The Reform of Uk Financial Regulation

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Original Article

The reform of UK financial regulation

Maximilian J.B. Hall
graduated with a PhD in Economics from Nottingham University, one year after joining the Economics
Department of Loughborough University in 1977, where he is currently Professor of Banking and Financial
Regulation. He has published several books as well as over 100 articles in academic and professional
journals. Hall has acted in an advisory capacity to the central banks of Barbados, Indonesia, Japan, Macau,
Pakistan and the People’s Republic of China, and as a consultant to the likes of the World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, the Inter-American Bank, the Cabinet Office, the British Council and IBM. His current
research interests embrace UK banking regulation and supervision; central and commercial banking
developments in the United Kingdom: United States, Japan, Indonesia and the EU; financial reform in Japan;
and deposit insurance design. He is also working on empirical studies of banking efficiency in Hong Kong,
Indonesia and Japan.
Correspondence: Department of Economics, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK

ABSTRACT Since the enactment of the new Banking Act in February 2009, with a new ‘Special
Resolution Regime’ at its heart, the debate about how to reform the United Kingdom’s financial regulatory and
supervisory framework has intensified. A major catalyst for this was the publication of Lord Turner’s ‘Review’
in March 2009, which was followed by the Government’s White Paper on financial reform in July. The same
month, the Conservative Party revealed its own White Paper on the subject, with both the Bank of England
and the Financial Services Authority contributing to the debate at frequent intervals. The purpose of this
article is to review and analyse these documents and viewpoints before coming to a conclusion about the
most appropriate way forward on the domestic financial regulatory front.
Journal of Banking Regulation (2009) 11, 31–75. doi:10.1057/jbr.2009.15
Keywords: UK banks; regulation and supervision; financial reform; failure resolution; corporate

INTRODUCTION failure resolution policy then gave way to a

Events surrounding the collapse of Northern system-wide, comprehensive approach that saw
Rock,1 in the wake of the sub-prime crisis that the introduction of industry-wide bank bailout
emerged in the United States in the summer schemes in October 2008 and January 2009,
of 2007, revealed the inherent fragility of the the costs of which will be felt by UK taxpayers
UK banking sector and the flaws in domestic for many years to come.3
financial regulation. This ignominious event, Such events demonstrated the clear need for
however, proved to be but the start of the a drastic overhaul of domestic financial regula-
United Kingdom’s financial woes, as a whole tion and supervisory arrangements, and the
series of domestically incorporated financial authorities responded accordingly. Two revi-
institutions – including the Bradford and sions to deposit protection arrangements were
Bingley, the Alliance and Leicester, Halifax made and a variety of consultation documents
Bank of Scotland (HBOS) and a number of were issued by the Tripartite Authorities setting
building societies – subsequently succumbed to out their proposals for, inter alia, strengthening
either nationalisation or officially brokered the financial system, reducing the likelihood of
takeover rescues.2 This ad hoc development of banks failing in the future, and reducing the

& 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75

impact of bank failure should it happen.4 These THE TURNER REVIEW

proposals culminated in the enactment of a In October 2008, Lord Turner was asked by the
new Banking Act in February 2009, with a Chancellor to review the causes of the current
new ‘Special Resolution Regime’ (SRR) as its crisis, and to make recommendations on the
centrepiece (see Appendix A). Since then, Lord changes in regulation and supervisory approach
Turner, the new Chairman of the Financial needed to create a more robust banking system
Services Authority, has published a detailed for the future. Lord Turner duly delivered
review5 indicating how he believes the system his Review in March 2009,7 focussing on the
of UK financial regulation and supervision long-term rather than the short-term macro-
should be reformed to try and prevent a economic challenges facing UK policymakers.
recurrence of a similar financial crisis in the A brief summary of his Review is provided
future, while the Government and the Con- in Appendix B, the main recommendations of
servative Party have followed up with their which are analysed in more detail below and in
White Papers on financial reform.6 At the same the FSA’s accompanying Discussion Paper.8
time, similar debates have, of course, been The analytical framework used by Lord Turner
raging around the globe, with national govern- is consistent with the taxonomic ‘template’
ments seeking the best way forward in the light established by the Financial Stability Forum
of their systems’ needs and requirements, (FSF) (re-established as the Financial Stability
taking due account of their own institutional Board (FSB) in April 2009), which called on
idiosyncrasies. member institutions to focus on the following
This article duly seeks to shed light on the areas in reforming their financial systems with
nature of these debates, with a particular a view to increasing the resilience of financial
emphasis on the United Kingdom. It will markets and institutions: (i) strengthening
highlight the major differences and similarities prudential oversight of capital, liquidity and
among the proposals of the main protagonists – risk management; (ii) enhancing transparency
the Government, the Conservative opposition in financial markets and institutions and the
party, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) valuation of financial instruments; (iii) chan-
and the Bank of England (‘the Bank’) – and ging the role and use of credit ratings;
will conclude with a personal assessment of (iv) strengthening the authorities’ responsive-
what constitutes the appropriate way forward. ness to risks; and (v) developing robust
The article is structured as follows. In the arrangements for dealing with stress in the
next section, Lord Turner’s Review is sum- financial system.9
marised and analysed. This is followed with
discussion and analysis of the Government’s Capital adequacy
White Paper. This, in turn, is followed with Some of the most important of Lord Turner’s
a review of the Conservative’s White Paper recommendations relate to the issue of bank
in the following section. The penultimate capital adequacy and stem from the deficien-
section, which includes consideration of the cies10 in the Basel I/II processes revealed
‘turf warfare’ that broke out in the summer of during the financial crisis. Accordingly, he calls
2009 as the Bank and the FSA jockeyed for for the following:
position in the run-up to confirmation of the
shape and form of the future UK financial 1. an increase in both the quality11 and quantity
regulatory and supervisory structure, pulls the of overall capital in the global banking
previous material together before establishing system, resulting in a significant increase in
personal preferences for domestic financial minimum regulatory requirements;
reform. The final section summarises and 2. a significance increase (that is, by several
concludes. times) in capital required against trading

32 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

book activities and a fundamental review well as increasing the credit conversion
of the market risk capital regime, including factor for short-term liquidity facilities to off-
its reliance on Value at Risk (VaR) measures balance-sheet conduits. The Committee is also
for regulatory purposes;12 requiring that banks conduct more rigorous
3. a reduction in unnecessary pro-cyclicality credit analyses of externally rated securitisation
under the Basel II regime;13 exposures. Under the revisions to Pillar 2
4. the introduction of a counter-cyclical (which governs the supervisory review pro-
capital adequacy regime, with capital cess), supplemental guidance has been issued
buffers increasing in economic upswings addressing the flaws in risk management
and decreasing in recessions;14 and practices revealed by the crisis. Accordingly, it
5. the introduction of a backstop maximum raises the standards for firm-wide governance
gross leverage ratio15 to guard against and risk management: capturing the risk of
excessive growth in absolute balance sheet off-balance-sheet exposures and securitisation
size. activities; managing risk concentrations; and
providing incentives for banks to better manage
Given its role in promulgating the inter- risk and returns over the longer term. It also
national ‘rules of the game’ on the capital incorporates the FSF’s ‘Principles for Sound
adequacy front, the Basel Committee on Compensation Practices’ issued in April 2009
Banking Supervision has already acted to by the FSB18 (see below). Finally, under the
address the revealed deficiencies in the Basel proposed enhancements to Pillar 3 (market
II process, thereby supporting most of Lord discipline), the Committee calls for strength-
Turner’s recommendations.16 Accordingly, on ened disclosure requirements for securitisa-
13 July 2009, the Committee issued an agreed tions, off-balance-sheet exposures and trading
final package of measures to enhance the three activities. Banks and supervisors were expected
pillars of the Basel II framework and to to implement the new Pillar 2 guidance
strengthen the 1996 rules governing trading immediately, and were given until the end
book capital. The measures are part of a of 2010 to implement the new Pillar 1 and
broader programme designed to strengthen Pillar 3 standards. The Committee also agreed
the regulatory capital framework by promoting to keep in place the Basel 1 capital floors
the build-up of capital buffers that can be beyond the end of 2009.19
drawn down in periods of stress, strengthening Meanwhile, the agreed revisions to the Basel
the quality of bank capital, introducing a II market risk framework governing trading
backstop leverage ratio, mitigating any excess book activities20 were designed to address
cyclicality of the minimum capital requirement, the problems revealed during the crisis of a
and promoting a more forward-looking ap- significant build-up of leverage in the trading
proach to provisioning. A consultative proposal book, as banks arbitraged the relatively low
on this broader programme is promised by the capital charges on trading book activities,
first quarter of 2010. wherein significant losses were incurred, com-
Under the ‘enhancements’ package,17 the pared with the banking book. This was, in
Committee has agreed upon revisions to each part, a result of the failure of the existing
of the three pillars of Basel II in the light of the framework, based on the 1996 Amendment
financial crisis. Revisions to Pillar 1 minimum to the Capital Accord,21 to capture some key
capital requirements will involve, inter alia, risks. Accordingly, the Committee has supple-
raising the risk weights for resecuritisation mented the current VaR-based trading book
exposures (the so-called collateralised debt framework with an incremental risk capital
obligations of asset backed securities) to better charge, which now covers both default risk
reflect the risk inherent in these products, as and migration risk, for unsecuritised credit

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products.22 For securitised products, the capital Turner focussed on measures designed to
charges of the banking book will apply with reduce the incentives for risk-taking provided
a limited exception for certain so-called by such incentive structures. Lord Turner thus
‘correlation trading’ activities. These measures recommends that remuneration policies for top
should reduce the incentive for regulatory executives and traders should be designed to
arbitrage between the banking and trading avoid incentives for undue risk-taking, and that
books. Finally, the Committee has called for risk management considerations should be
a complementary stressed VaR requirement, closely integrated into remuneration decisions.
which requires banks to calculate a stressed He argues that this can be achieved through
VaR taking into account a 1-year observation the development and enforcement of United
period relating to significant losses in addition Kingdom and global codes.
to the VaR measure based on the most recent With respect to a UK code, the FSA had, in
1-year observation period. This requirement fact, already published a draft code in February
has proved necessary because most banks’ 2009,27 before the publication of Lord Turner’s
trading book losses during the crisis signifi- Review. This, however, was superceded by a
cantly exceeded the minimum capital require- refined version of the draft code in March
ments derived using VaR models. It should 2009,28 which was put out for consultation.
also help to reduce the pro-cyclicality of the This duly resulted in the publication of the final
minimum capital requirements for market version in August 2009.29,30 The objectives of
risk. The new trading book rules must take the principles-based Code, which will apply
effect in complying jurisdictions by the end to certain large banks, building societies and
of 2010. broker-dealers, are to force boards to ‘focus
more closely on ensuring that the total amount
Liquidity adequacy distributed by a firm is consistent with good
In recognition of the significant role played by risk management and sustainability’, and to
liquidity strains in the generation and transmis- ensure that ‘individual compensation packages
sion of financial turmoil during the crisis and provide the right incentives’. In this way, it is
the failure of both regulators and institutions to hoped to sustain market confidence, promote
contain liquidity risks,23 Lord Turner recom- financial stability and protect consumers. The
mends that the regulation and supervision of Code, which covers the areas of governance,
bank liquidity should be recognised as being the measurement of performance (including
of equal importance to capital regulation, apart risk adjustment), and the composition and
from being fundamentally reformed. Accord- structuring of remuneration, is also designed
ingly, he calls for the introduction of a more to be consistent with the remuneration
intense and dedicated supervision of individual principles/guidelines developed in interna-
banks’ liquidity positions, including the use of tional fora,31 and with Sir David Walker’s
stress tests defined by regulators and covering Review of corporate governance,32 which is
system-wide risks.24 He also recommends that discussed below (see recommendations 28–39
consideration be given to the introduction of of Appendix C). Enforcement of the Code will
a ‘core funding ratio’ to ensure sustainable involve the FSA in linking required Risk
funding of balance sheet growth. Mitigation Plans to an integrated assessment
of remuneration policies within the standard
Remuneration25 risk-assessment process (‘ARROW’) and, if
Given the strong prima facie case that inap- necessary, increasing a firm’s Pillar 2 capital
propriate incentive structures played a role in requirements. The FSA recognises, however,
encouraging behaviour that contributed to the that the effectiveness of its new approach
financial crisis,26 it is unsurprising that Lord will depend, in part, on gaining widespread

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The reform of UK financial regulation

international agreement to publish and enforce into setting remuneration for other busi-
similar principles in all other major markets. ness areas.
Looking at the final version of the Code in
more detail, the agreed ‘rule’ within the Code Principle 3, which relates to the remuneration of
states that ‘a firm must establish, implement and employees in risk and compliance functions,
maintain remuneration policies, procedures and states that:
practices that are consistent with and promote
effective risk management’. This is comple- Remuneration for employees in risk
mented by eight principles, the first seven of management and compliance functions
which apply to all employees, with principle 8 should be determined independently of
only applying to senior management and other business areas.
employees whose activities have or could have Risk and compliance functions should
a significant impact on the firm’s risk profile. have performance metrics based on the
achievement of the objectives of those
Principle 1, which relates to the role of bodies functions.
responsible for remuneration policies and their
members, states that: Principle 4, which relates to profit-based mea-
surement and risk adjustment, states that:
A remuneration committee should:
(a) exercise, and be constituted in a way Assessments of financial performance used
that enables it to exercise, indepen- to calculate bonus pools should be based
dent judgment; principally on profits.
(b) be able to demonstrate that its A bonus pool calculation should include
decisions are consistent with a reason- an adjustment for current and future risk,
able assessment of the firm’s financial and take into account the cost of capital
situation and future prospects; employed and liquidity required.
(c) have the skills and experience to
reach an independent judgment on Principle 5, relating to long-term performance
the suitability of the policy, includ- measurement, states that:
ing its implications for risk and risk
management; and The assessment process for the perfor-
(d) be responsible for approving and mance-related component of an employ-
periodically reviewing the remu- ee’s remuneration should be designed to
neration policy and its adequacy ensure assessment is based on longer-term
and effectives. performance.

Principle 2, which covers remuneration proce- Principle 6, which relates to non-financial

dures and the input of risk management and performance metrics, states that:
compliance functions, states that:
Non-financial performance metrics
Procedures for setting remuneration should form a significant part of the
within a firm should be clear and performance assessment process.
documented, and should include appro- Non-financial performance metrics
priate measures to manage conflicts of should include adherence to effective risk
interest. management and compliance with the
A firm’s risk management and compliance regulatory system and with relevant
functions should have significant input overseas regulatory requirements.

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Principle 7, which relates to the measurement concern (particularly with respect to taxpayer-
of performance for long-term incentive plans, supported institutions), but one that should
states that: be addressed by politicians. This stance, how-
ever, overlooks the fact that the size of the
The measurement of performance for bonus pool, rather than individual payments,
long-term incentive plans, including is of relevance to regulators as it affects capital
those based on the performance of shares, adequacy, and it would have carried more
should be risk-adjusted. conviction had the final version of the Code
not been watered down compared with the
Although full compliance with this principle is original. Moreover, some worry about the lack
not being sought by January 2010, firms are of legally binding rules – although, it could be
expected to have initiated a review by then of argued, that a principles-based approach
how well their long-term incentive plans take founded on ‘recommendations’ is superior as
account of future risks. it reduces the incentives for ‘gaming’ and
In its amended guidance, the Code cautions allows for greater flexibility – and the damage
against the use of unadjusted ‘earnings per that still might be done to the City of London
share’ and ‘total shareholder return’ metrics, if widespread international agreement on the
which can both be boosted by increasing adoption of similar proposals cannot be secured
leverage. (a danger already acknowledged by Lord
Finally, Principle 8, which relates to remunera- Turner, as outlined above, and responsible for
tion structures, states that: the watering-down undertaken). And it is not
clear how the degree of risk generated by non-
The fixed component of remuneration compliance will be calculated, nor how the
should be a sufficient proportion of total additional capital requirement will be cali-
remuneration to allow for a firm to brated.
operate a fully flexible bonus policy. Lord Turner’s apparent frustration at policy-
makers’ unwillingness to tackle this issue at a
The accompanying guidance also makes it clear time of general resurgence in bonuses owing to
that it is good practice for a firm (or a part of it) a revival in the profitability of investment
that makes a loss in any given year to have the banking operations (resulting, in part, from
flexibility not to pay a bonus, for a portion (at reduced competition, post-crisis and state-
least two-thirds, for ‘significant’ bonuses) of provided subsidies of various kinds) subse-
bonuses to be deferred for at least 3 years, and quently led him to ‘open his heart’ to Prospect
for a significant proportion of the variable magazine, which published the interview on 26
component of remuneration to be linked to the August 2009. In the article, he expresses his
future performance of the firm and, where concerns about the prospect of the City
practicable, the employer’s division or business returning to ‘business as usual’ (for example
unit, or otherwise the business undertaken by paying out large bonuses, offering ‘golden
the employee. hellos’ and adopting short-term policies again),
The media response to the publication of the with politicians seeming to lack the will to
Code was generally rather negative. This was a radically transform the system to prevent a
result, in part, of the Code’s failure to tackle the recurrence of the previous excesses.33 Arguing
issue of the scale of bankers’ pay, implying that the financial sector has grown too big for
the capping of bonuses, but Lord Turner and society (as was the case in Iceland), that it has
the FSA have argued all along that this is not an destabilised the UK economy and that some of
issue for the long term nor for bank regulators, its activities (for example, some derivatives
although it is a legitimate issue of public trading and ‘churning’) are socially worthless or

