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aT INTRODUCTION TO Sociology Ce et ara Past-d Foundations of Sociology Part-tt Basis of Society Part-mt Social Institutions Peta Collective Behavior & Social Change Part-V sutltione | of Pakistan BRIEF CONTENTS (Chapter 1: Sociology ~ An Introduction ‘Chapter: Sociological Theory ~ An Introduction 27 (Chapter: Social Research - An loteoduetion 86 Chapter 4: Social Action and Social Interaction 113 Chapter 5: Social Groups 133, Chapter 6: Community & Society 43 (Chapter: Social Status and Role 162 Chapter8: Culture 169 Chapter 9: Social Norms and Social Suncions 187 (Chapter 10: Deviance and Social Control 198 Chapter 11: Social Values and Hliefs 205, ‘Chapter 12: Socialization and Personality 213, Chapter 13: Power and Authority 25 ‘Chapter 14 Social Statfication & Social Mobility 238 (Chapter 15: Mass Comitnication 264 ‘Chapter 16: Social System and Social Organization 248 (Chapter 17: Social institutions 264 (Chapter 18:Family and Kinship 252 ‘Chapter 19: Educational Institution 300 Chapter 20: Religious Institution 308 ‘Chapter 2: Beonomic institution 308 [Chapter 22 Political institutions 314 ‘Chapter 28: Recreational Institutions 323, (Chapter 24 Social Structure & Social Integration 326 (Chapter 25: Collective Behavior and Social Movement 345 ‘Chapter 26 Socio-Cultural Change 264 (Chapter 27 Introduction to Socal Problem 386 (Chapter 28 Social Problems of Pakistan 391 Glossary of Key Sociological Terms 419 References 404 CONTENTS Part =I Founpations or Sociotocy Chapter Sociology ~ An Introduction Introduction 1 Definitions 2 Origin and Development 2 Sociology before Auguste Comte Early Sociologists 4 Nature of Sociology 5 Sociology is Knowledge 6 Sabject-mater or Branches of Sociology 7 Major Theoretical Perspectives 10 Evolutionary Perspective L1 Functionaist or Order Perspective 11 Conflict Perspective 12 Interactonist Perspective 12 Sociology As Science 13, ‘Typesof Science 14 Science as Knowledge 35 Science as Method 16 Sociology and other Social Sciences 17, ‘Sociology and Economics 17 Sociology an Political Science 18 Sociology and History 19 Sociology and Anthropology 20 Sociology and Psychology 21 Sociology and Statistics 22 ‘Sociology, Criminology & Education 22 Application of Sociology 22? Scope and Importance of Sociology 24 Chapter2 Sociological Theory — An Introduction Socal Thougnt 27 Sociological Theory 28 Characteristics 28 Ditference: Social Thought ond Theory 28 ‘TYPES OF THEORY 29) Speculative Theory vs Grounded Theory 30 Grand Theory vs Miniature Theory 30, “Macro Theories vs Micro Theories 30 Functions of Theories 31 MAJOR SOCIOLOGICAL THEORISTS 31 Evolutionary Theorists 31 Allama Tbn--Khaldoon 3t Herbert Spencer 34 Ferdinand Tonnies 42 (Order Theorists 44 ‘August Comte 44 Emile Durkhoim 48 Max Weber St ‘Conflict Theorists 55 George Withelm Friedrich Hogel 55 Karl Marx 60 Lawis A. Coser 72 C. Wright Mills 78 Chapters ‘Social Research ~ An Introduction Introduction 86 Types87 Importance and Uses 89 Salient Features of Good Research 90 Research Process 90 Methods & Techniques 92 (OBSERVATION 92 Types 93 Non-Controlled Participant Observation 93 Non-Contolled Non-Participant ‘Observation 95 QUESTIONNAIRE 96 Questionnaire, Schedule and the Interview Guide 97 ‘Types of Questionnaire 97 Advantages & Limitation 98 INTERVIEW 99, Types 99 Advantages and Limitations 101 ‘THE SOCIAL SURVEYS 101 ‘Some Main Forms of Social Surveys 102 OTHER TECHNIQUES 102 MCQ's OF PART-I 105-111 Part-II Basis or Society chapter “Aszommodation & Assimilation: Ditference 129 Social Action and Soct The Marginal Man 129 Socal Action 113 Acculturation 130 Elements 14 Amalgamation 131 Types 4 Social teraction 115 Chapters Elements 16 Social Groups Types 116 Introduction 155 Forms 117, Basi 134 Measurement 117 Importance 134 Difference between Social Action and Social Interaction 118 SOCIAL PROCESSES 118 Co-operation 119 ‘Types 120 Competition 121 Forms 122 Culture and Competition 122 Cooperation & Competition: Differences 123 Conflict 124 ‘Types 125 Competition and Conflict: Differences 125 Accommodation 126 Forms 127 Assimilation 128 Essentials or Elements 194 Group Life Among Animals 135 “Types 135 Primary Group 135 Secondary Grovp 137 Primary and Secondary Relations in Contemporary Societies 138 In-group and Out-group 138 Formal and Informal groups 139 Reference Group 139 Ethnic Group 139 Caste 