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Bài 1

Nowadays, people are confronted with advertisements of all kinds on a daily basis. Some people believe this has both positive and
negative impacts on our lives, and personally, I completely agree with such viewpoint.

People in the modern world come into contact with advertisements almost everywhere, from online commercials, to banners displayed
on crowded streets. Frequent exposure to advertisments of the same, or similar types of products, helps consumers make a clear
comparison of certain aspects of the product, such as function or price, before deciding which items are suitable for their needs. For
instance, thanks to the commercials of Iphone X and Samsung Galaxy S10, people wishing to purchase a smartphone can easily weigh up
the pros and cons of these two products, and then choose the right one that serves their demand.

(1)However, widespread advertising can also have some negative consequences that are worthy of consideration. First, the information
delivered in advertisements is not always accurate, as many companies exaggerate the features of their products in order to draw
attention from the public. As a result, consumers are likely to receive products of much lower quality than advertised. Second, the heavy
cost of producing a range of advertisments can raise the market price of many products, meaning that people will have to pay more
money to buy an item that they want.

In conclusion, the fact that advertisements of all types surround people can influence their lives in both positive and negative ways, and
companies should consider giving the accurate information, and reduce their budgets for advertising to mitigate the drawbacks mentioned

1. To come into contact with: tiếp cận với một thứ gì đó

2. Frequent exposure: tiếp cận thường xuyên

3. To weigh up pros and cons: cân nhắc lợi hại

4. To exaggerate: phóng đại

Bài 2

Some people hold a belief that schools should be a place where students study academic subjects to pass examinations rather than learn
skills such as dressing and cooking. In my opinion, despite the significance of academic study and exams, students should also be taught
fundamental life skills.

On the one hand, studying academic knowledge is vital for students in many ways. First, examination results are essential for students’
academic record. With good results, they will have an advantage in the national high school exams in which their academic performance
after many years of study is considered. Second, academic subjects equip students with fundamental knowledge that will be used in
tertiary education. For example, most undergraduates in Vietnam are supposed to pass subjects, such as Microeconomics and Advanced
Mathematics, which are comprised of mathematical knowledge taught at high school. Without a deep understanding, students may fail
the final exams and have to study these subjects again, which is time-consuming and costly.

However, there are several reasons why students still need to learn practical skills. For instance, when college students live far from
family, life skills such as cooking will be helpful since students will be able to prepare healthy and affordable meals on their own instead of
eating out at restaurants. Attending skill building classes at school is also an effective way for students to unwind after many hours of
studying academic subjects. Through a wide range of activities, students are able to relax and as a result perform better in exams.

In conclusion, I disagree that students should only study academic subjects because both academic knowledge and practical skills are
equally important and should be taught at school.

1. Examination results: kết quả từ các kỳ thi

2. To have an advantage in: có lợi thế trong việc nào đó

3. Academic performance: năng lực học thuật (lực học)

4. Academic subjects equip students with fundamental knowledge: các môn học thuật trang bị cho học sinh những kiến thức cơ bản và
quan trọng

5. To prepare healthy and affordable meals: chuẩn bị các bữa ăn rẻ và tốt cho sức khỏe

6. Attending skill building classes: tham gia các lớp kỹ năng

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