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The reform of UK financial regulation

worse, he suggests the introduction of an involve: an increase in resources devoted to

internationally agreed ‘Tobin-style’ tax34 on high-impact firms and, in particular, to large
financial transactions to curb excessive profits complex banks; a more detailed focus on
and pay in the financial sector if higher capital business models, strategies, risks and outcomes,
requirements fail to adequately address the rather than primarily on systems and processes;
consequences for financial stability. Although a focus on the technical skills, as well as the
he was right to highlight the dangers associated probity, of approved persons; increased analysis
with a bloated financial sector and of a return of sectors and comparative analysis of firm
to ‘business as usual’ in the City – so soon after performance; further investment in specialist
the havoc wrought on the real economy, the prudential skills; the introduction of more
near-terminal blow dealt to the financial system intensive information requirements on key risks
and the irreparable damage done to the pubic (especially liquidity risks); and a new focus on
finances by bankers’ gross mis-management remuneration policies. These changes should be
and insatiable greed – and right to consider further reinforced, according to Lord Turner, by
alternative remedies to the problems posed by development of capabilities in macro-prudential
the payment of excessive bonuses for financial analysis and a major intensification of the role
stability if higher capital requirements fail to do played by the FSA in balance sheet analysis and
the job, he was misguided in favouring the in the oversight of accounting judgements.
solution that he did.35 For, even G20-sponsored These are deemed necessary to respond to the
action risks damaging the interests of the UK challenges posed by the crisis as it has developed
economy, while the tax itself would prove a since March 2008.
very blunt instrument, affecting all transactions Given the developments in the deposit-
(socially desirable or not) equally, would lead to taking industry after the nationalisation of
higher costs for consumers and would reduce Northern Rock, which saw the nationalisation
liquidity in financial markets. Predictably, of Bradford and Bingley and the brokering of
howls of anguish could be heard from the takeover rescues of Alliance and Leicester
vested interests in the City, led by the British and HBOS (by Banco Santander and Lloyds
Bankers Association but backed by the Invest- TSB, respectively) and a number of building
ment Management Association, the Association societies,2 there must be a fear that the FSA’s
of British Insurers, the CBI and the Mayor of failings with respect to Northern Rock were
London, suggesting that Lord Turner had hit a not a one-off. As Lord Turner himself
raw nerve. Hopefully, the brave, but never- concedes, the FSA had traditionally focussed
theless welcome, act by the senior regulator on the supervision of individual institutions
will spark a wider debate on the issues involved. rather than the whole system; on ensuring that
systems and processes were correctly defined,
FSA’s supervisory approach36 rather than on challenging business models and
In recognition of the failings of the past37 and strategies; and on the probity of approved
of the need to shift its primary focus from the persons, rather than on an assessment of their
regulation of individual institutions (‘micro- technical skills. Moreover, the organisation
prudential’ regulation) to combining this with a was biased in favour of conduct of business
strong focus on the overall system and on the regulation compared with prudential regula-
management of systemic risks across the tion, with bank prudential regulation being
economic cycle (‘macro-prudential’ regula- dominated by considerations associated with
tion), Lord Turner calls for a completion of the agreement and implementation of Basel II.
the ‘Supervisory Enhancement Programme As a result, emerging problems, such as the
(SEP)’ put in place in the aftermath of the rapid build-up in trading book risk and
near-collapse of Northern Rock.37 This will liquidity risks, were missed.

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This does not fully explain, however, why change has already been made. But, as
so many ‘warning signs’ were missed.38 The explained below, this frantic activity may be
fear is that the FSA were cowed into acceptance too late, as the likely winners of next year’s
of the oft-repeated political demands (including national elections, the Conservative Party, have
by the current Prime Minister) for ‘light touch’ promised to dismantle the organisation as we
regulation, deemed necessary if the City was know it, leaving it to focus solely on issues of
to preserve its traditional pre-eminent status consumer protection. This is reminiscent of
among financial centres and continue to the Bank’s belated attempt to put things right
contribute to the nation’s prosperity via tax after the collapse of Barings,40 an endeavour
payments, employment, invisible earnings and that did not impress the incoming Labour
so on. Such political/industry ‘capture’ of the government of 1997 – hence the transfer of
regulator was evident in the days when the Bank regulatory and supervisory responsibility to a
had responsibility for banking supervision – newly created, unified agency: the FSA. It
witness their failings with respect to BCCI and seems history is about to repeat itself, but with
Barings39 – and appears to have been carried the regulatory responsibility moving in the
over into the FSA. The likelihood, as conceded other direction. Only time will tell whether
as a possibility by Lord Turner in his interview this proves to be a sensible policy.
with Prospect magazine alluded to earlier,
wherein he warns that the FSA should be Firm risk management and
‘very, very wary of seeing the competitiveness governance
of London as a major aim’, is that this objective As demonstrated before and during the crisis,
had indeed conflicted with its regulatory remit. internal risk management was often ineffective
This would help explain the FSA’s reluctance and boards of financial institutions routinely
to challenge banks’ strategic objectives, espe- failed to adequately identify and constrain
cially with respect to growth, organically excessive risk-taking. Clearly then, there is a
(Northern Rock) or by merger (Royal Bank need to increase the standards of risk manage-
of Scotland’s (RBS) takeover of ABN Amro). ment and governance in financial institutions.
In other words, the FSA was reluctant to bring Although Lord Turner was happy to await
the party to a premature end given the apparent the outcome of the Walker Review (see
wealth creation that had occurred during the immediately below) before deciding on the
boom period of 1993–2007, the very ‘benign necessary changes to be made to the FSA’s
economic era’ in which the FSA had been rules and processes, promising specific propo-
established, and excessive bonuses were toler- sals by the fourth quarter of 2009, he never-
ated as a necessary ‘by-product’ of said wealth theless indicated his main areas of concern.41
creation. These relate to the need to improve the
Of course, under Lord Turner’s stewardship, professionalism and independence of the risk
things appear to be improving, as a more management function, to embed risk manage-
intensive and intrusive style of supervision is ment considerations in remuneration policy,
embraced. Indeed, judging by the industry to raise the skill level and time commitment
complaints about its latest measures – sitting in of non-executive directors, and to enhance
on bank board meetings, demanding more the ability of shareholders to constrain firms’
data, questioning business plans, challenging risk-taking.
judgments of senior executives, challenging As anticipated by Lord Turner, the Walker
bonus payments, widening and toughening its Review32 was published a few months after his
‘fit and proper’ tests for approved persons, and own Review. Sir David Walker had been asked
increasing its activities (via fines and criminal by the Prime Minister in February 2009
cases) to deter fraud and malpractice – this step to review corporate governance in the UK

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The reform of UK financial regulation

banking industry (later extended to the whole of defective control and serious excess in
finance industry), in the light of the bank- some circumstances, substantial enhancement
ing crisis. Thirty-nine recommendations (see is needed in board-level oversight of remunera-
Appendix C) were duly made to enhance tion policies, in particular in respect of variable
corporate governance with a view to reducing pay, and in associated disclosures. The remit
the likelihood of a similar catastrophe striking and responsibility of board remuneration
the UK economy again. These recommenda- committees should be extended beyond board
tions of Sir David’s Interim Report are now the members to cover the remuneration framework
subject of consultation with interested parties. for the whole entity, for those whose pay
The recommendations are grouped under exceeds that of the average board-level remu-
five headings: board size, composition and neration. Not less than half of expected variable
qualification; functioning of the board and remuneration should be on a long-term
evaluation of performance; the role of institu- incentive basis with vesting, subject to perfor-
tional shareholders: communication and enga- mance conditions, deferred for up to 5 years.
gement; governance of risk; and remuneration. Media reaction to the publication of the
Five key themes are also identified. First, the Review was mixed. Although commentators
Combined Code of the Financial Reporting generally applauded Sir David’s attempts to
Council (FRC), embodying the principle of address the systemic threat posed by granting
‘comply or explain’, remains fit for purpose, bonuses that encourage excessive risk-taking
although tougher capital and liquidity require- by, for example, calling for a higher proportion
ments and a tougher regulatory stance on the to be deferred, and for longer, and the other
part of the FSA are required. Second, the measures recommended to restrain excessive
principal deficiencies of financial industry risk-taking, a number of concerns were voiced.
boards related much more to patterns of For those wishing for a more draconian
behaviour than to organisation. More should approach to be taken to the award of bonuses
be done to promote an environment whereby there was considerable disappointment. No
the executive can be challenged. This will cap on bonuses was proposed, and a ‘clawback’
require, inter alia, changes to board composition of bonuses was only sanctioned in cases of
and a materially increased time commitment misstatement or misconduct, not subsequent
from both non-executive directors (who need poor performance. Similarly, on pay disclosure,
more experience, training and support) and there is no requirement that individual,
the Chairman of the Board (who should be high-earning bankers be identified, only that
put up for re-election each year). Third, board- the number of employees earning above
level engagement in the high-level risk process certain thresholds be published. And those
should be materially enhanced, particularly who want Chief Executives to be barred from
with respect to the monitoring of risk and becoming Chairmen were also disappointed.
discussion leading to decisions on risk appetite The general criticism was thus that the Review
and tolerance. Board-level risk committees, was neither tough enough nor prescriptive
separate from audit committees, should be set enough. Industry reaction, on the other hand,
up to ensure that executives do not take any understandably focussed on the perceived
unnecessary risk. Fourth, there is a need for damage that might be done to their personal
fund managers and other major shareholders to interests. Concerns about the potential damage
engage more productively with their investor that might be done to the UK financial services
companies with the aim of supporting longer- industry if similar proposals are not introduced
term improvement in performance. Boards, in in competing jurisdictions were widely voiced.
turn, should be more receptive to such Some also raised fears about the likely increased
initiatives. And finally, given the clear evidence difficulty to be faced in filling non-executive

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positions given the substantially increased creation of two new bodies – a ‘European
burden they would face under the new regime. Systemic Risk Council’ (ESRC), later (that
And yet others complained about the extension is, in September 2009) confirmed as the
of the remit of non-executives into areas ‘European Systemic Risk Board’ (ESRB), and
traditionally the preserve of management alone. a ‘European System of Financial Supervisors’
It remains to be seen to what extent Sir David (ESFS). The purpose of the ESRC, which
moves to placate both sets of protagonists; a would comprise ECB officials, national mone-
delicate balancing act will have to be per- tary authorities and EU officials, would be
formed, carefully weighing the public interest to co-ordinate the supervision of systemic
against potential threats to domestic finance risks that threaten overall financial stability
industry profitability. and advise upon appropriate remedies. This
would improve on the current system, which is
European regulatory and inevitably nationalistic in nature and focuses on
supervisory arrangements individual institutions. The second institution,
The final area42 of Lord Turner’s Review to be the ESFS, comprising separate authorities for
covered in this article is the European dimen- banking, securities and insurance, would decide
sion to the reform debate. At the moment, on compulsory minimum EU-wide standards
most aspects of financial services regulation are designed to stop ‘regulatory arbitrage’ between
expressed in European Union (EU) Directives Member States; provide binding mediation
associated with the ‘Single Market’, which then between disagreeing national authorities;
have to be transposed into national law.43 These co-ordinate the operation of ‘colleges of super-
Directives set minimum standards that Member visors’ for systemically important cross-border
States can choose to exceed on a national institutions; and licence and supervise some EU-
discretion basis (under the principle of ‘super wide institutions, such as rating agencies and
equivalence’). In addition to the Directives, clearing houses. National authorities would
three committees (the ‘Lamfalussy Commit- remain in charge of day-to-day supervision, as
tees’), representing national authorities, play before, and could still impose tougher standards
important consultative roles. Supervision of if desired. Finally, the Taskforce recommended
financial entities remains entirely in the hands the development and operation of a global
of national authorities, with cross-border financial stability early warning system by the
activities supervised in accordance with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with the
allocation of responsibilities between home and assistance of the ESRC and central banks. The
host authorities agreed upon in the Basle European Commission duly accepted the Task-
Concordat in 1975, as subsequently amended force’s recommendations in March 2009 but
in the light of flaws exposed in the regulation called for much speedier implementation – the
and supervision of Banco Ambrosiano Hold- Taskforce envisaged the process lasting a number
ings, before its collapse in 1983, and of BCCI, of years.
before its closure in 1992.44 Deposit insurance, Lord Turner, in his Review, however, claims
subject to harmonised minimum standards, and ‘this philosophy to be inadequate and unsus-
crisis management arrangements are also oper- tainable for the future’,46 citing the failure
ated on a national basis, the latter subject to of Landsbanki as an example of how existing
‘state aid’ rules.45 single market rules can create unacceptable
In terms of ‘architecture’, this system risks to depositors and/or taxpayers.47
survived until 2009, when the Jacques de Accordingly, he argues that either national
Larosière ‘Taskforce’ reported on it (February powers are increased, implying a less open
2009). This body argued against the adoption single market, and/or there needs to be a
of a pan-EU regulatory body in favour of the greater degree of European integration. He

40 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

prefers a mix of both, favouring more national rescues of ailing institutions; the nationalisation
powers in the areas of capital and liquidity of failed institutions; and the introduction of
adequacy assessment, possibly to include home- two industry-wide, bailout schemes involving,
country power to require local subsidiarisation inter alia, state-funded recapitalisation of weak
of institutions where there are concerns about banks and capital protection through the ‘Asset
whole bank soundness and/or about the Protection Scheme’.53
capacity of home-country fiscal authorities The further reforms proposed are designed
and deposit insurance schemes.48 This would to ‘strengthen regulation and supervision, and
protect the interests of UK depositors and support corporate governance so that, in
taxpayers. As for the ‘more Europe’ option, future, financial crises will be less likely and
Lord Turner suggests two49 possibilities for less damaging’. These are intended to deliver:
consideration: greater cross-European co-ordi-
nation of supervisory approaches and of macro- K more effective prudential regulation and
prudential analysis, and greater co-ordination supervision of firms;
of deposit insurance arrangements. With re- K greater emphasis on monitoring and mana-
spect to the former, Lord Turner calls for the ging system-wide risks;
creation of a new EU institutional structure to K greater confidence that the authorities are
replace the Lamfalussy Committees. A new ready and able to deal with problems when
independent body should be created with they do arise; and
regulatory powers to act as a standard-setter K greater protection for the taxpayer when an
and overseer of supervision. It should also be institution needs to be resolved.
involved, alongside central banks, in macro-
The Treasury’s proposals (a summary is
prudential analysis, while leaving the primary
presented in Appendix D of this paper) are
responsibility for supervision with national
grouped together under four main headings: (i)
authorities. [Note the similarities to the de
proposed changes to the governance, co-
Larosière recommendations.] And, with respect
ordination and regulatory framework of the
to the latter, he suggests that the option of
United Kingdom’s financial authorities; (ii) the
introducing pan-European arrangements for
Government’s strategy for dealing with sys-
the deposit insurance of banks operating
temically significant institutions; (iii) the Gov-
cross-border in branch form should be con-
ernment’s strategy for managing systemic risk
sidered in more detail.
more broadly; and (iv) the Government’s plans
to strengthen financial regulation and super-
THE GOVERNMENT’S WHITE vision at the international level. Each area will
now to be addressed in turn. [Consumer
PAPER ON FINANCIAL REFORM protection and competition issues – addressed
On 8 July 2009, the UK Government set out in Chapters 8 and 9, respectively, of the White
its proposals for reforming UK financial Paper – are not considered further, here.]
regulation.50 The reform recommendations,
designed to strengthen the financial system for
the future, followed the Government’s analysis Proposed changes to governance,
of the causes of the financial crisis and a co-ordination and regulatory
summary of the action already taken to restore framework
financial stability in the United Kingdom,51 With respect to co-ordination, the Govern-
embracing: the introduction of a new ‘SRR’ ment has proposed that a new statutory
for banks in the Banking Act of February committee, the ‘Council for Financial Stability’
2009;52 the reform of deposit protection (CFS), should replace the existing ‘Standing
arrangements; the brokering of takeover Committee’, to formalise and strengthen the

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 41

co-ordination among the Bank, the FSA and action to place restrictions on short selling
the Treasury. The objectives of the new and to require disclosure of short selling outside
Council, to be chaired by the Chancellor, will the regulatory framework governing market
be to analyse and examine emerging risks for abuse. Finally, to better protect taxpayers/
financial stability and co-ordinate the appro- depositors, it is proposing the eventual (but
priate response. To increase public transparency not before 2012) introduction of an element
and accountability, the minutes of the standing of pre-funding into the deposit-taking sub-
meetings will be published quarterly, and an scheme of the Financial Services Compensation
annual report will be published and sent to Scheme (FSCS), following full consultation with
Parliament. The CFS will also co-ordinate the interested parties. The Government will also
UK Authorities’ position on EU and interna- bring forward proposals regarding the govern-
tional financial stability and regulatory policy ance and accountability of the FSCS.
issues, and its Terms of Reference will replace
the existing Memorandum of Understanding, Reforms proposed as part of the
as last amended in March 2006. The external Government’s strategy for dealing
members of the governing bodies of the Bank with systemically significant
and the FSA will also be used to provide institutions
additional outside expertise. Although the Government recognises the need
In relation to the subject of governance, to deal effectively with systemically significant
the Government will await the outcome of (or ‘high impact’) firms, it agrees with Lord
the FSA Board’s review (due before end-2009) Turner that the appropriate solution is not to
of its functions before making any explicit impose artificial limits on a firm’s size or
proposals for reform of the FSA’s governance breadth of activities through, for example, the
arrangements, but, in the interim, it is to imposition of ‘Glass Steagall-type’ regula-
be given an explicit financial stability objective. tions.55 Rather, it prefers to strengthen market
This will complement the existing objectives discipline and infrastructure, and enhance
set out in the Financial System and Markets prudential regulation and failure resolution
Act (FSMA) to provide a more explicit recog- mechanisms, as explained below.
nition of the FSA’s expanded role in maintain- The Government’s proposals are designed to
ing and enhancing financial stability. do two things: to reduce the risk of systemically
As for enhancing the regulatory framework, significant institutions failing, and, if they do
the Government is proposing a number of fail, to reduce the impact of their failure. On
measures. First, it plans to strengthen the FSA’s the first front, the Government is focussing on
prudential regulation and supervision of banks strengthening market discipline by using the
through endorsement of all Lord Turner’s work of the Walker Review and the FSA’s
recommendations with respect to enhancing Code of Practice (backed by the FSB’s code of
capital and liquidity adequacy assessment (see practice agreed upon at the G20 Pittsburg
Appendix D).54 It also endorses Lord Turner’s Summit in September 2009) to provide
planned enhancement of the FSA’s SEP, as guidance on the standards of discipline ex-
the FSA’s supervisory approach becomes more pected in corporate governance and remunera-
intrusive and systemic. [On 2 July 2009, the tion, respectively. Additionally, it will urge the
FSA announced a change to its organisational FSA to establish and maintain dialogue on
structure to better align it with its new governance issues with the non-executive
functional model.] It will also take action to director of boards. It is also relying on an
strengthen the FSA’s powers in relation to enhancement of the FSA’s prudential regula-
authorised firms and individuals found guilty of tion and supervision, both generally – as
misconduct, and to allow it to take emergency proposed by Lord Turner in respect of stricter

