Campina Practice Vocab

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The Italian chef gave me a recipe … a)for my wedding anniversary b) for a serious illness c) for spaghetti
carbonara d) in wildlife
2. I like my house because it has lots of … a)place b) space c) floor d) area
3. Britain’s … is fairly mild: neither very cold, nor very hot. a) forecast b) environment c) climate d) sky
4. I fell over in front of everybody! It was so … a) romantic b)embarrassing c) naughty d) depressed
5. Are you scared … snakes? a) with b) of c) at d) for
6. A teacher who is always shouting is… a) nervous b) bad-tempered c) moody d) anxious
7. The new factory is on the … of the city. a) outskirts b) surroundings c) neighbourhood d) suburb
8. You should get a … for everything you buy in the shop. a)bill b) catalogue c) receipt d)cheque
9. We should get to the airport one hour before the plane … a) takes off b)sets off c) goes away d) gets
10. I’m going to wear a clown’s … to the fancy dress party.a) suit b) dress c) costume d) custom
11. There is too much snow on the road. I think we should … a) turn off b)turn down c) turn away d) turn
12. She is a very … child; she always makes up wonderful stories. a)imaginative b)imaginary c)fantastic d)
13. The television is rather … . Can you turn it down please? a) aloud b) loudly c) loud d) noise
14. I can’t … with the pressure at work. a) cope b) managed c) succeed d) achieve
15. Whenever I hear that song, it … happy memories. a) gets back b)brings back c) plays back d) holds back
16. Her worst … is failing her final exams. a) fear b) fright c) horror d)afraid
17. …. the salt and pepper,please! a) Throw b) Pass c) Push d)Drop
18. The … professor always forgot where he had put his hat. a)broad-minded b) self-confident c)narrow-
minded d)absent-minded
19. My sister is a(n) … person. She gets on well with people and makes friends easily. a) easy-going b)self-
confident c) well-meaning d) hard-working
20. The … of rebuilding the city will be enormous. a) value b) cost c)prize d) worth
21. I’m sorry. I think I’ve … your alarm clock. a)harmed b)hurt c) injured d) broken
22. Every Friday, workers gathered to be given their … a) salary b) profit c) income d) wages
23. I was surprised to see her cry all the time . I didn’t know she was so … a) emotional b)sensible c) crying d)
24. The thief … violently the purse from her hand. a) dashed b) seized c) snatched d) eased
25. He could … have stolen the goods when nobody was watching. a) simply b) easily c) surely d) obviously
26. It’s safe to hide in here. Nothing will give you … a) up b) off c) away d) in
27. This is an insult nobody will … a) put up with b) put away with c) put on with d) put down with
28. Something must be done by everybody to protect the … a) wilderness b) wildlife c) wildness d) wild
29. She underwent an extreme … But everybody thinks she looks fantastic. a) make up b) makeup c)
makeover d) makeoff
30. His mother … her daughter-in-law up and down. a) watched b) looked c) eyed d) notice
31. The mare is looking for her … a) lamb b) puppy c) colt d) gosling
32. The language spoken in Poland is called …. a) Polish b) Poles c) Pollish d) Polesh
33. I bought my dress on … a) sail b) sells c) sale d) seal
34. They were called by the police to give a full … of the stolen car. a) accounts b) information c) description
d) detail
35. He remained as cool as a … as if nothing had happened . a) cucumber b) tomato c) cabbage d) mule

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