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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Applied Research
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Master of Arts
Major in Mathematics

Marry Anne A. Alcantara

May 2015


Preliminary Page
TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………….1




Background of the Study………………………..5

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework…………...8

Statement of the Problem…………………….…11


Significance of the Study…………………….….13

Scope and Limitations of the Study……….……14

Definition of Terms………………………….……14


Related Literature……………….………………17

Relate Studies………………….…………….…..24


Research Design………………….…….……..28

Population and Sampling Techniques……....29

Research Procedure………………….…….....29

Research Instrument…………………………29

Statistical Treatment…………………………30




Chapter 1



Education is very important in everyone’s life thus, learning

Mathematics is very relevant in man’s daily living. Some students have

difficulties in learning Mathematics because of many reasons. In line with this,

teachers who facilitate learning should prepare and apply different strategies

and techniques in order to help students to understand the lessons especially

in Mathematics. Developing a learning module is a great effort a teacher will

do in supporting students’ learning.

Preparing learning materials is one of the responsibilities of a teacher

so it should always be given focus. Students will understand a particular

lesson individually or cooperatively by using a learning material. A learning

material, especially a module should be planned and organized well by a

teacher before distributing it to the students. According to Dr. K. Sejpal in his

Modular Method of Teaching (2013), module is a unit of work in course of

instruction that is virtually self-contained and a method of teaching that is

based on the building up skills and knowledge in discrete units. Students will

have their task to search ideas on their own in order to learn individually. This

is very important for them to have a good study habit and self discipline.

Teachers should provide many relevant exercises and activities in

order for the students to successfully understand the lesson. They should

also develop materials in facilitating learning. The study wanted to prove that

the developed learning modules in Mathematics, especially in Algebra will be

very helpful in the teaching learning process. Also, this will be an additional

material to be used by the teachers for future learners.

Background of the Study

Teaching is a great work; it helps everyone to achieve their goals in life

that is why teachers are very hardworking in enhancing their teaching

techniques and strategies. Teaching strategies of the teachers helped the

teaching - learning process be successful so, each should intelligently

prepare learning materials for their students.

Republic Act No. 10533, the "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013"

makes the following claims regarding the K+12 curriculum:

The DepED shall adhere to the following standards and principles in

developing the enhanced basic education curriculum: 


(a) The curriculum shall be learner-centered, inclusive and developmentally


(h) The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to

localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective

educational and social contexts. The production and development of locally

produced teaching materials shall be encouraged and approval of these

materials shall devolve to the regional and division education units.

As indicated in some parts of this act, the K to 12 curriculum shall be

learner centered and the production and development of locally produced

teaching materials shall be encouraged. With this, teachers must considered

their ability in constructing materials such as modules in order to help

students’ learning.

Modules are the most widely accepted learning materials so it is

important to prepare it intelligently. It has an impact in learning since using

this material has already been spread in the whole world and many

researchers have proved that the use of it has an effect in the learning

process of the students all over the world especially in the subject

Mathematics. This is the reason why the researcher focuses in the

development and evaluation of learning module. In addition with this, the

researcher wants to have another purpose in dealing with the study and that

is the material developed will be used by the researcher in facilitating


The Filipino Child, Policy brief no. 4 2010 states that “The primary

reason for dropout is lack of personal interest...It may be due to demand-side

issues such as poor information on the value of education. It may also be that

the poor are very impatient and do not see the returns to education (which

may only be felt a few years down the road) as an attractive proposition. The

reason can also be a supply-side issue where the education system is not

producing relevant results for school-aged children and their families.

With the use of modules, teachers can make it as the motivation to

focus the interest of the students to learn more. It will help the students to fully

engage themselves to have their good performance.

Cruz (2002) pointed out that student’s ability and competence is

affected by the teachers’ preparation and mastery of the subject matter.

