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ssessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Ra

Subject: patient's  Hypertension The major goals for focuses on lowering and Monitor
the patient include controlling the blood medicatio
says ( the worst so can result from
pressure without adverse
an increase in understanding of the control b
far) effects
cardiac output disease and without undue cost. pressure.
Objective : (heart rate process and its Persons with acute or R
multiplied by treatment, chronic conditions drug ther
stroke participation in a may compromise consisting
volume), an self-care program, circulation and place drugs, inc
increase in and absence of diuretics,
excessive demands on
peripheral complications. convertin
the heart.
resistance or [ACE] in
Check laboratory data
both. vascular
(cardiac markers,
complete blood cell muscle re
count, electrolytes, and calci
ABGs, blood urea blockers)
nitrogen and dependen
creatinine, cardiac individua
enzymes, and the syner
cultures, such as of the dru
blood, wound or of side ef
secretions). To interactio
identify contributing patient’s
factors for taking
Monitor and record antihyper
BP. Measure in both medicatio
arms and thighs importan
three times, 3–5 min smallest n
apart while patient is lowest do
at rest, then sitting, medicatio
then standing for
initial evaluation.
Use correct cuff size
and accurate

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