is simple:

• It will show you the kind of message

that your audience likes.

• It will inspire you to write about

topics that you know will already

• You can RT them after a few weeks

to complement newer tweets and
provide new followers with older yet
relevant material.

$mart tip: Keep the good tweets saved in your bookmarked

section so you can easily access them when you need them.

Taking your numbers to the next level.
Once you start developing a following, you need to
understand when the best time to tweet is based on your
followers’ locations and time zones. You want your followers
to engage with your content. The more they engage, the
higher the likelihood that new accounts will see your tweets.

So, how do we check special time zones? Well, you need to

understand your followers’ analytics. The numbers from your
followers’ analytics are di erent from your own. This is a
study of your followers behaviour.

Go to Followerwonk and register your Twitter account (it

takes about 30 seconds and it is FREE).

Click on “Analyze”, add your @twittername and select

“Analyze their follower” (picture on the next page).

Once you have completed that there will be information

about your followers such as their location and engagement

times. The point of this website is to gure out when the best
time to tweet is based on your audiences’ levels of activity.
Based on my audience, the best time to send out tweets is
from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

You want to make sure that people engage with you so this is
as targeted as it gets. Post your tweets when you know your
audience is ready to receive your message. The times will
di er between accounts. As you grow the patterns will
change so I usually check this website once a week for any
changes and new patterns.

Tweets, the Tricks
What are you truly passionate about? Think of the topic that
you love the most. The one that you could spend an hour
talking about. Can you visualize it? Perfect! The trick to
tweeting e ectively is being able to apply passion, emotions,
and interests in just a few words.

As you engage and become more

familiar with your audience, your
tweets should be a representation of
your ideas and passions. You must be
genuinely invested in your message.
Stop following the crowd, as
uniqueness will always win in the long

We live in a society of clones - those

who stand out usually go against the
You need to make sure that you can
compress passion and expertise in short, simple sentences.

“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand

it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein.

Use your unique knowledge or perspective to share valuable

information by keeping it short and light for the reader.
People are sometimes lazy, so long, complex messages do
not do well.

So here it is…the $mart Method of tweeting.

• Choose a topic per day: Money, Education, Relationships,

Mindset, Politics, Health or whatever tickles your fancy for
the next day.

• They could be subtopics

within a topic (remember:
you should be niche

• Brainstorm: write 5-10

possible tweets about
that speci c topic.

• Choose the best ones

and go even further.
Focus on:

A. How do I make this more emotional?

B. How can I make the reader more uncomfortable?

C. What would I write (as a reply) if I saw the tweet (most

people write tweets that are strong but mute the reader
from further engagement)?

D. Can I complement my tweet with a visual image? What

would the image mean?

E. If you are selling something, is the call to action clear

enough to engage the sale?

F. Is the message too complex, or too broad?

The number one mistake I see people making is that they

either do not know how to compress their ideas into simple
sentences or they have too many ideas in one tweet.

You must be clear, concise, simple to understand, and

I realize that becoming good at this takes time. I am still

learning myself (I was absolutely terrible when I started out
and I am constantly trying to improve since English is not my
rst language). Consistency and learning from stronger,
bigger accounts is key.

There are some amazing accounts that do this extremely


I would recommend checking out these four accounts.

Keep It Clean!
We all need to shower on a daily basis. If not, the worst case
scenario is hopefully once every couple of days. Your Twitter
timeline (the one that people see to check out your pro le)
should also do the same.

$mart what are you talking about??

Let me explain. Your

personal timeline is the rst
thing that prospects
(followers) will check out
when they see either a good
comment from you or a
recommendation about you.
A potential follower will
spend 2-5 seconds checking
the types of tweets that you
are putting out. You only
have a few seconds to showcase your talent and your ideas
so you need to make them count.

How do I make my timeline a follower magnet?

Every single guide and/or proper advice related to Twitter
growth will tell you the same thing…

RT or Quote tweet (QT) bigger accounts to increase

engagement and accelerate visibility.