Teachers are the makers of instructional material so he/she must be properly

prepared and master the subject matter. Developing a learning module is one

of the greatest works that a teacher must do in order to help the performance

of the students.

Benitez (2003) directed that exercises and drills during the lesson

intended to supplement the learners w/ knowledge and understanding of the

topic given. A learning module is a good material which is provided with many

drills and exercises parallel to a particular topic that is helpful to students in

understanding the lesson well.

The population of public schools are evidently increasing resulting to

overcrowded classrooms. A module is a good material that will help the

teacher and students to work properly and achieve a goal – understanding a

particular lesson and apply it in everyone’s lives to be successful. With the

help of the developed module in Algebra, the students will have a higher

chance in understanding each lesson.

The independent variables consist of the topics in Algebra which the

module is to be focused, components of the learning module which includes

the objectives, content, activities, assessment, references while the

dependent variables consist of the criteria for evaluation of the learning

module which includes relevance, clarity, appropriateness, usefulness,

organization, structural design, timeliness. The researcher listed the given

independent variables because these are the parts that will be assessed by

the evaluators.

Theoretical Framework

Theories are careful explanation which covers the known facts. These

are explanations offered as possibly but not true possibly true. The study is

anchored to the following theories and can help to analyze the variables

related to this study thus, relate them to each other.

The Law of Effect published by Edward Thorndike (1898) is the belief

that the pleasing after – effect strengthens the action that produced it. The

result of modular instruction must be considered to determine if this has

significant effect on the performance of students especially in Mathematics. A

developed and evaluated learning module in Algebra is the beginning in order

to have a good effect on students’ learning.

Discovery Learning by Jerome Bruner (1966) proposed that it is a

method of inquiry- based instruction; discovery learning believes that it is best

for learners to discover facts and relationship for themselves. Every student

can discover new ideas even in their own ways. A student who truly exert

effort and is so motivated to successfully answer the activities in the module

given to him can discover some techniques in solving problems in a particular

subject matter. It will make him perform well in his studies especially in


The Self- Determination Theory by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan

(2000) is an important theory of motivation that addresses issues of extrinsic

and intrinsic motivation. People have innate psychological needs:

competence, relatedness Autonomy. If these needs are met, the theory

argues that people will function and grow optimally. Teachers must be

determined and motivated to developed materials that will be helpful to the


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model of the study is presented in the figure in the

form of a paradigm. The figure below shows how the variables are related to

each other.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

 Algebraic
 Problem solving EVALUATION OF THE
Expressions  Relevance
 Clarity
COMPONENTS OF  Appropriateness
 Usefulness
 Organization
 Objectives  Structural Design
 Content  Timeliness
 Activities
 Assessment
 References

Frame I Frame II

Looking at the paradigm, variables were related to each other. Frame 1

consists of the independent variables – components of the learning module in

terms of objectives, content, activities, assessment and references.

Frame 2 consists of the dependent variables – criteria for evaluation of

the learning module in terms of relevance, clarity, appropriateness,

usefulness, organization, structural design, timeliness.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the developed learning

module in Algebra

Specially, it seeks to answer the ff questions.

1. What is the perceived needs of the students in learning Algebra in

terms of:

3.1. Algebraic Expressions

3.2. Problem solving involving Algebraic Expressions?

2. What is the mean level of the teacher evaluators’ ratings for criteria for

evaluation of the learning module in terms of:

2.1 . relevance

2.2 . clarity

2.3 . appropriateness

2.4 . usefulness

2.5 . organization

2.6 . structural design

2.7 . timeliness?

3. What is the mean level of the expert evaluators’ ratings for criteria for

evaluation of the learning module in terms of:

3.1 . relevance

3.2 . clarity

3.3 . appropriateness

3.4 . usefulness

3.5 . organization

3.6 . structural design

3.7 . timeliness?

4. Is there a significant difference among the ratings of the evaluators in the

developed learning module in Algebra?

Research Hypotheses

Ho: There is no a significant difference among the ratings of the

evaluators in the developed learning module in Algebra.


