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Pakistan Textiles Apparel industries challenges & Opportunities

Pakistan is a large country that produces cotton, yarn, fabric and different kinds of Apparels. The
textile industry faces many challenges worldwide. The Apparel industry is an important factor of
global market. It has an altogether big share of 7% worldwide. Textile industry plays an
important role in the Pakistan economy. Firstly cotton is produced and then different industries
like ginning, spinning, weaving and garment manufacturing are a great resource of foreign
exchange. The current study provides the challenges and opportunities the apparel industry’s
face domestically and internationally. Apparel sector mostly manufactures pure cotton and cotton
meld shirts, T-shirts, all categories of pants like jean, cotton & soft cotton children’s dress,
school uniforms, Track suit, sportswear, skirts, blouses and undergarments. Among the men’s,
shirts and children garments are widely fabricated for local markets & international markets. All
the garments are almost made of cotton blends. Textile sector contributes 8.5% to the GDP of
Pakistan, 45% of industrial employment and 60 % of exports.
From last five years Pakistan's export share is declining. There has been a 20 percent decline in
foreign exports. The decline in Pakistan's exports is not what we should witness, although
business has already been resumed. There should have been a boom in our export industry. The
contrary, however, happened; perhaps, this is not just an industry failure. The decline in our
export products is also the failure of the economy.
⮚ We believe that improving time-based efficiency in Pakistan's textile and apparel would
increase its appeal in the higher-end fashion and clothing markets.
⮚ It would also reduce the total cost as the flow time decreases. If the governing variables are
in place, it is possible to dramatically boost time-based efficiency and competitiveness.
Otherwise, firms will continue to boost their efficiency and the system will waste its efforts.
Q1- What are the Challenges & opportunities faced by Pakistan apparel industry on Local
& Global marketing?
Q2- What is the importance of clothing industry in economic growth of Pakistan?
Q3- How exports of apparels can be enhanced worldwide?
Research Design
Primary research will be involved in the methods adopted to perform this research to determine
the current structure of the apparel industry and establish a thorough understanding of export
success in important apparel markets.
A journal questionnaire will be organized to get the primary data set from the mills exporting the
apparels. On meeting with mill personnel’s questions will be asked for the purpose of collecting
primary data. Then SWOT analysis will be conducted.

SWOT Technique
SWOT is a commonly used mechanism for the simultaneous analysis of external and internal
environment to obtain a systematic approach and support for a decision making situation. Four
components are grouped in SWOT, named as SWOT groups. These variable groups are stands
for strengths, weakness, Chances, and threating.
A plan resulting in a successful match between the internal and external influences is introduced
and implemented. In addition, the approach selected must also be in line with the decision-
makers' currently and future purpose. Systematic thought and systematic study of factors related
to a new technology, product, product and management are involved in SWOT analysis.

Analytic Hierarchal Process (AHP)

Analytic hierarchical process is a multi-criteria decision making method which can help
articulate a generic decision by breaking down a complex problem into a hierarchical multi-level
system of priorities, parameters and substitute. The AHP compares the relative validity of the
variable at each hierarchical level in pairs with each level, or tests the alternatives at the lowest
hierarchical level to take the best decision between alternatives. AHP compares In particular,
AHP is an important form of decision-making. Where there is subjectivity and where decision
criteria can be really appropriate for solving issues hierarchically ordered into sub criteria.

The objective is to qualify and combine SWOT factors systematically with their intensities when
using the AHP inside SWOT framework. Three measures apply the proposed method
1-In the first step, list the significant internal (weaknesses and strengths) and external (chances
and threats) strategic planning aspects, SWOT analysis composition.

2- Weights of every SWOT group on a pair basis is compared at second step.

3-In the end, the third stage uses AHP in the sense of the SWOT groups to define relative
preferences of any factor. Then, multiplying the local weight factors by the total weight of the

Phase (1): Building the Model

Industry Literature

Initializing SWOT

Phase (2): Modify the SWOT Model

Confirm Factor with

CEO of Planning Department delfi technique

CEO of Manufacturing Department Final SWOT Model

Phase (3): Evaluation Model

Identifying the A.H.P factors

CEO Plan… Department

Final Model

1-Innovative ability
2-Resource and expertise availability
3-The commodity standard
4-Employees of Expert Management
5-Industry reputation
1-Lack of systems for evaluating output
2-Non-flexible framework for organization
3-Costs of Electricity
4-Costs of labor
5-Lack of reliable capability for forecasting
6-High cost of logistics
7-Lack of established proprietary brands
1-Rising standards of living and rising modern standards
Buildings The
2-Globalization and a reduced barrier to trade
3-Overseas New Markets
2-Political turmoil and potential regional problems
3-The geographical region, in particular the Middle East
4-Different and developing global market
5-Reinforcing stresses on the environment
6-Different calls for standardization from international organizations
8-Poor per-unit earnings

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