Cấu Trúc Để Nói Part 2:: energy

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- Today, I’m going to tell you about + chủ đề.
- Firstly, let’s talk about .... ý thứ 1 + Nói ra ý mình.
- Now, moving on to talk about .... ý thứ 2 + Nói ra ý mình.
- Thirdly, in terms of … ý thứ 3 + Nói ra ý mình.
- Last but not least, ……ý cuối + Nói ra ý mình.
1. Describe an active person you know who has a lot of energy
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What you know about this person
- how this person uses their energy.
And explain how you feel about this energetic person.
Today I'm going to tell you about an active person I know who has a lot of
First, let's talk about who this person is. He is my friend. His name is Long.
We are about the same age. He is a businessman.
Now, moving on to talk about what I know about this person. I met him for the
first time about 2 years ago in an English class. So you know, I have known him for a
long time.
Thirdly, in terms of how he uses his energy. Well, he is very hardworking. He
works every day from 7 AM to 10 PM. Also, he plays a lot of sports, such as table
tennis, football, and badminton.
Last but not least, about how I feel about this energetic person. Well, I really
respect him, because he is very friendly. He often helps other people.
2. Describe a good decision you made recently
You should say:
- what the decision was
- when and where you made this decision
- what happened as a result of this decision
And explain why you think this was a good decision to make.
Today I'm going to tell you about a good decision I have made recently.
First, let's talk about what the decision was. It was my decision to learn
English. I made this decision because I wanted to communicate with other people
from other countries.
Now, moving on to talk about when and where I made this decision. Well, it
was about 4 months ago, when I went on a trip to Thailand. You know, I couldn't
order food and book a taxi because my English was so bad. So, after the trip, I
decided to learn English.
Thirdly, in terms of what happened as a result of this decision. Well, you see,
now I can use English to read English books, watch English movies. I can also
communicate with people from other countries
Last but not least, about why I think it was a good decision. You know,
English is the most popular language. It gives me more opportunities. And it helps
me get a better job.
3. Describe a place in another country where you would like to work for a short
You should say:
- where this place is
- how you know about this place
- what work you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to work in this place for short time.
Today I'm going to tell you about a place in another country where I would
like to work for a short time.
First, let's talk about where this place is. I would like to live and work in
Tokyo for a few months.
Now, moving on to talk about how I know about this place. Well, Tokyo is the
capital city of Japan. It is a very popular city. I have seen many things about Tokyo
on TV. But I have never been there.
Thirdly, in terms of what work I would like to do there. Let me see...well, I
want to work there as a teacher. I can teach about Vietnamese language and culture at
Tokyo university.
Last but not least, about why I would like to work in this place for a short
time. Well, I want to see Tokyo because it is a very beautiful city. Also, I want to try
their food. My friends say that Tokyo food is delicious.
4. Describe a time when you saw a young child behaving badly in a public place
You should say:
- Where you were
- what the young child was doing
- what you or other people did
And explain how you felt when you saw the young child behaving badly.
Today I'm going to tell you about a time when I saw a child behaving badly in
a public place.
First, let's talk about where I was. Well, I was in a movie theater. It was Lotte
Cinema, about 2 kilometers from my house. I went to the cinema to watch a new
Now, moving on to talk about what the young child was doing. I don't know
what happened, but the child cried very loudly.
Thirdly, in terms of what I and other people did. At first, the staff told the
mother to stop the child. But the boy did not stop crying. So, the staff told them to get
Last but not least, about how I felt when I saw the young child behaving badly.
You know, we were watching the movie and eating popcorn. When the child cried, it
was very noisy. And we felt very uncomfortable.
5. Describe someone you know who likes helping other people
You should say:
- who this person is and how you know him/her
- what kind of help he/she gives other people
- why this person likes helping other people.
And explain how you feel about this person helping other people.
Today I'm going to tell you about someone I know who likes helping other
First, let's talk about who this person is and how I know him. Let me
see...well, he is my friend. His name is Minh. He is a doctor. I met him for the first
time at an English club about 2 years ago.
Now, moving on to talk about what kind of help he gives other people. You
know, he is doctor, so he takes care of other people at the hospital. He gives them
medicine and help them recover when they are sick.
Thirdly, in terms of why this person likes helping other people. Because being
a doctor is his dream. He feels happy when he helps other people.
Last but not least, about how I feel about this person helping other people. I
really respect him, because he is a good person. I think he will have good luck in life.
6. Describe an occasion when you forgot to do something important
You should say:

- what you forgot to do
- why you forgot to do it
- When you realized you’d forgotten to do it
And explain what problems you had because you forgot to do something.
Today I'm going to tell you about an occasion when you forgot to do
something important.
First, let's talk about what I forgot to do. Well, it was 2 months ago, when I
went to the airport to go to Ho Chi Minh city. I forgot both my passport and my ID
Now, moving on to talk about why I forgot. Let me see...the night before the
trip, I had some coffee and I couldn't sleep. In the morning, I was very tired. I was in
a hurry, so I forgot my papers.
Thirdly, in terms of when I realized I had forgotten my papers. Well, when I
went to the check-in table, the staff told me to show my passport or my identification
card. I opened my bag but I didn't see them.
Last but not least, about what problems I had because I forgot it. Well, I had
to go back to my home to get my passport. When I returned to the airport, I missed
my flight.
7. Describe an ambition you have had for a very long time
You should say:
- what this ambition is
- why you have this ambition
- when you think you will achieve this ambition
And explain why you have had this ambition for such a long time.
Today I'm going to tell you about an ambition I have had for a very long time.
Firstly, let's talk about what this ambition is. I have a dream. I want to
become good at English.
Now, moving on to talk about why I have this ambition. Well, you see, I want
to learn English because I want to communicate with people from other countries.
Also, I want to understand English songs and English movies.
Thirdly, in terms of when I think I will achieve this ambition. Well, I think I
will achieve my dream in about 2 years. Now, I am learning English very hard. I
learn everyday from 10am to 10pm.

Last but not least, about why I have had this ambition for a very long time.
Well, you see, English is the most popular language in the world. It can give me
many opportunities, and help me get a better job.

8. Describe an area of science that interests you

You should say:
- what are of science it is
- how you first became interested in it
- how you have developed this interest
And explain why you find this area of science interesting.
Today I'm going to tell you about an area of science that interests me.
Firstly, let's talk about what area of science it is. Well, it is psychology. You
know, it is the science about the human brain and feelings.
Now, moving on to talk about how I first became interested in it. Well, I knew
about psychology for the first time about 2 years ago. I was reading a book about how
to make friends. The book had information about psychology.
Thirdly, in terms of how I have developed this interest. Well, at first I read
about psychology from some books and from the internet. I also learned about this
science from video clips on Youtube.
Last but not least, about why I find this area of science interesting. You see,
psychology can help me a lot at work. It helps me understand the feelings of other
people. So, I can make more friends.
9. Describe a time when you had to listen to someone talking but you weren’t
very interested
You should say:
- who was talking
- what the person was talking about
- why you had to listen to this person
And explain why you weren’t very interested in what the person was talking about.
Today I'm going to tell you about a time when I had to listen to someone
talking but I wasn't very interested.
Firstly, let's talk about who was talking. Well, he was a friend of my father.
His name was Viet. He was a history teacher at Hanoi University.

Now, moving on to talk about what the person was talking about. Well, he
was talking about the life of Ho Chi Minh. He talked about it for 2 hours. It was very
long and boring.
Thirdly, in terms of why I had to listen to this person. Well, you know, he is a
friend of my father, so I had to be polite and listen to him.
Last but not least, about why I weren't very interested in what he was talking
about. Well, to be honest, I don't care about Ho Chi Minh, so I didn't want to listen to
his stories.
10. Describe an interesting tradition in your country
You should say:
- what the tradition is
- who takes part in it
- how you know about it
And explain why you think this tradition is interesting.
Today I'm going to tell you about an interesting tradition in my country.
Firstly, let's talk about what the tradition is. It is the tradition of giving lucky
money. You know, in Vietnam, we often give lucky money to old people and
children on Tet holiday.
Now, moving on to talk about who takes part in it. Well, everyone. People
who are over 18 years old and have a job often give the lucky money. Old people and
children take the money.
Thirdly, in terms of how I know about the tradition. Well, it is very popular in
Vietnam. Everyone in Vietnam follow this tradition, so I know about it.
Last but not least, about why I think this tradition is interesting. Well, I like
this tradition because we believe that lucky money can give people good luck and
happiness all the year.
11. Describe a time when you receive a prize for something you did well
You should say:
- what prize you receive
- when and where you receive this prize
- what you did to receive this prize
And explain how you felt when you received this prize.
- Today, I’m going to tell you about a time when I received a prize for something I
did well