Ha: There is a significant difference among the ratings of the

evaluators in the developed learning module in Algebra.

Significance of the Study

The study was specifically designed to be of great significance to the



The module developed and evaluated will be used by the Grade 7

students to help them understand the lessons in Algebra. The students can

also be developed by themselves the ability to search information on their

own and to practice their self-discipline and to build study habits.


The module can be used by the teachers who are teaching Grade 7

Mathematics because this material is parallel to the competencies indicated in

the K to 12 curriculum guide.


Parents who are aware of using modules will support and help their

children in dealing with the material. When the students absorbed the lesson

successfully with the help of the module, the parents will be satisfied and

proud to their children.


This study will help the administrators to enhance their knowledge and

capabilities in managing school.

Future Researchers

The study will be beneficial to the future researchers in a way that this

will be their basis in conducting their own study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited only on the development of the learning module

for Grade 7 Mathematics specifically in Algebra. The developed module will

then be evaluated by the respondents in order to determine if it is valid and


Definition of Terms

Activities. Activities are something that are done as work or for a particular

purpose. The drills and exercises of the learning module that will help boost

the knowledge of students in a particular lesson in Algebra.


Appropriateness. The quality of a thing of being especially suitable. The

correctness of each lesson in the module.

Assessment. The act of making a judgment about something. The activity

portion of each lesson in the module that will test the learning of the students

in every lesson.

Clarity. The quality of being expressed, remembered and understood in a

very exact way. The quality of the module of being easily understood by the

students when they will use it.

Content. The topics or matter treated in a written work. The content of the

module includes the topics for Algebra in the curriculum guide for Grade 7


Learning Modules. Learning Modules are a method for presenting course

materials in a linear fashion, with a table of contents and the ability to control

the release of the material one screen at a time.  It embraces the idea of

“chunking” information, and can contain all types of content, such as text,

graphics, multimedia and assessment tools. A material developed by the

researcher and evaluated by the teachers. This material will be helpful in

teaching Grade 7 Mathematics specifically in Algebra.

Objectives. Something that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or

accomplish; purpose; goal; target. The objectives of the module developed is

parallel to the learning competencies of the K to 12 Grade 7 curriculum guide.


Organization. The process of putting the different parts of something in a

certain order so that they can be found or used easily. Planning and

arranging the different components of the learning module.

References. Mentioning something in speech or in writing; referring to

someone who made/contribute something. The different sources of the

overall contents of the module. This includes book, internet sources,

magazines, pamphlets and K to 12 Grade 7 learner’s material and curriculum


Relevance. Relevance is the extent to which a source provides information

you can use in your research writing project.  The importance of the material.

This is how the material satisfies the needs of the users.

Timeliness. The definition of timeliness is at an appropriate or opportune

moment in time. The quality of being used seasonal.This includes the recent

activities and information included in the module.

Structural Design. The appearance of something is made or organized. The

overall appearance of the module which includes the cover, font styles used

by every texts, graphics, figures, size and style.

Usefulness. The quality of having utility and especially practical worth or

applicability. The practical worth or applicability of the module.


Chapter 2


This chapter includes the related literature and studies which has

connections on the study.

Related Literature

The study has the dependent variables which includes the criteria for

evaluation of the learning module in terms of relevance, clarity,

appropriateness, usefulness, organization, structural design and timeliness. It

has also its independent variable which includes the topics in Algebra in

terms of Algebraic expressions and problem solving involving Algebraic

expressions; and the components of the learning module in terms of

objectives, content, activities, assessment and references. The following

literature are related in this study particularly to the variables indicated.

According to Jeff Fox in his “Why Are We Doing This?” Establishing

Relevance to Enhance Student Learning, 2011, research confirms that

perceived relevance is a critical factor in maintaining student interest and

motivation. It also contributes to higher student ratings on course evaluations.

