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Jack the Adventurer

Holidays are crazy. Especially when you are with friends its bound to be crazier but three of us did not
know what was about to go down in the woods of Alaska or worse the left of us will not know.
So our journey began in the summer of 09 me and my two friend John and Jack got bonus from our
respective jobs and the annual month long holiday as the three of us were bachelors and decided to spend
everything before the work started. I still wish we had not been on holidays but anyways for some reason
Jack decide that woods of Alaska would be one of the best places to relax as he was an adventurer, me
and John decided to not to go against his wish because we did not have any idea where to go and did not
want to spend our bonus on our daily life. Two days into packing and Jack made us buy tents and sleeping
bags because he wanted us camp in the Forest as we spend our days there in the expansive hotels. One
week has passed in our month long holiday, When we reached Alaska. Our trip there was of two weeks
we decided to spend the first week in luxury and the second week in adventure.
Thankfully we did not choose a Foreign country and face language barriers. The city of Alaska was quite
delightful, the people were good, kind, caring and helping. Halfway in our week of luxury we started to
investigate about the woods where we were to spend a week and find out what were the good spots to
camp and find food supplies easily. There was a rumor going around that there was a werewolf running
around in the woods hunting for campers due to which most people were afraid to go in the woods in dark
but as I’ve already told you that Jack was an adventurer so it was natural for him to be excited about
something everyone else would be afraid of. John and I were a little concerned but Jack was going on and
on like ‘Come on there can’t possibly be a werewolf and even if there is what’s the harm in seeing one’.
John and I as usual agreed with him. Soon our week of luxury ended and It was the time for the week of
adventures to began .
It was a dark dark night.Travelling from the city to the woods there was a blockade on the entrance of the
woods along with sings reading that there are wild animals in the woods but that was not going to stop us.
We were decided to camp in the heart of the woods, which was one of the most popular spots for
camping. When we reach there, to our surprise smoke was still coming of half burnt wood which looked
like a camp fire but there was no human presence, So we decided to camp a little away from that point
where we found empty camps the moment got real scary real fast as the three of us remembered that we
heard a rumor that there was a werewolf running around we decided to go back to the city and not
camped. We had not yet unpacked our stuff and decided to make a run for the city. It was already dark
and we were scared for our lives. Halfway out of the woods we felt that someone was following us and
stopped, we started to look around but saw nothing. Suddenly there was a swoosh in the leaves not so far
away and Jack decided to go and looked by himself, while John and I stayed back. Jack shouted, ‘Guys,
there is nothing he…..Scream’. John and I being the scared little cats we were slayed forth and did not
look back as to us our life was more precious than jack.
It was pitch black when we got to edge of the forest and luckily there was a forest ranger on patrol. We
told him everything including the rumors we heard about the werewolf and how jack got dragged in front
of our eyes. The ranger dropped us off at the hospital and in the morning there was a whole battalion of
the rangers that took us where we last saw Jack. We still don’t know whether there was a werewolf, Wolf
or a Tiger or something else. There was still no sing of Jack whom the Rangers declared dead after
searching for two months. The summer of 09 taught me and John take rumors seriously and to never do
anything just for adventure. John and I are still friends but, we still remember Jack on the day he got
dragged away from us and pray for him.

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