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Spring, 2020

Assignment 1

Total Marks: 20

Question: 1

Read the article carefully “Evaluation of Curriculum Development Process”

Do not copy and paste material. Write down the content in your own words.

a. Summarize the article in (300-500) words

b. Suggest some evaluation models except those described in the article

a. Solution:

Curriculum development process:

Curriculum development is a process much must be

change according to the need of the society and must be change in every education system.
Curriculum development deal with the plans for teaching and many other activities of the
classrooms, that will bring out the positive changes in the life of the learners. It includes
many stages such as planning, preparing, desing, developing, revising and improving.
Planning is one of the most important factors for teaching and learning. Curriculum
development is not only systematic process but it also contains dynamics process sensitive to
time and place in which many steps such as preparation, development, implementation and
evaluation steps are involved. Curriculum is also consider as a reflection and product of the
society, which may be contribute to change the society but it not too much essay as we
thinking. Curriculum development is depend upon the level in which you taught the learns, it
is important part of the educator job, that is way there is many problem to develop
curriculum. Here we will see three major types such as global challenge, challenges of the
education systems, and challenges specific to Region as well include. It is very key to reflect
on tissues to get some benefit to reach in a dynamic and responsive curriculum development
process. global challenge contains population, technology progress, lack of justice the feeling
of insecurity, and Ethical decline, these are some issues which are at the top of the boundary
in the whole word. To develop curriculum it is necessary to remove these aspect first of all
and then think about the further. There are also some issues in education system such as week
education system, lack of teaching method, attitude, lack of planning, harassment, and no
particle work. So as a result curriculum is not as simple as Newton third law of motion. A
curriculum development is a continuous must contains have money, physical,
philosophical and social basis.
b. Solution:
Some evaluation models:
1. Taba Model (Selection of content). This model is deal with the objectives and content.
According to this model not only objective and content match, but also the value of the
content. A teacher must be able to organise it in some sequences, so that learns can achieve
their goals.
2. Tyler model: Tyler model is one of the best models in curriculum development, which
deal with the basic principles of curriculum and instruction.
3. The Saylor and Alexander Model: This model deals with the curriculum planners by
specifying the educational goals and some specific objectives. Each goal represents a
curriculum domain and they advocate four major goals : personal development, human
relations, continued learning skills and specialisation.
Question: 2
A. Explain the importance of philosophical and historical foundations in curriculum
development of a nation.

B. Describe in detail the role of psychological foundation in curriculum development of

A. Solution: Importance of philosophical:

The philosophical foundation helps us to find out the purpose

of education and also the roles of various participants. The mean propose of all the
foundations to set the target (goal) of curriculum, philosophy deal with the manner of
thinking, which help us to create these goals. In case of education philosophy suggests to
develop the individual or the group norms. Philosophy also varies with respect to the truth.
So in this way philosophy tell us the role of a good teacher and the role of a student also very
important to achieve these goals. Philosophy also helps the teacher to create some new
method and tell us how can, we apply these methods in the classroom. Philosophy also has
direct effect to develop curriculum planning. Because its guides in the planner to select the
more influences objectives, experiences and the content of the curriculum. It also deal with
the achievements of the students. According to John Dewey education is a way of life. John
Dewey philosophy is realized when actually put into the practice. His philosophies also serve
the national educational system.

Importance of historical foundations in curriculum development:

The history of any country

can change its educational system and its curriculum. Historical foundations also tell us about
the freedom and also encourage educational reform. According to this the field of education
system must remain dynamic, so that it remains effective. History also emphasize on the
needs of the society at the time. There are some philosophies how also describe the values of
the society at the time. These values tell about the current purpose of the education. There are
four periods of educational change, first period of educational change occurred in the
progressive area, it deal with the change of the as a result the society may be
change with the help of education. Second period deals with the research and developments.
It occurred during the word war two. As a result policy makers focused on science math and
technology. The most recent period deal with standards and accountability movement, it is
stared science 1990. So as a result we see that from the time of Bobbet to Tyler, many
developments in the purpose, principles and the contents of the curriculum took place.

b. solution:
The role of psychological foundation in curriculum development of Pakistan.

deals with the information about the teaching and learning process. It also provide the
awareness about how can be a curriculum organized to achieve students learning at their
maximum level and also provide the information that can be absorb during learning process.
There are some psychological theories in learning process that influenced curriculum
1. behaviour: These days education dominated by behaviourism and the mastery of the
subject. So as a result learning is a step by step process.
2. Cognitivism: cognitive theory deal with how individuals process information, monitor and
manage. So as a result we see that there are some questions arises, these are as follows.
How a person learns, and then store information?
How much a person can absorb information?
At the end with their beliefs, they developed thinking skills and creative thinking, which
helped them to solve certain problems.
3. Humanism: in this case psychology deals with the development of human potential. To
improve human potential curriculum focuses on personal needs and environment situations.
So as a result teachers do not only educate their minds but also educate their hearts.
4. Sociology: It is notice that there is a mutual relationship b/w curriculum and the society,
because every learning place situated within the societal context. As we know that society is
dynamic, and there are many developments which are so difficult to adjust them. But only
the schools are made to address and understand the change in the whole world. So as a result
schools must be relevant by making its curriculum.

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