“Make K-12 Skills Relevant to Students, 2015, For all of the hand-

wringing around the troubles facing our public schools, the issue of relevancy

might turn out to be the most important, according to Jonathan Hasak. If


students find school irrelevant, they can make short-term decisions without

understanding the full scope of long-term opportunities they forgo.

Preparing Students for a 21st Century World, 2009, defines relevance

as to learning in which students apply core knowledge, concepts, or skills, to

solve real-world problems. Relevant learning is interdisciplinary and

contextual. It is created, for example, through authentic problems or tasks,

simulations, service learning, connecting concepts to current issues and

teaching others, Willard Daggett.

According to Shirley Mullen in her Higher Education: When Relevance

is Not Enough, 2014, It is understandable that we want higher education to be

relevant and useful. The nation needs more highly trained workers if we are to

remain globally competitive.

Culturally relevant instructional materials allow students to feel secure

and self-confident in their academic capabilities. Sumaryono and Ortiz (2004)

further articulate specific ways in which instructional materials and teacher

instruction can be created and delivered to enhance students’ self-esteem.

Agun, 2003 maintained that there is a general agreement that

instructional materials in teaching are some of the important devices which

both teachers and learners can use to enhance good quality, learning and


According to Olawale, 2013, Relevance: Care must be taken to ensure

that only Instructional Materials that relate to the topic are used while


In these statements mentioned, it is evident that a good learning

module should be relevant in a sense that it can help to uplift the quality of


According to Skellie, 2007, If readers don’t understand what you write,

you might as well have written nothing at all.

Ground-breaking ideas don’t count for much if you can’t express them clearly,

and your incisive opinion won’t carry much weight if it can’t be followed.

The ability to write clearly is crucial to getting your message across no

matter what you’re writing, whether it’s an email, a blog post, a magazine

article, or a letter to a friend, according to Jesse Hines, 2013,. Clear and

concise writing is vital to having your words read and understood. The whole

purpose of most writing is to inform readers of something or to persuade

people to do something. The more clear and concise your language, the

easier your message will be understood, and the more likely your readers will

respond to that message.

When the same instructions were displayed in a less legible typeface,

participants(or students) thought the exercise would be difficult to perform and

would take almost twice as long to get through, Song and Schwarz,2008

The above literature truly states that in creating instructional materials,

particularly a learning module, each aspect of it should has clarity, it should

be clear to the users in order to successfully use it.

The philosopher Seneca, 2007, once said, “If one does not know to

which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” When you know where you

are headed, you can more easily get there. Well-defined and articulated

learning objectives are important because they:

 provide students with a clear purpose to focus their learning


 direct your choice of instructional activities

 guide your assessment strategies

According to Michael Towse, 2009, The most important aspect of e-

Learning development (or any training intervention for that matter) is defining

the right learning objective. An ineffective learning objective will result in an

unsuccessful training module, despite all the subsequent hard work, time, and


Robert Mager, in his book Preparing Instructional Objectives, 2007,

describes an objective as "a collection of words and/or pictures and diagrams

intended to let others know what you intend for your students to achieve" (pg.

3). An objective does not describe what the instructor will be doing, but

instead the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that the instructor will be

attempting to produce in learners. This is a very important distinction. Mager

emphasizes the need for clear, precise statements of what students should

be able to do when they complete their instruction. He believes that this

should be done before any development work is started.

Programmed instruction in module form is an important educational

innovation and a teaching technique. It also offers a solution to the problems

of teaching instruction. Modular instruction promises a more efficient mass

education by offering more effective individual instruction at a time when

teacher is faced with a problem of producing learning in a large group all at

the same time. It is a technique of self-instruction that involves the

presentation of instructional materials to demonstrate their skills and

comprehension (Goldschmid, 2005)..

The students don’t understand some issues about some subjects. In

such time, the teacher can help children by implementing a good teaching

method to be released of confusion (Allan & Herison &Richard, 2006).

