5th Jan 2018

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5th Jan 2018

The Principal
PUCIT New Campus
West Canal Bank

SUBJECT:Retake Mid Term Exam

Respected Sir,

With due respect,It is to inform you that last week I had an accident and I was admitted to the
hospital.My leg bone got fractured and I was not even able to move.My doctor advised me to take
complete bed rest. I also informed my professor about my condition.As I was not in a condition to
come. So, I was unable to take my calculas mid term exam.
As you know mid term exam is an important part of a student's academic performance.Students who
perform well in midterm exam can only get good grades.I missed my exam due to my accident. I
request you to allow me to retake my exam as it is very important for my results.I hope you will
understand my condition and will allow me to take the exam again.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,

Muhammad Maaz
Enclosed:Medical Certificate

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