42 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

regulation and supervision of capital and can have serious macro-economic conse-
liquidity adequacy – and specific to systemically quences. The Government thus wants to make
significant firms through the imposition of sure that, in addition to securing the health
additional capital charges relating to the size of individual institutions, central banks and
and complexity of the firm. The latter charge regulators pay close attention to:
would, in effect, ‘internalise’ the firms’ higher
costs of failure. The Government recognises, K how the complex inter-linkage across finan-
however, that international co-ordination on cial markets, and financial institutions’
the last point is necessary if regulatory arbitrage tendency to respond in common ways, can
is to be avoided, and, accordingly, supports the threaten stability;
deliberation of the issue at international fora.56 K the cyclical nature of risk-taking in financial
With respect to the reduction of the impact markets, which can cause the extent and
of such firms’ failure, the Government again nature of threats to financial stability to
has a dual plan of attack: first, to strengthen fluctuate over time; and
market infrastructure (by, for example, enhan- K the links between the financial system and
cing the legal and operational infrastructure of the wider economy.
the Credit Default Swap (CDS) market, as
supported by Lord Turner), and, second, to While recognising that, to be effective, any
enhance failure resolution mechanisms. The policy changes need to be adopted and co-
latter, in turn, is to be secured through the ordinated internationally, the Government is
introduction of a new insolvency regime for working closely with the Bank and the FSA,
investment banks,57 following the introduction as well as with its international counterparts
of the new SRR for deposit-takers in the (including the FSB), to develop an appropriate
Banking Act of February 2009, and by forcing approach to mitigate the adverse consequences
banks to draw up internal failure resolution for the financial and macro-economic stability
plans (‘living wills’) to facilitate their unwind- of the pro-cyclical behaviour of financial
ing at short notice, should this prove necessary. institutions and markets.
The nature of these internal resolution plans – In order to improve the management of
the quality of which, the Government argues, systemic risk across markets and institutions,
should be taken account of in the FSA’s overall the Government advocates the following:
assessment of the prudential risks borne by a enhancing transparency by improving account-
firm and, if necessary, in its regulatory require- ing standards; improving the liquidity, transpar-
ments – which will inevitably impact corporate ency and robustness of wholesale markets
structure (and hence on tax payments and (and, in particular, securitisation and over-the-
profitability) and the cost of capital (owing to counter (OTC) derivatives markets); and
rating agency downgrades), will be the subject increasing the regulatory focus on systemic
of consultation, but the Government is com- risk.
mitted to the eventual adoption of the idea and The increased focus on transparency (for
is planning legislation this year to deliver it.58,59 example, with respect to financial institutions’
risk exposures) is deemed necessary to enhance
market discipline, facilitate better risk manage-
Reforms proposed as part of ment, and enhance market liquidity in distressed
the Government’s strategy for conditions. Accordingly, the Government en-
managing systemic risk dorses the FSF’s accounting recommendations
more broadly in this area (to take effect by end-2009) and
The crisis has demonstrated how the accumu- agrees that the FSA should engage with firms
lation of systemic risk across financial markets and auditors to ensure more consistent

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 43

approaches in the valuation of financial instru- its regulatory decisions take into account the
ments across firms. As for the increased focus wider economic costs of financial instability;
on wholesale markets, the crisis clearly demon- while the FSA’s enforcement powers will be
strated the need to look more systematically enhanced and extended to, inter alia, allow it
at those key markets in which financial to take action to address systemic risk and
institutions operate and take a considered protect financial stability. Meanwhile, in agree-
approach to the systemic risks they pose, ment with Lord Turner, the Government
especially in respect of liquidity. argues that the regulatory perimeter should
To avoid illiquidity in securitisation markets, be determined according to the principle that
the Government believes greater product financial activities should be regulated accord-
standardisation and transparency are necessary ing to their economic substance and the risks
to attract a broader class of investors (additional they pose, not their legal form. This suggests a
to banks and their conduits).60 And, with closer scrutiny of off-balance-sheet vehicles62
respect to OTC derivatives markets, the and hedge funds,63 at the minimum. Moreover,
Government hopes to enhance their robustness the regulatory perimeter will need to be kept
and functioning by securing agreement on the under review because of the industry’s con-
introduction of a centralised clearing house for tinuous financial innovation.
most products, with those deemed not suitable The final area of systemic risk management
for such action (that is because they are that has exercised the Government is that
bespoke, illiquid or new) being subject to associated with the economic cycle. Concern
bilateral collateralisation and risk-appropriate about ‘pro-cyclicality’, or the co-movement
capital charges to mitigate counterparty risk. between lending conditions and the cycle,
Requirements to increase the amount of due has led for calls to amend regulation in order
diligence done by investors in structured to dampen excessive credit provision and risk-
products, which should be facilitated by greater taking in the financial system, which can
standardisation, will also serve to enhance the amplify an economic upturn, and to ensure
robustness of securitisation markets.61 that banks are more resilient to economic
Finally, to ensure a greater regulatory focus shocks when they occur to prevent amplifying
on systemic risk, the Government advocates an economic downturn. The Government is
enhanced monitoring and supervision and the thus working together with the FSA and the
creation of a responsive and dynamic regulatory Bank and in international fora – for example,
boundary. With respect to monitoring, the the FSB and the ESRB (see below) – to
Government expects the FSA to increase its develop these so-called ‘macro-prudential’
focus on understanding the nature of the inter- tools. The Government favours the use of a
relationships and networks between firms and complementary ‘backstop’ maximum leverage
proactively identifying systemic vulnerabilities, ratio and the build-up of counter-cyclical
and in monitoring and assessing how systemi- capital buffers in good times, as argued for by
cally important markets might trigger or Lord Turner, the latter to be achieved ideally
amplify a shock. If additional information- through appropriate prudential regulation,
gathering powers are necessary, the Govern- rather than by changing accounting standards
ment will legislate for this. As for enhanced (to allow, for example, for ‘dynamic provision-
supervision, the Government will review and ing’). This, however, does not deal with
amend the FSA’s objectives and the principles the tendency for financial markets to amplify
of good regulation to clarify that the FSA’s economic cycles through, for example, the
regulatory and supervisory approaches should creation of asset price ‘bubbles’. The Govern-
include an enhanced focus on monitoring, ment thus believes that more should be done to
assessing and mitigating systemic risks, and that prevent this by, for example, linking capital

44 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

requirements to indicators of risk in the Reforms proposed to strengthen

financial sector or wider economy and firm- financial regulation and supervision
specific indicators, such as the growth in at the international level
individual banks’ lending activities or their The recent crisis has demonstrated the need
liquidity profiles.64 These additional tools for strong domestic regulatory systems to be
can be used to complement the action already complemented by enhanced supervision of
taken by the FSA65 and that planned by the international firms and markets through robust
Basel Committee and the International international standards, close co-operation
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to ensure between authorities, and a more coherent
that international regulatory and accounting international regulatory architecture. Although
standards (focussing on risk-based capital much has already been done69 in these areas,
requirements and mark-to-market accounting, the Government believes there is still scope
respectively) do not act to unnecessarily for a further strengthening of regulation and
amplify the inherent pro-cyclicality of the international co-operation, particularly in
financial system. Europe.70 Their recommendations for deliver-
Apart from the above measures, the Govern- ing this are considered below.
ment is also determined to improve banks’ In the light of the recent crisis, the
access to funding during economic downturns Government believes that it is necessary to
or crises, an important source of contagion improve the authorities’ ability to identify
during the recent crisis. Although increased systemic risks within the EU and the quality
transparency of bank exposures may help in (and scope) of rules applying to firms, as well
this respect – as mentioned above – further as to ensure proper enforcement of those
measures are needed to expand banks’ sources rules. While welcoming the outcome of the
of capital, other than from governments. One European Council’s deliberations of June
possibility being considered is for the FSA to 200971 on structural reform of the EU
be given the authority to order, in the event regulatory and supervisory system (draft
of a systemic crisis, banks to convert some of legislation was proposed by the European
their debt (subordinated?) into equity.66 Commission in September 2009), it believes
Finally, the Government believes that an more should be done. In particular, it wants to
element of discretion, additional to rules-based see a reduction in the number of national
policy, will be required if the inherent discretions available in Directives,72 in order to
pro-cyclicality of financial markets is to be secure a more level playing field and increase
effectively constrained. Tools, such as the the effectiveness of regulation, and a strength-
re-setting of leverage ratios or the imposition ening of the rules and safeguards governing
of prudential add-ons to regulatory capital cross-border branching in the European Eco-
requirements, might thus be used in response nomic Area (EEA). With respect to the latter,
to the emergence of threats for financial and the Government is concerned, like Lord Turner,
macro-economic stability. As for the institu- with the quality of supervision exercised by the
tional responsibility for these and any other Icelandic authorities and the inadequacies of
tools endorsed by the Government,67 this will their deposit guarantee scheme, and is calling
be decided once international agreement has for changes, there and elsewhere, to reduce
been reached on what the new tools should be, both the likelihood of bank failure and the cost
and how they are to be used.68 [As discussed of failure should it occur. In relation to the
below, however, the Conservatives, likely to former, the following policies are suggested for
form the next Government, have been less adoption: ensuring that minimum standards are
coy about their preferred choice of macro- strong and applied consistently to cross-border
prudential regulator.] groups; strengthening information exchanges

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 45

between home and host authorities, with host initiatives adopted in respect of the creation of
supervisors having access to micro-prudential supervisory colleges for large cross-border
information relating to the overall financial firms, implementation of the FSF principles
position of a group; and ensuring that peer for cross-border crisis management, and the
review and supervisory audit of cross-border launching of an ‘Early Warning Exercise’
supervision take place. In addition, other (EWE) by the IMF/FSB to identify macro-
countries might like to follow the United financial vulnerabilities and propose policy
Kingdom’s lead and ensure that foreign responses. Accordingly, to further promote
branches operating in their jurisdictions are international macro-prudential supervision,
self-sufficient for liquidity purposes, unless the Government calls on the IMF and FSB
their parent companies meet certain criteria to undertake the following:
(this policy will soon be implemented in the
United Kingdom by the FSA). With a view to K draw upon the relative strengths of each
reducing the costs of failure, the Government institution (it is vital that the FSB is a full
argues that Member States (and, indeed, all partner with the EWE and uses its expertise
countries) should possess minimum and com- to propose appropriate regulatory responses
patible resolution toolkits (along the lines of to the macro-prudential risks identified by
the United Kingdom’s new Banking Act) and the IMF);
should develop and agree upon winding-down K identify both quantitative and qualitative
plans for significant cross-border banks, and assessments of risks, focussing on those with
should establish co-operation agreements potential cross-border effects;
between deposit guarantee schemes to enhance K have a clear signalling system based on
their operational effectiveness. [The European the likelihood and impact of a possible
Commission is considering setting up a event;
pan-EU deposit guarantee scheme.] K be a forum for articulating concrete policy
Apart from these measures, the Government responses to risks identified, particularly
also wants to see stronger enforcement of those that require co-ordinated as opposed
EU rules, including through better-quality to unilateral action; and
supervision. The establishment of supervisory K draw on risks and advice identified in other
colleges, combined with supervisory audit, appropriate reports.
peer review and binding home-host mediation
should all serve to further this end, but Moreover, with respect to crisis manage-
appropriate implementation will be crucial. ment, there is a need to ensure that interna-
The Government also believes that, before tional rules facilitate rather than hinder
the creation of the European Supervisory appropriate action by national authorities, and
Authorities, the existing Level Three com- that there is international consistency in
mittees need to be better resourced to deal approaches to cross-border bank resolution
with the important jobs at hand – notably, in arrangements.
connection with the registration of credit rating
agencies and the drafting of the Solvency II
Directive – and that, in the longer-term, a
single rule-making body should be created to THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY’S
improve the quality of regulation in the EU. WHITE PAPER
With respect to the wider need for closer Given the Conservative Party’s current standing
international co-operation and cross-border in the polls, and hence the strong likelihood
supervision, the Government believes that that it will form the next government in the
more should be done to build on the recent summer of 2010, its proposals for financial

46 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

reform are of obvious interest to all concerned. Conservative Party endorses Lord Turner’s
As explained below, its proposals, drafted in recommendations for76:
July 2009 in the wake of the submission of a
review by Sir James Sassoon on the Tripartite K the imposition of additional capital and
system, are radical, embracing the abolition of liquidity requirements on banks to reflect
the FSA and the Tripartite system, the creation an institution’s size and complexity;
of a new Consumer Protection Agency (CPA), K the imposition of ‘much higher’ capital
and the handing over of micro- and macro- requirements on high-risk activities, such
prudential regulatory powers to the Bank (for a as large-scale proprietary trading;77
summary see Appendix E).73 K the use of capital requirements to crack
The proposed reforms can usefully be down on risky bonus structures; and
divided into those associated with changing K the introduction of an internationally agreed
the regulation ‘architecture’ and those asso- ‘backstop’ leverage ratio to constrain bank
ciated with a change in regulatory policy. The lending.
latter, in turn, can be divided into micro- and
macro-prudential reforms. As far as the archi- It also accepts the case for the preparation of
tecture is concerned, the proposed changes are ‘living wills’ by institutions to assist in their
seismic. The FSA would be abolished, its orderly unwinding in the face of insolvency, as
micro-prudential powers being handed over argued for by the Governor of the Bank
to the Bank (to be carried out by a new and subsequently by Lord Turner.78 As for
‘Financial Regulation Division’),74 and its macro-prudential policy, the Conservative
consumer protection remit would be trans- Party argues for international co-ordination
ferred to a new CPA, which would also take in the development of a macro-prudential
over the regulation of consumer credit from the ‘toolkit’ that should comprise, inter alia,
Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The abolition of counter-cyclical capital requirements, as called
the FSA would, in turn, mean that the for by Lord Turner and supported by the
triggering of the SRR introduced under the Government. It also promises to introduce
Banking Act 2009 would also pass to the Bank, additional safeguards against the risks created
which is currently only responsible for its by complex or interconnected institutions
operation, and would result in the abolition through greater use of central counterparty
of the Tripartite system. With respect to the clearing, the creation of a more appropriate
latter, the current Standing Committee would balance between exchange-traded and OTC
be replaced by a new ‘Financial Policy securities, and greater financial transparency.
Committee’,75 housed within the Bank, which Finally, it is worth noting that the Con-
would be responsible for monitoring systemic servative Party are also keen to enhance
risks, operating new macro-prudential regula- competition in the financial services industry,
tory tools and executing the SRR for failing matching the current Government’s belated
banks. Finally, a single senior Treasury minister focus on this area, in part owing to the
would be given responsibility for European European Commission’s ‘State Aid’-related
financial regulation, whereby efforts would concerns with the Government’s approach to
be concentrated on reducing barriers to entry bailing out domestic banks. Accordingly, and
to increase opportunities for UK financial with a view to introducing a greater degree
firms. of diversity and competition into the UK
With respect to changes to regulatory policy, banking sector, the OFT and the Competition
changes to existing micro-prudential policy and Commission will be asked to conduct a
the introduction of new macro-prudential tools focussed examination of the effects of con-
are both proposed. On the former front, the solidation (increased during the financial crisis

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 47

because of official bailout policies) in the retail K extension of the regulatory perimeter to
banking sector. The findings will help to include all systemically important financial
inform strategies for disposing of state-held institutions (such as hedge funds);
stakes in banks. The Conservatives will also K tighter regulation and supervision of
look at measures to enlarge the activities of off-shore financial centres;
credit unions. K stronger corporate governance (including in
relation to remuneration);82
K enhanced failure resolution regimes for
THE WAY FORWARD investment banks and cross-border banks;
In the light of the discussion presented above, it K enhanced international co-ordination of the
is clear that there is a high degree of consensus supervision and resolution of cross-border
as to what should be done to enhance financial banks;
regulation and supervision and to prevent a K enhanced market discipline (including
recurrence of the type of financial crisis through increased disclosure); and
recently experienced around the globe.79 At K home supervisors enjoying increased powers
the domestic level, this will require a strengthen- under the EU ‘Single Market’ for financial
ing of regulation and supervision along the services.
lines already implemented by the FSA under its
‘Supervisory Enhancement Plan’, subject to the Where there is much disagreement, how-
enhancement noted by Lord Turner and the ever, is over the most appropriate regulatory
Treasury. This should deliver a more intrusive80 architecture to adopt. The debate, at a domestic
and risk-focussed style of regulation that is level, is summarised in Appendix F, Part A.
concerned both with individual institutions Given the strong likelihood of the Conserva-
and the systemic consequences of their joint tives winning the next election, it is sensible to
actions. In addition, as for other jurisdictions, it start with a consideration of their radical
will require fundamental reforms to both micro- proposals, as these are what we are likely to
prudential and macro-prudential policy of the type end up with.83
set out in Part B of Appendix F. Action The first issue to address is who should be in
demanded in the former sphere of operation charge of micro-prudential supervision. In the
embraces, inter alia, a strengthening of capital academic literature, this has sparked debate on
and liquidity adequacy assessment and a closer two fronts: should the central bank be involved
focus on systemically important institutions, and, if not, is a single authority preferable to a
while action required on the latter front will see number of functionally focussed agencies
the introduction of counter-cyclical capital and covering, for example, banking, securities and
liquidity requirements and accounting mea- insurance?84 With respect to the former
sures.81 debate,85,86 the trend in the developed world
As for the additional safeguards needed, again has been to enforce the separation of function
there is a clear consensus as to what should be for the following reasons:
done in the future (see Appendix F, Part C).
The ‘wish list’ comprises: K that the occasional but inevitable bank
failure will always taint banking regulators,
K greater regulation and tighter monitoring of whatever their degree of culpability, thereby
credit rating agencies; damaging the credibility of the monetary
K greater use of central counterparty clearing authority;
for (standardised) derivative instruments K that tensions, created by potential conflicts
(including CDSs), and exchange trading; of interest, can arise if the two functions
K improved accounting standards; are jointly administered by the same