Hopkins (cited in Abdollahi, 2008) said about the main objective of

teaching as:” The teaching aim is not merely helping the students to attain the

required knowledge in curriculum and they should be helped to be strong


Everything has objectives which should be appropriate and relevant.

Of course, learning modules should have also its main objectives which will

be very helpful for students learning.

Learning based on problem solving began by encountering the student

with a problem, team or individual work based on the teaching objective. The

teachers here are facilitator not the primary database (Kar and Hamkaran,

Translated by Fardanesh, 2008).

Objectives of modules are very important because it serves as the

teachers whenever the students are alone. Modules give problems to the

students which will definitely made the students learn.

In modular teaching method, teaching objectives divide into partial

objectives (Modules) and for each of partial objective a working desk is used.

In this method the teacher is not the only source of knowledge and the learner

is not dependent to the teacher. Learning environment is student-centered

and the teacher can play effective role in giving information to the learner and

guide each learners according to their need (Aqazadeh, 2005).

In modular instruction, teacher is not the only source of knowledge.

Students will have the opportunity to search and discover new ideas while

they are dealing with the modules. In line with this, they will discover the style

of their study habits.


Thus, teaching models have considerable effect on learning. Because

the students learn different strategies of learning and divide into smaller

groups designed in individual and group levels to support increasing

capability. In other words in this way learning experiences of teachers are

increased (Joyce et al, 1949, Translated by Mehr Mohammadi, 2009).

Cannon (2001) postulates, however, that student motivation upon

entering a program shapes their expectations for the content of the program

and the support they expect to receive once engaged in the course of study.

The suggestion being that an unmotivated learner experiencing a learning

environment that does not cater to enhancing learner motivation will only

serve to substantiate the learner's expectations.

Militadou and Savenye (2003) note that control of learning positively

affects motivation by raising learner expectancy of success through the belief

that their effort to learn will result in positive outcomes.

Schunk and Parjares (2002) suggest that one method instructional

designers might use to enhance student self-efficacy is to set specific,

shortterm learning goals, that are viewed as challenging yet attainable within

the student's perceived abilities. They note that timely performance feedback,

particularly feedback that highlights student progress in achieving their

learning goals, serves to strengthen self efficacy and sustain motivation.

Learning modules should have its specific learning goals which are

attainable in order for the learning process be successful.


Qureshi (2001) further emphasizes the need for concrete and

immediate learning goals when he writes about adult learners as individuals

who know "what is important to them and are frustrated when others impose

their ideas of what is important" (p. 31).

Gagné, Wagner, Golas, and Keller (2005) also suggest that

instructional design’s aim is to aide in learning not the process of teaching.

They also advocate that instructional design is aimed at “intentional learning”

as opposed to “incidental learning” (p. 2).

Related Studies
Ryan and Deci (2000) have determined that instructors who are

"autonomy supportive (in contrast to controlling)" (p. 70) instill in their

students a greater sense of intrinsic motivation, curiosity, and desire for a


According to Dr. K. Sejpal in his Modular Method of Teaching (2013) ,

Module is a unit of work in a course of instruction that is virtually self-

contained and a method of teaching that is based on the building up skills and

knowledge in discrete units.

Characteristics of Module

• It should be independent.

• Self-contained.

• Self instructional.

As what Sejpal stated, modules are self contained and a method of

teaching that is based on the building up skills and knowledge in discrete

units. The performance of students of OHS program is based on how they will

deal with modules in order for them to learn well.

(Jecklin 2007, Dinescu et al, 2010) and the researches done in our

country indicated the effectiveness of active teaching methods (Heidari, 2005,

Kanani, 1998, Abiri, 2010, Dehqanpur, 2010).explorative studies of the

researches showed that in Iran, no research is done that can directly compare

the effect of modular teaching method and problem solving method on

students academic achievement in natural science and it is necessary to do

some researches in this regard.

