Reconstitution of Oct

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done at the cxpense O peritioner

S0urces OF SUpport
FOr Reconstituti on O (Oc done Twice in consccutive issues of
the OFFiCiol âae Ho
00 oriqinaj cerFCate
Of T11le Judicia Reconstiturion
it was issUed
Filing a pttinon with
owner 's DuplioaR still in POrOe
OF the certificaOF the RTC
not superseded
.Publicdtion POstin g
by a subrequent
posting - a t e main entrancu OF
b. co ownes, morrgagee's he
tranfer o Certificakt
lessee'e duplicak oF the 5ervice or notice provincia)/municipa1/ cify hall
certiicat oF ntte oF tiHt where the Iand ís lo Catcd
c-Certified copy OF gt easf 30 days before the
Cemificat OF tite issued R egIster OF DeEds) Sevie
OF none

4 by the Register op Deeds best p OF Cermiicatiom

i F nD notice, he is deprived oF
or by a 1eg ai oustodlan
of NOrice or all heanings
hicday in covrt omd the order 6
d-an outhtnhicgied coDy rCconsthhtim s VoID
the decree OF registraion or ExTGjudicial of ReConstinnionCO ndition)4
POterr Durwon o the NOTIUE Administra nve NO. OF Certificoes damqqed
original certificat of title nofiot Shall be given tun n oniy be avaired of in a t Leqst 10. OF thc tofal
15Sued numbrr in the RD
he RD Case OP Substa ntiai loss or
tDOCument on File with the osoti om oF title due fo
regismy oF 0eeds, whih the NO order or judgment is a)10 no case shall thenumbe
propemy descnibed in the documens in or untl tme tapse OF 0 Fire Hood other beeSs than 5 00
is leased, noTgaged, or 15 days Fom rectipt by FOre mojeur detemmined by
encumbered the Administranr or me URAT
or an autmen nca td
0py oF said fhe D and ommi ssinor of
documen is registercd showin g
or tgina

F.any ofher documenr whh tthe XtrajvdIcial Rec0nstihuiem Pd ministratiVt Reconsituton

cour moy Hnd as sUPFIOivt ond oniy pos5lble wmen the
same a requisites and
proper bosis FOr recosHtuting the 5ources oF Pthtion qe:
lost or destroyed etiHAtt of tiHle Caye OF OOT
oonditi ons aFoemention cd
O owncrs Dupli Cdte of the
ceriicd title
co- owner' Dvpiicax of the
cerificare d ritle

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