Labor Pain: Preferred Method of Dealing With Pain

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Labor pain

Pain will be at its height during active labor. Have a discussion with your doctor about
your preferred method of dealing with pain.

You may choose drug-free measures such as meditation, yoga, or listening to music.

If you choose to manage your pain with drugs, your doctor will need to know whether to use
analgesics or anesthetics.

Analgesics, such as meperidine (Demerol), dull the pain but allow you to retain some feeling.
Anesthetics, such as an epidural, prevent certain muscle movement and completely block the

The bottom line

Whether you’re planning for a vaginal or a cesarean delivery, you may feel nervous as your due
date approaches. Know what to expect with this guide to the different stages of labor.


You’re likely to move through each week of your pregnancy without too much trouble.
Pregnancy brings with it many changes to your body, but those changes don’t always have a
serious impact on your health.

However, certain lifestyle choices can either help or actively harm your baby’s development.

Some actions that can keep you and your baby healthy include:

 taking a multivitamin
 getting sufficient sleep

 practicing safe sex

 getting a flu shot

 visiting your dentist

Some things you’ll want to avoid include:

 smoking

 drinking alcohol

 eating raw meat, deli meat, or unpasteurized dairy products

 sitting in a hot tub or sauna

 gaining too much weight

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