139 Pressure-group 140, Vested Interest Group 140, Club 140 Voluntary Association 140 Impermanent Forms of Association 140 ‘Organization 141 Formal Organization 141 Chapters ‘Community & Society Comaunity 143 Nature & Characteristics 144, ‘Association and Community 145, ‘Types 145, Rural Community 145, Urban Community 146 Difference between Rural and Urban ‘Commnities 197 Society 148 Society and Indvidual 149 Social Life of Human 149 Nature & Characteristics 150, Elements of Society 151 Difference between Society & Community 152 ‘The Evolution of Human Society 152 ‘Types 153, Nomadic Society 153 Sedentary Society 154 ‘Traditional Society 155, Modern Society 156, Rural Society 157) Urban Society 158 ‘Social life among animals 159) Difference between Human and Animal Societies 160 Chapter? Social Status and Role ‘Social Status 162 ‘Types 163, Ascribed Status 163 Determinants 163 Achieved Status 163 Determinants 164 Social Rote 166 Ascribed and Achieved Roles 165 Relationship of Status and Role 165 ‘Social Action and Status, Role 165 Social System and Role Status 165 Role Conic 166 Causes 166 Consequences 165 Solution 167 Chapters Culture Introduction 19 Characteristics 170 Blements 171 Types 171 ‘Real Culture 172 Ideal Gulture172 ‘Material Culture 172, ‘Non-Material Culture 172 Functions 172 Organization 173 ‘Cultural Pattern 172 (Cultural Trait 173 Cultural Complex 173 Cultural Area 174 ‘Other Related Concepts 174 ‘Cultural Universals 174, ‘Cultural Specialties 174 Cultural Alternatives 174 ‘Core Culture 174 Sab-culture 174 Bases of Subculture 175 Coltural Uniformity 175, (Cultural Variabilities 177 ‘Causes of Cultural Variabiltice and similarities 178 Some Cultural Relationships 179 Culture and Physical Environment 179 Cultural Relativisin 179 Bthnocentrism 180. * Ethnocentrism and Personality 180, Technology and Culture 181, Language and Culture 182 ‘The Marginal Man 182 Cultural Refuge 183, (Cultural Lag 183 Cultural Integration 184 Civilization 185, Chapter 9 Social Norms and Social Sanctions Social Norms 187, Norms and Vales 188 Characteristics 188 Aspects 189 Functions 189 ‘Types 190 Folkways 190 Mores 192 Differences: Folkways fe Mores 194 Law 195, Violation of Law 195 Intertelationship of Social Norms 196 Social Sanctions 196 ‘Types 196 Formal Sanctions 196 Informal Sanctions 197, Chapter 10 Deviance and Social Control Deviance 198 Deviation Varies from Person to Person 199) Deviation and Culture 199 Deviation and Society 199 Deviation and Social Change 199 Deviation and Law 199 Causes 199 Social Control 201 ‘Types or Agencies 201 Formal 201 Informal 202 ‘Steps to Attain Social Conteol 202 Chapter 1 Social Values and Beliefs Social Values 204 Functions of Values 205, How Values Develop? 205 Values and Norms 206 Science and Values 205 Values and Social Change 207 ‘Types 208 ‘Cultural Values 208 ‘Social Values 208 Difference: Cultural and Social Values 209 Value Conflict 208 Belief 209 Belief and Religion 209 Botiof System 210 Religion 210 ‘Components of Religion 210 Living Religions of the World 210 Chapter12 Socialization and Person. Socialization 213 Types 214 Methods 215 Individual as a Social Product 216 Sources/Agencies 216 ‘The Family Peers or Agemates Social Insitutions Mass Media ‘The Community Punctions 217 ‘The Self 218 Self and Personality 218 Socialization and Personality 218 ‘Socialization and Culture 220 Personality 221, Factors of personality development 222, Biological Foundation Heredity and Personality En Culture and Personality Bearing of Culture upon Personality 225 Basie Personality Type (BPT) 225, ‘Bearing of Personality on Culture 226 sament Chapter 13 Power and Authority Power 228 Social Power Models 228 ‘Types229 * The Power of Bite ‘The Organizational Power ‘The Power of Coercion and Disruption Social Power of Unorganized Masses The Povror of Law Changes 238 ‘Causes of Change 238, Difference between Class and Caste 38 Biradsi 239, Social Mobility 238 Types 240 Causes 241 Social Mobility in Pakistani Society 242 Chapter 15 ssnication ress and the Newspapers 264 lectronic Media 244 ‘Social Effect of Press and Newspapers 245 Radio and Television 245, Social effects of Radio and TV. 265 Authority 251 Chapter 16 Types 21 Social System and Social Organization Power an Authority are Relea 231 Social System 238 Concept of Bureaucracy 291 Hlements249| Soria System and Society 50 Chapter 18 Social System and Commsity 250 Socal Straifiaton & Socal Mobility Social System and Group 250 Social Sratiication 29 Social syst and norms 250 Determinants 234 Socal Organization 250 Chas 236 Socal Organization and Inaction 25. Caste 257 Social Organization and Soil Sytem 251 Merits 238 Social Organization, Stats and Role 252 Dement 258 MCQ' of Parett 255-282 Part-111 Socuat Insrrrutions Chapter 17 rypesae Soci] Institutions Functions 287 Introduction 284 ‘lomgats and Nature 285, Cha: steeristies 286 Interelationship 289 Institutions and Asvociations 289 {As Agencies of Social Contr! 