This method is used when functional goals are parallel and they are

not considered as consecutive pre requirements. In other words, each of the

activity stations independently from the other activities is understood by

the students (Adibnia, 2010 b).

Active teaching methods are very important and can increase the

performance of the students. Learning modules can also be active and this is

based on how the teachers motivate the students in dealing with this kind of

instruction. The performance of the students will be successful if they are very

motivated in dealing with modules.


Dinescu et al (2010) in a research called “ Necessities of active

teaching in teaching science in high school asked for the opinion of teachers

about selecting criterions for teaching method as these methods are

important in teaching process. The results of this study showed that for math

and science teachers, doing active teaching method was not in the priority.

Having modules can be a successful way in imparting knowledge to

the students and making their performance good.

Miltiadou and Savenye (2003), citing Bandura (1986), describe self-

efficacy as an "individuals' confidence in their ability to control their thoughts,

feelings, and actions, and therefore influence an outcome"(p. 6). They also

note from studies conducted by Pintrich and De Groot (1990) that any

improvement in student self-efficacy leads to increased use of cognitive and

meta-cognitive strategies resulting in higher academic performance.

Modular instruction truly helped the students to improve their self

efficacy and this will lead them in increasing their performance.

Several researchers (Miltiadou & Savenye, 2003; Schunk & Parjares,

2002; Bandura, 1997) have established that those learners exhibiting a strong

sense of self-efficacy have a greater chance of succeeding in an academic

environment in comparison with learners possessing a diminished sense of


Students will have more self efficacy with the use of learning modules.

They will be motivated in dealing with it and they will look for things related to

the subject matter in order to fully analyzed the items in the module and to

uplift their academic performance.

The study of Baltazar (2014) found out that it is very effective to have

a good characteristics of a learning module in order to use it well by the


Based from the findings of the evaluation of the components of the

learning module of Crisostomo 2015, the module itself must be properly and

logically sequenced, specific, manageable and realistic.


Chapter 3


This chapter includes the discussion of the method used by the

researcher to conduct the study, description of the subjects, research

procedure and the research instrument. It has also the statistical treatment of

the data that would be provide the results of analysis and serve as the basis

of conclusions of the research to be done.

Research Design

The descriptive method of research will be used by the researcher in

order to test the hypothesis and systematically analyze the data about the

development and evaluation of learning modules in Algebra.

According to Martyn Shuttleworth (2008), descriptive research design

is a valid method for researching specific subjects and as a precursor to more

quantitative studies.

This kind of research design is suitable to use because this study is

intended to determine and describe the extent of the developed learniong

module in Algebra.

Population and Sampling

The respondents of the study will be the experts and teachers in Santa

Cruz, Laguna area who are using learning modules in their field of work.

The sampling technique used by the researcher was the Purposive

sampling because the respondents were identified with a purpose since they

are the ones who are using learning modules as instructional materials

Research Procedure

In this study, the researcher will conduct some steps and will used

source in order to gather data. The questionnaire and the module will be

presented to the adviser for the enhancement and suggestion before

presenting to the respondents.

After the checking of the instrument, questionnaire will be given to the

experts and teachers to rate the said module. The questionnaire and the

module will be distributed personally by the researcher.

Research Instrument

The main instruments that will be used in this study are 1. the

developed module in Algebra with the following lessons based on the Grade 7

K t0 12 curriculum: The Algebraic Expressions and Problems involving


Algebraic Expressions; and 2. The questionnaire which includes the criteria in

evaluating the learning module.

Statistical Treatment

The mean and standard deviation were used to determine the ratings

of evaluators about the developed learning module in Algebra.

Histogram or bar graph were used in order to show the difference

among the ratings of the evaluators in the developed learning module.