Great! But what they do not tell you is that if you are doing
this constantly, you are polluting your timeline with other
people’s ideas. Guess what happens in this instance?

Potential followers will click on the accounts you like instead
of staying with you.

So, what is the plan…??

The plan is to make your timeline a follower magnet.

For every RT or QT, you need to have 2-3 of your own tweets.
That is why tweeting your own ideas is extremely important,
as you need material to showcase. You need to make it a
habit so that every single good tweet you have is saved for a
later date. Let me explain. As you spend time on Twitter,
some tweets will do better than others (which is normal). If
you get good momentum from a tweet, bookmark it, as this
will allow you to RT yourself every 15-30 days.

This cycle of retweeting your own material is $mart! because:

• It simpli es your thinking process by reusing successful

material and ideas!

• It provides newer followers with the ability to engage with

older material.

• It helps you ll the gaps after a RT or QT so you have

relevant personal tweets on your timeline

• It creates a systematic approach to growth…a successful

system beats e ort 10-1.

So what do you need to remember?

Engaging with other accounts is good and important for

growth. However, if you do not have anything to show your
potential followers, it is game over. You only get one chance
to generate a powerful rst impression.

Twitter Automation
Let us think for a moment about the things that make our
lives easier: hot water, cars, microwaves, etc. What do they
all have in common? They are all tools created to help us
accomplish tasks e ciently with the least amount of e ort.
Twitter also has systems in place to help with your every day
growth. They are called “Twitter automation tools”. There are
many tools out there and I encourage you to try them all. If
you want to save yourself some time, the ones that I like the
most are:



Which one do I like best? Both are amazing and a ordable. I

have provided you with some links (above) for your own
comparison. However, I have found that if you are interested
in automizing Twitter, Hypefury is the way to go because it is
Twitter focused.

Currently, I am using Publer for two main reasons. First, it is

super easy and intuitive to use. More importantly, it allows me
to automate more than one social media account (for me,

that’s GOLDEN). My plan is to also grow on Pinterest,
Instagram, and Facebook. Publer allows me to do this
e ciently.

Being able to schedule tweets will help you control your time
more e ciently. Our daily lives are already busy, and these
tools will allow you to plan and edit your tweets better and

Finally, do you remember what I taught you about the best

time to tweet? This is how you do it!

Twitter automation = more time = less stress = better


Twitter Balance

Addiction is real, and it is not just about drugs and alcohol. It

also involves the pursuit of success. Whatever success might
mean to you, it feels amazing when you
can almost feel it between your ngers.

If you are reading this guide, I

understand you. You want to be
successful, and Twitter might be a
vehicle to use in order to obtain your
goals. Twitter has various levels of
success: followers gained, money
made, likes, RT, levels of engagement,
etc. It feels amazing seeing your
numbers grow and seeing your goals
becoming a reality. However, you must
be aware of your dopamine levels.

Dopamine is a chemical produced by our brains that plays a

starring role in motivating behaviour. It gets released when
we take a bite of delicious foods, when we have sex, after we
exercise, and more importantly, when we have successful
social interactions.

While there is nothing inherently addictive about

smartphones themselves, the true drivers of our attachments
to these devices are the hyper-social environments they
provide. Twitter allow us to carry an immense social
environment in our pockets. You must control the itch to be
on it all the time.

I personally became a bit addicted to Twitter. I now
understand that Twitter is just one of many avenues to
accomplish my goals, but there must be balance. I
recommend that you create a Twitter schedule for yourself so
that you can control the need to go on it all the time. The
main reason I advocate tools
like Publer and Hypefury is
because they have helped me,
and they might just help you
control your time more
e ciently as well. Do yourself
a favour and be cognizant of
your Twitter usage.
This is what I do:
• I engage for a solid hour in the morning.

• I usually tweet between 9:00 -10:00 am (I schedule my

tweets on Publer and once they are live I post them in my
engagement groups).