48 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

organisation (the main fear is that interest K that measures can be taken to enhance the
rate increases, necessary for monetary accountability of central bankers to address
tightening in the face of an upsurge in the fears about concentration of power in
inflationary pressures, may be compromised the hands of unelected officials (indeed, the
because of fears about the health of the same fears surface in any informed debate
domestic banking and financial system); about enhancing the independence of cen-
K that the central bank should not be dis- tral banks shorn of supervisory responsibil-
tracted from its primary role of ensuring ities).
monetary stability through control of infla-
tion; and With respect to the debate about the optimal
K that the change is necessary to elicit a much- number of regulatory bodies,87,88 those who
needed shift in supervisory culture. favour the unification of regulation within a
single body emphasise the following:
Finally, there are those who worry that too
much power is vested in the hands of unelected K economies of scale and scope (for example
officials. owing to the more efficient allocation of
In contrast, those who argue for the supervisory resources, the pooling of super-
continuing involvement of central banks in visory expertise under one roof, the elim-
banking supervision point to the following: ination of supervisory overlap that causes
the duplication of supervisory effort, the
K that there are economies involved in com- provision of a single port of call for financial
bining the two functions in a situation conglomerates seeking authorisation, the
where the central bank will still be held merging of support services, such as person-
responsible for ensuring overall financial nel, administration and documentation, and
stability and for activating the lender of last the rationalisation of computer systems
resort facility, if circumstances dictate, and and so on) that, in the longer term, will
will continue to be involved in crisis deliver lower supervisory costs and hence
management; fees to regulated institutions;
K that valuable information, from a super- K the introduction of a harmonised approach
visory perspective, is routinely gleaned from to compensation and Ombudsmen schemes;
the central bank’s intervention in financial K more able to adapt to changes in the market
markets; place (for example, to the provision of
K that benefits derive from the moral authority more complex financial products and
of the central bank that allows it to employ towards financial conglomeration and uni-
moral suasion, in addition to statutory versal banking);
powers, to secure prudential objectives; K better able to assess overall risk inherent in
K that confidential bank supervisory informa- the financial system;
tion can usefully inform decision-taking by K reduces problems associated with co-ordina-
the monetary authority by enhancing the tion and co-operation between regulatory
accuracy of macro-economic forecasting; agencies’ specialist divisions, and facilitates
K that great difficulty would be faced by the international regulatory co-operation;
replacement body in finding alternative staff K removes opportunities for regulatory arbit-
(the danger is that the reform exercise rage and reduces the possibility of regulatory
merely results in a relocation of existing capture (but, unfortunately, does not eradi-
central bank staff, especially in the short run, cate it, as the FSA proved);
with little or no enhancement in efficacy of K facilitates the delivery of regulatory neutral-
supervisory policy); and ity (because of the increased consistency of

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 49

treatment of regulated firms and the harmo- knowledge, experience and specialist skills
nisation of rulebooks); may arise (enhanced development and career
K increases the transparency of regulation for prospects, however, limit this risk);
consumers/investors; K that a loss of important synergies between
K increases the accountability of regulators (for central banking and banking supervision,
example for performance against statutory leading to less effective supervision and crisis
objectives, for the regulatory regime, for the management, may result;
costs of regulation, for its disciplinary K that problems are likely to arise in co-
policies and for regulatory failures); and ordinating the activities of the central bank,
K the creation of a new supervisory culture the Treasury and regulatory agencies; and
unashamedly concerned solely with deliver- K that there is a risk that the intensification in
ing cost-effective regulation and supervision supervision to be ushered in under the new
in accordance with statutory objectives. regime may damage the international com-
petitiveness, and hence attraction, of finan-
Those who oppose the creation of a single cial centres, such as the City of London.
regulator (outside the central bank) meanwhile
point to the following fears/concerns: So much then for the traditional academic
debate, which led most to conclude89 that there
K that a bureaucratic leviathan, divorced from is no magical ‘one size fits all’ formula for
the industry it regulates, may result; delivering the optimal institutional framework
K that the economies of scale and scope may governing the regulation and supervision of
be more meagre than anticipated; financial intermediaries, but what has the
K that the effective integration of the different recent crisis taught us that might alter the
functional regulators/supervisors, with very balance of argument? As regards responsibility
different cultural backgrounds, under one for regulatory ‘failure’, the global evidence is
roof may prove difficult to manage – moving that central banks, such as the US Fed (in its
to a single location does not guarantee supervision of Citigroup, for example), are
effective communication and co-operation; no less susceptible to incompetence than, say,
K that insufficient differentiation between the FSA (in its supervision of Northern Rock,
retail and wholesale/professional investors for example). Moreover, the Bank came in
may result; for severe criticism in the early stages of the
K that any benefits of inter-agency competi- crisis for its handling of the lender of last resort
tion would be lost; liquidity facilities1 and for downplaying its
K that a loss of specialist knowledge of super- financial stability mandate. This suggests that
visors (of both firm-specific and industry- a ‘knee jerk’ reaction to the FSA’s failings,
specific information) may result; involving returning micro-prudential super-
K that increased transparency and the higher vision to the central bank (which, ironically,
profile of the regulator may encourage lost it in part because of its own failings
irresponsible behaviour by the regulated with respect to the supervision of BCCI and
and investors (that is, induce moral hazard) Barings),90 may be unjustified.91 Moreover, the
if they believe that the risk of an institution large but necessary costs incurred in effecting
being allowed to fail has been reduced (better institutional change are no guarantee of success,
education of the public can reduce this fear); as policies/people are likely to prove more
K that regulation may lack focus (that is, on the important than structure. What is clear,
objectives of supervision); however, is that the hoped-for change in
K that possible difficulties in recruiting and supervisory culture – from one based on trust
retaining supervisors with the right blend of among like-minded industry colleagues to a

50 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

more intrusive, questioning and adversarial international agreement on what the new
approach92 – failed to materialise following macro-prudential toolkit should be and how
the handover of the regulatory reins to the FSA it should be used before determining institu-
in 1997. For whatever reason, as noted earlier, tional responsibility for the new regime,97 a
the FSA proved susceptible to special pleading stance backed by the Treasury Committee.98
from Government and industry alike for ‘light [Cynics might argue that to do otherwise
touch’ regulation – a clear case of political would be futile given the almost inevitability
and industry capture of the regulator – in a of a change in government next summer,
mistaken belief that to act otherwise would with the Conservatives committed to awarding
damage the long-term health of the economy the new powers and responsibilities to the
through a reduction in the competitiveness Bank (a new ‘Financial Policy Committee’
of the City. Under Lord Turner, however, there would be created for the purpose).] Personal
is a clear recognition that this approach was preference, despite favouring the FSA’s reten-
mistaken and, given the introduction of the tion of micro-prudential powers, is indeed for
SEP (post-Northern Rock) and its subsequent such powers and responsibilities to be given to
enhancement, that regulatory culture at the the Bank,99 to allow it to deliver on its financial
FSA has finally changed in the direction stability mandate, which, I suggest, should not
originally envisaged.93 Accordingly, I person- be diluted by the Government’s proposal to
ally believe (see Appendix F, last column of give the FSA its own statutory objective for
part A) – like the Bank, the FSA and the financial stability, which threatens to blur
Government – that the Conservatives would be accountability. Such an arrangement would
wrong to transfer responsibility for micro- mirror, to a degree, that planned for adoption
prudential regulation back to the central bank.94 at the EU level, where the central bank
The choice of institution to discharge newly members of the new ‘European Systemic Risk
granted macro-prudential powers, however, is Board’ are charged with monitoring and
somewhat different. In the run-up to publica- advising on (but not implementing) policies
tion of the Government’s White Paper, ‘turf to be adopted by Member States to mitigate
wars’ broke out between the Bank and the systemic risk, while the ‘European System
FSA as to who should receive the new powers. of Financial Supervisors’ will focus on the
The Governor of the Bank argued vociferously co-ordination of supervision at the micro-level.
(for example, in his Mansion House speech of Closely aligned to the debate about the
17 June 2009) that the Bank did not have division of responsibilities for micro- and
sufficient powers to allow it to fulfil its newly macro-prudential regulation is the question
acquired financial stability mandate.95 Specifi- over the future of the current ‘Tripartite
cally, it wanted to be in charge of triggering Arrangements’ based on the ‘Memorandum
the SRR (the current preserve of the FSA), of Understanding’. In the Conservatives’
as well as having operational responsibility for model, a new ‘Financial Policy Committee’,
it, and to be given the new macro-prudential comprising Bank officials and independent
powers identified in the Turner Review. In members, would replace the current Standing
contrast, Lord Turner argued (for example, Committee of Bank, FSA and Treasury
in his appearance before the Treasury Select officials. In contrast, the Government has
Committee on 23 June 2009) that responsi- proposed that a ‘CFS’, comprising representa-
bilities for macro-prudential regulation should tives from the current Tripartite Authorities
be shared between the FSA and the Bank (but also benefiting from outside expertise)
to avoid ‘wasteful, competitive behaviour’, a and chaired by the Chancellor, replace the
view first espoused in his earlier Review.96 The existing Standing Committee and that its terms
Government, meanwhile, is happy to await of reference replace the Memorandum of

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Understanding.100 Its objectives will be to market more generally). The current situation,
analyse and examine emerging risks to UK in which the Prime Minister is apparently
financial stability and co-ordinate the appro- hardly on talking terms with the Chancellor
priate response, as well as to discuss and co- because of the former’s failed attempt to move
ordinate the UK authorities’ position on EU the latter at the last Cabinet reshuffle, the
and international financial stability regulatory Governor of the Bank and the Chancellor are
policy issues. Increased accountability and similarly distanced102 and the Bank and the
transparency – the minutes of the regular FSA are still at loggerheads over who should do
standing meetings will be published, subject what in the brave new world, is clearly
to confidentiality constraints posed by market untenable. Much damage is being done to the
sensitive information – are assumed to deliver United Kingdom’s reputation for providing a
advances on the current regime.101 As for the lead on what constitutes strong, cost-effective
views of the FSA and the Treasury, officials regulation, while the evidence of a dysfunc-
from both of which were at pains not to tional Government is damaging the credibility
criticise the Tripartite Arrangements in their of the administration in its attempts to fashion
appearances before the Treasury Select Com- an internationally agreed response to the
mittee in the early days of the crisis,1 the FSA financial crisis. The sooner relationships be-
has since (see above and in evidence given to tween the interested parties are returned to
the Treasury Select Committee on 27 June normalcy, although subject to a redefinition of
2009) praised the virtues of reconstituting the roles and responsibilities, the better.
Financial Stability Committee as a joint com- The final main area of disagreement over
mittee of the Bank and the FSA, while the financial architecture relates to deposit protection
Bank has called for new protocols covering arrangements. For, although the Government
communication and information-sharing, espe- and the FSA (and possibly the Bank) are happy
cially with the FSA. Neither body, however to allow the FSA to continue to run the FSCS,
has commented on the revised Tripartite as amended from time to time, the Conserva-
Arrangements. tives will pass the mantle to either the new
Clearly then, there is much disagreement CPA or the Bank (to facilitate failure resolu-
over how to reform the current Tripartite tion). My own preference, as argued else-
Arrangements and the ‘Memorandum of where,2 is for the creation of a new ‘Deposit
Understanding’ on which they are based. Protection Agency’ (DPA) that would assume
Like the House of Commons Treasury Com- responsibility for administration of a new
mittee, however, I believe that, despite the Deposit Protection Scheme (no longer a sub-
system’s obvious failure with respect to North- scheme of the FSCS) and for resolving failed
ern Rock, little good would come from its institutions, as is done in the United States by
dismantling.1 Accordingly, personal preference the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
is for a re-defining of the roles and responsi- (FDIC). In this way, the deposit protection
bilities of the current Standing Committee function would be aligned more closely with
members with a strengthening of lines of failure resolution but would be separated from
communication, and clarification of who is in the monetary policy and prudential supervision
charge overall – the Treasury. The impression functions, with the last-mentioned being split
one gets from its operation in the run-up to between the Bank and the FSA along macro-/
and during the crisis is that no one was in micro-prudential lines. This would, of course,
overall control with each party possessing an necessitate agreement on the nature of the co-
effective power of veto (hence, for example, the operation and co-ordination required among
delay in the Bank’s provision of emergency the four agencies and the drafting of protocols
liquidity support to Northern Rock and the to deliver it.

52 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Failings in corporate governance and market

As the financial crisis subsides and the global discipline were also contributors to the severity
economy slowly recovers from its worst shock of the crisis and both are now being addressed,
in over 60 years, there is a danger that although it remains to be seen how effective the
complacency will set in and banks will return proposed reforms turn out to be.
to pre-crisis modes of behaviour. This must not Consumer protection issues have, of course,
be allowed to happen if history is not to repeat also come to the fore in the wake of the
itself and trust is to be restored with customers. obvious abuse perpetrated before the crisis,
Of course, over-regulation and a stifling of and with this a call for enhanced depositor
(useful) innovation and entrepreneurial activity protection. Although the latter has already
should also be avoided, but the world has to been delivered, much still remains to be done
accept that, in the future, the interests of to maximise the cost-effectiveness of compen-
ordinary citizens require that state-subsidised sation arrangements. Additionally, with the
risk-taking be substantially reduced. Primarily consumer in mind, there is now a clear need
effected through increased capital charges, to to re-focus on competition issues given the
more closely reflect risk-taking (including the ever-increasing consolidation being witnessed
operation of risky bonus structures) but also to in the domestic banking industry, a situation
internalise the costs of being ‘too-big-to-fail’ or worsened by the failure resolution policies
‘too-interconnected-to-fail’, such action will adopted by the authorities.
inevitably lead to lower rates of return on And, of course, much of this will ideally be
capital and assets and will thereby cause a done under an internationally agreed approach,
reduction in both size (assisted by a maximum to minimise opportunities for regulatory
leverage ratio) and profitability, and hence arbitrage and thus protect the domestic market
remuneration. The real challenges, however, share of international business.
have yet to be faced – the calibration of these At the end of the day, it will be down to
additional charges and the timing of their ordinary people – regulators, central bankers,
implementation. Improved regulation of liqui- supervisors, auditors, compliance officers,
dity has also been shown to be essential, at both board members and so on – to deliver what
the micro- and macro-level. Apart from enhanced society expects from reform, whatever the
micro-prudential supervision, a simultaneous design of policy and the form of the institu-
focus on macro-prudential regulation and super- tional architecture and financial infrastructure
vision has also proved necessary, both to reduce put in place to facilitate it. It can only be
systemic risks and to reduce the degree of pro- hoped that, like the bankers and the traders,
cyclicality inherent in financial regulation (where they are incentivised to act in accordance with
accounting reform can also help). However, the the wishes of the majority and prove up to the
most appropriate financial architecture to deliver task of restraining the actions of those who
all this has yet to be resolved. should perhaps now be dubbed the ‘Destroyers
Closely allied to these issues is the design of of the Universe’.
failure resolution mechanisms, where arrange-
ments for dealing with failed investment banks
and large, cross-border institutions have yet to REFERENCES AND NOTES
1 Following the effective closure of international wholesale
be added to the armoury provided by the funding markets, the bank was forced to turn to the Bank
‘SRR’ introduced under the Banking Act of for emergency liquidity support, which was reluctantly
February 2009. And agreement on the intro- provided by the Bank in September 2007. This failed to
duction of ‘living wills’ by such institutions quell the financial panic, however, which manifested itself in
the first fully blown nationwide deposit run on a UK bank
would greatly facilitate orderly resolution of in 140 years. Subsequent provision of a blanket deposit
failed entities, at minimum cost to society. guarantee duly led to the disappearance of the depositor

