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Unit of Work – Summative Information – Science Unit 7G – Year 7

Year Unit or Activity Focus – skills and knowledge Science ​KS​3 Programme of Study Curriculum, learning opportunities PLTS Number of
/Group development Reference lessons
7 7G- The Particle See below. 7G Pupils will have 7 lessons per unit and See below. 7
Model will learn through a mix of theory and
practical lessons.

Learning Intentions Cross Curricular Objectives

Skills and knowledge:

1. Solids, Liquids and Gases. LI: State and explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Literacy:
• the use of adjectives to accurately
2. Particles. LI: State and explain the particle theory of matter. (Formative Assessment as well) describe substances in science.
● how scientists use language to
3. Diffusion. LI: State and explain how particles spread out. measure and compare by applying
adjectives, comparatives and
4. Air Pressure. LI: State and explain the force of particles as air pressure. superlatives.
● Defining key working scientifically words.
5. Waste. LI: State and explain how we can deal with our waste.
• calculating mean values and
• drawing and interpreting bar charts and
This unit develops an understanding of the different properties of solids, liquids and gases within the context of waste
line graphs.
management and disposal. Scientific method and ideas on experiments, observation, hypotheses and theories are discussed,
● converting between metres and
leading to an understanding of the particle theory of matter. Further applications of the particle theory are investigated using the
nanometres • calculating
context of waste and waste disposal.
volumes using simple formulae.
Thinking Skills: Writing a hypothesis.
This unit covers the following statements from the UK National Curriculum for Science (2013): Evaluation of investigation method,
• the properties of the different states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) in terms of the particle model, including gas pressure improving practical work.
(Chemistry) ICT: Extended HW research
• similarities and differences, including density differences, between solids, liquids and gases (Physics) Communication: : ​group work, contribution
• differences in arrangements, in motion and in closeness of particles explaining changes of state, shape and density, the anomaly to class.
of ice– water transition. (Physics) SMSC: recycling, looking after our
Unit of Work – Summative Information – Science Unit 7G – Year 7
Practical skills – teacher demonstration of diffusion Cross-curricular opportunities 7Ga –
Geography – use of land 7Ga – History –
changing nature of rubbish 7Ga – English
– adjectives, comparatives and
superlatives 7Gb – Geography –
environmental pollution 7Gd – History –
funding for science research pre 19th
century 7Ge – Geography – air pressure
and weather forecasting
Unit of Work – Summative Information – Science Unit 7G – Year 7
Assessment Criteria / Expectations – including formative and feedback Resources Continuity and Progression
(​How:​ method / criteria. ​When​ : i.e. timing ​By whom​ : ) (link/development of previous learning
Homework – active learn online tasks Resources from indicate which ● From KS2 most students will be
Pearson section on Active teach able to: • compare and group
Assessed practical task: 7Gd2 diffusion. Writing a prediction and recording materials together, according to
Located on Drive:
observations. whether they are solids, liquids
Science Department 2016-17/ Science
9-1 Planning/Year 7/7G- The Particle or gases (Year 4) • understand
Summative key assessment – particle model Theory that some materials will dissolve
in liquid to form a solution, and
describe how to recover a
substance from a solution (Year
5) • use knowledge of solids,
liquids and gases to decide how
mixtures might be separated,
including through filtering,
sieving and evaporating (Year 5).
Unit of Work – Summative Information – Science Unit 7G – Year 7
Week by Week SCHEME OF WORK & ASSESSMENT for (Subject – Unit and Year)
Date/Week Subject content/Topic Knowledge base – link to Skills in focus Students’ programme of Assessment: method, Resources: hyperlink or Homework
previous learning study and activities feedback and improvement physical location for all
– shared with all
The Particle Model Grouping and comparing Numeracy: units of volume Lessons 1-3 (see overview) Formative, within lessons Resources from Online task
Week 1 materials. and compression. Using the Summative: indicate which
Identifying materials as nanoscale- converting
Number of either solid, liquid or gas. between metres and L2 – key assessment Pearson section on
lessons: 3 nanometres. Active teach

Unit: 7G Located on Drive:

Dates: Term Science Department
2 2016-17/ Science 9-1
Planning/Year 7/7G-
The Particle Theory
Resources and general notes: Powerpoints completed for each lesson with LI, success criteria and notes on delivery.

Date/Week Subject content/Topic Knowledge base – link to Skills in focus Students’ programme of Assessment: method, Resources: hyperlink or Homework
previous learning study and activities feedback and improvement physical location for all
– shared with all
The Particle Model Grouping and comparing Practical work: Investigating Lessons 4-7 (see overview) Formative, within lessons Resources from Online task
Week 2 materials. diffusion worksheet 7Gd2. Summative: indicate which
Identifying materials as Writing a prediction and L4- Practical task
Number of either solid, liquid or gas. making observations. assessment- teacher Pearson section on
lessons: 4 assessed. Active teach
End of Unit test- teacher
Unit: 7G assessed. Located on Drive:
Practical skills –
Dates: Term teacher Science Department
2 2016-17/ Science 9-1
demonstration of
Planning/Year 7/7G-
diffusion The Particle Theory
​Or 7gd2 class
Resources and general notes: Powerpoints completed for each lesson with LI, success criteria and notes on delivery.

(Plan in intervention time to each unit)

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