- Firstly, let’s talk about what prize I received. It was a tour to Thailand. I can fly to
Thailand and enjoy a great trip there for 1 week.
- Now, moving on to talk about when and where I received this prize. Well, it was
about 2 months ago. I received this prize from my city council.
- Thirdly, in terms of what I did to receive this prize. Well, you know, I love sports.
So, 2 months ago, I took part in a sports competition in my city. And I won the
second prize.
- Last but not least, how I felt when I received this prize. Well, to be honest, I was
very proud. I trained and practiced every day for this competition. So, when I won, I
was very happy.

12. Describe an old friend you make contact with again after a long time
You should say:
- how you first met this friend
- why you lost contact with this friend
- how you made contact again
And explain how you felt about making contact with this friend again.
- Today, I’m going to tell you about an old friend I make contact with again after a
long time
- Firstly, let’s talk about how I first met this friend. I met him for the first time many
years ago at our primary school. We were in the same class. And we have known
each other since then.
- Now, moving on to talk about why I lost contact with this friend. Well, after we
finished primary school, we went to different secondary schools. At that time, we
didn’t have mobile phones, so we lost contact with each other.
- Thirdly, in terms of how we made contact again. Well, last month, I went to an
English class. At the class, I met him again. So, we exchanged our phone numbers
and facebooks.
- Last but not least, how I felt about making contact with this friend again. Well, I felt
very happy. We talked a lot about the time at primary school and about our lives now.

- Today, I’m going to tell you about

- Firstly, let’s talk about
- Now, moving on to talk about
- Thirdly, in terms of
- Last but not least,

13. Describe a time when you received some very good news
You should say:
- what the news was
- when and how you received the news
- what you did when you received the news
And explain why you thought the news was so good.
- Today, I’m going to tell you about a time when I received some very good news
- Firstly, let’s talk about what the news was. Well, I received the news that I won the
lottery. The prize was big. It means that I would receive a lot of money.
- Now, moving on to talk about when and how you received the news. Well, I
received the news 2 months ago. You know, I don’t usually buy lottery tickets. But I
bought a ticket from a homeless man to support him.
- Thirdly, in terms of what you did when you received the news. Well, I called my
fammily to tell them about the news. Then I went to the city council to take my prize
- Last but not least, why you thought the news was so good. Well, you know,
everybody loves money. I was very happy to receive the money. I could buy many
things that I like with that money.

14. Describe a film/movie you saw that made you laugh

You should say:
- when and where you saw the film/movie
- what it was about
- who you saw it with
And explain why this film/movie made you laugh.
- Today, I’m going to tell you about a film/movie I saw that made me laugh
- Firstly, let’s talk about when and where I saw the movie. It was about 2 months ago.
I finished an important project, so I finally had free time. I wanted to relax, so I went
to the cinema to watch a new movie.
- Now, moving on to talk about what it was about. Well, it was a comedy movie. The
movie was a story about a young boy.
- Thirdly, in terms of who I saw it with. Well, I saw the movie with my friends. We
often go out together to have fun.
- Last but not least, about why this film/movie made you laugh. Well, the boy in the
movie often makes silly mistakes at school. The mistakes are very funny. Also, the
way he talks is funny.