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 53

queues from outside the bank’s branches, but only served to 13 This was accomplished, to a degree, through a switch from
heighten the sense of panic in policymaking circles. ‘point in time’ to ‘through the cycle’ measures of
Following the Government’s failed attempt to find an probabilities of default in January 2009 (FSA. (2009c) FSA
appropriate private sector buyer, the bank was then statement on regulatory approach to bank capital. London,
nationalised in February 2008. [For more detailed analysis 19 January).
see (2008) The Run On the Rock. House of Commons 14 Although this is clearly desirable, it is not without serious
Treasury Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2007–08, practical difficulties – see Gerlach, S. and Gruenwald, P.
Vol. 1, HC 56-1, 26 January and Hall, M.J.B. (2008) The (eds.) (2005) Procyclicality of Financial Systems in Asia.
sub-prime crisis, the credit squeeze and Northern Rock: Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
The lessons to be learnt. Journal of Financial Regulation and 15 As, for example, applies in Switzerland and the United
Compliance, 16(1): 19–34.]. States, in the latter case through the application of a
2 For further details see Hall, M.J.B. (forthcoming) The minimum Tier One leverage ratio – of between 3 and 5
sub-prime crisis, the credit crunch and bank ‘failure’: An per cent of total assets – originally designed to deal
assessment of the UK authorities’ response. Journal of with interest rate risk in the banking book.
Financial Regulation and Compliance, (in press) 17(4). 16 In addition to the Basel Committee, the Financial Stability
3 For a critique of these schemes see Hall, M.J.B. (2009) Bank Board has also endorsed most of Lord Turner’s capital
bailout Mark II: Will it work? Journal of Banking Regulation adequacy-related recommendations (FSB. (2009a) Report
10(3): 215–220. of the financial stability forum on addressing procyclicality
4 A review and assessment of these proposals is provided in in the financial system. Basel, 2 April). This is reflected in
Hall.2 the Board’s acceptance of the need for counter-cyclical
5 The ‘Turner Review’ – see FSA. (2009a) A Regulatory capital buffers and other measures designed to reduce
Response to the Global Banking Crisis (the ‘Turner pro-cyclicality, for a supplementary maximum leverage
Review’). 18 March (and the accompanying discussion ratio, and for a fundamental review of the market risk
paper – FSA. (2009b) A regulatory response to the global framework, including the use of VaR estimates as the basis
banking crisis. Discussion Paper 09/2, 18 March). for the minimum capital requirement.
6 See HM Treasury. (2009a) Reforming Financial Markets. 17 Basel Committee. (2009a) Enhancements to the Basel II
Cm 7667, 8 July. London: the Stationery Office; and Con- framework. Basel, 13 July.
servative Party. (2009) From Crisis to Confidence: Plan for 18 FSB. (2009b) FSF principles for sound compensation
Sound Banking. Policy White Paper, 20 July, respectively. practices. Basel, 2 April.
7 See FSA. (2009a).5 19 These floors determine the maximum reductions in
8 See FSA. (2009b).5 required capital, relative to Basel I, allowed under Basel II.
9 Financial Stability Forum (FSF). (2008) Report of the 20 Basel Committee. (2009b) Revisions to the Basel II market
Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and risk framework. Basel, 13 July.
Institutional Resilience. Basel, 7 April. 21 See Hall, M.J.B. (1996) The amendment to the capital
10 Such as the inadequacy of capital buffers, particularly in the accord to incorporate market risk. Banca Nazionale Del
trading book, the flaws in the ‘value at risk’ (VaR) models Lavoro Quarterly Review XLIX(197): 271–277, Rome.
banks are allowed to use to generate minimum market 22 See Basel Committee. (2009c) Guidelines for computing
risk capital charges, the poor quality of certain elements capital for incremental risk in the trading book. Basel, 13 July.
of regulatory capital, the induced spawning of off- 23 The operation of a ‘high quality sterling liquidity stock
balance-sheet vehicles to accommodate the impetus given requirement’, first introduced by the Bank in January 1996
to securitisation (a form of ‘regulatory capital arbitrage’), ((1996) Banking Act Report 1995/96. London), with respect
the induced pro-cyclicality in financial systems, and the to large UK retail banks, whereby such institutions were
failure to prevent excessive growth in the absolute size of required to survive for five days without recourse to
banks’ balance sheets. [Note that most of these ‘deficiencies’ wholesale money markets, obviously proved woefully
were widely foreseen – see, for example, Hall, M. J.B. (1989) inadequate given the combined seizure of the international
The BIS capital adequacy ‘rules’: A critique. Banca Nazionale wholesale money markets for a period well in excess of 1 year.
Del Lavoro Quarterly Review 169: 207–227, Rome and Hall, 24 The FSA’s detailed plans were revealed in its consultation
M.J.B. (2004) Basel II: Panacea or a missed opportunity? paper of December 2008 (FSA. (2008a) Strengthening
Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro Quarterly Review, LVII (230): Liquidity Standards. Consultation Paper 08/22, December),
215–264. Rome.]. which followed its discussion paper of December 2007 (FSA.
11 The focus of regulators and the market is already on ‘Core (2007) Review of liquidity requirements for banks and
Tier One’ capital, which excludes allowable Tier One building societies. Discussion Paper 07/17, 19 December).
hybrid instruments and all Tier Two capital (see Hall10, The final rules are set out in FSA. (2009d) Strengthening
for an explanation), with minimum regulatory/market Liquidity Standards. Policy Statement 09/16, 5 October.
demands for this ratio commonly exceeding 7 per cent or 25 Lord Turner’s recommendations on the reform of domestic
so, compared with the current overall Basel II minimum deposit insurance arrangements and the bank resolution
risk-adjusted requirement of 8 per cent. regime, noted in Appendix B, are overlooked in this section,
12 For a review see Hall, M. J. B. (1995) The measurement and as they have already been implemented via the recent
assessment of market risk: A comparison of the European reforms undertaken to the Financial Services Compensation
and Basle Committee approaches. Banca Nazionale Del Scheme (reviewed in Hall2 although more reforms have
Lavoro Quarterly Review XLVIII(194): 283–330, Rome. since been announced – see FSA. (2009e) Banking and

54 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

compensation reform. Policy Statement 09/11, 24 July and assessment process used to determine bonus payments, while
the introduction of a ‘Special Resolution Regime’ under he is also seeking G20 agreement to cap bonus payments
the Banking Act of February 2009 (see Appendix A), (which he recognises he cannot do unilaterally) – and the
respectively. Similarly, his recommendations on credit rating imposition of tougher legal requirements on bank boards
agencies, which typically performed badly in the run-up to to oversee the actions of senior executives. The licensing of
and during the crisis – see FSF. (2008)9 Section IV, and FSA new products by the regulator (giving the latter the
(2009a)5 Section 2.5(i) – are omitted on the grounds that the opportunity to prevent the introduction of undesirable
issues are being tackled at the international level (for financial innovation) could be used to reduce the destabilis-
example, through the introduction of a new registration and ing influence of the financial system; the beefing up of
monitoring system in the EU). anti-trust laws to raise the degree of effective competition in
26 See FSA. (2009a)5 Section 2.5(ii). financial markets could be used to reduce excess profitability
27 FSA. (2009f) Draft code of practice on remuneration in the sector; and elimination of the capital subsidy
policies. Press Notice PN/032/2009, 26 February. (resulting from the provision of implicit state guarantees
28 FSA. (2009g) Reforming Remuneration Practices in against default) enjoyed by financial institutions could
Financial Services. Consultation Paper 09/10, 18 March. be used to restrain their growth. If banks are so flush with
29 FSA. (2009h) Reforming remuneration practices in finan- profits, they might also be asked to start contributing now
cial services: feedback on CP 09/10 and final rules. Policy to a free-standing deposit insurance fund, paying (via higher
Statement 09/15, 12 August. capital requirements) for implicit ‘too-big-to-fail’ guarantees
30 Compared with the refined draft version, the final version is or, where relevant, repaying taxpayer support.
generally less prescriptive and comprises 1 ‘rule’ and 8 36 The self-evident need to improve the market infrastructure
‘principles’ (see the text) rather than the 1 ‘rule’ and 10 surrounding the trading of credit default swaps, through the
‘principles’ of the former. The former’s principles 8–10, development of clearing and central counterparty systems, is
relating to the structure of remuneration, have been replaced not discussed in this article, while Lord Turner’s views on
by a single principle – principle 8 – although the ‘guidance’ macro-prudential analysis are covered in the penultimate
provided to new principle 8 (it still contains the (amended) section below.
contents of the old principles) makes it clear that guaranteed 37 Notably, with respect to the supervision of Northern
bonuses that run for more than 1 year and similar payments Rock – see FSA. (2008b) FSA moves to enhance super-
in addition to salary are unlikely to be consistent with vision in wake of Northern Rock. Press Release, 31 March,
effective risk management. The implementation date has for a painful self-examination of what went wrong.
also been pushed back from 6 November 2009 to 1 January 38 Garcia, G.G.H. (2009) Ignoring the lessons for effective
2010, although those firms affected (approximately 26) are prudential supervision, failed bank resolution and depositor
expected to supply the FSA with a remuneration policy protection. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
statement by end-October 2009. 17(3): 210–239.
31 See, for example, the Committee of European Bank 39 See Hall, M.J.B. (1999) Handbook of Banking Regulation and
Supervisors (2009) High level principles for remuneration Supervision in the UK, 3rd edn. Cheltenham, UK: Edward
policies. 20 April; and FSB. (2009b).18 Elgar.
32 HM Treasury. (2009b) A review of corporate governance in 40 See Hall39 Chapter 12.
UK banks and other financial industry entities (‘Walker 41 The Treasury Committee’s views on what should be done to
Review’), 16 July. reform corporate governance and pay in the City are
33 No doubt wary of derailing one of the few surviving ‘gravy contained in House of Commons (2009a) Banking Crisis:
trains’ – following the attack on members’ expenses – for Reforming Corporate Governance and Pay in the City.
ageing politicians, a path recently taken by none other than House of Commons Treasury Committee. Ninth Report of
our last Prime Minister. [The Japanese have a word for it – Session 2008–09, HC 519. The Stationery Office Limited,
‘Amakudari’, roughly translated as ‘descent from Heaven’.]. 12 May.
34 In 1972, James Tobin proposed the introduction of a small 42 As demonstrated in Appendix B, Lord Turner also made
tax – big enough to deter short-term speculative trades but significant calls for change in other areas. On the issue of
small enough not to reduce the volume of international how to constrain commercial banks’ engagement in risky
trade – on foreign exchange transactions to reduce exchange proprietary trading activities, he advocates the use of new
rate volatility and enhance national monetary policy capital and liquidity requirements rather than a ‘structured’
autonomy in the wake of the collapse of the Bretton Woods solution – such as the adoption of a ‘narrow bank’ proposal,
system of fixed exchange rates – see Tobin, J. (1978) confining guarantees and official support to simple, utility-
A proposal for international monetary reform. Eastern like operators, or the introduction of a ‘Glass Steagall’-type
Economic Journal 4: 153–159. regime to physically separate commercial from investment
35 Available alternatives to deal with the bonus issue comprise, banking – on the grounds of the infeasibility of the latter.
inter alia, the adoption of more draconian approaches to the And, with respect to the supervision of global cross-border
size, speed, nature and circumstances in which bonuses can banks, he recommends enhancing international co-ordina-
be paid – the President of France, for example, has obtained tion through the establishment and effective operation of
agreement from the major French banks to ban all colleges of supervisors for the largest and most complex, and
guaranteed bonuses, defer a portion of cash bonuses for the pre-emptive development of crisis co-ordination
3 years, pay a minimum of one-third of bonuses in shares mechanisms and contingency plans between supervisors,
and adopt strict long-term performance criteria in the central banks and finance ministries. Moreover, he argues

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 55

that the FSA should, if necessary, be prepared to more K the proposal to complement these measures with the
actively use its powers to require strongly capitalised local development of new macro-prudential instruments to
subsidiaries and local liquidity, and to limit firms’ activities. mitigate the amplitude of the credit cycle and reduce
43 See Hall, M.J.B. (1997) Banking regulation in the European feedback loops between the financial sector and the real
Union: Some issues and concerns. Special issue entitled economy; and
‘Moving towards Borderless Financial Markets’ of The Inter- K the idea that regulatory and supervisory coverage
national Executive 39(5): 675–705, American Graduate School should follow the principle of economic substance
of International Management and John Wiley and Sons. and not legal form, with regulators having expanded
44 See Hall39 Chapter 3 for further details. powers to gather information on all significant financial
45 Which, for example, will influence the outcome of the institutions (including hedge funds) to allow for
restructuring proposed by Northern Rock, Lloyds Banking assessment of overall system-wide risks.
Group and RBS and the terms on which the last two Despite this general ‘seal of approval’, however, the
mentioned can access the ‘Asset Protection Scheme’ IMF does make some recommendations for further
introduced in January 2009 (HM Treasury. (2009c) Statement reform. First, it calls for an improvement in disclosure
on the asset protection scheme. Press Release, 19 January). practices to reduce uncertainty and strengthen market
46 See FSA (2009a)5 p. 100. discipline and public surveillance. Accordingly, it wishes
47 The Icelandic bank, as a member of the European Economic to see an increased coverage and frequency (to quarterly
Area (covered by the Single Market programme), was free to from twice-yearly) of financial reporting on banks’
branch into the UK with the FSA having only limited powers finances, and, over the medium term, regulators are
to constrain its activities. Primary responsibility for prudential asked to consider publishing non-commercially sensi-
supervision lay with the home authority, and the potential for tive, bank-by-bank regulatory information at quarterly
support to prevent bank failure was dependent on the intervals. Second, it calls on the authorities to work
resources of the Icelandic government. UK depositors were more closely with their international partners to
also dependent on the resources of the Icelandic deposit strengthen cross-border financial stability arrangements.
insurance scheme in case of bank failure. In the event, both This will require accelerated efforts to establish a
fiscal resources and deposit insurance funds proved inade- dedicated resolution framework for the EU’s cross-
quate, the UK government, for example, having to bail out border banks – see Note 49 – and to quickly implement
the (personal) UK depositors. the proposed (by the de Larosière Taskforce) radical
48 See also FSA. (2009b).5 overhaul of the EU’s regulatory and supervisory
49 The case for a more integrated approach to EU bankruptcy arrangements. With respect to the latter, securing
and re-organisation procedures for cross-border banks might adequate resources, effective decision-making mechan-
also have been considered – see Garcia, G.G.H. Lastra, isms, independence of the new institutions, and an
R.M. and Nieto, M.J. (2009) Bankruptcy and reorganiza- unconstrained flow of information between the various
tion procedures for cross-border banks in the EU: Towards bodies will be essential for the effectiveness of the
an integrated approach to the reform of the EU safety net. proposed new architecture.
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 17(3): 240–276.
50 HM Treasury. (2009a).6 54 The extent of the Government’s acceptance of Lord Turner’s
51 For a critique see Hall.2,3 reform recommendations, which is virtually complete, is set
52 Used, for the first time, in the resolution of the Dunfermline out in the White Paper on pp. 58–59.
Building Society in March 2009; see HM Treasury. (2009a)6 55 The reasons for its eschewal of this approach are outlined in
p. 64, for details. Section 5 of the White Paper on pp. 74–75.
53 The IMF, in its review of UK regulatory developments 56 In April 2009, the G20 asked the Financial Stability Board to
((2009) United Kingdom: 2009 Article IV Consultation – work on producing guidelines on how to identify systemically
Staff Report. IMF County Report no. 09/212. Washington important institutions/markets, taking forward the analysis
DC, 10 July), welcomes the introduction of the new ‘Special provided in a recent ‘Geneva Report’ (Brunnermeier, M.K.,
Resolution Regime’ under the Banking Act of February Crockett, A., Goodhart, C.A., Persavd, A. and Shin, H.S.
2009, although it cautions that its effectiveness will depend (2009) The Fundamental Principles of Financial Regulation.
on the timely and comprehensive information-sharing Geneva Reports on the World Economy, July). The findings
between the Tripartite Authorities. It also largely welcomes are due by the end of the year, following which appropriate
the Turner Review, which it argues represents an important institutional arrangements for implementing the new frame-
contribution to the international debate on the reform of work will be agreed upon.
the regulatory and oversight system for financial institutions. 57 A consultative paper on developing effective resolution
In particular, it agrees with: mechanisms for investment banks was published in May
2009 (HM Treasury. (2009d) Developing Effective Resolu-
K the call for higher capital requirements within a risk- tion Arrangements for Investment Banks. Consultation
based capital framework for trading book and off- Paper. London, May).
balance-sheet exposures, and for the introduction of a 58 Lord Turner, in an interview with the Financial Times
maximum leverage ratio as a backstop against excessive ((2009) Turner backs banks’ living wills. 3 September), has
balance sheet growth; since backed the idea, arguing that a necessary clarification
K the proposed strengthening of liquidity provision, with a and simplification of legal structures is called for as regulators
special emphasis on stress tests covering system-wide risks; become less tolerant of regulatory and tax arbitrage.

