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 Vocabulary:
- electricity grid: hệ thống điện
- plant meltdown: nóng chảy hạt nhân
- crude oil: dầu thô
- sustainable energy: năng lượng bền vững
- fuel cell: pin nhiên liệu
- climate change
- desertification: sa mạc hóa
- drought: hạn hán
- floods: lũ lụt
- oil slick
- ozone layer: tầng ozone
- disponsable products/ disponsable nappies/disposable
goods : sản phẩm/ hàng hóa dùng một lần
- ban (v): to not allow something (eg. smoking, alcohol,
plastic bags, protest marches, etc.)
- carbon footprint noun a measurement of the amount of
carbon-dioxide a person adds to the atmosphere
- domestic waste: rubbish or garbage from a house or
- dump verb to put waste in the wrong place 
- endangered species
- environmentalist (n) nhà môi trường học
- ecosystem (n) hệ sinh thái
- rely on (v) to depend on SO or ST
- make optimal use of materials and resources = khai thác
tài nguyên một cách tối ưu
- depletion of natural resources = sự cạn kiệt của tài
nguyên thiên nhiên
- environmental degradation = sự hủy hoại môi trường
- rapid deterioration of environment = sự hủy hoại môi
trường một cách nhanh chóng
- impose petrol tax = áp thuế xăng
- drought-resistant plant = thực vật có khả năng chịu hạn
 Topics:
- Global environmental issues are the responsibility of rich
nations not of poorer nations. Do you agree or disagree
with this opinion?
- Explain some ways in which human are damaging the
environment. Solutions?
- Some people think international car-free days are an
effective way of reducing air pollution; however, others
think there are other ways.Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

 Type of pollutions
Water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, deforestation,
radioactive, noise pollution,…

 Natural disasters
1. Hurricane, Typhoons & Cyclones. ...
2. Earthquakes. ...
3. Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones.
4. Tsunamis.
5. Floods.
6. Mudslides.
7. Avalanches.
City life
 Vocabulary
 Antiques shop: A shop where you can buy old and
rare things. (noun)
 Bowling alley: A building where people can go
bowling. (noun)
 Brasserie: A restaurant that serves cheap French
food. (noun) 
 Butcher shop: A shop where people can buy
meat. (noun)
 Campus: The buildings and surrounding area of a
college or university. (noun)
 Chain store: A group of stores that are owned by
one organization and sell similar goods. (noun)
 Commuter: A person who regularly travels quite a
far way between work and home. (noun)
 Downtown: The central part of a city. (noun)
 Flea market: A market where people can buy old or
used goods. (noun)
 Housing estate: An area where houses or
apartments are built together. (noun)
 Monument: A building or statue that is built to
honor a famous person or event. (noun)
 Newsstand: A place on a street where people can
buy newspapers and magazines. (noun)
 Overpopulation: When there are too many people
living in a particular area. (noun)
 Residential building: A building that is used as a
place to live. (noun)
 Synagogue: A building where Jewish people do
religious activities. (noun)

 Topics
- Drawbacks of city life
- Eating habit in the city
- Compare city life and village life

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