290 Chapter 18 Family and Kinshj Introduction 292 Structure 283 ‘Types 293 By size and structure 295 By Marriage 294 By Residence 295 By Authority 295 By Clan or Ancestry 295 Other Related Concepts 295 Functions 296 Marriage 297 Types 298 Why Do We Marry? 298 Love and Marriage 208 Chapter19 Educational Institution Introduction 300 ‘Aims 300 ‘Types 301 Functions 301 Problems 302 Interrelationship of Institutions 302 Chapter 20 Religious Institution Introduction 308 Elements 304 Punctions 305 Relationship with other Institutions 207 Chapter 21 Economic Institution Introduction 308 Economic Structure 308 Functions 309 Economic Activities 310 ‘National Income 311 ‘Rural Economic Organization 311 Urban Economic Organization 311 Relationship between Rural and Urban Economies 312 (Chapter 22 Folltical institutions Introduction 314 ‘The State 314 Elements 314 Functions 315, \ State and the Government 315, State and Citizen Relationship 316 Functions of Political Insitutions 316 Law as a Part of Political Institutions 318 The Emergence 318 Law and Culture 318 Functions 318 Law and Crime 318 Legal and Other Insitutions 318 Political Activities and Events of Pakistan 319 Chapter 23 Recreational Institutions Introduction 323 Rural Recreations 323 Urban Recreations 324 Chapter 24 Social Structure & Social Integration Introduction 326 Social Structure among Institutions 327 Social Integration 330 What is Integration? 390 Criteria of integration 330 MCQ’s of Part-IIT 333-343 Part -1Vv wu Coutecrive Benavior anp Soctat Cuance Chapter 25 Collective Behavior and Social Movement ‘COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR MS ‘Characteristics 336 FORMS M6 (CROWD BEHAVIOR M6 ‘Theories 47 The Contagion Theory 347 The “Emergent Norms” Theory 388 Forms 348 Crowd 348, CCharacteristies 349 Types 350 Audience 350 ‘Types 351 lots 351 Panic 351 Mobs 352 Types 352 MASS BEHAVIOR 352 Forms 353 Rumours 353 Fashions and Fads 353 Mass Hysteria 354 The Craze 354 Difference: Crowd Behavior and Mass Behavior 385 PUBLIC AND PUBLIC OPINION 355 Propaganda 356 The Techniques 356 Difference betwen the Public and Crowd 357 SOCIAL MOVEMENT 358 (Characteristics 358 Types 359 Theories 359 Conditions 361 Formation 362 Chapter 2 Socio-Cultoral Ch CULTURAL CHANGE 367 Sources 365 Discovery 365 Invention 365 Ditfsion 266 Acculturation 367 ‘Assimilation 367 [Nature of Cltre and the Change 367 Resistance to Culture Change 28 SOCAL CHANGE 368 Nature & Characteristics 369 Theories 370 Evolationary Theories 370 ‘igust Comte ~ Social Progress LH. Morgan Primitive Origin CGhares Darwin = Organic Evolution Herbert Spencer ~ Socal Evolution Emule Dabeim ~ Mechanical & Organic (Cyc Theorie 371 Spengler: The Destiny of Civilizations Toynbee: ‘Challenge and Response’ Sorkin: Sensate an destona Clore Functional or Dynamic Theories of Equilibrium Theories 372 Parsons’ Theory of Socal Change Conte Tories 972 Karl Marc Change through Cass Conflict. Sequence Processes of change 379 atoms of Change 375 Relationship between Social and Cultural hinge 373 Elements of Sociocultural Changes 376 actors promoting acceptance of change 277 Factors Hampering Soil Change 378 Socio-cultural Changes of Pakistan 378 MCO's of Pa-IV 361-355 -v Sociat Prosiems or Pakistan (Chapter27 Introduction to Social Problem ‘Social disorganization 386 al Problem 387 ‘Components of Sacial Problems 387, ‘Theoretical Perspectives 387 ‘The Functionalist Perspective ‘The Conflict Perspective ‘The Interactionist Perspective Chapter 28 ‘Social Problems of Pakistan eracy 391, Population Expansion 395 Poverty 400 Drug Addiction 405 Environmental Pll Divorce 407 Poor Standard of Edueation 409 ‘Human Migration 411 Feudalism 413 Smuggling 414 Aging 415 MCQ% of Fart-V 416-419 406 Glossary of Key Sociological Terms 419 References 434 000

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