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The reform of UK financial regulation

59 See also Basel Committee. (2009d) Report and Recom- cing international co-operation. Among other things, the
mendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group. G20 has agreed:
Consultative Document, 17 September.
60 To this end, the Government has already introduced – K to establish a new Financial Stability Board (FSB), as a
effective from 6 March 2008 – legislation to encourage the successor to the Financial Stability Forum (FSF), with a
development of the UK covered bond market. It also strengthened mandate and a broader membership;
supports the work of the European Securitisation Forum K that the FSB should collaborate with the IMF to
in establishing standards of consistency, transparency provide early warning of macro-economic and financial
and accessibility for investors in European Residential risks and the actions needed to address them;
Mortgage-backed Securities (RMS). Finally, it endorses K to reshape regulatory systems so that authorities are able
the proposed change to the EU’s Capital Requirements to identify and take account of macro-prudential risks;
Directive (CRD), which implements Basel II, which will K to establish supervisory colleges for cross-border firms
restrict the purchase by EU-regulated banks of securitisa- and to implement the FSF principles for cross-border
tions where the originator or distributor does not itself crisis management;
retain a net economic interest of at least 5 per cent. [The K to extend regulation and oversight to all systemically
measure is designed to ensure that the ability to transfer important financial institutions (including hedge funds),
credit risk through securitisation markets does not reduce instruments and markets;
incentives for those originating and securitising loans to K to confirm and implement the FSF’s new principles on
assess and monitor ongoing credit quality.]. pay and compensation;
61 Requirements included in the CRD, which take effect in K to take action, once recovery is assured, to improve the
2011, will ensure that investor credit institutions carry out quality, quantity and international consistency of capital
substantial due diligence with respect to securitisations. in the banking system and agree upon a global
62 As is planned by the Basel Committee and the International framework for promoting strong liquidity buffers in
Accounting Standards Board (IASB). financial institutions;
63 To this end, the Government is seeking the imposition of K to take action against non-co-operative jurisdictions,
tougher disclosure requirements and enhanced surveillance including tax havens;
by the FSA – backed by a credible enforcement framework – K to call on the accounting standard-setters to work with
in part, through a stiffening of the planned EU Directive on supervisors and regulators to improve standards on
Alternative Investment Fund Managers. valuation and provisioning and achieve a single set of
64 The introduction of a minimum ‘core funding ratio’, as high-quality global accounting standards; and
called for by Lord Turner, would act to reduce banks’ K to extend regulatory oversight and registration to credit
tendency to become increasingly reliant on less stable rating agencies to ensure that they meet the interna-
sources of funding as they expand their balance sheets, tional code of good practice.
thereby moderating aggregate credit availability during All of these moves will serve to enhance sound
economic expansions. domestic regulation at the global level, although
65 UK banks are allowed to use ‘through the cycle’ rather than detailed technical work remains to be completed in
‘point in time’ measures of risk when calculating their several areas. In addition, the FSB will produce its first
minimum capital charges under the ‘Internal Ratings-based’ report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
methodologies of Basel II – see FSA (2009c)13. Governors in September, setting out progress made in
66 Such a policy also reinforces market discipline, as the holders developing agreed policies and countries’ implementa-
of such debt have a greater incentive to monitor the tion of commitments undertaken. As for strengthening
activities of the issuing bank (see Calomiris, C. (1999) the international regulatory architecture, the FSB will be at
Building an incentive-compatible safety net. Journal of the centre of attempts to ensure consistency and
Banking and Finance 23(10): 1499–1519). coherence in the development and application of
67 The Government is also looking at the possible regulation of financial regulations. It will have to oversee the
the characteristics of financial products (for example, the enforcement of standards and scrutinise members’
loan-to-value ratios adopted by mortgage providers) rather adherence to such standards – joint reports (with the
than the behaviour of financial institutions – the results of IMF) indicating the extent of compliance will be
the FSA’s deliberations on potential regulatory reform of the produced in September 2009. While all countries
mortgage market are due in October 2009. would benefit from IMF/World Bank reviews under
68 The Government, however, has made it clear that it does not their ‘Financial Sector Assessment Program’.
believe that it either needs to change the Bank’s Monetary
Policy Committee’s remit by adding explicit macro-prudential 70 At home, the Government has promised to give the FSA an
objectives (for example, for asset prices or credit growth) or explicit international duty to complement its own and the
to amend the targeted inflation indicator (currently the Bank’s responsibilities in this area. This new statutory duty
Consumer Price Inflation (CPI)) to include asset prices. would require the FSA to promote sound international
69 The G20, currently chaired by the United Kingdom, has regulation and supervision, and would involve the FSA in
been at the forefront of moves to reform the international representing the United Kingdom’s interests in international
financial system based on the principles of strengthening fora, having regard for international best practice and
transparency and accountability, enhancing sound regula- maintaining the competitiveness of the UK financial services
tion, promoting integrity in financial markets and reinfor- industry. The FSA’s new financial stability objective will also

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 57

require the FSA to take account of the impact of international How good are EU deposit insurance schemes in a bubble
developments on financial stability in the United Kingdom. environment? Research in Financial Services: Private and
71 For example, the Government agrees with the creation of a Public Policy 13: 145–193, and Hall, M.J.B. (2002) Incentive
new ESRB to assess macro-financial risks in the EU and compatibility and the optimal design of deposit protection
propose policy responses, thereby complementing the activ- schemes: An assessment of UK arrangements. Journal of
ities of the IMF and FSB in this area. Its analysis could also be Financial Regulation and Compliance 10(2): 115–134), policies
used to inform the international Early Warning Exercise endorsed by the Bank of England (see Tucker, P. (2009)
recently launched by the IMF and FSB. It firmly believes, Regimes for handling bank failures: Redrawing the banking
however, that day-to-day supervision should remain in the social contract. Presentation given at the British Bankers
hands of national authorities and that decisions taken by the Association Annual International Banking Conference
newly created European Supervisory Authorities should not entitled ‘Restoring Confidence: Moving Forward’. London,
impinge in any way on national fiscal responsibilities. 30 June), the Government has only recently accepted the
72 A task that it believes the new European Supervisory former idea (but pre-funding won’t be introduced until
Authorities should take on board. 2012 at the earliest) and has not commented on the latter.
73 They also propose a review to consider the case for putting Recent amendments to the FSCS have, however, strength-
housing costs back into the inflation target, and, given that ened funding arrangements, increased deposit compensation
the Bank will be responsible for both triggering and limits and improved the legal arrangements to allow for
operating the Special Resolution Regime, they will consult faster compensation pay-out.
on the case for giving the Bank direct control over the 82 The recent failure of the meeting of G20 Finance Ministers
Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Finally, they will (London, September 2009) to support the imposition of
consult on the case for establishing a single regulator to caps on bankers’ bonuses following opposition from the UK
tackle financial crime. and US governments in particular (who argued against the
74 The work of the Financial Regulation Division, which will idea on the grounds of impracticality because of its
be headed by a new Deputy Governor for Financial unenforceability) raises the question of how far agreed
Regulation, will be overseen by a ‘Financial Policy ‘Codes’ can deliver desirable outcomes. That change is
Committee’ to ensure close co-ordination between macro- needed to realign bankers’/traders’ incentives more closely
prudential and micro-prudential regulation. The Deputy with the delivery of outcomes acceptable to long-term
Governor for Financial Regulation will also be a member of investors and taxpayers is irrefutable, but the question of the
the Financial Policy Committee. scale of bonuses is more political. Nevertheless, for govern-
75 This committee will include the Governor and the existing ments – particularly socialist governments – to abandon the
Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, who also sits on the goal of wealth re-distribution (which has been regressive in
Monetary Policy Committee, in order to ensure close co- recent years) on the grounds of impracticality so soon after
ordination between monetary and financial policy. It will the excesses revealed during the recent crisis is rather tame.
also include independent members in order to bring Of course, taxation policy and the other measures taken to
external expertise to bear on the problem of maintaining improve regulation in the wake of the crisis (through their
financial stability. impact on profitability) can be used to address the issue of
76 Although not mentioned, the Conservative Party also ‘equity’, but why can’t toughened ‘Codes’ be enforced
implicitly endorses the calls for increasing the quality and through the use of appropriate sanctions? If banks have
quantity of capital more generally, and for improving the ‘money to burn’, which could otherwise be used to boost
regulatory focus on liquidity. retained earnings and hence capital, why can’t regulators
77 The Bank will be called upon to examine the case for a bring forward proposals to force a pre-funding of the deposit
more structural separation of these activities within inter- protection scheme or a boost to capital requirements to
national policy fora. reflect higher risk-taking or the firm’s systemic importance?
78 The Conservative Party also makes clear that it will work at As was eventually proved with respect to ‘compliance’ with
the international level to create a resolution regime for Western demands by offshore tax havens (for example,
investment banks and to design a resolution regime for Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein and so on),
international banks. ‘where there is a will there’s a way’.
79 This consensus reform agenda is reconfirmed in recent In the event, the G20 Summit held in Pittsburg at the end of
publications by the BIS [ (2009) 79th Annual Report: 1 September 2009 (see (2009) Full communiqué of the
April 2008 – 31 March 2009. Basel, 29 June, Section VII] Pittsburg Summit. 25 September) went some way to
and the Bank [Bank of England. (2009a) Financial Stability dispelling such concerns, as the nations represented at the
Review, Issue no. 25, London, pp. 7–10, June]. meeting agreed to the following with respect to compensa-
80 And hopefully one that will prove more challenging for tion packages: banning multi-year guaranteed bonuses;
firms’ senior management as the perceived need to preserve requiring a significant proportion (that is of between 40
the competitiveness of the City through ‘light touch’ and 60 per cent, and higher for senior bankers) of variable
regulation recedes. compensation to be deferred (for up to 3 years), tied to
81 A degree of disagreement still persists, however, over performance, subject to appropriate clawback in the
deposit insurance arrangements (issues concerned with event of future poor performance, and to be vested (at least
‘architecture’ are considered below). While many have long 50 per cent) in the form of stock or stock-like instruments,
argued for the introduction of a pre-funded scheme and as long as these create incentives aligned with long-term
risk-related premia (see, for example, Hall, M.J.B. (2001a) value creation and the time horizon of risk; making firms’

58 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

compensation policies and structures transparent through credibility can be damaged by virtue of the exercise of its
disclosure requirements; limiting variable compensation as a lender of last resort facility. So why be afraid of opening
percentage of total net revenues when it is consistent with yourself up to criticism from an additional source, that is,
the maintenance of a sound capital base (dividend payments banking supervision? Notwithstanding this, the Bank is not
and share buybacks may also be restricted); and providing keen to take back responsibility for micro-prudential
supervisors with the ability to modify compensation regulation, even though a closer integration of banking
structures in the case of firms that fail or require extra- liquidity supervision and central bank liquidity operations
ordinary public intervention. Firms are asked to implement has been shown to be required.
these sound compensation practices immediately; and the 92 Hall, M.J.B. (2001b) The evolution of financial regulation
FSB is tasked to monitor their implementation and, if and supervision in the UK: Why we ended up with the
necessary, propose additional measures by March 2010. FSA. Banca Impresa Società XX(3): 377–412.
Although the top five UK banks – Barclays, HSBC, 93 Industry squeals about the increased intensity and scope of
Standard Chartered, RBS and Lloyds Banking Group – have current practice are testament to this.
since agreed to adopt the rules agreed at the Summit in the 94 Their proposal, with a new ‘Financial Regulation Division’
next bonus round, in advance of the Government’s planned within the Bank carrying out micro-prudential regulation
legislation (which will be informed by Sir David Walker’s along with the creation of a new Consumer Protection
final report on corporate governance), it remains to be seen Agency, reflects their preference for a ‘Twin Peaks’ ( Taylor,
how overseas banks operate in the next bonus round, not least M. (1996) Peak practice: How to reform the United
because the US Fed is thought to be looking for some Kingdom’s regulatory system. Centre for the Study of
‘wriggle room’ in the wording of the Summit’s communiqué. Financial Innovation. London, October) institutional struc-
83 Their announcement, in July 2009, has of course proved ture largely because of a belief that the FSA was too focussed
destabilising for the FSA, particularly with respect to their on consumer protection issues (that is, enforcing conduct of
efforts to boost staff numbers to carry out their SEP. It is also business rules) to allow it to adequately discharge its
distracting the FSA from its concerted efforts to enhance supervisory functions, a situation likely to prevail in any
prudential supervision. The FSA, however, is known to be in non-Twin Peaks environment (see also G30. (2008) The
discussions with the opposition party about how to effect a Structure of Financial Supervision: Approaches and Chal-
smooth transition to the new regime, if required, a process lenges in a Global Marketplace. A report of the G30
that is likely to take months, if not years. Presumably, the Regulatory System Working Group. Washington, 6 October).
rump of the FSA will move over into the CPA, with 95 See also Bank of England. (2009b) Annual Report, 18 May.
supervisors and specialists joining the Bank, although with 96 Possible modes of co-operation are outlined in Section
the majority remaining in Canary Wharf rather than moving 2.6(ii) of his Review, his preference being for a reconstitu-
to Threadneedle Street. Markets specialists – ignored in the tion of the Financial Stability Committee, currently
Conservatives White Paper – may also be asked to join comprising only Bank of England officials, to include FSA
another organisation that combines the FSA’s current remit officials. This body would make the final judgment as to
for securities and markets regulation with those of the macro-prudential conditions and take the final decisions as
Takeover Panel and the Financial Reporting Council. to appropriate policy responses.
84 The moves towards globalisation, financial conglomeration 97 See HM Treasury6 Section 6, para. 6.60.
and universal banking, and the blurring of the distinction 98 House of Commons. (2009b) Banking Crisis: Regulation
between the traditional institutional stereotypes, forced a re- and Supervision. Fourteenth Report of Session 2008–09 of
assessment of the traditional form of functional regulation by the House of Commons Treasury Committee, HC 767,
industry-focussed agencies. The Stationery Office Limited, 31 July, p. 58, para. 24.
85 See, for example, Goodhart, C.A.E. and Schoenmaker, D. 99 It is interesting to note that, in the United States, the current
(1995) Should the functions of monetary policy and banking administration has proposed to Congress, despite concerns
supervision be separated? Oxford Economic Papers 47(4): about the potential damage that might be done to its
539–560. political independence and economic credibility, and to the
86 See, for example, Peek, J. Rosenburg, E. and Tootell, G. conduct of monetary policy, that the Federal Reserve’s
(1999) Is bank supervision central to central banking? regulatory mandate be extended beyond bank holding
Quarterly Journal of Economics 114(2): 629–653. companies and state-chartered member banks to embrace all
87 See, for example, Briault, C. (1999) The Rationale for a ‘systemically important’ (that is, so-called ‘Tier 1 Financial
Single Financial Services Regulator. FSA Occasional Holding Companies’) financial institutions. [The Fed will
Paper no. 2. London, May. also be given new authority to oversee payment, clearing
88 See, for example, Abrams, M.K. and Taylor, M.W. (2000) and settlement systems.] In this way, the Fed will assume
Issues in the Unification of Financial Sector Supervision. responsibility for systemic regulation. The Government has
IMF Working Paper no. 213. Washington, December. also proposed that a new National Bank Supervisor be set up
89 See, for example, Goodhart, C.A.E., Hartmann, P., to supervise all federally chartered banks (in replacement of
Llewellyn, D.T., Rojas-Snarez, L. and Weisbrod, S. (1998) the current Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) and
Financial Regulation: Why, How and Where Now? London: that a new ‘Consumer Financial Protection Agency’ be
Routledge. established to improve protection for consumers ( (2009)
90 See Hall39 Chapters 11 and 12, respectively. Financial Regulatory Reform: A New Foundation; Re-
91 The criticism of the Bank’s handling of the emergency building Financial Supervision and Regulation. US White
liquidity lifeline, however, does indicate that a central bank’s Paper on Financial Regulatory Reform. Washington, 17 June).

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 59

100 HM Treasury. (2009a)6 paras 4.7–4.22. administration procedures. Each of the three
101 Arguments rejected by both the House of Commons stabilisation options is achieved through the
Treasury Committee (House of Commons,98 p. 58, paras
22 and 24) and the House of Lords Select Committee on exercise of one or more of the ‘stabilisation
Economic Affairs ( (2009) Banking supervision and powers’ – the transfer of shares or the
regulation. House of Lords Select Committee on Economic transfer of property.
Affairs, 2 June). Moreover, the FSA’s right to reject the
Committee’s advice, so long as it explains why, further J The objectives of the SRR are as follows:
undermines the Government’s claims for improvement.
102 Apparently, because of the Government’s belief that — to protect and enhance the stability of
the Bank is already looking towards life under the the financial systems of the United
Conservatives, with concomitant consequences for its
actions and outlook. [Clear evidence of the lack of trust
Kingdom (including the continuity of
can be gleaned from the Government’s failure to consult banking services);
the Bank on its reform White Paper, a fact revealed — to protect and enhance public con-
during the Governor’s evidence to a shocked Treasury
Select Committee on 24 June 2009 – see House of
fidence in the stability of the banking
Commons,98 p. 58, para. 25.]. systems of the United Kingdom;
103 Which received the royal assent on 12 February 2009 — to protect depositors;
and took effect on 21 February 2009. — to protect public funds; and
104 Additional information on FSA thinking is provided in
FSA (2009b).5 — to avoid interfering with property
rights in contravention of a Conven-
tion right (within the meaning of the
APPENDIX A Human Rights Act 1980).
A brief summary of the Banking Act The Authorities must have regard for
2009103 these objectives when using, or con-
K The centrepiece is a permanent ‘Special sidering using, their SRR powers,
Resolution Regime’ (SRR), which provides which are also covered by a Treasury
the Authorities with a range of tools to deal ‘Code of Practice’. A ‘Banking Liaison
with banks in financial difficulties. It builds Panel’ will also advise the Treasury on
on and refines the temporary tools introduced the likely impact of the SRR on banks,
by the Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008, their customers and financial markets.
which was used to bring Northern Rock plc
into temporary public ownership in February J Exercise of the stabilisation powers
2008, and to resolve Bradford and Bingley plc A stabilisation power may only be
in September 2008 and the UK subsidiaries exercised if the ‘FSA’ is satisfied that the
of two Icelandic banks in 2008. following conditions are met:
K Other measures contained in the Act relate to — that the bank is failing, or is likely to
improvement to the legal framework sur- fail, to satisfy the ‘threshold conditions’
rounding the operation of the Financial (within the meaning of section 41(1) of
Services Compensation Scheme; enhance- the Financial Services and Markets Act
ment of the operation of the regulatory 2000, which relates to permission to
frameworks preventing firms from failing; carry on regulated activities); and
consumer protection; strengthening of the — that, having regard for timing and
Bank; and new powers for the Treasury to other relevant circumstances, it is not
lay regulations to deal with Investment Bank reasonably likely that (ignoring the
insolvency. stabilisation powers) action will be
K With respect to the ‘SRR’, provisions relate taken by or in respect of the bank that
to stabilisation options (of which there are will enable the bank to satisfy the
three), bank insolvency procedures and bank threshold conditions.