15. Describe an activity you enjoy doing occasionally that is a bit expensive
You should say:
- what the activity is
- where you do this activity
- who you do this activity with
And explain why you enjoy doing this expensive activity occasionally.
Today, I’m going to tell you about an activity I enjoy doing occasionally that
is a bit expensive.
Firstly, let’s talk about what the activity is. It is to go shopping. I often buy
brand name clothes. I go shopping once a month.
Secondly, moving on to talk about where I do this activity. I often go to
Vincom center. It is on Ba Trieu street and is about 3 km from my house.
Thirdly, in terms of who I do this activity with. I go shopping with some of
my friends. Sometimes I go with my sister and mother.
Last but not least, why I enjoy doing this expensive activity occasionally.
Because it is my hobby to collect new clothes. It helps me to relax and reduce stress
after a long day at work.
16. Describe a time when you changed your opinion about something important
You should say:
- when you changed your opinion
- what your opinion was before you changed it
- why you changed this opinion
And explain what the result was of changing your opinion.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a time when I changed my opinion about
something important.
Firstly, let’s talk about when I changed my opinion. It was 3 weeks ago when
I wanted to have a trip to somewhere to relax.
Secondly, moving on to talk about what my opinion was before I changed it. I
wanted to go to Phu Quoc island. It is a beautiful island in the south of Vietnam. We
wanted to go there to go swimming and eat seafood.
Thirdly, in terms of why I had to change this opinion. Because of the corona
virus, it was not safe to travel. We thought that our health was more important.
Last but not least, the result was that we decided to stay at home. I had a
party with my friends and family in a restaurant near my house.
17. Describe a book you have read that you found useful
You should say:
- what the book was about
- when and where you read the book
- how long it took you to read the book
And explain why you found the book useful.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a book I have read that I found useful.
Firstly, let’s talk about what the book was about. It was about cooking skill.
It taught me how to cook Vietnamese food.
Secondly, moving on to talk about when and where I read the book. It was 3
weeks ago when I went on a picnic in Danang city. I was lying on the beach and
reading this book.
Thirdly, in terms of how long it took to read the book. It took me more than 2
hours to finish it. But after that, I had to read the book again several times to fully
understand it.
Last but not least, why I found the book useful. Because, cooking is an
important skill. It helps you save money and protect your health.
18. Describe the first time you had to communicate in a foreign language (not
your first language)
You should say:
- when you first used this foreign language to communicate
- who you communicated with
- what you talked or wrote about
And explain how you felt about using this foreign language for the first time.
Today, I’m going to tell you about the first time I had to communicate in a
foreign language
First, let’s talk about when I first used this foreign language to communicate.
It was 3 weeks ago when I was on a business trip to Singapore. I had to use English
Secondly, moving on to talk about who I had to communicate with. I had to
communicate with a lot of people. I had to work with some teachers in a university. I
also had to communicate with local people to buy food and drinks
Thirdly, in terms of what I talked about. I had to communicate with the
teachers to develop a teaching program to help young people learn history.
Last but not least, how I felt about using English for the first time. At first, I
was nervous. But later, I became more confident about using English.
19. Describe an event you went to that had some music that you didn’t enjoy
You should say:
- what the event was
- who you went with
- why you decided to go to it
And explain why you didn’t enjoy the music at this event.
Today, I’m going to tell you about an event I went to that had some music
that I didn’t enjoy.
Firstly, let’s talk about what the event was. It was my brother’s wedding and
I took place about 2 weeks ago in Sheraton hotel .
Secondly, moving on to talk about who I went with. I went with people in my
family and my friends. We sat on the same table and chatted with each other.
Thirdly, in terms of why I decided to go to it. Because it was an important
event for my brother and also my family. And I was chosen to be the MC that day.
Last but not least, why I didn’t enjoy the music at this event. Because my
favorite type of music is pop music. But the band was playing rock music. It was too
noisy for me.
20. Describe a time when you worked with other people in a group
You should say:
- when and where you worked with the group
- what the group was doing
- how successful the group was
And explain how you felt about working with the group.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a time when I worked with other people in
a group.
Firstly, let’s talk about when and where I worked with the group. It was 3
months ago when I was on a business trip. We had to work in a university in Danang

