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Apple Mobile Devices

Justin D. & Michael M.

Mobile Devices
● What are mobile devices you may ask?
○ A mobile device is a portable computing
device such as a smartphone or a tablet.
● What about Apple mobile devices?
○ Simply put, they are mobile devices made
by the company Apple
Apple Mobile Devices
● Mobile Devices made by Apple:
○ iPhone
○ iPod
○ iPad/iPad mini
○ iWatch (Coming Soon)
Apple Mobile Devices
● Even though there are three main categories of
Apple’s mobile devices, they all have similar
software (iOS8)

● Meaning they all run very similar to each other

● If you know how to use an iPhone, it will be very

easy for you to also learn how to use and iPad
● iPhone is a smartphone made by Apple
● Has capabilities of regular phone
● Extra Apple features incorporated
○ Features include listening to music, going on
the Internet, playing mobile games, checking
your email, Facetiming someone, etc . . .
iPhone Part 2
● There are six generations of iPhones today
● Currently used iPhone are:
○ 4
○ 4s
○ 5
○ 5c
○ 6(+)
● No need to worry about the model because they all
work the same with minor differences
iPad/iPad Mini

● The iPad and iPad Mini are the same thing, except
that the iPad has a bigger screen

● Depending on your screen size preference, you can

choose the model that will benefit you the most
Built in applications
● All of these devices have similar built-in applications
● Built-in applications come pre-installed on your device
● These applications include:
○ Settings
○ Calendar
○ Photos
○ Videos
○ Contacts
○ Camera
○ Weather
○ Etc . . .
● The settings application
on your device allows
you to change the
different functions of
your phone such as the
brightness, volume and
the background of your
● Plus much more
Options within Settings
● Wi-Fi is if the product connected to
the Internet settings

● Bluetooth is a way to send pictures or

videos, through an Internet
connection and allows you to connect
with other devices

● Personal hotspot allows you to use

the Internet from cellular data. This
feature uses additional data
● The calendar
application allows
you to keep
important dates
● Ex: Birthdays
● Instead of having to
remember multiple
people’s numbers. . .Just
put them in the contacts
app and your phone
automatically saves
them and makes them
readily available
● The camera
application is pre-
installed into your
device to allow
you to take
● When you take a photo
from your camera app it
automatically saves to
your device
○ Camera Roll vs.

● You can then chose to

delete it, keep it, or send
the photo
● Allows you to take

● Process is very

● You can then chose

to delete, keep, or
send the video
● The weather app tells
what the forecast will be
for the next several days
○ Set for your location

● You may also download

additional weather apps
from the iTunes Store
● iMessage is a
communication tool used
to send and receive text
● Uses WiFi for messages
between Apple device
users and data between
non-Apple users
● Facetime is a
communication tool used
by only Apple users
● 1-1 Video Calls
● Uses WiFi instead of
● Similar to Skype and
Google Hangouts
Apps Store
● Apple’s online store for
acquiring free and paid
● Apple ID required for
downloading apps
● Over 500,000 apps
available for unlimited
1-1 Assistance
eTeam students will
assist participants with
specific questions or
issues they may be
having with their Apple
Mobile Device

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