60 r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75
The reform of UK financial regulation

Before deciding whether the second consult with the FSA and the Bank.
condition is met, the FSA must [N.B. The above arrangements con-
consult with both the Bank and the firm that it is the FSA, sometimes
Treasury. following consultation with both the
The Bank may exercise a stabilisation Bank and the Treasury, that actually
power in respect of a bank transfer to a ‘triggers’ the use of a stabilisation
private sector purchaser or a bridge bank power under the SRR, although it is
only if it is satisfied that it is necessary the Bank/Treasury that then assumes
to secure the public interest (that is in operational responsibility for the
relation to financial system stability, exercise of such powers, following
public confidence in the stability of consultation with the other Autho-
the banking system and depositor rities.]
J The stabilisation options
Before determining whether this con-
The three stabilisation options comprise:
dition is met, and if so how to react,
the Bank must consult with the FSA — selling all or part of the bank’s business
and the Treasury. to a commercial purchaser;
Alternatively, where the Treasury — transferring all or part of the bank’s
notify the Bank that they have business to a company that is wholly
provided financial assistance in respect owned by the Bank (a ‘bridge bank’);
of a bank for the purpose of resolving and
or reducing a serious threat to the — taking the bank into temporary public
stability of the UK financial systems, ownership.
the Bank may again exercise a stabi-
K Bank insolvency arrangements
lisation power only if it is satisfied that
The main features of the bank insolvency
the Treasury have recommended such
arrangements are as follows:
action in order to protect the public
— a bank enters the process by court order;
interest and that, in the Bank’s
— the order appoints a bank liquidator;
opinion, this is an appropriate way
— the bank liquidator aims to arrange for
to provide that protection.
the bank’s eligible depositors to have
In respect of a bank transfer to temporary
their accounts transferred or to receive
public ownership, the Treasury may only
their eligible compensation from the
exercise a stabilisation power if it is
FSCS; and
satisfied that one of the following
— the bank liquidator then winds up the
conditions is met:
— that the exercise of the power is necess-
ary to resolve or reduce a serious threat J The bank insolvency order
to UK financial system stability; or Application for such an order may be
— that the exercise of the power is made to the court by the Bank, the FSA
necessary to protect the public inter- or the Secretary of State on the following
est, where the Treasury have provided grounds:
financial assistance in respect of the — that the bank is unable, or likely to
bank for the purpose of resolving or become unable, to pay its debts;
reducing a serious threat to UK — that the winding up of the bank
financial system stability. would be in the public interest; and
Before determining whether either — that the winding up of the bank
condition is met, the Treasury must would be fair.

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 61

The Bank may apply for a bank K Bank administration arrangements

insolvency order only if:
J The main features of the bank adminis-
— the FSA has informed the Bank that it tration arrangements are that:
is satisfied that the general conditions
for the exercise of a stabilisation — it is used where part of the business
power are met; and of a bank is sold to a commercial
— the Bank is satisfied that the bank has purchaser or to a bridge bank in
eligible depositors and that Ground accordance with the relevant provi-
(A) or (C) applies. sion of the Act;
The ‘FSA’ may apply for a bank — the court appoints a bank adminis-
insolvency order only if: trator on the application of the Bank;
— the Bank consents; and — the bank administrator is able and
— the FSA is satisfied that the general required to ensure that the non-sold
conditions for the exercise of a or non-transferred part of the bank
stabilisation order are met, that the (the ‘residual bank’) provides services
bank has eligible depositors and that or facilities required to enable the
Ground (A) or (C) applies. commercial purchaser or the transfer-
Finally, the Secretary of State may apply ee (the ‘bridge bank’) to operate
for a bank insolvency order only if effectively; and
satisfied that the bank has eligible — in other respects, the process is the
depositors and that Ground (B) applies. same as for normal administration
under the Insolvency Act 1986, sub-
J The bank insolvency process ject to specified modifications.
A bank liquidator has two objectives:
J A bank administrator has two objectives:
— to work with the FSCS so as to ensure
that, as soon as is reasonably practicable, — to provide support to the commercial
each eligible depositor has the relevant purchaser or bridge bank; and
account transferred to another financial — to engage in ‘normal’ administration
institution, or receives payment from (that is, to rescue the bank as a going
(or on behalf of) the FSCS; and concern or achieve a better result
— to wind up the affairs of the bank, so for the residual bank’s creditors as
as to achieve the best result for the a whole than would be likely if
bank’s creditors as a whole. the residual bank were wound up
The first objective takes precedence without first being in bank adminis-
over the second, although the bank tration).
liquidator is obliged to begin working The first objective takes priority over
towards both objectives immediately the second objective, although, upon
upon appointment. appointment, a bank administrator is
obliged to begin working towards
Following a bank insolvency order, a securing both objectives immediately.
liquidation committee must be estab-
lished, for the purpose of ensuring that J An application for a bank administration
the bank liquidator properly exercises order may be made to the court by the
the functions prescribed in the Act. Bank, wherein a person to be appointed
This committee shall consist of three as the bank administrator must be nomi-
individuals, one nominated by each of nated and the bank be given due notice of
the Bank, the FSA and the FSCS. the application.

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The grounds for said application are: 3. Regulators should take immediate
— that the Bank has made or intends to action to ensure that the implementation
make a property transfer instrument in of the current Basel II capital regime
respect of the bank in accordance with does not create unnecessary pro-
the relevant sections of the Act relating cyclicality; this can be achieved by using
to such transfers to a commercial ‘through the cycle’ rather than ‘point
purchaser or a bridge bank; and in time’ measures of probabilities of
— that the Bank is satisfied that the default.
residual bank is either unable to pay its 4. A counter-cyclical capital adequacy re-
debts or is likely to become unable to gime should be introduced, with capital
pay its debts as a result of the property buffers that increase in economic up-
transfer instrument that the Bank swings and decrease in recessions.
intends to make. 5. Published accounts should also include
buffers that anticipate potential future
losses, through, for instance, the creation
APPENDIX B of an ‘Economic Cycle Reserve’.
6. A maximum gross leverage ratio should
A brief summary of the Turner Review104 be introduced as a backstop discipline
against excessive growth in absolute
K Following a review of the causes of the balance sheet size.
current global banking crisis, Lord Turner 7. Liquidity regulation and supervision
identifies the changes in regulation and should be recognised as being of equal
supervisory approach needed to create a importance to capital regulation.
more stable and effective banking system
— More intense and dedicated super-
that the FSA has already implemented or
vision of individual banks’ liquidity
plans to introduce and/or that it is proposing
positions should be introduced, in-
in international fora.
cluding the use of stress tests defined
K The former set of recommended initiatives
by regulators and covering system-
comprise the following:
wide risks.
— Introduction of a ‘core funding ratio’
Capital adequacy, accounting and liquidity
to ensure sustainable funding of balance
1. The quality and quantity of overall capital
sheet growth should be considered.
in the global banking system should be
increased, resulting in minimum regula- Institutional and geographic coverage of regulation
tory requirements significantly above 8. Regulatory and supervisory coverage
existing Basel rules. The transition to should follow the principle of economic
future rules should be carefully phased substance, not legal form.
given the importance of maintaining 9. Authorities should have the power to
bank lending in the current macro- gather information on all significant un-
economic climate. regulated financial institutions (for exam-
2. Capital required against trading book ple, hedge funds) to allow assessment of
activities should be increased significantly overall system-wide risks. Regulators
(for example, several times) and a funda- should have the power to extend pruden-
mental review of the market risk capital tial regulation of capital and liquidity or
regime (for example, reliance on VaR impose other restrictions if any institution
measures for regulatory purposes) should or group of institutions develops bank-like
be launched. features that threaten financial stability

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and/or otherwise become systemically Credit Default Swap (CDS) market infrastructure
significant. 18. Clearing and central counterparty sys-
10. Offshore financial centres should be tems should be developed to cover the
covered by global agreements on regula- standardised contracts that account for
tory standards. the majority of CDS trading.
Macro-prudential analysis
Deposit insurance
19. Both the Bank and the FSA should be
11. Retail deposit insurance should be sufficiently
extensively and collaboratively involved
generous to ensure that the vast majority of
in macro-prudential analysis and the
retail depositors are protected against the
identification of policy measures. Mea-
impact of bank failure (note: already im-
sures such as counter-cyclical capital and
plemented in the United Kingdom).
liquidity requirements should be used to
12. Clear communication should be put in
offset these risks.
place to ensure that retail depositors under-
20. Institutions such as the International
stand the extent of deposit insurance cover.
Monetary Fund must have the resources
and robust independence to do high
UK bank resolution
quality macro-prudential analysis and, if
13. A resolution regime that facilities the
necessary, to challenge conventional in-
orderly wind-down of failed banks
tellectual wisdoms and national policies.
should be in place (already done via the
Banking Act 2009 – see Appendix A). FSA supervisory approach
21. The FSA should complete the imple-
Credit rating agencies mentation of its Supervisory Enhance-
14. Credit rating agencies should be subject to ment Programme (SEP), which entails a
registration and supervision to ensure major shift in its supervisory approach
good governance and management of with:
conflicts of interest and to ensure that — increase in resources devoted to high-
credit ratings are only applied to securities impact firms and in particular to large
for which a consistent rating is possible. complex banks;
15. Rating agencies and regulators should — focus on business models, strategies,
ensure that communication to investors risks and outcomes, rather than pri-
about the appropriate use of ratings marily on systems and processes;
makes clear that they are designed to — focus on technical skills as well as
carry inference for credit risk, not probity of approved persons;
liquidity or market price. — increased analysis of sectors and com-
16. There should be a fundamental review of parative analysis of firm performance;
the use of structured finance ratings in — investment in specialist prudential skills;
the Basel II framework. — more intensive information requirements
on key risks (for example, liquidity); and
Remuneration — a focus on remuneration policies.
17. Remuneration policies should be designed
to avoid incentives for undue risk-taking; 22. The SEP changes should be further
risk management considerations should be reinforced by:
closely integrated into remuneration de- — development of capabilities in macro-
cisions. This should be achieved through prudential analysis; and
the development and enforcement of — a major intensification of the role the
United Kingdom and global codes. FSA plays in bank balance sheet

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analysis and in the oversight of of supervision, and will be significantly

accounting judgements. involved in macro-prudential analysis.
This body should replace the Lamfalussy
Firm risk management and governance Committees. Supervision of individual
23. The Walker Review should consider in firms should continue to be performed at
particular: national level.
— whether changes in governance structure 28. The untenable present arrangements in
are required to increase the indepen- relation to cross-border branch passport-
dence of risk management functions; and ing rights should be changed through
— the skill level and time commitment some combination of:
required for non-executive directors — Increased national powers to require
of large complex banks to perform subsidiarisation or to limit retail
effective oversight of risks and provide deposit-taking;
challenge to executive strategies. — Reforms to European deposit insur-
ance rules that ensure the existence of
Utility banking versus investment banking pre-funded resources to support de-
24. New capital and liquidity requirements posits in the event of a bank failure.
should be designed to constrain commer-
cial banks’ role in risky proprietary trading K Another set of possible policy in-
activities. A more formal and complete itiatives deserving of further debate
legal distinction of ‘narrow banking’ from are then identified. These relate to
market-making activities is not feasible. the following open questions:

Global cross-border banks 29. Should the United Kingdom introduce

25. International co-ordination of bank product regulation of mortgage market
supervision should be enhanced by: Loan-to-Value (LTV) or Loan-to-In-
— the establishment and effective opera- come (LTI)?
tion of colleges of supervisors for the 30. Should financial regulators be willing
largest complex and cross-border fi- to impose restrictions on the design or
nancial institutions; and use of wholesale market products (for
— the pre-emptive development of crisis example, CDS)?
co-ordination mechanisms and con- 31. Does effective macro-prudential policy
tingency plans among supervisors, require the use of tools other than the
central banks and finance ministries. variation of counter-cyclical capital and
liquidity requirements, for example
26. The FSA should be prepared to more
actively use its powers to require strongly — through the cycle variation of LTV or
capitalised local subsidiaries, local liquid- LTI ratios
ity and limits to firm activity, if needed to — or regulation of collateral margins
complement improved international co- (‘haircuts’) in derivatives contracts
ordination. and secured financing transactions?
32. Should decisions on, for instance, short
European cross-border banks
selling recognise the dangers of market
27. A new European institution should be
irrationality as well as market abuse?
created that will be an independent
authority with regulatory powers, a K The final chapter (Chapter 4) summaries the
standard-setter and overseer in the area recommendations, distinguishes those that

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can be implemented by the FSA acting required to equip them to engage proactively
alone, and those where international agree- in board deliberation, above all on risk strategy.
ment is needed, and discusses the appro- Recommendation 5: The FSA’s interview process
priate pace and process of implementation. for NEDs proposed for major BOFI boards
should involve questioning and assessment by
Source: FSA (2009a).5
one or more senior advisers with relevant
industry experience at or close to board level of
APPENDIX C a similarly large and complex entity who might
be engaged by the FSA for the purpose,
Recommendations of the Walker Review possibly on a part-time panel basis.
of corporate governance of UK financial
institutions Functioning of the board and
evaluation of performance
Board size, composition and Recommendation 6: As part of their role as
qualification members of the unitary board of a BOFI,
Recommendation 1: To ensure that Non-Executive NEDs should be ready, able and encouraged to
Directors (NEDs) have the knowledge and challenge and test proposals on strategy put
understanding of the business to enable them forward by the executive. They should satisfy
to contribute effectively, a Bank/other Finan- themselves that board discussion and decision-
cial Instituition (BOFI) board should provide taking on risk matters is based on accurate and
thematic business awareness sessions on a appropriately comprehensive information, and
regular basis and each NED should be provided draws, as far as they believe it to be relevant or
with a substantive personalised approach to necessary, on external analysis and input.
induction, training and development to be Recommendation 7: The chairman should be
reviewed annually with the chairman. expected to commit a substantial proportion of
Recommendation 2: A BOFI board should his or her time, probably not less than two-
provide for dedicated support for NEDs on thirds, to the business of the entity, with clear
any matter relevant to the business on which understanding from the outset that, in the event
they require advice separate from or additional of need, the BOFI chairmanship role would
to that available in the normal board process. have priority over any other business time
Recommendation 3: NEDs on BOFI boards commitment.
should be expected to commit more time than Recommendation 8: The chairman of the BOFI
has been normal in the past. A minimum board should bring a combination of relevant
expected time commitment of 30–36 days in a financial industry experience and a track record
major bank board should be clearly indicated in of successful leadership capability in a signifi-
letters of appointment, and will in some cases cant board position. Where this desirable
limit the capacity of the NED to retain or combination is only incompletely achievable,
assume board responsibilities elsewhere. the board should give particular weight to
Recommendation 4: The FSA’s ongoing super- convincing leadership experience, as financial
visory process should give closer attention to industry experience without established leader-
the overall balance of the board in relation to ship skills is unlikely to suffice.
the risk strategy of the business, and should take Recommendation 9: The chairman is responsible
into account not only the relevant experience for leadership of the board, ensuring its
and other qualities of individual directors, but effectiveness in all aspects of its role and setting
also their access to an induction and develop- its agenda so that fully adequate time is available
ment programme to provide an appropriate for substantive discussion on strategic issues.
level of knowledge and understanding as The chairman should facilitate, encourage and

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expect the informed and critical contribution The role of institutional shareholders:
of the directors in particular in discussion and Communication and engagement
decision-taking on matters of risk and strategy, Recommendation 14: Boards should ensure that
and should promote effective communication they are made aware of any material changes in
between executive and non-executive direc- the share register, understand as far as possible
tors. The chairman is responsible for ensuring the reasons for changes to the register, and
that the directors receive all information that is satisfy themselves that they have taken steps, if
relevant to the discharge of their obligations in any are required, to respond.
accurate, timely and clear form. Recommendation 15: In the event of substantial
Recommendation 10: The chairman of a BOFI change over a short period in a BOFI share
board should be proposed for election on an register, the FSA should be ready to contact
annual basis. major selling shareholders to understand their
Recommendation 11: The role of the senior motivation and to seek from the BOFI board
independent director (SID) should be to an indication of whether and how it proposes
provide a sounding board for the chairman, to respond.
for the evaluation of the chairman, and to serve Recommendation 16: The remit of the Financial
as a trusted intermediary for the NEDs as and Reporting Council (FRC) should be explicitly
when necessary. The SID should be accessible extended to cover the development and
to shareholders in the event that communica- encouragement of adherence to principles of
tion with the chairman becomes difficult or best practice in stewardship by institutional
inappropriate. investors and fund managers. This new role
Recommendation 12: The board should under- should be clarified by separating the content of
take a formal and rigorous evaluation of its the present Combined Code, which might be
performance, with external facilitation of the described as the Corporate Governance Code,
process every second or third year. The from what might appropriately be described as
statement on this evaluation should be a Principles for Stewardship.
separate section of the annual report describing Recommendation 17: The present best practice
the work of the board and the nomination or ‘Statement of Principles – the Responsibilities
corporate governance committee as appropri- of Institutional Shareholders and Agents’ should
ate. Where an external facilitator is used, this be ratified by the FRC and become the core of
should be indicated in the statement, together the Principles for Stewardship. By virtue of
with an indication as to whether there is any the independence and authority of the FRC,
other business relationship with the company. this transition to sponsorship by the FRC
Recommendation 13: The evaluation statement should give materially greater weight to the
should include such meaningful, high-level Principles.
information as the board considers necessary Recommendation 18: The Institutional Share-
to assist shareholders’ understanding of the holders Committee (ISC), in close consultation
main features of the evaluation process. The with the FRC as sponsor of the Principles,
board should disclose that there is an ongoing should review on an annual basis their con-
process for identifying the skills and experience tinuing aptness in the light of experience and
required to address and adequately challenge make proposals for any appropriate adaptation.
the key risks and decisions that confront the Recommendation 19: Fund managers and other
board, and for evaluating the contributions and institutions authorised by the FSA to undertake
commitment of individual directors. The investment business should signify on their
statement should also provide an indication of websites their commitment to the Principles of
the nature and extent of communication by the Stewardship. Such reporting should confirm
chairman and major shareholders. that their mandates from life assurance, pension