• I set the Auto-RT feature for my tweets between 12:00 -

2:00 PM (my busiest time for follower engagement based
on my Followerwonk results).

• Note: The reason I RT at these times is because I want

people to see a tweet with some momentum as
opposed to a new one with no likes or comments.

• I engage for another solid hour at night and then call it a


$mart Tip: Try to remove the noti cation options from Twitter on
your phone, as it will prevent you from going on it all the time.

The Bu$iness of Twitter
Let us talk about MONEY. We all need it, and some of us
seek it more than others. I truly believe that money is not evil,
rather, the lack of money is. If making money on Twitter is not
one of your goals, skip to the next chapter.

There are multiple ways to

make money using
Twitter. The two most
popular ones are:

I. Selling your products

or services

II. A liate Marketing

• Selling your products or services

If you have some unique talents that can be promoted and
monetized through a computer, Twitter is an excellent sales
tool. Remember what I told you before about DM? Well, it
does not get easier than that! Twitter is an in nite pool of
clients waiting for your products and services.

Start browsing around di erent pro les looking for ways to

promote your skills or products directly to an account in

• If you are a designer and see a Twitter pro le in need of

some work, DM and sell them a new design and logo.

• If you are copywriter and you see a lower quality website
linked to a pro le, DM and sell your amazing word mastery.

• If you see someone unhealthy in need of losing some

weight, DM and o er
them your wellness

•If you see someone in

need of new followers,
DM and o er them your
Twitter growth course.

•Etc, etc, etc.

The potential is endless.

You must open your eyes to the vast monetization
opportunities in front of you. Where there is a will there is a
way, the potential is huge!

Be on the hunt, target clients, and ask for the sale!

$mart Tip: I would recommend that you do not just DM them out
of the blue. Follow the account, comment on their posts for a few
days (make yourself visible), and then once you know they are
aware of you, BOOM! O er a quick solution to an obvious
Be the expert!

• A liate Marketing
If you want to make money without having to develop your
own products this is the way to go.

What is a liate marketing?

When you sell anything for anyone else and you receive a
commission for it, you are marketing as an a liate. You are
not just a salesperson working for that company, you are
independent and on your own. There are no thresholds that
need to be met. But the more you sell, the more you earn.
The beauty of a liate marketing is that there are no
limitations and you can e ectively earn money by marketing
for many companies or course creators at the same time.
Let's keep it simple: an
a liate is someone willing to
promote a product that is
not his or her own. If the
a liate sells said product he/
she will receive some money
for the sale.

On Twitter, a liate marketing

is the easiest and fastest
way to make money. A lot of bigger accounts are already
selling and promoting their products so they would love a
hungry individual looking to promote them. One of my closest
Twitter friends, Midnight Underdog, is a master Gumroad
A liate.

Gumroad is the most popular platform used to sell courses

on Twitter. It is easy to join, most of the creators use it, and it
pays weekly on Fridays (BONUS).

Always a liate for products that you actually enjoy and use.
Not only is the right thing to do, but more importantly it will

show in the ways which you promote them. Unless you are a
master of deceit, sell and love what you promote. It keeps
everything more e cient.

$mart, what do you recommend to do in order to make $$

from a tweet?

There are a lot of people recommending products, especially

on “Money Twitter”. You must be $mart in order to monetize
products that have more than one person promoting them.

These are some awesome tips to help you out.

•Create a thread about the

bene ts of the product.

•Create a thread about a

topic your audience likes
and incorporate the product
as a solution to a pain point.

•If a tweet is getting

traction, add a second
tweet (like a mini thread)
and add your a liate
product. Write something
that complements the rst

• DM possible customers.

• O er cash back incentives (especially useful on recurring

monthly products).

• O er promotions: always put a timeline or a total number

of products to be discounted. Create a sense of urgency.

• Create unique o ers for yourself (be unique). Brainstorm
with the creator of the product.

