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The Basic Way 1: Midterm Test

Name: _________________ Date: _________________

[1-5] Write the correct word in each sentence.

float sensitive tombs space escaping

1. Most rocks sink, but some light ones can actually ____________!

2. There are many scary stories about ghosts in these ____________.

3. James has ____________ ears, so please be very quiet when you go in.

4. We need to clear away a ____________ before we bring in that bookcase.

5. Houdini, the magician, was famous for ____________ from ropes and boxes.

[6-9] Choose the word that has a similar or opposite meaning to the underlined word.

6. My dog once saved me from a fire. [*opposite]

a. pulled b. rescued c. harmed

7. Steve Jobs was a very famous person. [*opposite]

a. unknown b. rich c. normal

8. Suddenly, the campers heard a creature outside their tent. [*similar]

a. animal b. storm c. car

9. The thief took a woman’s purse when she went to the bathroom. [*opposite]
a. robber b. monkey c. guard

[10-13] Read the following passage and choose the best answer.

A monkey lived in a mango tree by a river. One day, a crocodile came by and rested
under the tree. The monkey threw some mangos down to him. The crocodile loved them
and started visiting the monkey daily to eat mangos. Soon, they became friends.
After a while, the crocodile took his wife some mangos. She also loved them, but
she wanted to eat the monkey too. The monkey would taste sweet because he only ate
mangos. The crocodile’s wife made a plan. She pretended to be sick and told her husband
that the only medicine was a monkey’s heart.
The crocodile didn’t want his wife to die. He tricked the monkey into coming to their
house across the river. To cross it, the monkey rode on the crocodile’s back. Halfway
across, the crocodile revealed his wife’s problem. The monkey thought quickly. He said he
had left his heart in the mango tree. They went back, and the monkey escaped. Angrily, he
told the crocodile to go away.

10. How did the crocodile and the monkey first meet?
a. The crocodile lived under a mango tree, and the monkey came by to eat mangos.
b. The crocodile rested under a mango tree, and the monkey threw mangos down to him.
c. The crocodile loved eating mangos, so the monkey brought some mangos to his house.

11. What is NOT true about the crocodile?

a. He wanted to eat the monkey.
b. He was friends with the monkey.
c. He carried the monkey on his back.

12. Why did the crocodile trick the monkey?

a. to save his wife
b. to get more mangos
c. to escape from danger

13. Where was the crocodile’s house?

a. under a tree
b. across the river
c. in the middle of a river

[14-17] Read the following passage and choose the best answer.

Today, my class went to a perfume museum. A perfumer guided us through it. She
said she makes perfume by mixing nice-smelling oils. Then, she let us smell them. Some,
like the jasmine, sandalwood, and lemongrass oils, came from flowers, herbs, and trees.
Together, they smelled like a beautiful garden. Other oils were from different types of fruit.
For example, we tried orange and lime oils. But the grapefruit oil had the best smell.
After the tour, we made our own perfume. It’s not hard. Perfume has three smells:
a top, a middle, and a base. The top smell is the one you smell first. I chose grapefruit for
that. Next, the middle smell comes out. It lasts longer than the top smell but not as long as
the base smell. For the middle and base smells, I picked jasmine and sandalwood. First, I
put drops of the sandalwood oil into some alcohol and then added the jasmine and
grapefruit oils too. Next, I gently shook them and added some special water. Now I have
my very own perfume!

14. Which oil came from a fruit?

a. the lime oil
b. the jasmine oil
c. the lemongrass oil

15. Which oil did the writer like best?

a. the orange oil
b. the grapefruit oil
c. the sandalwood oil

16. Which combination matches the writer’s perfume?

a. top – jasmine
b. middle – grapefruit
c. base – sandalwood

17. Which sequence for making perfume is correct?

a. special water  base  middle  top  shaking
b. base  middle  top  shaking  special water
c. top  middle  base  shaking  special water

[18-20] Unscramble the sentences.

18. feel things / use their / whiskers to / they / around them

→ _____________________________________________________________________.

19. has a / going back / to the / long history / ancient world

→ Perfume ______________________________________________________________.

20. from them / some people / healthy oil / also make

→ _____________________________________________________________________.

<Answer Key>

1. float
2. tombs
3. sensitive
4. space
5. escaping
6. b
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. b
11. a
12. a
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. c
17. b
18. They use their whiskers to feel things around them
19. has a long history going back to the ancient world
20. Some people also make healthy oil from them

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