Secondly, moving on to talk about what the group was doing. We were
developing a special teaching program to teach high school students history. History
was the subject that students did not like so we had to make it interesting for them.
Thirdly, in terms of how successful the group was. We were quite successful.
Together we finished the work on time and the results was good. Students began to
like history.
Last but not least, how I felt about working with the group. We understood
each other very well and each member had interesting ideas to contribute to the
group. I think I was a good cooperation.
21. Describe a photograph of yourself that you like
You should say:
- when and where the photograph was taken
- what was happening at the time
- who took the photograph
And explain why you like this photograph of yourself.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a photograph of myself that I like.
Firstly, let’s talk about when and where the photo was taken. It was taken a
year ago when I went on a picnic in Danang. Danang is a beautiful city in the middle
part of my country.
Secondly, moving on to talk about what was happening at the time. We went
to Danang to celebrate my mom’birthday. We did a lot of things there such as go
swimming, eat local food and see beautiful places. When the photo was taken, I was
visiting Bana hills.
Thirdly, in terms of who took the photo. He was mr Viet anh. He is my friend
from high school. He’s 40 years old and work as a doctor.
Last but not least, why I like this photo of myself. First, I was taken in a
beautiful bridge. Second, it is the memory of a wonderful trip with my family and
22. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent
You should say:
- who this person is
- how you know this person
- why you think this person is very intelligent
And explain how you feel about this person.

Today, I’m going to tell you about a person I know who I think is very
Firstly, let’s talk about who this person is. His name is Viet Anh. He is my
friend from high school. He’s 40 years old and work as a teacher in Hanoi University.
Secondly, moving on to talk about how well I know this person. I have known
him for about ten years. The first time we met was when I went on a picnic with my
family in Danang. We did a lot of things together such as go swimming and listen to
Thirdly, in terms of why I think this person is very intelligent. Firstly, he
always has new ideas about what to do and where to go. Secondly, he can give the
answers to any question.
Last but not least, how I feel about this person. He often invites people to
restaurant to eat together whenever he has something happy. He always cries when he
sees a sad situation.
23. Describe a family that you know and like
You should say:
- how you know this family
- where the family lives
- who is in the family
And explain why you like this family.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a family that I know and like.
Firstly, let’s talk about how I know this family. They are my friend’s family.
I have known them for about 10 years. The first time I met them was when I went on
a picnic in Danang with my family.
Secondly, moving on to talk about where the family lives. They live on Tran
Hung Dao street in the city center of Hanoi. Their house is about 3 km from my
apartment so I visit them very often.
Thirdly, in terms of who is in the family. There are 3 people in the family.
The father is 50 years old and is a doctor. The mother is 40 years old and is a teacher.
The son is now in high school
Last but not least, why I like this family. Because we have the same hobbies
so we can spend a lot of time together. In addition, they are very funny and make me
laugh all the time.
24. Describe a time when you had to learn the words of something and then say
or sing it from memory
You should say:
- where you were
- who was listening to you
- what you had to say or sing
And explain how you felt about saying or singing something you had learnt.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a time when I had to learn the words of
something and then say or sing it from memory.
Firstly, let’s talk about where I was. I was at my university. At that time, I
was chosen to be ‘the student of the year’ and had to make a speech.
Secondly, moving on to talk about who was listening to me. I had to make a
speech in front of all the students in my university. It was the first time I have spoken
before many people and I was very nervous.
Thirdly, in terms of what I had to say. I had to make a speech to tell other
students about my learning process, how I feel to be the student of the year and I
wanted to help others to study better.
Last but not least, how I felt about saying something I had to learnt. I felt it
was unnatural because I had to say something that I did not believe in. I also felt that
I was very stupid to say that
25. Describe a person you know who shows their feelings very openly
You should say:
- who this person is
- how well you know this person
- how you feel about this person
And explain why you think this person shows their feelings so openly.
Today, I’m going to tell you about a person I know who shows their feelings
very openly.
Firstly, let’s talk about who this person is. His name is Tùng. He is my friend
from high school. He is 40 years old and work as a teacher in Hanoi University.
Secondly, moving on to talk about how well I know this person. I have know
him for about ten years. The first time we met was when I went on a picnic with my
family in Danang. We did a lot of things together such as go swimming and listen to
Thirdly, in terms of how I feel about this person. He is very friendly. It is easy
to start a conversation with him. He’s also very funny. He makes me laugh whenever
we chat with each other
Last but not least, about why I think he shows his feelings so openly. He
often invites people to restaurant to eat together whenever he has something happy.
He always cries when he sees a sad situation.

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