A. Books/Journals

David , Albert. A Glimpse of the School Dropout Problem. Global Study on

Child Poverty and Disparities: Philippines. Policy Brief No. 4, 2010
Fox, Jeff. “Why Are We Doing This?” Establishing Relevance to Enhance
Student Learning, 2011

Thorndike, E. L. (1898). Animal intelligence: An experimental study of the

associative processes in animals. Psychological Monographs: General
and Applied, 2(4), i-109.
Hasak, Jonathan. Make K-12 Skills Relevant to Students, 2015

Mager Robert. Preparing Instructional Objectives, 2007

Moreno, R. and Mayer, R.E. (1999) Cognitive principles

of multimedialearning: The role of modality and contiguity. Journal of
Educational Psychology 91, 358-368.

B. Unpublished Materials

Adibniya, Asab. The Comparison of the Effect of Modular Teaching Method

and Problem Solving Method on Academic Achievement of Students in
Natural Science. 2012
Aquino, Rolando J, et. al. The Effectiveness of Modular Instructional Material
in the Basic Integration Formulas in Integral Calculus. Rizal
Technological University, Philippines, 2011
Baltazar Joey.Module:Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables.2015
Crisostomo, Buena Gay.Development and Evaluation of Module in
Conversational English.2015
Dr, Sejpal, Kandarp.Modular Method of Teaching.Haribapa Arts and
Commerce College, Jasdan, Gujarat (India).2013

Valdez, Anabelie.Effects of HOTS techniques through Modular Instruction in

Teaching High School Chemistry in MSU – Balindong High
Marguerratt, Dennis. Improving Learner Motivation Through Enhanced
Instructional Design. Athabasca University Governing Couincil.April

C. Internet Sources

Russell, James D. Characteristics of modular instruction. Article first

published online: 20 FEB 2007
McLeod, S. A. (2008). Bruner. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. A. (2007). Edward Thorndike. Retrieved from

Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Main Campus
Santa Cruz, Laguna

Graduate Studies and Applied Research

Questionnaire – Checklist



Name:________________________ Position:_________________
School and District: __________________________________________
Status of Appointment:___________ Date of Appointment:________
Years in Service:________ Subject :__________________


Kindly rate the module according to the given criteria and check the
appropriate space that corresponds to your rating using the following scale:

Weighted Scale Description

5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Slightly Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Development and Evaluation of Learning Module in Algebra




Modular Instruction


Topics in Algebra
Algebraic Expressions
Problems Involving Algebraic Expressions
1. are based on the
competencies of K-12
2. are in correct sequence
3. are suitable to the level of
the learners
4.are complete to cover the
allotted time
5.are based on real-life
Components of the Learning Module
1. are based on the
2.are clear and simple
3. are attainable
4. are manageable
5. are acceptable
1. are in correct sequence
2.are clear to the learners
3. are attainable
4. are manageable
5. are acceptable
1.are based on the
2.are attainable
3. are suitable to the level of
the learners
4.are challenging
5.are manageable
1.are based on the covered

2.are in correct sequence
3. are suitable to the level of
the learners
4.are attainable
5.are based on real-life
1.are appropriate
2.are properly indicated
3.are complete
4.are in proper sequence
5.are recent
Criteria for the Evaluation of the Learning Module
1.important to the learners
and teachers
2.suited to all schools
3.can contribute to the
4.can contribute to the
5.has the ability to make
students discover
4.has proper directions
5.based on users’
1.suitable to the users
2.based on the k-12
3.correct contents
4.properly included topics
5.correct parts
1.uses words or language
that can easily be
understood by the learners
2.can be studied individually

3.consist of necessary parts

to fully understood the
4.can guide students in
searching some topics
5.can help students to apply
the lesson in everyday living
1. arranged according to
2.sequenced based on the
competencies of the
3.arranged from easy to
4.organized according to the
level of the learners
5.the parts are congruent to
each other
Structural Design
3.has appropriate designs
4.has proper spacing
5.suitable to the learners
1.based on recent trends
2.suitable to the learners
3.possible nowadays
4.can be searched
5.based on the age of the

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