I will most likely be making a sales strategy template or guide

in the coming months to help you be more e cient at selling
through your smart phone or computer.

Should I? Click HERE if that is something you would like me

to write about. You can also email me at info@smart- Feel free to send me speci c questions that you
are interested in having answered inside of that new guide.

Everything Is A Tweet, But
Persuasion Is Key
E ective tweeting takes time and e ort, but like many before
me have emphasized, tweeting advice to your younger self is
a good start. Do not be afraid of expressing your personal
thoughts and ideas, because at the end of the day people
can agree or disagree, and then they will move on. Any
publicity is good publicity. Do not take anything personally.

Back to tweeting, we need

to make sure that your
message catches peoples’
eyes and forces them to
engage. Persuasion starts
with selecting “key” words
that prompt a reaction, so I
have created a table to
help you out with
everything. Use the words
in the table to create
strong and persuasive
tweets. Be assertive and
direct in your message. We
are looking for two solid sentences to create a ton of

Make the words count!

Twitter Tips
This is a quick list of some of the most important tips that I
have come across over the last three months.

• Keep your tweets short and powerful: If you have links -

shorten your links. Click HERE to shorten a link.

• Target an audience directly: It is a way of “calling in” your

target audience – and catching the eye of the exact crowd
you want to target. For example: Business People! If you do
not learn how to sell…just close up shop already.

• Create News-Like Enthusiasm: Use opening words like

“At Last!”, “Announcing!”, “New!”, or “Finally!”. For
example: “Finally! - Money Twitter is paying dividends! Who
is winning today!?”

• Ask an Intriguing Question: Questions are hypnotic by

nature. It is a good idea to involve the reader rather than
just shoving a statement in their face.

• Teach your audience something interesting: You have

seen these types of tweets before, as they do really well.
You have probably seen “How to”, “10 tips”, “21 ways”,
and “3 Easy Steps”, etc.

• Urgency Sales: When a person feels the pressure to do or

buy something immediately, they are much more likely to
go through with it. This works especially well with a liate
marketing. For example: “The next 10 copies will have an
additional 50% o every sale”, and then you can tweet “9”,
“8”, “7”, etc.

• Give Good Reasons: This strategy works great for lists.
For example: “5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking

• Create Private Lists: You do not have to follow a lot of

people to keep up with your favourite group of accounts.
Create lists and only follow the people that really interact
with your content.

• Hashtags: There is a lot of debate over the use of

hashtags. Some content marketers say you should throw in
a load of them at the end of every tweet…I disagree. To me,
it looks messy. Honestly, I am less likely to stop and read
the tweet if I see a bunch of Hashtags. I was using
hashtags when I started my Twitter journey, and to be
honest, it made absolutely no di erence in my engagement

• Milestones: This is a fantastic strategy for growth, as

people love to help others reach milestones. When you are
close to one, tweet about it. When you reach it, tweet

• Do not repeat the tweet: If you are going to comment on a

great tweet, improve it. If you are not adding value, move

• Keep a list: You must keep two lists actually!

1. You need a list of 100 fantastic tweets from bigger

accounts that you can use as guidance and inspiration.

2. You also need a list of your best performing tweets - it

will remind you of the type of content your followers

Special Thanks!

First and foremost, I need to thank my wife for supporting me on this crazy
journey. She is an angel and my personal proofreader.

To my kids, even though they are too young to read, I know my Twitter
journey is just the start of something great that will bene t them in the
years to come.

To all of my followers and the wonderful people that I have been able to
meet over the last 4 months, thank you!!

Most importantly, many thanks to the $mart Team.

I owe my growth to everyone who is part of the $mart Team. I will be

forever grateful for your help and support.

Last but not least, I want to mention a special account that has made this
guide extra special!

@SeanzDesignz for creating the

amazing cover of the guide and
Gumroad artwork.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation
is not to utter words, but to live by them.” —JFK


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