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fund and other major clients normally include board on the current risk exposures of the
provisions in support of engagement activity, entity and future risk strategy. In preparing
and should describe their policies on engage- advice to the board on its overall risk appetite
ment and how they seek to discharge the and tolerance, the board risk committee should
responsibilities that commitment to the Prin- take account of the current and prospective
ciples entails. Where a fund manager or macro-economic and financial environment
institutional investor is not ready to commit drawing on financial stability assessments such
and to report in this sense, it should provide, as those published by the Bank and other
similarly on the website, a clear explanation of authoritative sources that may be relevant for
the reasons for the position it is taking. the risk policies of the firm.
Recommendation 20: The FSA should encourage Recommendation 24: In support of board-level
commitment to the Principles of Stewardship risk governance, a BOFI board should be
as a matter of best practice on the part of all served by a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) who
institutions that are authorised to manage assets should participate in the risk management and
for others and as part of the authorisation oversight process at the highest level on an
process, and in the context of feasibility of enterprise-wide basis and have a status of total
effective monitoring should require clear dis- independence from individual business units.
closure of such commitment on a ‘comply or Alongside an internal reporting line to the
explain’ basis. CEO or FD, the CRO should report to
Recommendation 21: To facilitate effective the board risk committee, with direct access
collective engagement, a Memorandum of to the chairman of the committee in the event
Understanding should be prepared, initially of need. The tenure and independence of the
among major long-only investors, to establish a CRO should be underpinned by a provision
flexible and informal but agreed approach to that removal from office would require the
issues such as arrangements for leadership of prior agreement of the board. The remunera-
a specific initiative, confidentiality and any tion of the CRO should be subject to approval
conflicts of interest that might arise. Initiative by the chairman or chairman of the board
should be taken by the FRC and major UK remuneration committee.
fund managers and institutional investors to Recommendation 25: The board risk committee
invite potentially interested major foreign should have access to and, in the normal
institutional investors, such as sovereign wealth course, should expect to draw on external
funds and public sector pension funds, to input to its work as a means of taking full
commit to the Principles of Stewardship and, account of relevant experience elsewhere and
as appropriate, to the Memorandum of Under- of challenging its analysis and assessment.
standing on collective engagement. Recommendation 26: In respect of a proposed
Recommendation 22: Voting powers should be strategic transaction involving acquisition or
exercised, fund managers and other institu- disposal, it should as a matter of good practice
tional investors should disclose their voting be the responsibility of the board risk commit-
record, and their policies in respect of voting tee to oversee a due diligence appraisal of
should be described in statements on their the proposition, drawing on external advice
websites or in other publicly accessible form. where appropriate and available, before
the board takes a decision as to whether to
Governance of risk proceed.
Recommendation 23: The board of a BOFI Recommendation 27: The board risk committee
should establish a board risk committee (or board) risk report should be included as a
separately from the audit committee with separate report within the annual report and
responsibility for oversight and advice to the accounts. The report should describe the

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strategy of the entity in a risk management Recommendation 32: Major FSA-authorised

context, including information on the key BOFIs that are UK-domiciled subsidiaries of
exposures inherent in the strategy and the non-resident entities should include in their
associated risk tolerance of the entity, and reporting arrangements with the FSA broad
should provide at least high-level information disclosure of the remuneration of ‘high end’
on the scope and outcome of the stress-testing executives as recommended for UK-listed
programme. An indication should be given of entities, but with detail appropriate to their
the membership of the committee, of the governance structure and circumstances agreed
frequency of its meetings, whether external upon on a case-by-case basis with the FSA.
advice was taken and, if so, its source. Disclosure of ‘high end’ remuneration on the
agreed basis should be included in the annual
Remuneration report of the entity that is required to be filed at
Recommendation 28: The remit of the remu- Companies House.
neration committee should be extended where Recommendation 33: Deferral of incentive pay-
necessary to cover all aspects of remuneration ments should provide the primary risk adjust-
policy on a firm-wide basis with particular ment mechanism to align rewards with
emphasis on the risk dimension. sustainable performance for executive board
Recommendation 29: The terms of reference of members and executives whose remuneration
the remuneration committee should be ex- exceeds the median for executive board
tended to oversight of remuneration policy and members. Incentives should be balanced so
remuneration packages in respect of all execu- that at least one-half of variable remuneration
tives for whom total remuneration in the offered in respect of a financial year is in the
previous year or, given the incentive structure form of a long-term incentive scheme with
proposed, for the current year exceeds or might vesting subject to a performance condition
be expected to exceed the median compensa- with half of the award vesting after not less than
tion of executive board members on the same 3 years and of the remainder after 5 years.
basis. Short-term bonus awards should be paid over a
Recommendation 30: In relation to executives 3-year period with not more than one-third in
whose total remuneration is expected to exceed the first year. Clawback should be used as the
that of the median of executive board mem- means to reclaim amounts in limited circum-
bers, the remuneration committee report stances of misstatement and misconduct.
should confirm that the committee is satisfied Recommendation 34: Executive board members
with the way in which performance objectives and executives whose total remuneration ex-
are linked to the related compensation struc- ceeds that of the median of executive board
tures for this group, and should explain the members should be expected to maintain a
principles underlying the performance objec- shareholding or retain a portion of vested
tives and the related compensation structure if awards in an amount at least equal to their total
not in line with those for executive board compensation on a historic or expected basis,
members. to be built up over a period at the discretion of
Recommendation 31: The remuneration com- the remuneration committee. Vesting of
mittee report should disclose for ‘high end’ stock for this group should not normally be
executives whose total remuneration exceeds accelerated on cessation of employment other
the executive board median total remuneration, than on compassionate grounds.
in bands, indicating numbers of executives in Recommendation 35: The remuneration com-
each band and, within each band, the main mittee should seek advice from the board risk
elements of salary, bonus, long-term award and committee on an arm’s-length basis on specific
pension contribution. risk adjustments to be applied to performance

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objectives set in the context of incentive Recommendation 38: The remuneration con-
packages; in the event of any difference of sultants involved in preparation of the draft
view, appropriate risk adjustments should be code of conduct should form a professional
decided by the chairman and NEDs on the body that would assume ownership of the
board. definitive version of the code when consulta-
Recommendation 36: If the non-binding resolu- tion on the present draft is complete. The
tion of a remuneration committee report attracts proposed professional body should provide
less than 75 per cent of the total votes cast, the access to the code through a website with
chairman of the committee should stand for re- an indication of the consulting firms com-
election in the following year irrespective of his mitted to it, and provide for review and
or her normal appointment term. adaptation of the code as required in the light
Recommendation 37: The remuneration commit- of experience.
tee report should state whether any executive Recommendation 39: The code and an indica-
board member or senior executive has the right tion of those committed to it should also be
or opportunity to receive enhanced pension lodged on the FRC website. In making an
benefits beyond those already disclosed and advisory appointment, remuneration commit-
whether the committee has exercised its discre- tees should employ a consultant who has
tion during the year to enhance pension benefits committed to the code.
either generally or for any member of this group. Source: HM Treasury.32

See Table D1.
Table D1: A summary of the main proposals of the government’s White Paper on financial reform
Area of concern Proposed reforms
A: The Governance, co-ordination and regulatory framework of UK financial institutions
(i) Formalising and strengthening The creation of a new statutory committee – the Council for
the arrangements for Financial Stability (CFS) – comprising the Treasury, the Bank of
institutional co-operation England and the FSA and chaired by the Chancellor of the
Exchequer. This Council will replace the current ‘Standing
(ii) Strengthening the objectives of Giving the FSA an explicit financial stability objective to add to its
the FSA existing objectives, as set out in the FSMA.
(iii) Strengthening the FSA’s The Government endorses Lord Turner’s calls for, inter alia,
prudential regulation and K increases in the quality and quantity of capital;
supervision of banks K the introduction of a maximum leverage ratio to complement
risk-based capital requirements (to include off-balance-sheet
K a strengthening of liquidity regulation (as set out in FSA
(2008d)24; and
K an enhancement of the FSA’s SEP.
(iv) Enhancing the FSA’s regulatory Amendment of the FSA’s rule-making, ‘permission’ and
powers intervention powers to allow it to operate in fulfilment of any of
its objectives (that is, including that relating to financial stability).
Strengthening the FSA’s powers to take action in relation to
authorised firms and individuals found guilty of misconduct.
Establishing standalone (that is, independent of market abuse)
powers for the FSA to take emergency action to place restrictions
on short selling and to require disclosure of short selling.
Examining the need to extend the FSA’s information-gathering

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Table D1 continued
Area of concern Proposed reforms
(v) Strengthening the framework for Introducing an element of pre-funding into the deposit-taking
compensation sub-scheme of the FSCS.
Bringing forward proposals regarding the governance and
accountability of the FSCS, while carrying out a similar review of
the Financial Ombudsman Service.

B: Dealing with systemically significant institutions

(i) To reduce their risk of failing Strengthening market discipline by using the work of the Walker
Review and the FSA’s Code of Practice to provide guidance on
the standards of discipline in corporate governance and
remuneration respectively.
The FSA will also be urged to establish and maintain dialogue on
governance issues with non-executive members of boards.
Enhancing prudential regulation and supervision by the FSA through:
stricter regulation and supervision of capital and liquidity
adequacy, as applied to all authorised institutions; and
the imposition of additional capital requirements on systemically
significant institutions, the scale to be dependent on the size and
complexity of the firm.
(ii) To reduce the impact of their Strengthening market infrastructure (for example, with respect to
failure CDSs).
Enhancing failure resolution mechanisms through:
the introduction of a new insolvency regime for investment
banks, to be provided for in secondary legislation early in 2010,
if necessary; and
forcing banks to draw up internal failure resolution plans to allow
for their speedy resolution if necessary.

C: Managing systemic risk more broadly

(i) Managing systemic risk across Enhancing transparency by improving accounting standards (the
markets and institutions Government strongly supports the recommendations of the FSF
in this area – which are going to be implemented by end-2009 –
and agrees that the FSA should engage with firms and auditors to
ensure more consistent approaches to the valuation of financial
instruments across firms).
Improving the liquidity, transparency and robustness of wholesale
markets, and in particular securitisation and over-the-counter
(OTC) derivatives markets, through increased standardisation of
products, strengthened wholesale market structures, and
increasing the amount of due diligence undertaken by investors.
Securing a greater regulatory focus on systemic risk through enhanced
monitoring and supervision and creating a responsive and
dynamic regulatory boundary.
(ii) Managing systemic risk over the The Government endorses the use of the following:
cycle K a maximum leverage ratio (to complement risk-based capital
K measures, developed by the Basel Committee and the IASB, to
reduce the pro-cyclicality of prudential and accounting
K building counter-cyclical capital buffers in good times;
K measures designed to improve access to funding markets in
downturns or crises (forcing debt for equity conversion in the
event of a systemic crisis is one possibility being considered);
K appropriate discretionary tools to lean against credit cycles,
possibly including the resetting of leverage ratios or
macro-prudential add-ons to regulatory capital requirements.

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Table D1 continued
Area of concern Proposed reforms

D: The international regulatory and supervisory framework

Strengthening regulation and The Government believes the following measures are necessary
supervision in Europe to further enhance the regulatory and supervisory framework in
the EU:
K a reduction in the number of national discretions allowable
under EU legislation;
K a strengthening of the rules and safeguards for cross-border
branching within the EEA;
K stronger enforcement of EU rules;
K the provision of additional resources to the current Level Three
committees before the establishment of the new European
Supervisory Authorities; and
K in the longer term, the creation of a single rule-making body to
improve the quality of regulation.
At the domestic level, the Government will give the FSA a new
statutory duty to promote sound international regulation and
Source: HM Treasury.6

K The Bank will be made responsible for the

APPENDIX E micro-prudential regulation of all banks,
building societies and other significant
A summary of the main proposals of institutions, including insurance companies.
the Conservative Party’s White K A new Financial Regulation Division of the
Paper on reform Bank will be created to carry out the micro-
prudential role, headed by a new Deputy
Changes to the regulatory architecture Governor for Financial Regulation. The work
K The FSA and the Tripartite system will be of the Division will be overseen by the
abolished, with the Bank being given the Financial Policy Committee to ensure close
authority and powers necessary to ensure co-ordination between macro-prudential and
financial stability. micro-prudential regulation. The Deputy Gov-
K The Bank will be made responsible for ernor for Financial Regulation will also be a
macro-prudential regulation. member of the Financial Policy Committee.
K A new Financial Policy Committee will be K A new Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)
created within the Bank, working alongside will be created, inheriting the FSA’s respon-
the Monetary Policy Committee, to moni- sibilities for consumer protection.
tor systemic risks, operate new macro- K The regulation of consumer credit will be
prudential regulatory tools and execute the transferred from the Office of Fair Trading
SRR for failing banks. The Committee will to the CPA.
include the Governor and existing Deputy K A single senior Treasury minister will be
Governor for Financial Stability in order to given responsibility for European financial
ensure close co-ordination between mone- regulation.
tary and financial policy.

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Changes to regulatory policy orderly wind-down in the face of in-

K On the micro-prudential front, the following solvency; and
changes to existing policy are proposed: J the introduction of a ‘backstop’ leverage
ratio to constrain bank lending.
J additional capital and liquidity require-
ments to be imposed to reflect an
K On the macro-prudential front, the following
institution’s size and complexity;
new policies are proposed:
J ‘much higher’ capital requirements to be
imposed on high-risk activities, such as J the introduction of counter-cyclical
large-scale proprietary trading; capital requirements; and
J capital requirements to be used to crack J greater central counterparty clearing of
down on risky bonus structures; OTC securities.
J financial institutions to be forced to
prepare ‘living wills’ to assist with their Source: Conservative Party.6

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452 Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75 73

See Table F1.

Table F1: A comparison of the reform proposals

Current systema FSA Treasury Bank of England Conservative Party Hall

A: Regulatory architecture
1. Micro-prudential FSA FSA FSA FSA Bank of England FSA
regulation (‘Financial
2. Macro-prudential — FSA/Bank of England ?b Bank of England Bank of England Bank of
regulation Re-constitution of the (‘Financial Policy England
Financial Stability Committee’)

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452

Committee as a joint
FSA/Bank of England
3. Trigger of SRR FSA FSA FSA Bank of England Bank of England FSA
4. Operational Bank of England ? Bank of England Bank of England Bank of England New Deposit
control of SRR Protection
5. Tripartite Standing ? New ‘Council for ? New ‘Financial Policy Standing
system Committee Financial Stability’ Committee’ Committee
(comprising existing comprising Bank of
Standing Committee England
membership) officials and
6. Consumer FSA FSA FSA FSA New ‘Consumer FSA

Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75

protection Protection
Agency’ (CPA)
8. Deposit FSA (runs the FSA FSA FSA? CPA or possibly the DPA
protection FSCS) Bank of England
9. Statutory Bank of England ? Bank of England and Bank of England Bank of England Bank of
responsibility FSA England
for financial
B: Regulatory policy
(I) Micro-prudential regulation
1. Higher quality and quantity of bank capital | | | |
2. Higher trading book capital requirements | | | |
3. Additional capital requirements to reflect size and complexity | | |(?)c |
4. Additional capital requirements to penalise risky bonus structures | | | |
5. Introduction of a maximum ‘backstop’ gross leverage ratio | | | |
6. Greater regulatory focus on liquidity | | | |
7. Institutions to be forced to draft ‘living wills’ | | | |
8. Deposit protection scheme to be pre-funded May | | May
be be
9. Deposit insurance ‘premia’ to be risk-related ? ? | ?

(II) Macro-prudential regulation

1. The introduction of counter-cyclical capital and liquidity requirements | | | |
2. The introduction of counter-cyclical accounting measures (for example, to reduce the pro-cyclicality of fair value accounting) | | ? ?

(III) Other safeguards

| | | |

r 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1745-6452

1. Greater regulation and tighter monitoring of credit rating agencies
2. Greater use of central counter-party clearing for standardised derivative contracts (including CDSs) | | | |
3. Improved accounting standards (for example, in relation to the valuation of financial instruments) | | | |
4. The regulatory perimeter should be extended to include all systemically important firms (including hedge funds) according to the | | ? ?
principle of economic substance, not legal form
5. Offshore financial centres to be covered by global agreements on regulatory standards | | ? ?
6. Remuneration policies to be subject to internationally agreed Codes | | | |
7. Stronger corporate governance arrangements enforced through Codes | | | |
8. Enhancing failure resolution mechanisms through, for example, the introduction of a new insolvency regime for investment banks ? | ? |
9. Enhanced international co-ordination of supervision of cross-border banks through, for example, the establishment of colleges of | | | |
supervisors, the pre-emptive development of crisis co-ordination mechanisms and contingency plans, and the harmonisation of failure
resolution regimes
10. Increased powers for home supervisors (for example, to be able to require local subsidiarisation) under the EU Single Market for | | ? |
financial services
11. Extending market discipline through, for example, using the work of the Walker Review and the FSA’s Code of Practice to provide | | | |
guidelines on the standards of discipline in corporate governance and remuneration, respectively. [Regulatory-enforced debt for
equity swaps under failure resolution mechanisms might also be employed, and principles governing the nature of public intervention
need to be looked at again to minimise moral hazard.]

Journal of Banking Regulation Vol. 11, 1, 31–75

Under the Financial System and Markets Act 2000 and the Banking Act 2009.
A ‘?’ denotes the absence of a clear statement on the policy/principle concerned.
The Governor has also raised the possibility of introducing more formal structural solutions.
The reform of UK financial regulation


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